He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(116)

The tip of Yunchi's nose suddenly brushed against the warm side of Sakya's face, and he felt a different touch than before. He raised his head in surprise, and ended up wiping his lips firmly against it.

Wow! The boy covered his mouth and shouted. Saga also pressed his cheek and looked at him with wide eyes.

The two of them looked at each other in confusion, and Yunchi suddenly realized that blushing was so obvious. Even on dark skin, the spreading flush was as eye-catching as a halo.

Is it because of the skin-to-skin contact with the god? Yunchi's lips were so hot that he was unable to speak a complete sentence.

Sorry, I forgot that I am in this form now...

...It doesn't matter! I overreacted, it doesn't matter! Yunchi quickly stopped Saga, I just want to find some information, nothing else.

The tense atmosphere slowly dissipated, and Saga sat down again. After all, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he still held Yunchi to him as lightly and skillfully as before. Yunchi took a breath, and he was completely embedded in Sakya's arms. Although there was no warm and soft fur, he pillowed back and saw Sakya's full and strong chest muscles...

Heat surged up from all directions, Sakya's arms overlapped his, and the cloud pool seemed to be next to a piece of gentle velvet - the god's body was clean and flawless, and every angle was perfect.

One person and one god were wearing robes of the same style. Sakya lowered his head, and his white hair fell down one after another, covering Yunchi's ears.

What's wrong? What are you looking for?

He was so close that Yunchi was about to burst into flames, but he thought of business and tried not to let his mind wander as he said, Do you know about the 'Bride of God'?

Saga's expression slowly solidified, and he asked in a deep voice: What do you think that is?

When I went to the city-state of Astor, I met the favored ones of the Astor Mountain God. He took me to the gathering of those favored ones. From there, I found out about the 'Bride of God'. Yunchi said, According to them, as long as there is a favored person of God who is selfless, kind, and brave... in short, can meet the standards of a saint, then he may be promoted to become the bride of God and serve the God forever. .”

He asked: Is this possible?

Of course Sakya knew this. Xifeng reported every detail of Yunchi to him. He also knew that the cub had met with those favored by the gods. Even when he was on a lonely island in the uncertain sea, he often heard about the things that the New God was tinkering with. But this does not mean that the gods' favored ones in this world can use these messy things to disturb Yunchi's heart.

He tucked the scattered black hair behind Yunchi's ears and said softly: You know why, since ancient times, there have been so many demigods and heroes - superhuman physiques and strong spirits, who have made great achievements, split mountains and reclaimed seas, or Fight against monsters hundreds of times more powerful than themselves. They have achieved achievements that are beyond the reach of ordinary people, and they have also obtained the power and power shared by gods. Why did they ultimately choose death like ordinary people instead of the glory of eternal life?

Yunchi was attracted by his question and ignored his intimate gestures: Why?

Because human beings' fragile souls cannot bear the weight of eternal life. Sakya said, When the gods taste the wine, they feel physically and mentally happy when they first drink it. After drinking it a hundred or a thousand times, they still feel that the good feeling is the same as before; but When humans taste good wine, they feel happy physically and mentally when they first drink it, but what happens after they drink it a hundred or a thousand times?”

People are easily bored creatures. In order to relieve this boredom, they often pursue more intense and rich things. The real example I have seen is that if the wine does not taste good, then drink the blood of the enemy. The enemy The blood has also lost its excitement. What is the taste of the hot blood of those who died in vain, full of regret and remorse? What about the bitter blood of innocent people who are afraid of crying and begging, mixed with tears? - Chase down step by step, except for the abyss , they have nowhere to go.”

Eternal life will distort the human soul, and an excessively long lifespan will make you completely unlike yourself. Saga said in a low voice, Bride of God, if the New God really creates this product, their The outcome will definitely not be much better.”

Yunchi was stunned, and he said in a daze: I never thought of this situation...

Saga sighed: They are just a group of cowards. They dare not resist the Mother Goddess Irma, so they can only find a way through the humbler believers. The New Gods have fallen to this point. All we can say is...

He hesitated and said no more.

Yunchi murmured: Those favored by God also talked about what kind of holy marks would appear on the bride of God. I heard them swear so confidently that I thought such a thing really happened...

Sakya asked: Why are you so concerned about the affairs of God's Favored Ones?

Because I don't want you to die. Yunchi replied dully, My relatives are gone, and my home can't be called home. It's just an empty house where I live alone. You are... you are the most beautiful person in these years. Being close to my family, when I think that you are obviously a god, but you can't escape the fate of death, I can't get over this hurdle in my heart...

Saga's arm holding Yunchi froze.

Treat me like a family member...what kind of family, as long as there is a glimmer of hope to keep me, even if I become the bride of God, it doesn't matter?

When he thought of this, Saga's breathing immediately became rapid. He had to raise his chin, because his fangs were violently breaking through the shackles of divine power, intending to get out of the closed lips and leave their mark on the cub... an eternal mark.

Saga's body tensed, he gritted his teeth, buried his head in the side of Yunchi's neck, and breathed deeply, trying to relieve the anxiety in his throat and the greedy desire in his heart.

Sakya? Yunchi noticed something was wrong, but couldn't help but turn around and look at Sakya's expression, What's wrong with you?

I'm fine, Saga replied hoarsely, I'm fine, I'm fine.

The author has something to say:

Yunchi: *Obviously, he was attracted by Sakya's gorgeous appearance and immediately spoke his true words* I really want to accidentally slip and bump into your chest...

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