I always feel that if I don't understand all this, things will become more troublesome and worse.

Because this feeling of being out of control and being lured into the plan step by step is really too uncomfortable.

Speaking of this, Ding Yan's expression was positively colored. "This is too far away to find out some difficulty. Actually, thin always asked me to secretly investigate this matter. I have not found anything yet, and there are no hotel surveillance videos that night. What we can say is that someone deliberately obstructed us to find out the truth."

Tang Qingge hangs his eyes.

As she guessed, the matter would not be so easy to investigate.

"Don't say these unhappy things, Miss Tang, look."

Ding Yan bared his teeth and raised the bag in his hand to show her, "this is something president Bo specially asked me to prepare."


"Chicken feet." after a pause, Ding Yan thought of a sentence ordered by Bo Qichen, although he didn't understand what it meant, "Mr. Bo said, filling the shape with the shape."

Tang Qingge, "..."


Tang Qingge came early this morning. Anyway, she had to shoot first. As for the hand shaking, she could not take a sword first.

Tian Meng was relieved to see that she came safely. "It scared me to death, sister Tang. I thought you couldn't come today. When President Bo took you away last night, you didn't see his face as black as the bottom of the pot. I thought you couldn't come today. President Bo didn't punish you?"

Tang Qingge blushed and punished. Last night was a punishment, but it was too shy!


"No, no, nothing. Tian Meng, you are young. How can you think so dirty!"

Tian Meng, "??"

Her mind is dirty?

Tian Meng's small head is full of big question marks.


Feng Dao called her there. She hurried over. Huang Dao asked her to make up first, and then looked curiously at her face. "Qingge, your eyes seem to be moistened by the rain? They are also tinged with a reddish color."

Tang Qingge covers his face. Is it so obvious?

As if he had done that bad thing.

"Yes? Oh, I just read the script, but I accidentally turned to the end, cried for a while, and my eyes were like this."

"That's right." unexpectedly, she worked very hard. Director Feng encouraged her, "diligence is good, but you should also pay attention to your body. Don't boil your eyes red, so the filming won't look good."

"OK, director Feng."

Tang Qingge breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, she regretted the mischief last night. She had also asked the etiquette teacher of the tea party to study, but she was delayed because of what happened last night.

Beauty mistakes me, beauty mistakes me!

It's all about Ji xiuye. Tang Qingge feels strange while blaming Ji xiuye. Why hasn't Ji xiuye come yet?

As a result, before she waited for Ji xiuye to come, she was told by director Feng, "I temporarily decided to change the male owner of our play. Ji xiuye won't come in the future. There will be a better Male Artist as the male owner in the future."

Director Feng's decision made the whole group in an uproar!

Tang Qingge frowned.

Changing the male owner is not a simple operation.

Others also talked, "how can we suddenly change the male owner now?"

"It's not because Ji xiuye is often late and doesn't come for no reason. Director Feng has endured him for a long time. Ji xiuye usually likes to play big cards. If I were director Feng, I would change him."

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