The appearance of the Rabbit bomber in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone really surprised the Eagle Sauce!

You know, the Eagle Sauce has always been on guard against Russia! This time, Russia is also regarded as an opponent!

But I didn’t expect that this time it was a Rabbit fighter that entered the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, and it was just a bomber.

Such a scene really shocked the Eagle Sauce!

You know, the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone is part of the northwest section of the North American Air Defense Identification Zone. The North American Aerospace Defense Command is responsible for air surveillance, and the Eagle Sauce Federal Aviation Administration is responsible for foreign civil aircraft flying over it.

If an”unauthorized” aircraft flies over this area, it will be identified and monitored by the Eagle Sauce Air Force.

If necessary, fighter jets will be launched from the Alaska Air Force Base to intercept it-note, this is not a joke.

The 90th Fighter Squadron, the 525th Fighter Squadron, and the 302nd Fighter Squadron deployed at Elmendorf Air Force Base are all equipped with F15E fighters, and there are early warning aircraft to provide air situation support…….

Foreign aircraft flying over the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone will have a hard time escaping the attention of the United States Air Force.

From the perspective of coverage, the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone is very large.

In addition to the airspace over the US side of the Bering Strait demarcation line and the exclusive economic zone near Alaska, it also includes the airspace over the waters near the Aleutian Islands…….

Moreover, the Eagle Sauce was very unethical when drawing the boundary – it drew a straight line from Attu Island, the westernmost island of the Aleutian Islands, to the middle of the Bering Strait, forming a large triangle with Alaska’s exclusive economic zone.

The airspace above this area is the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone.

Now the Rabbit H6K bomber appeared in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone.

Buzz buzz buzz…

Whoosh whoosh……

Two F15 fighters approached the H6K bomber.

Seeing that it was a rabbit bomber, the Eagle Sauce pilot immediately shouted: Attention.unidentified-aircraftAttention.unidentified-aircraft


“Attention, outdoor unit! Attention, outdoor unit!”

“You have entered our Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone. Please leave immediately. Please leave immediately!”

The Eagle Sauce pilot found that this bomber looked a bit like the H6 bomber, but it didn’t look like it!

This made the Eagle Sauce even more confused.

You know, the Eagle Sauce has been paying attention to the situation of the Rabbit’s fighter jets and knows that the Rabbit has the H6 bomber…….This is a bomber developed in the 1960s, and its performance in all aspects is outdated.

Of course, the Eagle Sauce also knows that the Rabbit has been upgrading the H6 bomber recently, but there has not been much change in performance or appearance!

However, there is a big difference in the H6 bomber that now appears in the air defense identification zone, that is, there is a large spherical object at the bottom of the aircraft!

What is this?

I don’t know!

Facing the shouting of the Eagle Sauce pilot, Xu Chengjin and Ye Weiming ignored it!

And they did not leave immediately!

Because this time their mission is to fly the H6K bomber to conduct a strategic cruise in Alaska’s air defense identification zone, and at the same time to train the combat performance of the H6K.

Buzz buzz buzz……

Whoosh whoosh……

The difference between this H6K bomber and other improved versions of the H6 bomber is that……There is an electronic pod under the H6K bomber!

An electronic pod is a device that integrates electronic warfare equipment or optoelectronic sensors into a special streamlined cabin…….Usually installed on combat aircraft or drones to perform a variety of tasks.

According to the functions of the built-in equipment, electronic pods can be divided into many types, such as electronic countermeasure pods, optoelectronic pods, navigation pods, tracking and targeting pods, etc…….Among them, the electronic countermeasure pod is mainly used for electronic reconnaissance, electronic jamming and other tasks, while the optoelectronic pod is mainly used for target detection, tracking and identification.

Among them, the most important functions of electronic warfare are electronic reconnaissance and electronic jamming.

The electronic pod can intercept the enemy’s electromagnetic signals, automatically detect, analyze, record, identify and locate the electromagnetic threat environment…….This is of great significance for evaluating the status of enemy electronic systems and formulating electronic countermeasure strategies…….This is electronic reconnaissance!

Another is electronic jamming…….The electronic pod has the ability of electronic jamming, and can launch jamming attacks on the enemy’s electronic system, paralyzing it, thereby protecting the safety of its own aircraft.

Now Su Chu has built an electronic pod on the H6K bomber. The purpose of this pod is mainly experimental!

Electronic warfare will become mainstream in the future, so Su Chu plans to build an electronic warfare aircraft.

In order to test the power of the electronic pod, Su Chu installed an electronic pod on the H6K bomber…….This is to prepare for future electronic warfare aircraft!

Whose electronic warfare aircraft is awesome ?……The electronic pod is what we are comparing.

Whoever has a better electronic pod will have stronger electronic warfare capabilities…….It’s like the two armies fighting each other. Who is stronger? The comparison is based on the weapons in their hands…….You hold a red tasseled spear, and the opponent holds a submachine gun, so the difference in combat effectiveness will be immediately apparent.

The real purpose of electronic warfare aircraft is to interfere with other people’s radars, while at the same time providing escort for your own combat formation…….Electronic warfare aircraft mainly interfere with the enemy’s radar, missiles, or fleet.

