But what's wrong with her? Like a little sun, she approached herself again and again, cold and injured by herself again and again, and then she still approached herself the next day, again and again, until she had no strength to approach him, until he could no longer see her laugh. At that time, his heart was empty, but he told himself that he had done right.

Later, her enthusiasm was quenched, and she began to become unreasonable, naughty and no longer cute. At that time, he told himself that she should be right, otherwise he was afraid that he would fall in love with her.

He tortured himself and her, but there was no light in her eyes.

His heart seemed to hurt, too.

His little sun no longer shines.

But now he understands.

Grandma Gu finally couldn't help it. After so many years of grievances, cold and unresponsive love, she finally got it. She hugged grandpa Gu and cried.

Tang Qingge didn't know why, but he wanted to cry.

But before that, Gu Qingrou's business needs to be dealt with first.

Tang Qingge came to Gu Qingrou. She didn't say anything. Who knows, Gu Xiya rushed to her, looked at her, stuck her neck and said, "what do you want to do to my sister? Although I can't beat you, we are sisters. My sister did something wrong, I'll help her share half."

Tang Qingge picked his eyebrow, which was a little unexpected.

Gu Qingrou bit her teeth, "Gu Xiya!"

Gu Xiya turned her head and roared back, "sister, don't talk. I know you hate me, but I've never hated you. From small to large, my favorite person is you. I've always dreamed of being such a powerful person like you. You can easily get the appreciation of your parents and grandpa, but I can't. You don't know how much I want to be you."

Gu Qingrou was stunned.

Gu Xiya bit her lower lip and her eyes were red. "But I never hated you. I'm proud of having a sister like you. You don't know. Every time I go out and tell them that my sister is Gu Qingrou, how envious they are!"

"I never knew you hated me, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, you hate me. I like you. Sister! You used to take care of me and carry the black pot for me. I should share it for you! As a sister, you can also help your sister. Sister, I didn't get you into trouble this time!"

Gu Qingrou cried directly, collapsed and shouted, "Gu Xiya, I don't need you to help me like this!"

What kind of sister is she? She's not worth it!

Gu Xiya smiled at her, "sister, you always say I'm stupid, but I think I'm still very smart. Let me make a decision myself!"

Tang Qingge had a headache when he was noisy. "Stop, did I say I'm going to leave you alive and dead? It's so sad, ya... I'm a little ready to cry."

It really... Softened her heart.

Tang Qingge pursed his lips. "Grandpa once said that if anyone gets into trouble again, he will drive them out of the Gu family. You have hurt me so many times, then I will drive you out of the Gu family as an heir. Do you have any opinion?"

Gu Xiya immediately said, "then I will also be driven out."

"OK, you two together, I'll drive you out for five years. In these five years, you can only go to Norway to study economics and management, and come back to help me take care of my family's business in five years. In these five years, I want you to obtain these two double degrees and get an a + in each course. Do you have any opinion?"

Both sisters were stunned.

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