This is a humiliating moment for the Eagle Sauce!

Because the EP3 reconnaissance of the Rabbit not only did not obtain much valuable intelligence information, but also took an EP3 reconnaissance plane. If the EP3 reconnaissance plane falls into the hands of the Rabbit, it will inevitably cause a large amount of intelligence, data, information leakage, etc.

Not only that, after negotiation, the two sides have to dismantle the EP3 before they can be shipped back…….And they had to apologize. This is the humiliation of the Eagle Sauce!

You know, when the Eagle Sauce heard that the EP3 reconnaissance plane was forced to land and captured prisoners, their first reaction was to immediately send the Navy SEAL special forces to airdrop to Hainan to rescue the 24 crew members and conduct special operations…….But later this suggestion was rejected by the Pentagon.

The Pentagon is full of wise people…….This rabbit! It’s not Africa, nor Somalia, and you’re airborne to the rabbit to conduct special operations.

Rabbits are a forbidden area for mercenaries, and also a forbidden area for special forces from other countries!

You know, the individual combat capability of each soldier in the rabbit army is not inferior to that of the Eagle Sauce Navy SEALs…….So sending special forces to the rabbit is like sending sheep into the tiger’s mouth…….A gift of thousands of miles is worth more than a token of affection.

It is simply impossible.

So the Eagle Sauce negotiated with the Rabbit.

But the Rabbit’s condition was an apology and compensation!

At the beginning, the Eagle Sauce thought that an apology was fine, but compensation was absolutely not…….Reparations between countries only apply between the victorious country and the traitorous country…….Even if the Eagle Sauce is killed, it will not pay compensation because it is too humiliating.

However, the Rabbit side also negotiated according to Su Chu’s suggestion: Just say that this is the cost of keeping the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft and 24 crew members, 100,000 US dollars a day! 100,000

US dollars in 1999 is not a small amount!

This made the Eagle Sauce curse the Rabbit and say that it would be better to rob.

But the Rabbit insisted that the Eagle Sauce pay compensation.

At the beginning, the Eagle Sauce did not agree to pay compensation because the Eagle Sauce was afraid that the Rabbit would use the money for external publicity…….In terms of public opinion, the Eagle Sauce will be at a disadvantage, and its position as the world’s hegemon will be shaken, which is unacceptable to the Eagle Sauce as the world’s only superpower.

So in the second round of negotiations, the Eagle Sauce refused to pay the $100,000 a day fee…….This was mocked by the rabbit: Aren’t you ashamed of yourself, Eagle sauce? We have to take care of the eating, drinking, defecating and urinating of the 24 of you. If you want to take advantage of everything, just leave…….No way, there is also the storage fee for the EP3 aircraft, which is considered a small amount, otherwise I would throw it on the street for all the people to see!

In desperation, the Eagle Sauce could only agree to pay $100,000 a day in compensation…….The compensation is based on the number of days you stay.

No deception!

In addition, regarding the return of EP3, Eagle Sauce also refused to allow Rabbit to dismantle it at first…….Originally, Eagle Sauce wanted to use a boat, but Rabbit disagreed!

Rabbit was determined to dismantle it and then ship it back!

This was also Su Chu’s suggestion.

After discussion and negotiation, Eagle Sauce finally agreed to dismantle it and send it back…….However, the dismantling must be done by the technicians of the Eagle Sauce, and after checking that there is nothing missing, it can be shipped back. Rabbit decisively agreed to this.

The real reason is that Rabbit has already dismantled the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft…….After disassembling the plane, I found that I couldn’t put it back together…….It’s like dismantling a car. What’s the most terrible thing?

After you dismantle the car, you can’t put it back together…….After you install it, there are still 4 screws, and you can’t find where they are. This is the most frightening thing.

Now the rabbit wants the Eagle Sauce people to check and see what went wrong, and at the same time learn more about the design and related technologies of the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft.

After some discussion, the rabbit and the Eagle Sauce finally determined how to put this EP3 reconnaissance aircraft and 24 crew members back.