Now the Rabbit’s H6K bomber is equipped with an electronic pod, so Xu Chengjin and Ye Weiming ignored the Eagle Sauce pilot’s call and continued their strategic cruise.

This mission is also to test the performance of the electronic pod and provide data support for Su Chu’s subsequent research on electronic warfare!

Attention.unidentified-aircraft Attention.unidentified-aircraft


The Eagle Sauce pilot shouted again. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But the H6K bomber didn’t listen at all!

Buzz buzz buzz……

Whoosh whoosh……

The H6K Ares bomber continued to fly at high speed.

The two F-15″Eagle” fighters of the Eagle Sauce also flew through the clouds at high speed. Their mission was to monitor and intercept an H-6K”Ares” bomber that was suspected of violating the airspace, but shouting had no effect.

Seeing this situation, Jack, the pilot of the Eagle Sauce No. 1 aircraft, could only say:”It seems that we can only use the fire control radar!”

The fire control radar detects and tracks the target by emitting electromagnetic waves and receiving the signals reflected by the target, and provides the weapon system with the target’s distance, direction, altitude and other parameters, thereby guiding the weapon to carry out precise strikes.

Its working principle is based on the emission and reception of electromagnetic waves…….

When the radar emits electromagnetic waves, these waves will be reflected back when they encounter the target.

The radar receives these reflected signals and processes them to obtain information such as the target’s position, speed, and direction…….

Through the computer-aided system, the fire control radar can automatically track the target and continuously provide the real-time location information of the target.

The fire control radar can detect and track targets in the air, on the ground or at sea in real time, and provide accurate location information of the target for missiles, artillery, electromagnetic weapons, etc.

It can be said that starting the fire control radar aiming is a signal before the attack, and it is also a relatively high-level expulsion action: If you don’t leave, then I will open fire!

F-The 15 is famous for its advanced fire control radar system and is a hunter in the sky.

But today, they are facing unprecedented challenges…….

Whoosh whoosh……

The H6K bomber is still on strategic cruise![]

“Target locked, prepare to turn on the fire control radar.”Seeing the rabbit fighter so arrogant, Jack reported to his teammates through the communicator, his tone revealed confidence:”We must teach them a lesson!”

Now the Eagle Sauce did not dare to shoot down the rabbit bomber.

Because this is tantamount to starting a war.

Therefore, it can only be warned!

However, just as Jack was about to fire a warning bomb, the warning light on the dashboard suddenly flashed, the fire control radar screen was in chaos, and the target signal disappeared.

“”Fuck! What’s going on? The radar is out of service!” Jack shouted in astonishment, his fingers moving quickly on the control panel, trying to restore the system, but all efforts were in vain.

Meanwhile, inside the H-6K bomber, pilots Xu Chengjin and Ye Weiming were calmly monitoring everything…….There was no panic on their faces, only a firm belief in victory.……

“Immediately activate electronic jamming to jam their radar signals… The electronic jamming was successfully activated, and their radar is now blind.” Xu Chengjin said to Ye Weiming with a smile, controlling the advanced electronic pod system in his hands.

Ye Weiming nodded and added:”Continue to implement the frequency hopping strategy to completely mess up their radar system…….Data shows that our Mist-3 jamming module has successfully covered their main communication and radar frequency bands, and they are now like headless flies.”

With the support of the H-6K’s electronic warfare system, Xu Chengjin and Ye Weiming used the”Mist-3″ electronic jamming module to effectively interfere with the F-15’s fire control radar by emitting wide-band noise signals and false target echoes, making it impossible for it to accurately lock and track the target.

At the same time, they also started the”Ghost Dance” frequency hopping program, constantly changing the frequency of the jamming signal, making it difficult for the F-15’s radar receiver to adapt to and filter out these interferences, further exacerbating the paralysis of its radar system.

Tom, the pilot of Eagle Sauce No. 2, also encountered the same problem and anxiously asked Jack about the situation:”Jack, how are you doing over there? My radar is also out of order, and we are blind!”

“Fuck! Me too, Tom. Looks like we’ve met an expert.”Jack responded, his heart filled with shock and confusion.

They had relied on the powerful fire control radar to defeat the enemy countless times, but now they were helpless in the face of this mysterious power.

H-Inside the 6K bomber, Xu Chengjin and Ye Weiming continued their electronic warfare performance.

They not only interfered with the F-15’s fire control radar, but also used the”phantom decoy” system in the electronic pod to send false missile launch signals to the F-15, inducing the opponent’s missile warning system to issue a false alarm, further consuming the F-15’s defense resources.

“Look, their missile warning system has also started to flash.”Ye Weiming pointed to the data on the display screen and smiled more confidently,”This is the power of our H-6K electronic warfare capability.”

Xu Chengjin nodded in agreement:”That’s right, no matter how advanced they are, they can’t stop the electronic fog we carefully prepared. It seems that the electronic pods of our H6K bombers have played a lot of roles!”

With the interference and function of the electronic pods, the safety of the H6K Ares bombers can be guaranteed.

This is also the first confrontation between the Rabbit Electronic Warfare and the Eagle Sauce…

PS: The first update, one automatic subscription plus one chapter, one 100 VIP reward plus one chapter.

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