He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(327)

Take a shower, just take a shower, let me do it myself!

He jumped left and right in fear and danced with gestures, finally letting the maids understand what he meant.

They laughed and filled up the warm water, put their changes of clothes on the low stool next to them, and placed many exquisite bottles and cans in the small woven straw frames.

Xie Ning was puzzled. He was afraid that the water splash would wet the sketchbook, so he took off his belt and put it on the high platform aside. After making sure that no one was watching him, he took off his clothes and pants with concern and stepped into the bathtub suspiciously.

Hiss, so cold.

Being under the roof, this treatment is really good. He comforted himself. He did not whip you with a whip, nor did he treat you as a slave. He was polite to you, offered you a ride in the car, and took you to take a shower... By the way, why does the king treat me so favorably?

Judging from his performance, the crux was those berries, but I picked them all casually. There should be more of them in the woods. How much are they worth?

Xie Ning hurriedly scooped up water and poured two handfuls of water on herself.

He is quick-thinking and good at observation. After seeing the previous behavior of the people, he knew that a serious infectious disease must be spreading in this city. Growing up, he had received a lot of vaccinations, so he would not infect hundreds of patients. Cover your mouth and nose in front of you. If they feel offended, you will be in trouble.

However, the king is so old and is coming and going among the germs. How can he not be afraid of infection? Wait a minute... Could it be that he was praying for a cure for infectious diseases before, but I fell from the altar from the sky with the fruits in my hand, so he misunderstood, right? !

Xie Ning panicked when she thought of this possibility. How can a few broken fruits cure diseases? In the end, don’t drag me out and hack me to death for the crime of deceiving the emperor!

It can only be said that although he has experienced such a mysterious thing as traveling, spent a night in a strange jungle, and witnessed the inhuman foot power of ancient heroes, after all, he is still in this mountain and does not know his true face. He had never thought at all that this was an era of symbiosis between individuals and gods. Those eight strong men had more or less the blood of gods in their ancestors, or that one of their parents was a god at all.

From beginning to end, he has been trying to explain the time travel using scientific principles. People are afraid of the unknown, so they are creatures that need the right to explain. Science and reason are people's weapons when facing the unknown, and the process of explanation is the process of disenchanting the unknown.

Deep in his heart, Xie Ning was running away from the most impossible possibility: If ghosts and gods really existed in the world, and it was their will that brought him to this era, then what on earth should he do to escape from this world? , reunite with hometown and family?

He sat worriedly in the smooth bathtub and did not notice that a maid slipped in quietly. Her bare feet were as silent and light as a lynx. When she saw the drawing book that Xie Ning had put down, she stretched out her hand and quickly took it out.

At the same time, there was a celebration in the king's palace. They celebrated that the disease had receded, and the goddess of health, Axl, once again brushed the corners of her robe decorated with herbs on the land. The priest threw Pan's fruit into the rivers and wells, and the water immediately became as clear as crystal. People rushed to drink it. After drinking, the yellow complexion immediately turned red, and the old man walked as fast as a young man. .

Aeson sat on his throne, radiant because he had been relieved of a great disaster, and talking happily to his wife. In addition to his wife Grouch, there was also his only daughter Ante beside him. Ya.

It would be great if all my sons were here! Esson said, But happiness in the world is always incomplete. Alas, now the plague can no longer send my people to the arms of death. I have nothing to complain about. !”

At this time, the maid ran back. Following the princess's order, she secretly took away the mysterious boy's belongings. When she was young, Anthea worshiped the sun god Phoebus Apollo devoutly. Apollo also cherished this smart and beautiful princess and gave her the ability to predict. As early as the king's car entered the town, Anthea felt dizzy for no reason. Therefore, she had to doubt the true origin of the young man.

As soon as she picked up the picture book, she couldn't wait to open it and read through it. The paper was as white as doves, as smooth as silver, soft and hard, flat and dense. She was surprised at first and thought that this was not something that could be found in the world. Then, the patterns on the drawing book made her whisper in surprise. Call.

It is true that a painter can faithfully reproduce light and dark, concave and convex, rough and smooth using colors. When people see the deep red paint on the sculpture, they can think of how luxurious and eye-catching the robes of the same color are. When people see the delicate pastel on the lips, they can also imagine how beautiful the goddess's appearance is. But she had never seen it before. Just the combination of black and white and gray could express the fragrance of a fruit so vividly and vividly, as if the fruit turned into a shadow, and the shadow stayed on a thin plane.

Ah! the princess couldn't help shouting.

The sound attracted her father, and the king turned his head, seeing his cherished daughter's back to him, and asked: What are you doing, my child?

Anthea had no time to hide the drawing book before her father discovered it.

Esson took the album and exclaimed in surprise with the queen: Perhaps his mother, the goddess who raised him, is not only a nymph, but also a muse on Mount Olympus!

Then, they all blamed the princess again, rebuking her willfulness and boldness: Daughter, that child has no enmity against you. How can you offend such a benefactor? You must know that God will give back as much as God has taken away. Since he can't speak, let alone obey, God has given him this superb talent again, so why do you want to steal his beloved thing?

Antheia admitted her mistake, but she was still angry and unconvinced in her heart, and she inevitably felt resentful towards Dolos. She knew in her heart that her talent had never gone wrong.

On the other side, Xie Ning studied for a long time and finally put on the clothes prepared by the maid. He was also wearing Jitong, but his Jitong did not hang down to his ankles, and the length just covered his thighs.

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