In 1999, although the Eagle Sauce already had a global positioning navigation system, it also had some spy satellites…….However, due to the problem of filming technology and resolution, we don’t know what the Rabbit is doing in the South Sea.

The filming is not clear.

Now the EP3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft has entered the Rabbit’s airspace and found that the sand was blown away and land was reclaimed. Naturally, it was shocked.

And it was quite spectacular and shocking.

Looking down from an altitude of 10,000 meters, the blue and vast South Sea is like a huge sapphire inlaid on the blue silk of the earth…….In this vast sea, a magnificent epic of human and nature dancing together is quietly unfolding – blowing sand and filling the sea to create land is constantly creating miracles.

At first, this was just a lonely reef. Over the years, the waves beat its back, and the wind and rain eroded its skin. It quietly guarded this sea area and witnessed countless sunrises and sunsets…….However, with Su Chu’s idea of blowing sand to reclaim land, the builders of Rabbit began to blow sand to reclaim land on this reef! The huge dredging ship slowly approached…….

They carry the most advanced modern sand blowing equipment developed by Su Chu, like giants in the ocean, ready to sketch out unprecedented scenes on this blue canvas….

Whoosh whoosh……

The machines roared, and the sea breeze seemed to be filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement.

The sand-blowing pipe on the ship extended below the sea like a giant dragon, and began to suck in the sand and gravel from the seabed, and then blew the sand and gravel to the selected sea area through a strong airflow, bit by bit, little by little, accumulating into a lot.

Day after day, month after month, this seemingly slow but unwavering process, like a magician of time, quietly changed the face of this sea area.

The sand and gravel gradually accumulated to form a piece of land that began to take shape…….It has grown from nothing to something, from small to large, like a new star in the ocean, shining brightly.

This is not just an expansion of land, but also a strategic location for the rabbits, a century-old creation!

As the island’s area becomes larger and larger, the infrastructure 623 maniacs began to carry out crazy construction on the island. The runway is winding like a dragon, and on both sides of the runway, buildings are rising from the ground, from simple functional facilities to complex military bases…….Every brick and every tile embodies the hard work of the designers and the sweat of the builders.

What is even more amazing is that this island reef, which was transformed from a reef, is also equipped with advanced environmental protection facilities to ensure that while developing, this precious marine ecology is well protected…….Green vegetation has been carefully planted, covering the island with a vibrant green robe, making this artificial island appear more vibrant in the blue sea, like an emerald inlaid in the South China Sea.

Looking down from the air, it is not only a geographical miracle, but also a shocking project!

The pilots on the Eagle Sauce EP3 reconnaissance plane were stunned when they saw such a scene.

Because they didn’t expect the rabbit’s infrastructure capabilities to be so strong that a reef was directly turned into an island!

Too scary!

Artificial island!

If these spectacular scenes of blowing sand and filling the sea to create land were announced to the public, it would definitely shock the world!

The attributes of the infrastructure maniac were revealed.

Just as the Eagle Sauce EP3 reconnaissance plane was filming and investigating.

The rabbit’s radar system also discovered the uninvited Eagle Sauce EP3 reconnaissance plane!

Now the rabbit has deployed many advanced radar systems in coastal areas, including the MB01 Mipoldai…….These radars are like a sleepless guardian, constantly monitoring every inch of the airspace…….

At this moment. An unusual signal suddenly flashed on the radar screen – an enemy plane was quietly approaching the airspace boundary of the rabbit. This was not just a simple flight, but also a test and challenge to the rabbit’s defense line.

The commander of the radar station (ajad) immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. Without any hesitation, he quickly pressed the communication button and issued an emergency order to the air force base:”Enemy planes are found approaching the airspace. Two Gou 10 fighters will take off immediately. The target is the enemy’s airspace. Immediately carry out the interception and expulsion mission!”

Gou 10, as the latest fighter developed by the Rabbit Country, is known as the”Cheetah in the sky” for its excellent performance and stealth technology.

The two pilots who received the order, Chen Hai and Wang Dawei, quickly entered the cabin and started the engine. With a roar, the two Gou 10s were like arrows from a string, cutting through the sky and heading straight for the target.

Buzz buzz buzz……

Whoosh whoosh……

As the two Go-10 fighters approached, the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft naturally discovered something…….After all, as a reconnaissance aircraft, the radar system is very powerful.

“”Captain, captain, the rabbit fighters are approaching!” The crew members reported one after another.

Upon hearing this, the captain of the EP-3 reconnaissance plane, Raf Trump, was sitting leisurely in the driver’s seat with a calm smile on his face.

Raf Trump did not seem to care about the rabbit’s reaction, and said lightly:”Don’t pay attention to them, those rabbit fighters dare not really open fire on us.”

Raf Trump said to the crew confidently

“Also, this is a good opportunity for us to take more photos of their new fighter jets…….Let’s see what their new fighter jets are capable of.”Lafus Trump said slowly:”We should take this opportunity to collect more relevant intelligence information.”

