Tang Qingge valued the woman's ruthlessness alone. Song Ting's ruthlessness was purposeful, and she became ruthless step by step for her son.

It's like when she cheated Ji xiuye's money and his feelings in order to get sick Tang Tang Tang. She can be forgiven. Why can't song Ting have a second life.

Song Ting's lips wriggled twice, but she didn't speak.

"Of course, if you want to continue to be confused and despised by everyone, and even the image left in your son's mind one day will always be a hysterical crazy woman image, making him fear you and fear you, then you can continue like this!"

Song Ting's eyes are red. She looks at Wang Yuzhe standing aside. He is so small, but she forces him to learn this and that every day. Every time he learns to play the piano when he is tired in the middle of the night, doesn't she look distressed?

She loves you!

But she was also tortured crazy. She beat him and scolded him. Every time her son looked at her, there was always timidity and careful temptation.

Her heart really hurts!

Tang Qingge lightly left a sentence, "don't let your son fear you, fear you, but don't love you."

Song Ting's body is stiff.

Who can save her?

She looked up at Tang Qingge with red eyes.

Can she really save her?

After leaving this sentence, Tang Qingge turned and left. She didn't talk about starting a company. She had this idea a long time ago when she owed a big boss a lot of debt. However, some things happened later were delayed. She recently consulted people on how to start a company. Of course, she didn't have time to deal with those people, so she sent her own representative.


She recorded programs in Saipan, and qianmei talked about cooperation with people in the northeast.

At the right moment, qianmei kuha called her to pour bitter water, "chick, will you spare me? I really have a headache. You can let me kill several people. You let me eat and chat with those people. I'm afraid I'll chop their dog's head accidentally!"

"Seriously, can't I really kill them?"

Qianmei smiled and chatted with the two men opposite, while hating her teeth itching and talking to Tang Qingge in her ear.

Qianmei smiled and the other party was like losing her soul. The man opposite coveted her beauty. However, the long bald head was ugly. Qianmei looked disgusted.

"Miss qianmei, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Oh, my husband, I killed my ex boyfriend."

The air solidified for a minute.

The other party laughed, "you are so humorous, ha ha!"

Qian Mei said calmly, "I didn't lie. His photos are still in my photo album. If you don't believe it, I can show you."

Qianmei transferred out a special posthumous photo list, which is full of black and white photos. These are the people qianmei killed. She has a habit of killing people and likes to take posthumous photos.

Counting down, more than 90 people have been killed in recent years.

The number of 99 + directly forbids the opposite party. It's not just forbidden. Both of them are going to be impotent!

The man opposite was silent for a long time, raised his eyes, looked at qianmei's eyes, and was awed with a trace of awe. Even his call changed, "sister Qian, let's talk about cooperation."


In the ear.

Tang Qingge couldn't stop laughing. She was lying in Bo Qichen's arms, and the tears of laughter were coming out. Bo Qichen stroked the back of her head, some helpless.

But why didn't you tell him that the little woman was going to start a company?

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