"What? Those who go in die all their lives? How can this be? Is the witch disappointed in people? That's why she wants to build such a cave to torture those who come there?"

Suddenly someone refuted her, "no, the witch is disappointed in people, but she has never been disappointed in love."

The old man looked at him. "Do you believe in love?"

The boy looked childish. He was just out of society, but he had a loud voice, "Of course, I believe that if I love someone, I will only love this person all my life. There are so many people in the world. I only spend my life with this person. I don't think it's enough. I don't have time to deal with others. I'll be tired or quarrel, but I love her forever. I won't change this idea until I die."

The boy said firmly, "I believe the witch must think so. She just wants to continue her fate with him, so the witch has never been disappointed with love. I don't believe she will do such a cruel thing!"

The old man listened and smiled happily.

He looked into the distance.

Did you hear that? Some people believe in love.

Another person asked, "but scientists say the last person to die is a witch."

"That's fake."

"But what about the coffin?"

The old man paused, touched his beard for a long time, and smiled meaningfully, "so it's just a test."


A group of people looked at each other, so they didn't understand the meaning of this.

Someone asked modestly, "how do you know this?"

"Because I am the descendant of the witch!"

The old man smiled serenely and open-minded. His eyes fell in the distance and took off a few more.

Finally someone can give her an answer.

She can finally go at ease

Someone sneered, "you can listen to the story of this bad old man's nonsense. Let's go. Don't listen to his nonsense. I think he's old and has some problems in his mind."

"Let's go!"

The party packed their bags and prepared to go to the stone statues to explore the truth. The story of the Egyptian Pharaoh and the witch has been fabricated in countless versions, but none of them is as true as the old man said, as if it had happened.

They came to the stone statues and looked at the towering stone statues. They were surprised and excited to take photos everywhere. "It's the twelve stone statues. Look at the exquisite texture and exquisite workmanship. It's a miracle of nature!"

"Yes, yes, this is simply a miracle of nature. It's so beautiful!"

"God can create such a perfect thing. It's really a gift to mankind! We must find miracles. We are the first people to do miracles!"

Just now, the boy hesitated for a moment, approached the stone statue, smelled the pungent paint smell on the stone statue, was silent for a moment, and then raised his hand to touch it.

As a result, the stone statue lost its paint

He stared at the stone statues of Nuo da. Each one was enough to confuse the false with the true, so.

Isn't that what he thinks?


M Guo Gu Jia

Country m is a monarchical country. There are empresses and nobles in this country. Gu's family has been knighted by the empress because he made great contributions in those years and even saved the Queen's life. Gu's family is half a royal family. Moreover, because the empress once promised to give Gu's unique identity, Gu's family has entered the royal family tree a long time ago.

In a word, the children of the family are still princesses and princes.

"Sister, Mo, Mo..." Gu Xiya's excited words were not sharp, and her fingers kept pointing out, "anyway, he's coming!"

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