Chapter 159 NATO Targets! The youngest general of the Republic! The highest science and technology award! (First update, please subscribe) On

October 4, the Eagle Sauce held an emergency meeting at NATO.

The cool autumn breeze can’t hide the undercurrents of the international situation.

On this extraordinary day, an emergency meeting chaired by the Eagle Sauce representative, Alexander Leiying, was quietly held at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.

The agenda of the meeting was directly aimed at the Rabbit Country, which had recently demonstrated its amazing military strength by holding a military parade to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

In the conference room, the lights were solemn and the representatives of various countries looked solemn.

Leiying stood in the center of the podium, his eyes sharply scanning the audience, and said:”Ladies and gentlemen, the reason for calling you all together today is because of a fact that cannot be ignored-the rapid rise of the Rabbit Country is posing an unprecedented challenge to the existing international order…….Their latest military parade not only showcases advanced weapons and equipment, but also reveals an ambition for expansion.”

Before he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the meeting hall.

The Gallic representative, Claude Wolfburg, raised his hand and said slowly:”Mr. Thunder Eagle, we understand your concerns about peace…….But is it too arbitrary to conclude that a country has expansionist ambitions based on just one military parade?”

“We should seek dialogue and cooperation, rather than blind confrontation.”

It must be said that the relationship between the Gauls and the Rabbits is still good.

After all, when the Rabbits first established their country, the first to recognize the Rabbits was the Gauls.

Lei Ying nodded slightly, motioning Wolfburg to sit down, and then changed the subject:”Claude, I understand your caution.”

“But history tells us that it is always wiser to take precautions before they happen than to remedy them afterwards…….Therefore, I propose that NATO countries should take immediate action to restrict the export of all advanced military technology to the Rabbit Country to prevent its military power from further expanding and threatening world peace and security.”

As soon as this was said, the atmosphere in the meeting hall suddenly became tense.

Hannah Xiongbao, the representative of the Persian cat, frowned and said,”This is indeed a sensitive decision. We must consider it carefully…….Technological blockades may lead to more misunderstandings and alienation, which is not conducive to long-term peace and stability.”

“I agree with Hannah,” John Bull spoke on behalf of James Lionheart, 220″but we cannot ignore the risks raised by Thunderhawk…….

Perhaps we can explore a more subtle approach, such as strengthening intelligence sharing to ensure that our technology is not used for non-peaceful purposes.

“As the discussion deepened, representatives from various countries expressed their opinions.

Some worried that this move might intensify conflicts, while others emphasized the need to safeguard NATO’s core interests.

After a heated debate, Lei Ying stood up again, his eyes flashing with determination:”I understand everyone’s concerns, but we must do something…….I suggest that we develop a strict export review mechanism to ensure that any technology that could enhance the Rabbit nation’s military capabilities is strictly restricted.”

“At the same time, we should strengthen our joint defense and demonstrate NATO’s determination with practical actions.”

The entire NATO still follows the lead of the Eagle Sauce… After all, the entire NATO was originally established by the Eagle Sauce with the purpose of dealing with the Bear Alliance.

Now that the Bear Alliance has disintegrated, NATO has become an important means for the Eagle Sauce to dominate the world and exercise hegemony!

In the end, under the insistence of the Thunder Eagle and the compromise of all parties, the meeting reached a compromise plan: NATO will establish a special group to review all military technology export applications involving the Rabbit, ensure that it does not provide direct or indirect assistance to its military growth, and at the same time strengthen security cooperation among member states to jointly maintain regional stability.

At the end of the meeting, it was already dark in Brussels outside the window, but The lights in NATO headquarters are still bright.

The world is really changing at this time!

NATO has begun to target the rabbits, fearing that the rabbits will rise!

After all, the rabbits’ military development has been too fast in recent years.

The export of advanced military technology to the rabbits is prohibited, which has no effect.

Because many of the current advanced weapons and equipment are jointly developed by the 303 Comprehensive Research Institute and Su Chu!

