"She didn't do this because Tang Qingge must have said that she was the hostess. The fire of the play depends on her own words!"

The man angrily scolded, "have you ever heard Tang Qingge admit such words?"

"She didn't say it in person, but she didn't say it behind her back. Besides, can Bai Ranran slander her? Bai Ranran is a national goddess. What's Tang Qingge, and if Tang Qingge hadn't done such dirty things, Bai Ranran wouldn't have been able to help spraying her! Besides, if she hadn't said that, she wouldn't have been powerless Bai Ranran without support behind her Is the taboo so deep? Tang Qingge used to have so many black materials. In contrast, we certainly believe that Bai Ranran is not? It must be Tang Qingge who said these words, otherwise why did Bai Ranran say such words. "

"Yes! She must have robbed Bai Ranran's endorsement. Originally, I thought it was not easy for her to take care of her children. Who knows that she actually did these dirty and dirty things behind her back. She turned black and didn't powder such people anymore."

"Tang Qingge's fans are not good things either. They are all a group of Yan dogs. They don't look at their master's character. They just love others, a group of blind guys!"

From heaven to hell is only a short moment.

Originally, because of the nearly 50 million popularity accumulated in the fairy demon story, now it has run almost half. Some of the remaining people turn black powder and scold her, while others are arguing for her.

But the voice of argument was too small and completely submerged in the sea. Tang Qingge looked at the voices arguing for her and felt a little uncomfortable.

Even if she was sprayed, her fans were sprayed because of her. Her heart sank slightly as she watched the voices arguing for her gradually drown and even disappear.

In the entertainment industry, big red is easy to provoke jealousy. In the past, she saw many stories of stars falling overnight, some black materials and stories processed a little, and finally evolved into an accident of a bright star falling.

If this matter is not handled well, I'm afraid she will be like those actors who become famous and disappear from here on!

Moreover, the audition is just a few days away. Now the accident has affected her. I'm afraid it will also affect her during the audition. I'm afraid she won't even be qualified to agree to her audition at that time.

She squeezed her hand tightly and remembered the four words "each according to his ability" said by Bai Ranran.

It turned out that this was what she said, each according to her ability, let her fall with a specious black material, so she couldn't participate in the audition and compete with her for Feng daonv No. 1!

She thought a little and said to Wang Lu, "these words that smear me are very much like a navy."

She can think of it. Wang Lu naturally wants it. She immediately said, "I think so. It's intentional. It's normal for you to get red, shoot the first bird, and someone to buy a navy to discredit you. But now the most important thing is to solve the problem. I'll send some photos of you to divert public attention. What to do next, we must discuss countermeasures as soon as possible."


After hanging up, Tang Qingge looked dignified and didn't know what he was thinking.

She believes that many slandering comments on the Internet are sent by people she bought off. Many people under her microblog have fierce comments, much like the navy in rhythm.

She doesn't know why Bai Ranran has been hostile to her. From the beginning of filming and Sn endorsements, she fought against her everywhere. Now she still says these words on the Internet. She thought a little and finally focused on the big boss.

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