"Jonan City, the reason why I called you is to tell you that I won't give you another chance to slap me in the face. This is the last time."

"Also, the second time, don't regret that day."

She called just to tell him that she wouldn't give him a third chance to slap her in the face.

She will let him know whether the woman he has been protecting for so long is a kind beauty or a beautiful scorpion.

wait and see.

After being hung up, Qiao Nancheng found that his smoking hand was shaking all the time. He didn't know what he was afraid of.

His mind is buzzing. Tang Qingge has been repeating to him the sentence of never regret. Once, a month ago and now, he impulsively slapped Tang Mengqian in the face for the second time. She told him not to regret for the second time. He asked himself, she has told him the truth. What can he regret.

But his hands could not help shaking.

The nurse came over and asked, "are you Tang Mengqian's family?"

Qiao Nancheng pulled away from his thoughts and suddenly turned his head. His face was ferocious for a moment, which startled the nurses. After a long time, he recovered his calm, "yes, I am."

The nurse whispered, "this is Tang Mengqian's brain CT film. She's awake now. You can go to the ward to see her."

"Thank you."

After thanking him, Qiao Nancheng went into the ward to see Tang Mengxi. Tang Mengxi was lying weakly on the hospital bed, with a bandage wrapped around her forehead. She was wearing a patient's suit and her face turned white. She looked delicate and pathetic.

She called him coquettishly, "brother Nancheng, my forehead hurts so much. I really didn't expect Qingge to hate me so much. If I knew she hated me so much, I wouldn't go to her to apologize."

He looked at the delicate woman and lost his mind.

"Mengxi, did she really push you?"

Tang Mengqian took the mirror from the side and saw the wound on her forehead, close to the center of her eyebrows. She looked almost disfigured.

She hated Tang Qingge very much. Hearing that Qiao Nancheng even questioned her, she stared round and couldn't restrain her emotion. Her voice suddenly turned cold, "isn't it her or who? Will I hit the table and frame her?"

"Did Tang Qingge tell you something? Brother Nancheng, you would rather believe her than me?"

Tang Mengqian's voice was sharp and harsh.

Joe Nancheng didn't know how he asked, but he didn't expect Tang Mengqian's reaction to be hysterical. He frowned and doubted, "Why do you think so? I always believe you are the kindest. Even five years ago, I know you didn't do that on purpose. I always believe you are the kindest and purest. As long as you say she did it, I will believe you."

Tang Mengqian was stiff.

Stimulated by Tang Qingge, she almost collapsed in front of Qiao Nancheng.

She reacted suddenly.

"I... I don't know why I am like this, brother Nancheng. I'm really scared." Tang Mengxi's unique skill is to cry, and cry when she says it. "I really just want to apologize to her, but I didn't expect Qingge to suddenly attack me, and she pushed me."

Afraid that the play was not enough, she added fuel and vinegar, "and she threatened me and said she would kill me."

Qiao Nancheng was stunned and didn't believe it. "Did she really say that?"

Tang Mengxi, like a frightened little beast, hid in Qiao Nancheng's arms and put her hands around his waist. It was pathetic.

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