He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(335)

If you look at it this way, the fruit he took back was definitely not an ordinary fruit. No wonder he cured the plague and made the old king look at him differently... It turned out that it was not a lucky break. I don't know which god planted it himself. He took away so much fruit, alas.

No, if you look at it this way, is it really me who saved the people of Eleusis? Although I did steal the fruit... But Anthea, you are killing the donkey! Ah, I felt so angry suddenly, but then I thought about it, it’s useless for me to be angry, damn, I became even more angry!

Xie Ning breathed heavily, barely controlling her thoughts, and calming down first.

Having entered the underground palace and become a piece of meat on a sword, I can only look at the present and think about how to escape...

His eyes were uneasy, not only because of the Oracle of the Sun God, but also because of Echidna who lived in the underground palace.

When I was taking sculpture courses, ancient Greece was always a big topic that I couldn't get over. Xie Ning also took the time to read Theogony after class. However, most of the names of people and places in it were difficult to pronounce and complex. After reading it, he did not study it in depth, so he was racking his brains and couldn't remember who Echidna was, worthy of being given away by humans with such fanfare. Sacrifice.

Well, the gifts are not just ordinary cattle, sheep and animals, but princes and princesses from various countries. This scene is much bigger than the minotaur locked in the maze. I am afraid that ten more heroes Theseus and ten more balls of thread will not be able to stop the snake-shaped demon in the underground palace.

Xie Ning finally knew she was afraid.

However, it is a human body with a snake tail...

Although he was afraid, there was a voice in his heart that kept mumbling, putting Xie Ning in a dilemma, causing heaven and man to fight.

Yes, that is really a beautiful, beautiful mythical creature. Just the physical structure of a human-snake fusion makes Xie Ning unable to tear open her eyes. Coupled with the brown skin wearing jewelry and the gorgeous gold-like tattoos on it, And that long tail that was looming in the darkness... Xie Ning was stunned on the spot and didn't faint. It was considered that he had strong determination.

I really want to paint, he said in his heart, but the future is uncertain, and he doesn’t know if he can save his life... But I really want to paint!

In his mind, as he staggered forward, he went back and forth over the image he had just seen at a glance, deepening the details and impressions.

Gradually, the soldiers of Cilicia disappeared. The further down they went, the darker the light became. Even though the torches on both sides of the steps were burning brightly, the firelight seemed to be attracted by a black hole, infinitely tilting towards the bottomless underground.

At this depth, even if there are no fully armed soldiers to escort us, everyone is still moving forward numbly and mechanically, and everyone is gripped by a dark terror. It is even like an irresistible fate: even if you know what lies ahead The road is dark and lightless, and every day you live is a fall, but you still have to live like this, unable to survive, and you don't dare to ask for a simple death.

Fortunately for Xie Ning, at least she had a spiritual support to support her. Many princes and princesses could no longer withstand such great pressure and could only be carried away by the accompanying servants. Of course, as the Son of God whose one person is worth ten people, he has no slaves and can only rely on himself.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Xie Ning was alone and pitiful, but Xie Ning said that now he had enough to eat and the whole family had no worries. He was also fortunate that no other Eleusisians followed him to seek death.

They kept going downhill for at least an hour. The blood on Xie Ning's legs gradually stopped, but her arms began to lose hold of the drawing book. He thought for a moment and felt that no one should be paying attention to his sketchbook here, so he still slung it over his shoulder as before. There was also water and bread in his luggage, which were distributed when he entered the underground palace. Now he did not dare to eat them, so he only took out a sheepskin water bag and moistened his lips with it.

Xie Ning counted that their line of sacrifice required forty royal family members, plus their servants, a total of 354 people. Only Xie Ning went alone, which was considered the most special.

Except for intermittent sobs, no one spoke, and even the words of prayer seemed pale and feeble in front of the dark underground palace. They walked for about an hour when someone suddenly stopped in front of them.

In the dim light of the fire, they saw a large door.

It was really a door. Xie Ning raised her head until her neck hurt, and she could barely see where the top of the copper door was.

According to his estimate, this place is at least eight kilometers away from the ground, but there is still plenty of circulating air to support the burning of torches. It can only be said that, like this magnificent door, it is a product of myth and cannot be said to be scientific.

The door roared open.

High blazing fire spurted out, with bronze hooves and horns. The giant bull covered in boiling flames roared like a dragon. Black saddles were placed on its back. They opened the heavy door with all their strength, and several giants strode out. , every step you take shakes the ground beneath your feet.


Xie Ning was stunned and stared at the other party fiercely. All kinds of giants have been designed in later movies, TV shows, and animated games, but the shock of seeing them in person is something that screens and pages cannot give.

Their facial features and appearance are all human-like, but the proportions are enlarged and the details are much rougher. If Xie Ning were to describe it, he would say that these giants look like Yuanmou people, with a feeling that they have not yet fully evolved and are more animalistic than human.

Compared with the pure magical beauty of Echidna, the oppression brought by giants to civilized society is astonishing. Facing them, Xie Ning's hair stood on end, almost feeling like she was in the uncanny valley.

The giant took off the whip hanging from his waist - it was actually made of twisted vipers, as hard as steel. He swung the snake whip roughly, the whip screamed, and the ground cracked as he whipped it. The viper sprayed out a lot of corrosive venom at the same time, splashing out like rain.

You guys, come with me! the giant yelled in a rough voice. The voice was as loud as the collision of mountains, echoing rumblingly underground. Who dares to waste time slowly, like a lame old goat? If you delay, I’ll smash his head on a rock!”

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