The first is Lavs Trump and other 24 crew members……Rabbit also agreed to release the people, but before releasing them, each Eagle Sauce soldier was required to write a confession and film a video of reading the confession, which was then broadcast on CCTV. The main theme was to kill people and destroy their hearts!

The second thing was to dismantle the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft!

Rabbit agreed to Eagle Sauce to arrange technicians to come and check whether the aircraft parts are intact…….But our people must be on hand to watch to prevent the Eagle Sauce from deliberately destroying the parts and then making a claim……The Eagle Sauce agreed to this.

So on the day when the EP3 reconnaissance plane was dismantled, the whole airport was quite lively.

First, the Eagle Sauce experts and technicians first dismantled the EP3 reconnaissance plane!

The reason is also very simple.

They just checked the EP3 reconnaissance plane to see if there were any missing or changed parts inside…….They were also afraid. If a certain component or chip was hidden or changed by our rabbits, it would be a huge hidden danger.

So the experts and technicians of the Eagle Sauce threw away their arms and started to dismantle it on the spot.

Then according to the agreement, the rabbit needed someone to watch and use video recorders and video equipment to record the entire process of disassembly and installation to prevent the Eagle Sauce from deliberately damaging the components and then accusing the Eagle Sauce of doing it. So at this time, the Eagle Sauce found that the whole scene was crowded with people!

Overt conspiracy!

Top-level overt conspiracy!

But the Eagle Sauce had no way!

Because this was something that the rabbit and the Eagle Sauce had agreed on.

On that day, many of the rabbit’s research institutes and avionics colleges were all on vacation, and the professors were on business trips. The purpose was this military airport, just to see how the Eagle Sauce disassembled and assembled the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft.

In this environment, the Eagle Sauce disassembled the EP3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft again, and then assembled it again according to the correct method to find out if there were any missing parts and electronic modules!

That is to say, the people of the rabbit watched the Eagle sauce dismantle and assemble and dismantle, and also recorded the whole process, so that they can obtain more technology, information and design about electronic warfare aircraft, etc…….The most important thing is that the Eagle Sauce has no way to refuse, it is very helpless!

Maybe this is the top conspiracy!

Since the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft weighs more than 70 tons and is 35 meters long, in order to transport the EP-3 back smoothly, the Eagle Sauce had to rent the AN-124 transport aircraft from Russia.

AN-The giant among 124 transport aircraft is the second largest transport aircraft in the world, with a load capacity of up to 120 tons and a cargo hold capacity of 1,040 cubic meters. It is the best carrier to transport the EP-3 back to the Eagle Sauce.

After the disassembly was completed, the Eagle Sauce technicians first drained the aircraft’s fuel, engine oil and hydraulic oil, and emptied the fuel tank…….Then the two wings and one tail of the plane were cut off.

The tail was disassembled again because it was too large.

EP-The four propellers of the 3 reconnaissance aircraft were also dismantled one after another.EP-The main body of the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft was lifted by a crane and then disassembled, and the main landing gear was separated from the main body.

In order to ensure the integrity of the parts, technicians also sawed wooden boards on site to make wooden boxes to hold the disassembled parts.

In the end, the huge EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft was dismantled into pieces.

The disassembled (ajej) parts were successively loaded onto the AN-124 aircraft through the loading and unloading slide.

Finally, the AN-124 transport plane flew to Dobbin Air Force Base outside Marietta, Georgia with a full plane of EP-3 parts. The manufacturing company Lockheed Martin then re-inspected the parts that were transported back and reassembled them.

This is the whole process of the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft being forced to land and return to the country.

To be honest, the Eagle Sauce also wants to do something to the Rabbit.

But we definitely can’t start a war now.

There are two reasons.


That is, the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft has 250,000 GPS user names in the enemy identification system and has not been modified, so we definitely can’t fight now…….It takes 5 months just to modify these parameters, which is too long. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


The military strength of the rabbits has been greatly enhanced, whether it is missiles, fighter jets, warships, army troops, etc., which makes the Eagle Sauce not completely sure to deal with the rabbits. If both sides suffer losses, this is not what the Eagle Sauce wants to see.

