But the big boss's eyes stared at her snow-white skin. Her clothes were messy. Under the sea blue skirt, her long black hair was scattered behind her. A few strands slipped to her chest. Black and white echoed each other. There was something to come out. Even this brought a bit of messy beauty, and the poor beauty that people couldn't help bullying.

Tang Qingge touched the cruelty in his eyes, which was completely counseling!

Why did she provoke him before?

Is she so upset?

Don • bullying the soft and afraid of the hard • Qingge counselled.

She even shrunk her head and dared not speak.

Boss Bo smiled angrily by her reaction. After that, he took a few deep breaths, but he arranged her clothes.

Time is not enough, the place will wronged her.

So it's not urgent.

Good things take a lot of time, so bear it for the time being.

"Come here."


"Let me hold it for a while."

"What are you holding?"

"Extinguish the fire."


Tang Qingge blushed, hesitated for 0.01 seconds, and then obediently came to the big boss's arms.

Bo Qichen held her in his arms and gasped for several breaths before he could press down the anger in his body.

Tang Qingge felt the man's hot body. She bit her lips. In fact, she wanted to say that if he wanted to continue, she couldn't cooperate!

But she couldn't say such words. She could only shrink into his arms like a cooked shrimp with a pink color all over her body.

So, is boss Bo so fierce?

Wouldn't she be very "happy" in the future?

On such a thought, Tang Qingge covered her face. What was she thinking?

Shouldn't we think about how to solve the current dilemma?

After the children's affair, they can have a long time to discuss it with the boss.

And the three cubs at home. Tang Qingge's heart softened when he thought about it.

When boss Bo calmed down, he looked at her face green and purple, just like the little flower cat, and asked her, "can you feel where you can find something to suppress the incantation power in your body?"

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