"In order to provide for Zhen LAN, I contributed my favorite Chlorophytum vase. I heard that Bo had an illegitimate son a few years ago. I let my daughter learn parenting knowledge, but my daughter is only 16 years old!"

"It's not. Every time I see Zhen LAN, my face will smile and wrinkle into flowers. As a result, guess what Mrs. Bo said. She said I smiled ugly! She thought I was willing to smile at her!"

"I gave Zhen LAN my favorite gem necklace, but guess what people said. She said the gem necklace I gave was cheap and didn't look up to what I gave! Instead, she gave the gem necklace I gave to the dog to wear. Who is she humiliating? Do you call it personnel!"

Zhen LAN offended many people on weekdays, and everyone was angered, "too much!"

"Zhen LAN is really too much. We have been angry with her for so many years for no reason. Do you think we should take this opportunity to return it, or I'm afraid we won't have a chance in the future!"

After the tea party, they didn't have the face to come, and Zhen LAN fell in love with Jiang Jie. Why did they ask for trouble one by one!

Want to understand all this.

Seeing that they had flattered Zhen LAN for so many years, a group of noble women suddenly felt that they had wasted their efforts for so many years. A group of people immediately united and angrily walked to Zhen LAN.

"Mrs. Bo, you don't do very well in this Camellia party. Who are you inviting? We don't know flower arrangement and tea art. We are ladies. Drinking tea all day is enough. You want us to know flower arrangement. Why don't you let us go to heaven?"

Zhen LAN frowned, "what are you doing?"

One of them imitated Jiang Jie, "Ouch, if you don't know how to arrange flowers, you can't attend the tea party. We don't have such a good chance to get the guidance of master William. We don't understand the meaning of these flowers. We're not qualified to attend the tea party you held. We should be kicked out by you like Miss Tang. That's what you mean, Mrs. Bo!"

"It's just some flowers. I think Miss Tang is right. Master William means to be true and pure, but Mrs. Bo, you can have a look at the tea party you held. What are these? Some miscellaneous flowers are put together, which looks like a word, capital vulgarity!"

"Hahaha, I've wanted to say that for a long time. What are these? I feel hot when I look at them, but I have to praise her for her beauty just now. It's disgusting!"

Zhen LAN stood up and stared round. "What did you say? You, you didn't say that just now!"

What happened to these people?

The ladies make complaints about it. "That's not to flatter you. You think we are willing to do that! You spent two years in the greenhouse of the football fields. You spend so much money on these years, you don't feel bad for your son. I love you! Just to show off, you are using your son as a machine, and he can't stand you to do so."

"That is, isn't it good to raise the money spent to donate to poor areas? Mrs. Bo, I didn't say that your face depends on your son and your husband. You have nothing to do with yourself. In essence, you are no different from us, and you don't have a sense of superiority."

Zhen LAN never heard anyone say that about her. For a moment, her face was colorful and she didn't speak for a long time.

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