This time the EP3 reconnaissance plane was forced to land by the rabbits, which can be said to be a rare air victory for the rabbits!

The Eagle Sauce suffered heavy losses as a result.

The progress of the rabbits’ radio monitoring in various provinces collected in the previous few months has also lost its value……The IFF system has been copied, and 250,000 GPS users need to change their passwords……The CIA assessed the leak level of this incident as catastrophic.

It was a catastrophic leak for the Eagle Sauce, but it was a huge victory for the Rabbit!

Of course.

All this is a story for the future.

It takes time for the Rabbit and the Eagle Sauce to negotiate, dismantle and transport.

The time is still April 1999.


After Su Chu finished chatting with Zhou Zhengguo, Qiu Gui and others, he immediately returned to the 303 base and continued to study the Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft.

At the aviation base where the morning light was just breaking, Su Chu, wearing a neat scientific research suit and with a sharp gaze, was leading his team to conduct the final debugging of the Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft that had just been assembled.

This is not only a technical test, but also an important test of the crystallization of the wisdom and sweat of the entire team.[]

Su Chu knew that every detail was related to the success or failure of the test flight, and even the improvement of the country’s future air power.

This time, Su Chu went to see the Eagle Sauce’s EP3 reconnaissance aircraft, and he really gained something.

Materials expert Bai Qingqiu followed Su Chu closely…….Holding a precision instrument, she conducted a final, meticulous inspection of the fighter’s outer shell material.

With her profound expertise, Bai Qingqiu rigorously evaluated the strength and durability of each composite material to ensure that the fighter could remain in optimal condition under extreme flight conditions.

“”Boss Su, all systems have been checked, data is stable, and we can proceed to the next step.” An engineer reported.

Su Chu nodded, and his eyes swept over the various parameters on the console. Each item showed green, which meant it was normal. He took a deep breath and pressed the communicator:”Start the engine and conduct a ground simulation flight test.”

As the command was issued, the engine of the Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft roared, and the huge thrust made the fuselage tremble slightly, like a beast ready to go…….Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu stared at the monitoring screen closely, and every fluctuation in the data touched their hearts.

In the simulated flight, the fighter performed well, whether it was the sensitivity of the radar system or the electronic interference and anti-interference capabilities, all achieved the expected results.

“”Qingqiu, how do the materials perform at high speeds?” Su Chu asked with concern.

Bai Qingqiu carefully analyzed the collected data and showed a satisfied smile on his face:”Excellent performance, the heat resistance and fatigue resistance of the new composite materials far exceed those of the past, and they are fully capable of withstanding the extreme pressure brought by high-speed flight.”

After receiving an affirmative answer, Su Chu finally felt relieved.

“Prepare to conduct the final system integration test to ensure that everything goes well.”Su Chu’s voice was firm and powerful…….Every word he said was like a shot of adrenaline for the team.

In the next few hours, the team conducted comprehensive and detailed tests on the communication, navigation, and weapon systems of the Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft. All systems performed perfectly without any flaws.

As the sun set, when the last round of tests was successfully completed, the entire aviation base erupted in thunderous applause and cheers.

Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu smiled at each other…….They know that this moment is not only a celebration of the success of the Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft, but also an expectation for the infinite possibilities in the future.

“Tomorrow, we will witness history.”Su Chu’s words are full of vision and confidence for the future.

Yes, after this series of rigorous debugging and preparation, the Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft is ready for flight test….

PS: First update, one auto-subscription plus one chapter, one 100 VIP reward plus one chapter.

Currently there are only 3 auto-subscriptions, one of which is mine, too miserable.

I beg for an auto-subscription, you can cancel it at any time if you don’t like it!

In addition, I recommend the author’s old book”Military Industry: On the Eve of Anti-Eagle, I Made Nuclear Bombs for the Country”, which is about the protagonist Anti-Eagle���It is absolutely exciting and thrilling. If you like it, you can support it. Thank you.

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