As we all know, the Balkan Peninsula is a famous powder keg in Europe.

After World War I, John Bull and Gallic Rooster supported Serbia, Montenegro and other countries to form the Yugoslav Federation…….This is the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established to support a powerful country around Persian cats to help them check and balance Persian cats, which made Persian cats always regard the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as a thorn in their eyes.

After the outbreak of World War II in 1939, Persian cats directly attacked the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after destroying the European powers.

After the end of World War II, Tito rebuilt the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with his super high prestige in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia……Member states include Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro.

However, Yugoslavia has two scripts, three languages, four religions, five ethnic groups, six member states and seven neighboring countries. It is a very complex country with many contradictions.

When Tito was in charge of Yugoslavia, he insisted on taking an independent development path, which enabled Yugoslavia to quickly achieve industrialization and economic development…….Economic prosperity masked other domestic contradictions. After Tito’s death in 1980, Yugoslavia went downhill and various contradictions emerged.

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is located between the Warsaw Pact and NATO, and is a”buffer zone” between the two major camps. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1980, the buffering effect of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia disappeared.

At the same time, there is a powerful country on the Balkan Peninsula with an ideology that is opposed to itself, which has become a threat to European countries. This has turned the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from an object of wooing by European countries to an object of threat and division by European countries.

In order to eliminate the threat of Yugoslavia and strengthen its control over Europe, NATO began to infiltrate the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The country has become more chaotic and disorderly, and the contradictions have become more acute.

After the country fell into chaos, more and more people have no expectations for the future of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia…….In 1991, Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia declared independence……Serbia and Montenegro opposed their secession and went to war with Slovenia and Croatia.

In 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina declared itself a sovereign state…….Montenegro has 30% of Serbs who oppose independence, so a civil war broke out in Montenegro.

Serbia and Montenegro were unwilling to split, so the two countries re-formed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia…….But Serbia’s troubles are not over. Its Kosovo region also wants independence.

Kosovo is an autonomous province of Serbia, but 90% of the people in the region are Albanians, which makes them lack a sense of identity with Serbia and have always wanted to secede from Serbia…….After Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia became independent in 1991, Kosovo also formed the Republic of Kosovo and declared independence from Serbia.

Although most of the residents in Kosovo are Albanians, it is Serbia’s”holy land”.”……Kosovo is the birthplace of the first king in Serbian history. Whoever abandons it will become a sinner in the eyes of Serbian people.

Serbia will not give up Kosovo, but the Albanians in Kosovo insist on independence, which makes the conflict between the two sides more and more intense.

In 1997, with the support of NATO, the Kosovo independence forces grew rapidly and soon occupied most of Kosovo…….In February 1998, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia adopted a”scorched earth” military plan and began to suppress the Kosovo independence forces on a large scale, which led to the escalation of the conflict in Kosovo and the death of more and more civilians.

NATO, which supported the Kosovo independence forces behind the scenes, could no longer sit still and accused the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of……NATO also began to impose an arms embargo on Yugoslavia, putting pressure on it to withdraw its troops.

In 1999, Serbia and Kosovo independence forces once again clashed…….NATO accused Serbia of destroying regional peace and began to launch military strikes against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was relatively weak and had no power to fight back in front of the powerful NATO, so it could only passively take the beating.

NATO, led by the Eagle Sauce, was preparing to launch an air strike against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with the goal of causing heavy damage to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and supporting Kosovo’s independence!

In this process, the Eagle Sauce was planning to fish in troubled waters and bomb the Rabbit’s embassy……To combat the rise of the rabbits and teach them a lesson.

Clinton also held several presidential meetings for this purpose.

Washington, White House Situation Room

As night fell and the lights came on, the White House Situation Room was brightly lit and the atmosphere was solemn.

President Clinton sat at one end of the long table, frowning, his eyes sweeping across the faces of the senior military officers and advisers present.

Today, they gathered here to discuss the military action plan against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the continued provocations of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia have exceeded our tolerance limit. Clinton spoke in a steady and powerful voice, saying:”We must demonstrate our determination and strength to protect our interests and allies…….Because NATO and Kosovo are both our key interests!”

“”Yes, Mr. President,” said William Cohen, the chief of defense staff.”We have developed a detailed air strike plan to weaken their military capabilities and force them to return to the negotiation table.””

“Very good.” Clinton nodded, then changed the subject and said,”However, we must not only consider the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, but also the possible international impact of this action, especially the reaction of certain major powers.”

At this time, an air force general stood up, his eyes flashing with determination:”Mr. President, I have a more bold proposal…….We can take this opportunity to bomb their embassy, which will not only deter the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, but also show the world our determination.”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the room.

Clinton frowned even more tightly, and he looked around, waiting for other people’s opinions.

“This is too risky.” Secretary of State Warren Christopher immediately objected,”Such an action would undoubtedly anger some countries, especially……”He paused, as if choosing his words,”Especially rabbits…….Their recent military parade showed off their unprecedented combat power and weaponry. They are not an easy opponent to mess with.”

“That’s right.” Intelligence Director Burns then spoke,”Rabbit Country not only displayed new strategic weapons, but also publicly announced that it has 5,000 nuclear warheads. Their military strength is no longer what it used to be, so we have to act with caution.”

