On February 1, 1998, the Rabbit officially announced the 1998 defense budget, which reached 121.27 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 49.25%.

You know, in 1997, the Rabbit’s defense budget was 81.257 billion yuan.

Now it has skyrocketed to 121.27 billion yuan.

The speed of this military expenditure surge is very fast.

After all, it has increased by more than 40 billion!

There is no way.

Now the Rabbit has to carry out the military reform of the combined brigade and the research on the replacement of weapons and equipment, etc…….In particular, the research of various projects of the 303 Comprehensive Research Institute and the launch of Beidou satellites all require a lot of military expenditure.

Therefore, it is normal for Rabbit to increase its military expenditure so much.

Of course, these military expenditures do not include the income from the national defense lottery, the income from the arms trade, etc…….This is all additional military expenditure!

When the rabbit announced its military expenditure, the world became nervous.

Because it was the first time to see the rabbit’s defense expenditure soar so fast!

The news of the rabbit’s military expenditure announcement quickly became the headlines of major media around the world. Governments and international organizations also expressed their concerns and doubts. For a time, the discussion about”the rabbit’s military expenditure soaring” became a hot topic in the international community.

【News Live Room]

A foreign anchor said seriously:”Hello, audience friends,……Today we are going to focus on a piece of news that has caused a global shock – the sudden surge in the rabbit’s military budget……According to the latest official data, the military budget of the Rabbit this year has increased by nearly 50% compared with last year. This unprecedented increase has immediately attracted widespread attention and speculation from the international community.”

“Let’s look at the specific news reports below.”

【International Conference Room]

The Eagle representative frowned:”This is incredible. Rabbit has always advocated peaceful development. This time the military expenditure has increased so much. What exactly do they want to do?”

The Big Hair representative pondered and said:”Yes, such an increase cannot be just for conventional armaments renewal. There must be deeper strategic considerations behind it.”

Rabbit’s ally Baba Sheep:”Ladies and gentlemen, I want to emphasize that any country’s military budget adjustment is based on its own security needs and judgment of the international situation…….As a responsible big country, Rabbit has always been committed to maintaining world peace and stability, and the increase in military spending is also to better fulfill this responsibility.”

At the same time, Rabbit’s military spending has also directly caused heated discussions on social media.

Netizen A: Rabbit’s military spending has skyrocketed? Is this the beginning of a military competition? I hope it won’t affect global peace!”

Netizen B:”Maybe Rabbit has finally realized that there can be no real peace without a strong national defense…….I support strengthening the military, but I hope it is for defense rather than aggression.”

Netizen C:”It feels like things are not simple, and there may be complex geopolitical games behind them. I look forward to more official explanations.”

Some international military experts have also made analyses.

Professor Zhang, a well-known military commentator:”I think there are two main reasons for the significant increase in Rabbit’s military expenditure.”

“First, with the changes in the international environment, especially the increase in regional security challenges, the Rabbit needs stronger military strength to safeguard its own interests;”

“Second, it may indicate that Rabbit will have a major breakthrough in military technology and equipment research and development, which requires more capital investment…….Of course, such growth should also be accompanied by increased transparency to reduce misunderstandings and concerns from the international community.”

“Third, I think the rabbits will build more modern military systems with synthetic battalions…….After all, the combined battalion performed outstandingly in the previous joint military exercise with Russia!”

Faced with such heated international discussions.

Rabbit responded to this matter at a routine press conference.

At the routine press conference, the lights were bright, reporters from various media gathered, and the atmosphere was tense and solemn.

The spokesperson sat in front of the rostrum, facing dozens of cameras and countless pairs of expectant eyes, ready to answer a series of questions about the country’s latest policies, economic development and the international situation.

A reporter took the lead in asking a sharp and direct question:”Recently, Rabbit’s defense budget has increased significantly. May I ask the spokesperson, what are the main reasons behind this increase? Does it mean that Rabbit will adopt a more active military posture?”

The spokesperson smiled slightly, adjusted the microphone calmly, and then began to answer:”Thank you very much for your question”

“Indeed, my country’s defense budget has increased significantly in recent years, but this is entirely due to considerations of national security and the complexity of the international situation…….We need to be clear that this increase is not targeted at any specific country or region, but is based on the need for long-term national development and maintaining regional peace and stability.”

After a pause, the spokesperson continued:”At present, the international situation is changing rapidly, and various traditional and non-traditional security threats are intertwined and superimposed.”

“In order to meet these challenges, we must continuously enhance our national defense capabilities and ensure that our national sovereignty, security and development interests are not infringed.”

“Therefore, the increase in military expenditure is mainly used to promote the reform of the military of synthetic forces, strengthen the research and development and update of weapons and equipment, and improve the overall national defense capability and emergency response speed.”

The spokesperson said firmly, with unquestionable determination in his eyes:”We are well aware that a strong national defense is the cornerstone of national prosperity and stability…….Therefore, we must ensure that our defense investment is consistent with the country’s development level and matches the international security situation.”

At this point, the spokesperson changed the subject and cleverly introduced a comparison, saying:”Of course, if we want to talk about the high or low military expenditure, we have to mention the military expenditure of some countries…….

For example, the United States has a military budget of 271.

25 billion U.


dollars, far exceeding that of my country…….

If we really want to blame the high military spending, then perhaps we should first blame those countries that spend more on military spending.

The spokesperson’s words made the reporters present look at each other in bewilderment, and the reporter who asked the question was speechless.


The defense budget of the Eagle Sauce is 271.2 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to 2.2 trillion RMB in RMB…….This is more than ten times the rabbit’s military expenditure…….So, instead of accusing the Chinese of skyrocketing military spending, it would be better to say that the United States’ military spending is the sum of the military spending of other countries?

