January 5, 2000.

Entering a new era and a new century.

This is a brand new beginning for Rabbit.

On a sunny morning, every corner of the city is filled with an unusual atmosphere.

People are talking about it in the streets and alleys. The focus of the topic is not the latest movie releases or the gossip about celebrities, but the new scratch-off event launched by the National Defense Lottery.

This event is different from the past. It is not just a simple lottery game, but also a national defense education event for the whole people to participate in. It aims to enhance the national defense awareness of the people in an interesting way and raise funds for national defense construction.

“Have you heard about it? The National Defense Lottery has launched a new scratch-off lottery. If you scratch out our Gou-10 fighter jets, Dongfeng-41 missiles and other national heavy weapons, you can get money!”Grandpa Li was at the breakfast stall, chewing on fried dough sticks, and excitedly said to the young man at the next table:”This is exciting and fun!”

The young man’s eyes lit up, and he quickly took out the change and said,”Really? I have to buy a few tickets to try my luck, maybe I can make some contributions to the national defense cause!”

There were crowds of people in front of the lottery sales point, and the queue was long. Everyone was looking forward to and excited.

The wall was covered with pictures of various active weapons, from fighters in the air to destroyers at sea, and the corresponding prize amount was marked under each picture.

The rules of the scratch-off lottery are simple and direct: as long as you scratch out the corresponding weapon pattern, you can get the corresponding prize, and if you can scratch out the patterns of all active weapons, you can even take away a million-dollar grand prize!

“”Lao Zhang, what did you scratch out?” Someone in the queue curiously asked Lao Zhang, who had just scratched out”660″ from the lottery area.

Lao Zhang smiled and shook his head, holding up a lottery ticket that didn’t win a prize:”Haha, I didn’t scratch out anything…….But it doesn’t matter, just think of it as contributing to national defense construction!”

The crowd burst into laughter, and everyone expressed their agreement.

Indeed, whether or not they won the prize, everyone’s heart was full of love for the country and support for the national defense cause.

At this moment, a young girl screamed excitedly:”I won! I won the Dongfeng 41D missile!”

She was holding a lottery ticket in her hand, and the pattern on it was clearly visible, it was the eye-catching Dongfeng 41D missile.

People around gathered around and cast envious eyes:”Wow, ten thousand yuan! Congratulations!”

The girl smiled from ear to ear and thanked them repeatedly:”Thank you, thank you everyone! I have to plan this money well, save part of it, and donate part of it to the National Defense Education Fund, so that more people can understand and support our national defense cause!”

This scene made everyone present feel warm and encouraged.

The scratch-off lottery activity of the National Defense Lottery is not just a simple game, it is more like a bridge that connects every ordinary person with the country’s national defense cause, allowing everyone to participate in it in their own way and feel the sense of responsibility and honor as a member of the country. As time goes by, more and more people are joining the craze of scratch-off lottery.

Some people try their luck, while others do it purely to support national defense construction.

Regardless of the purpose, everyone’s heart is filled with beautiful visions for the future of the country.

“Look, that old man has bought dozens of tickets in a row. He is so enthusiastic!”The ticket seller Xiaoli whispered to her colleague.

The colleague smiled and responded:”Yes, such activities are great. They can entertain everyone and inspire everyone’s patriotic enthusiasm. Why not do it?”

At this moment, the old man waved the lottery ticket in his hand excitedly:”I scratched out a hole in the 52D destroyer! Although not all, this is also my small contribution to national defense!”

The people around applauded, and the atmosphere reached a climax.

The scratch-off activities of the national defense lottery not only filled the city with laughter, but also invisibly enhanced the national defense awareness of the people, allowing everyone to become a part of national defense construction.

It can be said that Su Chu proposed to launch the national defense lottery, which provided a lot of funds for national defense construction. On

January 10, the National Defense Lottery Management Center released a remarkable data: the sales amount of national defense lottery in 1999 exceeded 100 billion!