“and……”A military adviser added,”The Rabbit Country’s diplomatic strategy has always emphasized peaceful development…….But if we take radical action, it may force them to change their position, which is a situation we don’t want to face.

Clinton tapped the table with his fingers and said after a moment of contemplation:”I understand everyone’s concerns.”

“Indeed, the rise of the Rabbit Country is a fact that cannot be ignored……Not only have they made great achievements in the economy, but their military strength has also grown amazingly. We cannot ignore this.”

“But, Mr. President,” the Air Force general said unwillingly,”if we do not show enough strength, Yugoslavia may become more unscrupulous.”

“Rabbits are on the rise recently, and we also need to teach them a lesson!”

“A show of force is necessary, but it must be done with wisdom and caution. Clinton responded,”We cannot provoke unnecessary international conflicts because of a momentary impulse…….Especially in the current global situation, maintaining stability is more important than any radical action.”

The discussion continued, and everyone expressed their opinions.

Some people insisted that tough measures should be taken to set an example.

But more people tended to exercise restraint and avoid angering potential powerful enemies.

After all, the rabbit is not easy to mess with now.

There are 5,000 big mushrooms in hand.

If you really provoke them, then these 5,000 big mushrooms will be directly in the Eagle Sauce homeland, and then there will really be mushroom clouds everywhere.

In the end, Clinton made a decision:”��Understand everyone’s concerns and positions……However, we must realize that now is not the time to start a conflict with the rabbit.”

“Their strength and willingness show that the Rabbits are an opponent that cannot be ignored……Therefore, I veto the proposal to bomb the embassy. We will focus on the air strike plan against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and ensure that this action is carried out within the framework of international law, while minimizing harm to innocent civilians.”

Clinton looked around and said firmly:”We will not get the due benefits if we go to war with the rabbits now, and we don’t want a meaningless war.”

Everyone nodded. Although they had different opinions, they all respected the president’s decision.

After the meeting, they dispersed, knowing in their hearts that the world is becoming more and more complicated, and every decision requires more caution and careful consideration.

Although they dare not bomb the embassy, the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will continue.

There is no other reason! The Federal Republic of

Yugoslavia is too weak.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Clinton stayed alone in the war room, looking at the prosperous night view of Washington outside the window, with mixed feelings in his heart…….He knows that as president, he must always consider the country’s long-term interests and the status of global hegemony.

In this ever-changing world, sometimes the most powerful weapons are not wisdom and diplomacy, but nuclear bombs and fighter jets. The military strength displayed by the 50th anniversary military parade of the Rabbit and the number of nuclear bombs owned by the Rabbit are all things that should be feared by the generals!

“rabbit……”Clinton whispered to himself,”This is indeed an existence that cannot be ignored…..We have to find a way to deal with it.”

The skylines of Washington and Belgrade

Under the night sky in Washington, the strategic room of the White House is brightly lit.

The global hegemon, Eagle Sauce, is planning a military operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

His goal is clear: to force the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to succumb to his will and force it to recognize Kosovo’s independence by showing force.

“The B2 bombers are ready. They will carry the most accurate missiles and carry out crazy bombing on Yugoslavia.”The Secretary of Defense of the Eagle Sauce reported to President Clinton.

Clinton was silent for a moment, then slowly said:”But we must make sure not to touch the bottom line of the rabbit…….The embassy area must not be bombed.”

The minister nodded, understanding the president’s concerns:”Yes.”

Rabbit, this great Eastern country, has greatly increased its strength in recent years, and its influence and deterrence have attracted the attention of the whole world.

Although the Eagle Sauce is powerful, it does not want to easily provoke this potential opponent.

Buzz buzz buzz……

Whoosh whoosh……

As the order was issued, the B2 bomber group took off from the secret NATO base, flew across the night sky, and headed straight for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Their fuselages were pitch black, like ghosts in the night sky, carrying the power of destruction.

In the sky over the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the B2 bomber group released their missiles.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh……(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!


The missile streaked across the night sky like a meteor and accurately hit the intended target…….

Boom boom boom……

Explosions sounded one after another, and flames burst into���, Yugoslavia’s military facilities, industrial bases and transportation hubs were destroyed one after another.

Explosions were everywhere.

The powerful force of the missiles continued to destroy everything around.


Boom boom boom……

Whoosh whoosh……

The flames from the explosions continued to rise into the sky, lighting up the entire night sky.

The bombing lasted for a whole week…….During this week, the Eagle Sauce and NATO air forces continued to bomb the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The Kosovo War was fought with large-scale air strikes. NATO, led by the Eagle Sauce, relied on its absolute superiority in air power and high-tech weapons to carry out crazy bombings on military targets and infrastructure in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Such bombings directly caused 1,800 deaths, 6,000 injuries, 12 railways destroyed, 50 bridges bombed, 20 hospitals destroyed, 40% of oil depots and 30% of radio and television stations damaged, and the total economic losses reached 200 billion US dollars.

When the Eagle Sauce and NATO stopped bombing and the dawn illuminated the earth, many parts of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia had become ruins.

Countless citizens of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia lost their homes and loved ones. They cried and shouted in the ruins, trying to find a glimmer of hope for survival.

However, in this crazy bombing, there was a place that miraculously remained peaceful.

That was the embassy area of the rabbit.

Although the surrounding buildings were bombed into ruins, the embassy was intact, as if protected by an invisible shield…….

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