Eagle Sauce Hometown.

In a majestic building in Washington, DC, in a senior conference room of the Pentagon, an important meeting concerning the global strategic balance is in full swing.

The theme of this meeting is the recent sharp increase in Rabbit’s military spending, its impact on Eagle Sauce’s global strategic position, and response strategies.

Sitting at the conference table were many senior officials from the Eagle Sauce Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Air Force, and the Navy. Their eyes revealed deep concerns about the current international situation.

The meeting was chaired by Secretary of Defense Alexander Weber, who cleared his throat and said in a steady and powerful voice:”Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to discuss a pressing issue-the Rabbit Country’s military spending has increased sharply in 1998, by more than 40 billion…….And the possible impact on our security environment and global strategic position.” It has increased from more than 80 billion to more than 120 billion.

This is not a small amount in the eyes of the Eagle Sauce!

As soon as Weber finished speaking, Air Force Chief of Staff James Reno couldn’t wait to speak:”Mr. Minister, I think the increase in Rabbit’s military expenditure is not just a quantitative change, but more importantly, they are accelerating the modernization of their military…….Especially in the field of high-tech weapons”

“We must respond to this and demonstrate our strength and determination.”


In recent years, the rabbit has put into service many advanced equipment, such as the Dongfeng 21D missile, the Dongfeng 41 missile, the Dongfeng 52D missile announced to the public, the AR2000 rocket launcher, and the new fighter Gou 10 Raptor fighter that has not been announced to the public. As for the reform of the army, the synthetic brigade is a very important manifestation!

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce is eyeing the rabbit

“I agree with Raynor’s point of view.” CIA Director Burns took over and said:”According to our intelligence analysis, the rabbits have not only invested heavily in conventional weapons, but are also actively developing anti-access/area denial capabilities…….This poses a potential threat to our freedom of action in the Western Pacific.”

Naval Operations Chief Michael Donaldson frowned and added:”Moreover, their naval construction pace is amazing, and the speed at which new destroyers are launched makes us have to be vigilant…….We need to maintain a sufficient military presence in the Pacific to safeguard our interests.”

Since Su Chu developed the Dong 52D destroyer, several major domestic shipyards have been working overtime to speed up the construction of Dong 52D destroyers.

Currently, Rabbit has 8 Dong 52D destroyers.

The speed is quite fast!

This is an advanced destroyer built by the whole country.

The discussion gradually heated up.

At this time, John Maxwell, an Air Force general with a stern face and sharp eyes, made a bold suggestion:”Everyone, perhaps we can take a more direct approach to respond to Rabbit’s challenge”

“I suggest that we arrange for our B-2 Spirit bombers to carry out a special mission through the rabbit’s airspace…….This will not only test the stealth performance and combat effectiveness of the B-2 in a complex electromagnetic environment, but also be a clear deterrent to the rabbit.”

“Let them know that no matter how they increase their military power, we have the ability to demonstrate our strength at any time and anywhere.”

“At the same time, our B2 bomber flight this time is also to prepare for possible conflicts in the future!”

This is to show strength and show meat!

The deterrence of military power!

The Eagle Sauce has a long-term consideration and wants to arrange for the B2 bomber to enter the Rabbit’s air domain first to prepare for future conflicts. As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room froze instantly.

Minister Weber swept his eyes over the crowd, seeking more opinions

“This is a risky proposal, but it is also an opportunity. Susan Thompson, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, said slowly,”As long as we operate properly, we can demonstrate our strength and avoid unnecessary escalation of conflict.”……The key lies in how to accurately control the information dissemination and diplomatic follow-up of this action.”

“I agree, but we have to make sure we are prepared.” David Peterson, commander of the Central Command, added:”A detailed contingency plan needs to be developed, including communication channels with the rabbits and response measures in different situations.”

“Under the current circumstances, it is not suitable for us to go to war with the rabbits directly!”


The Eagle Sauce does not want to go to war with the rabbits!

Or the strength to start a war is not mature enough.

Once a war breaks out, it will be a lose-lose situation!

But the Eagle Sauce still needs to show its military strength and maintain its position as the world hegemon.

After some intense discussions and weighing, Minister Weber finally made a decision:”Okay, let’s do this.”

“General Maxwell, you will be responsible for planning the details of this operation and ensuring that all relevant departments work closely together…….At the same time, Director Burns, I need you to mobilize intelligence resources to provide comprehensive information support for this operation.”

“We want this action to be a model that both demonstrates strength and sends a clear signal.”

“”Yes!” Burns and Maxwell both responded loudly.

The meeting ended in a tense and orderly atmosphere. Every participant knew that the plan they were about to implement would……It is not only a direct response to the growth of the Rabbit’s military power, but also a subtle adjustment to the global strategic pattern.

After leaving the conference room, they each devoted themselves to intensive preparations, and a silent contest quietly began over the Pacific Ocean.

According to the time determined by senior Pentagon officers, they will arrange B2 strategic bombers to go to the Rabbit’s airspace for reconnaissance and deterrence on July 1…….Conduct air military training!

The time is set!

The next step is actual action!

In the eyes of the Eagle Sauce, the B2 bomber has super stealth, and the rabbit’s radar system has no way to detect it, so this is a very easy task.

303 Comprehensive Research Institute.

Su Chu did not know the content of the military meeting of the Eagle Sauce Pentagon, but continued to work on the improvement of the H6 bomber…….Now the improvement of the entire H6 bomber has been basically completed.

June 25, 1998.

The sky in June was clear blue, and the sun shone through the sparse clouds onto a secret aviation base in the heart of the motherland.