This news was like a thunderbolt from the plain, and quickly triggered widespread heated discussions and attention across the country.

“Hundreds of billions in sales, this is simply an astronomical figure!”When Uncle Li was playing chess with his chess friend Lao Zhang in the park, he heard the news and couldn’t help but exclaimed:”I didn’t expect the national defense lottery to be so popular. It seems that everyone is very concerned about the country’s national defense construction.”

Lao Zhang nodded and agreed:”Yes, now that the country is strong, we also feel safe…….This national defense lottery can not only entertain everyone, but also support national defense construction, so why not do it?”

However, with the announcement of the sales quota, another topic also surfaced: the allocation of the national defense budget……It is reported that of the 100 billion yuan in sales, 80 billion yuan is used to build national defense, and the remaining 20 billion yuan is used to maintain lottery stations and distribute bonuses.

“80 billion for national defense construction, this sounds like a lot, but compared with the country’s overall military expenditure, it is still a bit too little.”This is far less than the Eagle Sauce!” A young office worker discussed with his colleagues in the office.

His colleague Xiao Liu also echoed:”Yes, the international situation is so complicated now, military spending cannot be reduced…….I think we should increase the sales of national defense lottery tickets to get more people to support national defense construction.”

This view was quickly agreed by everyone.

Everyone said that the amount of national defense budget is directly related to the security and stability of the country, so everyone should do their part to support national defense construction.

“I think we can mobilize more people to buy national defense lottery tickets.”An enthusiastic citizen suggested in the community,”It can not only raise funds for national defense construction, but also enhance everyone’s national defense awareness.”

“Yes, we can also promote the importance of national defense lottery in the media. Another citizen added:”Let more people know that buying national defense lottery is not only a form of entertainment, but also a form of support and contribution to the country.”

As the discussion deepened, more and more people began to pay attention to the issue of national defense budget.

It is generally believed that although the sales of 100 billion is already a remarkable achievement, there is still a lot of room for improvement compared to the overall needs and expectations of the country.

“We should suggest to the government to increase the types and quantity of national defense lottery tickets issued.”This will attract more people to buy them, thus raising more funds for national defense construction.” said a retired veteran.”

“Yes, we can also hold some activities related to the national defense lottery.”Such as national defense knowledge competitions, lottery draws, etc., so that more people can understand the importance of national defense through participation.”

This discussion about national defense lottery and national defense budget continues to ferment across the country…….Whether in the streets or in the media, people can be seen discussing this topic enthusiastically and making positive suggestions.

The hot sales of national defense lottery tickets show that the people are actually strongly supporting the development of national defense!

At the same time, the people are also looking forward to the national defense budget for 2000.

I want to see what level the national defense budget will reach this year!

The time came to February 1, 2000.

On this day, the Central News reported a blockbuster news:”After in-depth discussion and final confirmation by the conference, my country’s comprehensive national defense budget for 2000 has been determined to be 260 billion yuan.

This fund will be mainly used for the modernization of the troops, national defense science and technology research and development, the replacement of weapons and equipment, and the improvement of the overall combat capability of the army, aiming to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions across the country.

The streets, teahouses and dining tables are all filled with discussions on this topic.

“260 billion, this is not a small amount!”Old Zhang took a sip of tea and said with emotion,”It shows that the country is paying more and more attention to national defense…….This is a good thing!”

“Yes, but then again, it’s money well spent!” Xiao Li is a retired soldier, with a serious expression:”Only when national defense is strong can the country be stable…….Think about the difficult days in the past. Without a strong national defense, how could we have the peaceful life we have today?”

“That’s right, when it comes to the national defense budget, people will only complain about it being too little, not too much! Aunt Wang also joined the discussion:”Only when the country is strong can we ordinary people stand up straight.”

On the Internet, this topic is still as hot as ever.

Netizens left messages one after another, expressing their support and expectations for the country’s national defense construction, and believed that strengthening national defense construction is imperative under the current international situation.