The spokesperson looked at the reporters speechless and continued with a smile:”We always uphold the concept of peace, development and cooperation, and are committed to establishing harmonious and friendly relations with all countries.”……Our national defense construction is to safeguard our own security and to maintain regional peace and stability.”

“We hope that all countries can view each other’s national defense development in a peaceful and rational manner and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind.”

After saying this, the spokesperson nodded politely, indicating the next question.

The entire press conference fell into a brief silence, and then burst into warm applause.

The attitude of the rabbit at this routine press conference was: What does the increase in our rabbit military expenditure have to do with you? Mind your own business.

It can be said that the attitude is still quite tough!

Regarding the related issues of the rabbit’s military expenditure surge, the most intense reaction is the rabbit people…….They don’t think the military expenditure is too much, but they all think it is too little.

Rabbit City.

The morning sun shines through the mist, shining on this ancient and vibrant land.

The hustle and bustle of the city gradually rises, and the streets, teahouses, restaurants, and even the Internet are filled with a hot topic – Rabbit Military Expenditure

“Have you heard? Our military budget has increased again this year!”Old Zhang said to Xiao Li at the next table while drinking soy milk.

“Increased? That’s only how much! More than 120 billion, it sounds like a lot, but look at the Eagles, their military expenditure is several times ours!” Xiao Li responded dissatisfiedly, his tone revealing his dissatisfaction with the status quo:”Our military expenditure is still too little.”

Lao Zhang nodded and sighed:”Yes, the international situation is so complicated now, and neighboring countries are strengthening their armaments. How can we relax? Military expenditure is not too much, but too little!”

These words immediately resonated with the people around them. A middle-aged woman interrupted and said:”That’s right! If the money is not used on national defense, is it kept for reparations?”

“Look at history, weak countries have no diplomacy, without a strong army, how can we protect our homeland?” (To read the novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Another young man said:”Yes, yes, it’s ridiculous that other countries have the nerve to accuse us of skyrocketing military spending. It’s only more than 120 billion, only more than 40 billion more than last year!”

The topic gradually heated up, and more and more people joined the discussion.

In another corner of the teahouse, several young people were talking enthusiastically.

0Seeking flowers

“I think we should learn from the Eagle Sauce in our military spending. The reason why they are so powerful is that they are willing to spend money on���A young man wearing glasses said:”We should increase military spending. All the money we save can be used for military spending!”

“Yes, and we also need to consider future development……With the advancement of technology, military equipment is constantly being updated. If we don’t increase investment, we will be eliminated by the times.” Another young man added.

At this time, an old man came over, sat down slowly, and said:”You are all right…….But more importantly, military spending is not only about the updating of equipment and technology, but also about the dignity and status of our country.”

“On the international stage, without strong military strength as support, our voice will be greatly reduced.”

The old man’s words made everyone present fall into deep thought.

Yes, military expenditure is not just a string of numbers, it carries the national security and national dignity.

As the discussion deepened, more and more people began to realize the importance of military expenditure.

They expressed their support for increasing the military budget to enhance the country’s national defense strength.

“I think we can start a campaign to call on the government to increase the military budget.”A young man suggested

“Good idea! We can use social media platforms to launch a national signature campaign to get more people to join us.” Another young man responded positively.0…….

As a result, a civil movement to increase the military budget has quietly emerged.

Citizens have expressed their views and opinions on social media, calling on the government to increase its investment in national defense.

Citizens may have opinions on other increases in expenses, but the only thing they have no opinion on is the increase in military spending!

The biggest hawks are among the people!

Because they all think that military spending is too little.

At the same time, in order to give the rabbits more military spending, citizens have started buying national defense lottery tickets.

Citizens have left their homes and flocked to various sales outlets. They have only one goal – to buy national defense lottery tickets

“Military spending is too little, let’s buy some national defense lottery tickets to support the country’s national defense construction!” An old lady said to the stall owners and customers around her in the vegetable market.

“”Yes, then I have to buy a few tickets quickly to help the country!” A young stall owner responded immediately, put down his work, and hurried to the sales point.

Such scenes are constantly played out in cities and villages in Rabbit Country.

Citizens are well aware that a strong national defense is the cornerstone of national security and a symbol of national dignity.

Since the defense budget is too small, then support it by buying national defense lottery tickets!

In front of the sales point, a crowd of people surged.

The elderly, young people, and children all took out their savings and bought national defense lottery tickets that carry hope and dreams…….Every lottery ticket represents a support for the country and a contribution to national defense construction.

“I bought ten tickets, hoping to contribute more to the country!” A middle-aged man said excitedly after buying them.[]

“I bought one too. Although it’s not much, it’s also a token of my appreciation. A little girl took her beloved pocket money and carefully bought a national defense lottery ticket.

In short, the national defense lottery ticket is once again sold out.

303 Comprehensive Research Institute.

Looking at the increase in the national defense budget and the increasing sales of national defense lottery tickets, Su Chu knew that military spending was increasing…….This will be more conducive to the 303 Comprehensive Research Institute to conduct various comprehensive research.

At the same time.

Su Chu led the team to make a breakthrough in the meter-wave radar.

It can be said that the meter-wave radar will be developed soon, which can deal with the B2 strategic bomber of the Eagle Sauce!

PS: The second update, one automatic subscription plus one chapter, one 100 VIP reward plus one chapter.

Currently there are only 2 automatic subscriptions, one of which is mine, too miserable……I lost one of the automatic subscriptions. It’s too difficult.

I beg for an automatic subscription. If you don’t like it, you can cancel it at any time!

The next plot is absolutely exciting. The B2 bomber was discovered. This plot is absolutely explosive……In addition, today is August 1st, a new month, I beg for a reward, but the reward is still 0, is there anyone who can support it?.

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