Here, a group of elites in the aviation field gathered, and they were nervously preparing for a significant test flight – the first flight of the H6K bomber.

Su Chu is the chief designer of the H6K bomber.

He stood in the spacious and bright assembly workshop, his eyes sharp, examining the H6K bomber in front of him, which embodied countless efforts and wisdom.

On both sides of the fuselage, the two brand-new high-thrust turbofan engines are particularly eye-catching. They are like giant beasts about to awaken, waiting for the moment to spread their wings and fly high.

“Mr. Su, all the pre-inspection work has been completed, and all the data are in line with expectations.” Technical Director Li Ming reported the latest inspection results with an expectant smile on his face.

Su Chu nodded, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes:”Very good, Li Ming, do you have any special feelings about this improvement?”

Li Ming thought for a moment and said seriously:”What excites me most is the breakthrough in the matching technology…….Through careful calculations and multiple tests, we finally achieved a perfect match between the engine and the air intake, which has unprecedentedly improved the power of the aircraft.”

“Theoretically, the maximum thrust of the H6K bomber can reach 24, which is enough to support it to penetrate and assault at a speed of more than Mach 0.8, which was unimaginable in the past.”

“That’s right, speed means survival.” Su Chu added,”In modern warfare, speed means more chances of survival and strike capability…….Moreover, we not only improved the power, but also fully optimized the cockpit.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“The new layout has greatly reduced the number of crew members, while ensuring that everyone’s responsibilities are more clear and the operation is more efficient.”

As he was speaking, a young engineer hurried over with a report in his hand:”Mr. Su, the latest information confrontation system test data is out. Our information perception and confrontation capabilities have improved by at least 30% compared to the past, and our survivability in complex electromagnetic environments has been greatly enhanced.”

Su Chu took the report, read it carefully, and smiled confidently:”Very good, this is exactly what we need…….In modern warfare, information is combat power……The H6K bomber must not only fly fast, but also see far, hit accurately, and be able to sneak under the enemy’s radar network.”

After everything is ready, the next step is to test fly.

On June 28, the first ray of sunlight penetrated the mist and illuminated the runway.

The H6K bomber was parked there quietly, like a beast ready to go.

Although the overall structure is still the appearance of the H6 bomber, the H6K has been redesigned from the inside out.���A huge change has taken place.

It can be said that this is a transformation!

Su Chu and his team are around, doing the final inspection.

“How are the systems prepared?”Su Chu’s voice was steady and powerful.

“The power system is ready, the navigation system is normal, the communication system is unobstructed, and the weapon system is locked on the target…….”The heads of each subsystem reported one after another, and everything is ready.

“”Okay, get ready for takeoff!” Su Chu gave the order…….

Whoosh whoosh……[]

As the roar of the engine gradually intensified, like the deepest hum of a giant dragon, the turbofan engine of the H6K bomber began to spew out hot flames, like the breath of a giant dragon, dyeing the surrounding air with a faint layer of fiery red.

Driven by this force, the fuselage trembled slightly, as if it was a beast ready to go, ready to meet its hunting trip.

Finally, at this moment, it was like an arrow from a bow, breaking through the constraints of the ground and rushing towards the boundless blue sky, leaving behind a magnificent and resolute trajectory.

Everyone present, whether they were scientific researchers, technical engineers, test pilots or military experts who came to watch the ceremony, couldn’t help but hold their breath and stare…….Their heartbeats quickened as the H6K took off, and their eyes flickered with anticipation and nervousness…….

Whoosh whoosh……

H6K bomber demonstrates amazing performance during flight test……Every movement of the bomber is so calm and yet full of power.

When flying between clouds, it crosses the sky in an almost elegant manner, like a dancer in the sky, combining speed and agility perfectly.

The stability of the bomber during high-speed flight is even more amazing.

Even in extremely complex weather conditions, it can maintain a consistent flight posture, which is undoubtedly a good proof of its advanced design and strong flight system.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the H6K bomber also performs well in information confrontation systems…….

In the actual combat simulation, it successfully interfered with the simulated enemy radar signal, demonstrating its survivability in complex electromagnetic environments and its destructive power against the enemy’s combat system.

This groundbreaking achievement means that the H6K is not only an excellent bomber, but also a multifunctional combat platform that integrates reconnaissance, strike, and interference, providing more possibilities for future joint operations. During the several hours of flight testing, every minute and every second was full of challenges and unknowns, but the H6K bomber overcame these difficulties one by one with its excellent performance and stable performance…….

Whoosh whoosh……

When the H6K bomber landed smoothly on the runway, the whole base was in an uproar.

The complete success of the test flight indicates that the H6K bomber has the actual combat capability…….

It will add a sharp sword to the rabbit’s air power…….

Everyone present burst into thunderous applause and cheers.

With the successful test flight of the H6K bomber, it means that the long-range strike capability of the Rabbit is stronger.

Su Chu walked out of the control room and was greeted by warm applause and cheers from his team members.

“We did it!” Su Chu clenched his fists excitedly and said,”The H6K bomber is not only a modified version of the H6 bomber, but also an important capability for our strategic strike!”

It can be said that the successful development of the H6K bomber this time has provided technical accumulation and some industrial conditions for the subsequent development of the H20 stealth strategic bomber!

After all, it is not so easy to develop a strategic bomber…….This requires continuous improvement of technical accumulation.

In the coming period, Su Chu’s team and the Air Force will conduct relevant tests on the H6K bomber…….

Once all tests are completed, the H6K bomber can be put into mass production…….Once the test is passed, the subsequent mass production will be much easier…….Because the H6 bomber production line is still there!

Time flies.

It is July 1, 1998…….

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