
The servant hesitated.

Gu Xiya suppressed her anger and turned to smile. "Forget it, don't tease you. I just came to see what my good sister looks like. Don't be nervous. Go and pour me a glass of water."

The servant looked at her suspiciously.

Gu Xiya stared at the servant, "why, I can't even ask you now?"

"No, no, I'm going now."

The servant left half suspicious and half suspicious. She was just a servant. Listening to the master's order was what she should do.

Gu Xiya walked to Tang Qingge. She stared at her face and a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes. Her face was so beautiful that even her sister's man dared to rob it. She saw that she destroyed her face. Could she rob it!

The thought moved, and Gu Xiya couldn't help waving the whip in her hand. The whip made a sharp sound across the air.

Gu Xiya's face changed with a slap.

On the bed, Tang Qingge didn't know when to open her eyes. Her ears heard the sound of danger. Her body subconsciously responded, pinched her braid in one hand and stared at the arrogant woman in front of her.

Gu Xiya was afraid of the sight of Shangtang Qingge. She pinched her braids and bit her teeth, "bitch, give me back my whip!"

Her voice was hoarse and her eyes were dark. "Are you going to kill me?"

Gu Xiya said with a sneer, "kill you? It's boring to kill you. I just want to destroy your face. Who let you use this face to hook up with people you shouldn't hook up with and dream of becoming a family member? You dream!"

Who did she seduce?

And family?

Tang Qingge suddenly woke up and couldn't accept these messages. She was still in a state of sadness and anger. Looking at Gu Xiya, her eyes were red. "Because I look good, I'm going to be jealous and destroy my face? There's such a truth in the world. Oh! It's ridiculous!"

What's the reason?

Gu Xiya stuck her neck. "Who makes you restless and colludes with people everywhere."

"Do we know each other?"

"Nature doesn't know."

"Then why do you say I'm hooking up with people? We've seen such a thing in all, but you'll destroy my face when you come up. It's ridiculous for family members to wrong people indiscriminately!"


Gu Xiya blushed with anger at her three or two words. Shaking out of control, she threw the whip in her hand fiercely towards Tang Qingge's face.

What a vicious heart it takes to want to hurt her face again and again!

Tang Qingge's eyes became cold and no longer gave her a chance. He held the whip in his hand and threw it at Gu Xiya's body.


The shrill scream startled the whole villa. Mr. Gu woke up in the middle of the night. The servant outside the door had no rules and patted the door hard.

The servant's voice was urgent. He patted the door and shouted, "the master is bad. Miss Xiya was hurt!"

Mr. Gu was so confused that he even thought it was a myth, "what? How could Xiya be hurt by someone? There were evil people in the villa?"

"No, it's Miss Tang. She hurt Miss Xiya!"

Grandma Gu immediately raised her voice, "who did you say?"

"It's Miss Tang. She woke up. Then she didn't know what conflict had happened with Miss Xiya. As soon as she woke up, she hurt Miss Xiya. Miss Xiya was whipped by her and bled!"

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