After all, if the money is not used to build national defense, can it be used for compensation?

When the rabbit’s national defense budget came out, it immediately caused heated discussions in the international community…….(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After all, the defense budget of the Rabbit has been increasing too fast.

It used to be more than 100 billion or even tens of billions, but it has increased several times in two or three years.

Western countries were originally wary of the powerful rise of the Rabbit. Now seeing that the Rabbit has increased its defense budget so drastically, they suddenly feel even more insecure.

Eagle sauce.

At a routine diplomatic meeting, a reporter took the opportunity to raise the question:”Recently, the defense budget of the Rabbit has achieved a substantial increase, from the original 120 billion to more than 260 billion. What do you think of this, Eagle sauce?”

The spokesperson of the Eagle Sauce looked a little unhappy, cleared his throat, and replied:”We believe that such a substantial increase in the defense budget of the Rabbit will undoubtedly pose a potential threat to world peace and security, as well as regional stability…….Today, when the world advocates peace and development, such a move seems particularly inappropriate.”

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of international public opinion and put pressure on the rabbit’s diplomatic team.

The eagle sauce is afraid of the rise of the rabbit!

After all, the rabbit is developing too fast.

Facing the accusations of the eagle sauce, the rabbit official responded quickly.

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the spokesperson smiled and said firmly:”Regarding the growth of our country’s defense budget, I want to emphasize that……

This budget is formulated based on my country’s national conditions and the actual needs of national defense construction.

It is entirely for the purpose of maintaining national security and stability and is not targeted at any specific country or region…….

We hope that the international community can view this rationally and not over-interpret it.

“At the same time,” the spokesperson changed the subject,”we have also noticed that the United States’ defense budget has long been the highest in the world, far exceeding that of other countries.”

“So before blaming other countries for increasing their defense budgets, shouldn’t the United States first examine whether its own defense spending is reasonable? Peace and security are a shared responsibility of the world, not something that can be maintained by blaming others.”

“Besides, we are spending our own money, so we don’t need other countries to worry about us!”

This resounding response won widespread support from domestic and international public opinion.[]

“Well said, we are not afraid of things, but we are not afraid of them either!”

“As our national defense strength increases, we can speak with confidence!”

“Our military expenditures worldwide combined are not as much as those of the Eagle Sauce, and the Eagle Sauce still has the nerve to accuse us of increasing our military expenditures? Ridiculous!”

“That’s a nice rebuttal. We are spending our own money, so what does it have to do with you, Eagle Sauce? You Eagle Sauces should just think about how to repay the tens of trillions of national debt!”

“Support national defense construction. The Eagle Sauce just doesn’t want us to be strong. Our defense budget is used on ourselves. What does it have to do with them?”

On March 1, the citizens expressed their support and affirmation. It’s time to be tough!

In fact, the increase in defense budget is a normal phenomenon that every country will encounter in the process of development…….With the development of economy and international���It is understandable that the country needs stronger strength to protect itself as the environment changes.

The increase in the rabbit’s defense budget is based on a deep consideration of the country’s long-term development and security environment.

The accusation of the eagle is more based on its own interests.

In the global pattern, the eagle has been trying to maintain its hegemony and will remain highly vigilant and sensitive to any country that may challenge its position.

The rabbit’s national defense construction is undoubtedly regarded by it as a potential”threat”.

Simply put, the eagle feels that the rabbit will threaten its position as the global hegemon…….This is unacceptable.

You have to know that at this time, the rabbit economy was in the early stage of reform and opening up, and the economy began to develop rapidly.

Not only did it have the largest population in the world, it also had the third largest land area in the world…….It can be said that the development potential is huge.

And the rabbit is the boss of the third world. The Eagle Sauce is very afraid that the rabbit is likely to become an economically strengthened version of the”bear”, so it is natural to re-pay attention to the rabbit as a powerful opponent.

Now that the rabbit has increased its defense budget so significantly, the Eagle Sauce is naturally panicking…….

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