Although the Eagle Strike 12 missile and the Hongqi 9 air defense missile are only two types of missiles, they have given a huge shock to everyone present.

Because these two missiles have reached the world’s advanced level, they are not simple ordinary missiles. The next to enter are the Air Force’s medium and high altitude surface-to-air missile formation and the medium and long-range surface-to-air missile formation.

Buzz buzz buzz…

Whoosh whoosh……

A deep and powerful roar came from far away, like the low roar of a giant beast, indicating that the troops that were about to appear were extraordinary.

In the spectator seats, representatives from various countries straightened their backs, focused their eyes on the steel torrent that was about to come into view, and looked forward to this visual and spiritual feast.

The first thing that caught the eye was the air force’s medium and high altitude surface-to-air missile formation…….Their arrival is like the intersection of history and modernity. Each missile vehicle carries the glorious past and the hope for the future.

Since its establishment in 1959, the division to which this team belongs has been guarding the country’s blue sky with its indomitable will and outstanding combat capability…….

Once upon a time, facing high-altitude reconnaissance enemy aircraft that violated our country’s airspace, they were not afraid and attacked decisively, using precise missile technology to shoot down 4 enemy aircraft, writing a glorious chapter of that era.

The missile vehicles moved forward slowly, each of them like a mobile fortress, with camouflage painted on the body, looking both mysterious and majestic.

The missile launcher on the roof steadily held up the deadly weapons, shining coldly in the sun, as if announcing to the world: The guardians of peace never give up.

Then, the medium and long-range surface-to-air missile team followed closely behind…….Their appearance brought the atmosphere of the entire parade to a new height.

The division to which this formation belongs is an emergency combat unit in the Air Force, ready to respond to emergencies at any time to safeguard national security.

This time, they displayed the Hongqi-7 missile, which is internationally renowned for its advanced performance and powerful strike capability, and is the pride of the Rabbit air defense force. The

Hongqi-7 missile vehicles slowly drove over, their appearance is more modern, and the streamlined design gives these steel behemoths a sense of speed, as if once started, they can instantly break through the sky and hit the target directly……The soldiers on the missile vehicle were all in high spirits, and 897 had a determined look.

Although the Hongqi-7 missile is not as good as the Hongqi-9 missile, it is also a very advanced missile…….This is an all-weather, low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude air defense missile system imitated by the Rabbit in the 1980s based on the”Sidewinder” missile technology.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Rabbit faced increasingly severe low-altitude air defense threats. In order to strengthen field air defense and key point air defense capabilities, it decided to develop new low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude surface-to-air missiles. After nearly ten years of efforts, the Hongqi-7 missile was designed and finalized in 1988 and officially delivered to the army for service in 1996.

Therefore, the Hongqi-7 missile was also publicly unveiled for the first time in 1999. The Hongqi

-7 missile is imitated based on the”Sidewinder” missile, and a number of technical improvements have been made on its basis. It adopts an infrared, television, and radar composite guidance system, and is guided by radio commands throughout the process. It has extremely strong anti-interference capabilities. The search radar and tracking radar used work in the S band and KU band respectively, which improves the accuracy of detecting and tracking targets.

It can attack low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude targets such as various high-speed aircraft, helicopters, air-to-ground missiles, and cruise missiles…….The maximum range can reach 12 kilometers and the maximum speed can reach Mach 2.3.

The successful development of the Hongqi-7 missile has filled the gap in the field of low-altitude air defense missiles in the rabbit, and improved the rabbit’s air defense combat capability and level.

Representatives of various countries watching the military parade were all shocked at this moment.

An ambassador from a small European country whispered to his colleagues beside him:”Look at these, this is the military strength of the rabbit. They not only have a long history, but also continue to innovate…….Such a country deserves our respect and learning.”

Another general from a neighboring Asian country nodded in agreement:”Yes, especially the Hongqi-7 missile. I heard that its performance is very advanced and can accurately hit targets in complex electromagnetic environments. It is really impressive.”

At this time, a representative of an African country, with excitement in his eyes, turned to the people around him and said:”Look at the momentum of the rabbit army and then look at those missile vehicles. Each one is like a messenger of victory. This makes me full of confidence in our cooperation…….I believe that, hand in hand with Rabbit, our peace and development will be more stable.”

On the parade ground, as the two surface-to-air missile formations slowly passed by, it not only demonstrated the powerful strength of the Rabbit Air Force, but also conveyed a clear message: in this rapidly changing world, Rabbit has the ability and confidence to safeguard its own national security, and is also willing to work with countries around the world to jointly maintain world peace and stability.

Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu looked at these missile formations passing by, and they were also more confident.

The next one to enter was the Dongfeng 17 missile formation, which was unveiled for the first time. This missile had never been reported in any media before, so its appearance undoubtedly brought a huge shock to everyone.

Buzz buzz buzz……


When the missile vehicle formation slowly drove into the parade ground, everyone’s attention was attracted by this huge vehicle carrying mysterious weapons.

The body of the vehicle was painted in camouflage, which looked very mysterious and majestic…….The missile launcher on the roof of the car steadily holds the deadly weapon Dongfeng 17 missile, and the aura is quite powerful!

Representatives from various countries watching the military parade were shocked……They all stood up, staring wide-eyed, trying to capture the secrets of this new missile from every detail.

Some representatives even took out their cameras to record this shocking moment…….They discussed with each other and exchanged their views and speculations about this missile.

“This is truly an unprecedented missile!” A representative of a European country exclaimed,”Its appearance will undoubtedly change the pattern of global military power. After all, this is a hypersonic missile!”