In addition, Big Mao and Eagle Sauce are mortal enemies, and will not pay attention to the Eagle Sauce’s ban on the export of advanced military technology, and will still cooperate.

Eagle Sauce thought that restricting the export of advanced military technology could limit the rise and development of the rabbits, but found that it had no effect.


October 5.

After Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu participated in the military parade, they were also ready to return to the 303 base to continue their military research, but they were notified by Zhou Zhengguo to stay in Beijing for a few days!

On this day, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the tranquility of the Military Industry Ministry compound. Minister Zhou Zhengguo hurried into the compound with a look of joy on his face that was difficult to conceal.

“Su Chu, there is good news!”Zhou Zhengguo saw Su Chu and his voice was full of excitement:”The Military Commission has decided to hold a special commendation meeting and specifically invites you to participate!”

“You are a hero of the Republic. You will definitely be rewarded for displaying so many advanced weapons and equipment in this military parade.”

Su Chu raised his head, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, followed by a humble smile:”Minister, I just did my job…..”

“No, your contribution is far more than that.”Zhou Zhengguo waved his hand and said firmly:”The commander will attend this meeting in person. I believe that your efforts will be recognized as they should be.”

Su Chu was silent for a moment and nodded:”If that’s the case, I’ll go and prepare.”

Then, Su Chu and Zhou Zhengguo went to the state banquet hall to attend this commendation meeting.

The commendation meeting kicked off in a solemn and warm atmosphere…….The venue was filled with elites from military-industrial institutions and military commission officers.

Su Chu sat in the front row, feeling nervous and expectant.

This position was definitely the center position.


With a round of applause, the commander entered the venue, with a steady pace and a firm belief in the future in his eyes.

“Comrades!”The commander’s voice was loud and resounding throughout the venue, saying:”Today, we gather here to honor the comrades who have made outstanding contributions to our country’s military industry in the past few years…….In particular, I want to mention a young talent, his name, I think many people here are familiar with it – Su Chu.”

At this time, everyone present’s eyes fell on Su Chu!

Pa Pa Pa……

There was warm applause in the meeting hall.

Su Chu felt a little surprised, but more importantly, he felt the great responsibility on his shoulders.

“Comrade Su Chu has not only made breakthrough progress in the research and development of missile technology, but also played an irreplaceable role in many key projects such as warships, tanks, fighter jets and satellites.”The commander’s words were full of praise, and he said:”Therefore, after careful consideration, I decided to promote Comrade Su Chu to the rank of major general and personally award him the rank and commendation.”

The whole audience was boiling, and Su Chu stood up, looking a little excited.

The commander walked up to him and personally put on the epaulettes of a major general for him.

At this moment, Su Chu became the youngest general in the history of the Republic.

It can be said that Su Chu’s promotion speed is quite fast!

In just five years, he went from a major to a major general…….Directly became a general!

Quite impressive.

Afterwards, the Military Commission and the Ministry of Military Industry also awarded other military industry personnel and military commission officers who made outstanding contributions. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The entire award ceremony was quite grand!

Everyone who has contributed to the country should be awarded! (bdad)

After awarding Su Chu the military badge of the rank of major general, the officer spoke in a loud and majestic voice:”Comrades, today, we are here not only to commend the comrades who have made outstanding contributions in the field of military industry in recent years, but also to announce an important decision.”

“In order to further improve the level of national defense science and technology in China and encourage more scientific researchers to devote themselves to the cause of national defense, the Military Commission has decided to establish the highest science and technology award of the Republic!”


Warm applause and cheers broke out in the venue.

The officer nodded slightly, signaling everyone to be quiet. Then, he turned around and took a beautiful trophy and a certificate of honor from the staff beside him. With a smile on his face, he looked at Su Chu gently and said,”Now, I am very honored to announce that the first military scientist to receive the highest science and technology award of the Republic is Comrade Su Chu!


The venue was once again filled with warm applause and cheers. Su Chu stood up, his eyes sparkling with excitement and pride.

