"It's not narcissism, but I have confidence in myself. I have confidence that you will fall in love with me." it's just a matter of time.

He looked at her with dark eyes and a determined tone.

He is confident that she will fall in love with him sooner or later.

Tang Qingge's face is redder. Although the bruise on his face is still terrible, he is bubbling sweetly in his heart.

Ji xiuye's voice sounded at this time, "I said, can you show your love and consider my feelings?"

Don't they think he's embarrassed here now?

He's going to be embarrassed, okay!

Bo Qichen looked back at him and raised his eyebrows. "Are you still here?"

Ji xiuye, "..."

Is he despised?


Tang Qingge coughed and was embarrassed.

Ji Xiu turned his head to observe the terrain and narrowed his eyes for a long time. "Back to the point, where do you think this road can lead?"

There is still a dark passage ahead. They have been walking down since just now, just as this road leads to a bottomless hole, which makes people feel insecure and timid.

People are always timid about the unknown.

Bo Qichen suddenly opened his lips. "The Egyptians once invented the four seasons and time. They know how many days a year. They also predicted large-scale natural disasters. Some people say that the stone statues were also invented by the Egyptians, but no one has excavated the significance of the stone statues."

Tang Qingge blinked, "boss, what do you think is the meaning of the existence of the stone statues?"

Bo Qichen narrowed his eyes. "What's the meaning? Just look at it."

"There is a fork in the road ahead."

Suddenly, there was a fork in the road ahead. Both roads were dark, but one was going up and the other was going down. Ji xiuye looked at it and said decisively, "let's go up and down. The air will be thin. Don't you feel that the air here is not circulating?"

Tang Qingge frowns, "But why does it take one way up and one way down here? Normal people will choose to go up at this time, because no one can stand the feeling of thin air. This fork in the road seems to deliberately guide us up, but in this case, what is the meaning of the following road? And... Do you think this fork in the road is a little strange?"

"How strange?"

Tang Qingge pondered for a while and whispered, "boss, put me down first."

Bo Qichen collected her eyes and put her down.

Tang Qingge walked to the intersection of the road going down and felt it for a while. The mantra in her body seemed to weaken a lot, but when she came to the road going up, she couldn't feel anything.

She opened her eyes and brightened her eyes, "when we go down, I feel that there is something I need below. The road above seems to be an exit. The fork in the road seems to mean 'opportunity'."


"Yes, the way down seems not simple to me, but if I can turn back and go up in time, it means there is still a glimmer of vitality. Egypt is kind-hearted, otherwise their creativity will not be used to predict natural disasters. There may be something I need below, but Egyptians are willing to give intruders a chance."

As he spoke, Tang Qingge suddenly noticed that Ji xiuye's face was very white.

She immediately went over and looked at him covering his waist. Without saying a word, she lifted his clothes. As a result, she saw that the bandages around his waist were soaked with blood.

"When it just fell?"

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