“Yes, just look at the appearance of the missile vehicle and you will know that this missile must be extraordinary.” Another representative of an Asian country echoed:”It has the performance characteristics of hypersonic flight, variable trajectory flight, all-weather combat, and high-precision strike, which makes it one of the most difficult hypersonic weapons to intercept in the world. The current air defense system cannot intercept it at all.”

“Difficult to intercept? Doesn’t that mean that once this missile is launched, it will be difficult to stop it?”A representative of an African country said in shock:”This is too powerful!”

“Yes, that’s right.”A Russian military expert explained,”This missile is extremely fast, with a maximum speed of about Mach 10, which is equivalent to a flying speed of 12,500 kilometers per hour…….Moreover, it can change its trajectory during flight, making its flight trajectory difficult to predict. Such performance is indeed difficult for existing interception systems to cope with.”

Buzz buzz buzz……

Whoosh whoosh……

As the Dongfeng 17 missile slowly passed by, the entire parade ground was immersed in shock and amazement.

Representatives from various countries said that the appearance of this missile is undoubtedly another major leap in the military strength of the rabbit.

The military spokesman responsible for hosting the grand parade was (bbbd) who described this missile as follows:”The Dongfeng 17 missile is a hypersonic medium- and short-range conventional ballistic missile independently developed by us.

It has all-weather combat capabilities, does not rely on fixed launch facilities, and can be launched and attacked in various complex environments…….

Its appearance will further enhance our national defense security coefficient and make important contributions to maintaining national security and regional stability.

Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu looked at the Dongfeng 17 missile and felt very familiar with it.

Because this is the missile they jointly developed!

Bai Qingqiu looked at this scene and couldn’t help but said:”Su Chu, this should be our Dongfeng 17���Is this the first public appearance of the bullet?”

Su Chu nodded and said,”Yes…….There have been related reports on the Dongfeng 21D missile and the Dongfeng 41 missile before, but this missile has not!”

The deployment and deployment of the Dongfeng 17 missile has significantly improved the national defense security factor of the rabbit…….Its powerful penetration capability and high-precision strike capability make the enemy think twice before considering launching an attack on our country, which is of great significance to maintaining the stability of the entire Asia-Pacific region. Its powerful deterrent force makes potential enemies with ill intentions dare not attack easily.

It can be said that the announcement of the Dongfeng 17 missile at the 50th anniversary is to deter countries such as China! It will be destroyed in seconds as soon as it shows its head!

This is definitely a very advanced medium-range missile!

The next one to be publicly unveiled is the Dongfeng 21D missile phalanx!

This is the first time that the Dongfeng 21D missile has been officially unveiled.

Prior to this, although the Dongfeng 21D missile had been briefly mentioned in the CCTV report, its true appearance had never been made public…….It is like a mysterious swordsman hiding behind the scenes, and its name alone is enough to scare opponents. It is said that during the 1994 crisis, it was the existence of the Dongfeng 21D that forced the provocative Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier fleet to retreat, which shows its deterrent power…….

When the Dongfeng 21D missile vehicle slowly drove into the parade ground.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze.

Representatives of various countries who watched the parade, whether from traditional allies or potential opponents, stood up involuntarily, tiptoeing with shock and curiosity in their eyes.

This is not only because of the powerful performance of the Dongfeng 21D as an anti-ship missile, but also because it represents a new strategic balance, a force that can rewrite the sea power pattern.

Although these Dongfeng 21D missiles are on missile vehicles, they have a strong aura and give people a murderous feeling!

It’s so shocking. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Unbelievable, is this really the Dongfeng 21D missile?”A representative from a Middle Eastern country exclaimed in a low voice……His eyes were full of envy and desire.

For the Middle Eastern countries that have long been subject to maritime hegemony, having such a weapon that can effectively resist the threat of aircraft carriers is undoubtedly a dream come true.

“Yes, you read that right.” A European representative next to him replied with a hint of complexity in his tone:”This is not just a missile, it is a game changer…….With it, any country’s aircraft carrier fleet is no longer an invincible myth.”

Discussions continued, and representatives from various countries exchanged opinions. Some marveled at its anti-ship capability of hypersonic flight…….Some people were worried about whether such a super weapon would break the existing peace.

But in any case, the appearance of Dongfeng 21D undoubtedly made everyone present feel unprecedented shock.

“We must have such weapons!”A representative from a small Asian country said excitedly:”Only in this way can we truly protect our maritime rights and interests and no longer be controlled by others.”

“Indeed, the Dongfeng 21D missile is not only a threat to aircraft carriers, it is also a strong backing for national sovereignty and security.”An African representative nodded in agreement, his eyes full of longing for the future.

In such a heated discussion, every subtle movement of the Dongfeng 21D missile was infinitely magnified and became the focus of the audience’s attention.

It can be said that the appearance of the Dongfeng 21D missile shocked everyone present.

Although CCTV has reported on this anti-ship missile before, everyone was still shocked to see such a missile appear!

These are the rabbit’s advanced weapons and equipment!

Bai Qingqiu looked at the Dongfeng 21D missile phalanx vehicle and said with emotion:”With the Dongfeng 21D missile, we can truly alleviate the threat of aircraft carriers!”

The country with the most aircraft carriers in the world is the Eagle Sauce.

This missile is obviously aimed at the Eagle Sauce…….Even the Eagles are scared!

If it weren’t for the Dongfeng 21D missile, the Eagles would have taken action when dealing with the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft!

The killing intent has already arisen!

It’s a pity that they are not sure enough to deal with the rabbit!

The Dongfeng 21D missile is a headache for the Eagles…

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