Trump’s order caused a chuckle in the cabin, but no one realized that they were stepping into the edge of danger step by step.

Chen Hai and Wang Dawei drove the Gou 10 fighter jet to quickly approach the EP-3 reconnaissance plane.

Through the reinforced glass of the cockpit, they could even clearly see the logo on the other side’s plane.

At the beginning, he didn’t know who the enemy plane was and what model it was!

Now he finally saw it clearly.

This is the Eagle Sauce’s EP3 reconnaissance plane!

“Target locked, Eagle’s 3 reconnaissance plane.”Chen Hai’s steady voice sounded in the communicator:”We must drive them away as quickly as possible!”

Generally speaking, if a foreign aircraft approaches our airspace, before it enters our airspace, we can send fighters to accompany it and judge the other party’s intentions by swinging its wings. The specific operation is that the pilot flies the fighter to the front and side of the foreign aircraft, and swings its wings to greet it…….This action is just like waving to someone on the street, which means”hello”.

If the other party also sees us, they will also swing their wings in response without hostility.

If it is at night, the other party may not be able to see you swinging your wings, so you can operate the aircraft’s irregular flashing navigation lights, which means the same thing.

Of course, for some foreign aircraft with bad intentions, especially those that are bent on”spying” on us, they usually pretend to be confused when we greet them, and those who are intent on flying towards our air defense identification zone and airspace, or refuse to state their intentions, we have to drive them away!

In accordance with relevant international rules and regulations, Chen Hai and Wang Dawei immediately began to mobilize the wings of the Gou-10 fighter, constantly swinging them towards the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft! Buzz buzz buzz……

Whoosh whoosh……

The wings of the Go10 fighter jets kept swaying!

This was a greeting to the EP3 reconnaissance plane!

But the Eagle Sauce’s EP3 reconnaissance plane originally came with bad intentions.

Now seeing two Go10 fighter jets greeting them, they naturally ignored it!

Lavs Trump looked at the situation and said lightly:”Ignore it! Keep flying on course!”

Buzz buzz buzz……

Whoosh whoosh……(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Eagle Sauce’s EP3 reconnaissance plane continued to fly.

Chen Hai and Wang Dawei looked at the EP3 reconnaissance plane’s posture and naturally knew that they came with bad intentions.

Of course.

Since the Eagle Sauce dispatched the EP3 reconnaissance plane, it must have come for the purpose of reconnaissance…….Chen Hai and Wang Dawei were also very clear about this, but they just greeted them as a routine matter.

Greeting them now would have no effect, so they could only warn and drive them away.

Generally speaking, there are three types of warnings: signal warnings, action warnings, and shooting warnings, and each is more severe than the other.

A signal warning is when the aircraft swings its wings in front of the outer aircraft, while moving horizontally from the inside to the outside, meaning”Dude, you have crossed the border/deviated, please exit immediately/resume your normal route.”

If it is at night, the navigation lights should also flash irregularly when doing this action…….At the same time, we can also use public radio channels to warn and dissuade them, so that they will retreat.

If the other party ignores it and the signal warning is ineffective, you can issue an action warning.

Generally speaking, it means showing weapons to the external aircraft and performing continuous attack actions with a small speed difference on one side of the external aircraft, such as barrel rolls, continuous tail biting, scissors maneuvers, etc.

This action means”You have crossed the border, please exit immediately, I am ready to attack.”

Because these actions are more dangerous, they are generally performed during the day.

When the action warning is still ineffective, if the other party insists on breaking into our airspace or restricted areas, we must give it the most severe warning-a shooting warning.

This warning means that there is a possibility of an attack, and the operation method is that my aircraft is on the side of the external aircraft, parallel and slightly forward, and shoots forward with a machine gun…….This action means”change course immediately, otherwise you will be attacked!”

If the external aircraft sees the signal and cooperates, it will shake its wings. At this time, it does not mean”hello”, but”I understand, do it immediately” and immediately change the course…….If it is at night, you should also flash the navigation lights irregularly while doing this action…….If the outboard aircraft is a helicopter and has no wings, it should swing the fuselage[]

If the external unit is unable to complete the operation due to a malfunction or other reasons, all navigation lights should be flashed as much as possible, which means”I am in danger, help me!””……

In short, there is a set of procedures for dealing with these invading enemy aircraft…….It was not done randomly.

Now Chen Hai and Wang Dawei saw that the Eagle Sauce’s EP3 reconnaissance aircraft had no response, so they could only issue an action warning…….

PS: First update, one auto-subscription plus one chapter, one 100 VIP reward plus one chapter.

Currently there are only 3 auto-subscriptions, one of which is mine, too miserable.

I beg for an auto-subscription, you can cancel it at any time if you don’t like it!

In addition, I recommend the author’s old book”Military Industry: On the Eve of the Anti-Eagle War, I Made Nuclear Bombs for the Country”, which tells the story of the protagonist’s anti-eagle war. It is absolutely exciting. If you like it, you can support it. Thank you..

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