He straightened his uniform and slowly walked to the podium.

The officer handed the trophy and certificate of honor to Su Chu, and said solemnly:”Comrade Su Chu, with your outstanding talent and unremitting efforts, you have made breakthrough progress in the research and development of new weapons and equipment, and have made an indelible contribution to the enhancement of our country’s national defense strength.”

“This honor is a recognition of your past work and an encouragement for your future work. I hope you can keep up the good work and continue to contribute all your strength to the country’s national defense!”

Su Chu took the trophy and certificate of honor with both hands, saluted, and said in a firm voice:”Sir, thank you for your trust and encouragement……This honor belongs not only to me, but also to the entire team.”

“I will not forget my original intention, keep my mission in mind, and contribute all my strength to the country’s national defense!” The commander shook hands with Su Chu, and then motioned him to face the audience. Su Chu turned around, raised the trophy and certificate of honor, and showed them to the audience…….

The venue was once again filled with warm applause and cheers.

The commander waved his hand for everyone to be quiet, then gave a summary speech, saying:”Let us once again congratulate Comrade Su Chu with warm applause! At the same time, I also hope that the entire army can learn from Comrade Su Chu, be bold in innovation, dare to take responsibility, and jointly promote our country’s national defense science and technology to a new level!” As soon as the commander’s voice fell, the venue was once again filled with warm applause and cheers.

Then, the host said:”Next, please invite our Su Chu to give a speech!”

Pa Pa Pa……

Amidst thunderous applause, Su Chu walked up to the podium, his eyes swept over everyone present, his heart filled with gratitude and a sense of mission.

“Dear sir, fellow comrades,” Su Chu said in a clear and firm voice,”First of all, I want to express my deepest gratitude…….This honor is not only a recognition of me personally, but also an affirmation of our entire team and all the comrades who have silently dedicated themselves to the military industry.”

Su Chu paused and continued:”I know very well that the military rank on my shoulders is not only an honor, but also a responsibility…….As the youngest general in the Republic, I feel that my mission is glorious and my responsibility is heavy.”

“I will turn this honor into motivation, continue to lead my team, develop more advanced weapons and equipment, and contribute all our wisdom and strength to the security and strength of the country.”

Su Chu’s words revealed his deep friendship for the national defense cause and his infinite vision for the future.

The officer stood aside, listening to Su Chu’s speech, his eyes full of satisfaction and expectation.

After Su Chu finished speaking, the officer stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Su Chu.

“Comrade Su Chu, your words make me feel very happy.”The commander’s voice was gentle and powerful,” You have talent, responsibility, and more importantly, you have a sincere patriotic heart…….I believe that under your leadership, our military industry will reach new heights.”

“You have created many miracles, and I believe you will create more miracles.”[]

The commander patted Su Chu’s shoulder gently, as if conveying an invisible force:”Remember, the future of the country is in your hands…….Keep going, we all have high hopes for you.”

Su Chu straightened his chest, his eyes flashing with determination:”Please rest assured, sir, I will live up to everyone’s expectations and contribute all my strength to the prosperity of the country!”

The commendation meeting ended successfully with warm applause. Su Chu walked out of the venue, his heart filled with an unprecedented sense of mission.

Rabbits must rise!

Next, we must speed up the development of military industry!

The next day.

October 6, 1999.

Originally, Su Chu was going back to the 303 base, but Qiu Gui asked Su Chu not to go back so quickly. There will be a meeting of the Military Commission on October 7, and he hopes that Su Chu can participate.

Helplessly, Su Chu could only stay in Beijing for a few more days.

On this day, Su Chu finally had some free time, so he decided to go shopping in Beijing with Bai Qingqiu to relax.

However, what Su Chu didn’t expect was that this shopping trip directly triggered a nationwide crackdown and cleansing…….

PS: First update, one auto-subscription plus one chapter, one 100 VIP reward plus one chapter, begging for all your support.

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