
Men are silent.

When is it? She still cares about the mat.

Tang Qingge feels that his face has been lost in this night!

Her tears rolled in her eyes. This kind of thing embarrassed her. She bit her lower lip and was embarrassed to get out of the car. Because she was not prepared and drank a little cold, she came so much at once that she could feel that her skirt was also dyed red.

But she was wearing a white skirt again.

Bo Qichen glanced at her and got off first.

The door of Tang Qingge's side was opened, and the suit suddenly covered her. She looked up at him with hazy tears.

"Wait for me here."

The man left this sentence and turned to the supermarket.

Tang Qingge lay on the window and watched him leave. Suddenly he remembered what the big boss was going to buy for her? Isn't it... That kind of thing?!

Thinking that the big boss was going to buy her aunt's towel, Tang Qingge directly buried his face in his suit and didn't want to live.

Daily department store

There is a row dedicated to women's products, but now there is an unexpected guest.

The man was tall, and his whole body exuded a noble temperament, which was incompatible with the surrounding atmosphere. The shopping guide was a woman. Seeing that Bo Qichen was dressed up as a rich man, he immediately brightened up.

"May I help you, sir?"

The man frowned slightly. His eyes wandered on a row of sanitary napkins for daily use and night use. He slightly pointed to the two sanitary napkins with a low voice, "can you tell me the difference between the two?"

Men don't look half embarrassed.

"Oh, this is for daily use. Its length is 250cm. The number of milliliters it can hold is less than that for night." after a pause, the shopping guide was embarrassed. "Did you buy it for your girlfriend?"

Bo Qichen collected his eyes and nodded for a long time.

"If you have more... Girlfriends, I recommend this. It's 300 cm long and won't be awkward."

The man seriously purchased three unused sanitary napkins. Suddenly, he asked the shopping guide, "if she has a stomachache, what should she buy?"

"Sir, you are so sweet to your girlfriend!" the shopping guide smiled and led Bo Qichen to the brown sugar water, and carefully got him a cup of ginger brown sugar water.

"Thank you."

The shopping guide was a little flattered. "You're welcome, sir."

When the man came to the checkout, he suddenly remembered something. He thought about it for a while, then turned his head and bought something for her,

Tang Qingge waited in the car for a long time,

Suddenly, the door opened slowly. The man outside the door just put in a hand with two bags on it and said, "clothes."

Tang Qingge took the dress from him with a red face. It was a light yellow skirt. She turned it over and found a small inside in the dress.

Her heart jumped with a bang. He even bought this for her.

She still has an embarrassing blush on her face. When she sees that there are not only clothes but also sanitary napkins in the bag, her voice weakens, "thank you."

"No problem."

Tang Qingge's heart is warm. Although the big boss is indifferent, he reveals consideration in some way. The tall figure of a man wraps her and dispels all embarrassment for her. He gives her jade bracelets, precious glory and backing for her. It seems that he is cold and scary and is not so terrible.

She didn't know how embarrassed he would be when he went to buy it, but people as tall and cold as he did this for her. Tang Qingge's impression of the big boss was greatly changed.

Tang Qingge quickly went to the store to change skirts and underwear.

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