He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(342)

I am hiding here until I die. If I am discovered by Echidna, it will be a dead end. It may be even more miserable. It is better to take the initiative...

Xie Ning took a deep breath, her mind filled with the voice of the oil painting class professor. Professors always say that they are afraid that students will not draw, and even more afraid that students will not dare to draw. If you write boldly, you can scratch it if you make a mistake, but if you dare not write, you will not even have a chance to make a mistake. How can you talk about progress?

This sentence determined many of his subsequent decisions, because he was still young and always had a lot of time to try and make mistakes, but...at this moment, did he still have so many opportunities to make mistakes?

Xie Ning smiled bitterly. He touched the scar on his forehead, took one step, then another, and slowly walked forward.

Along the way, my luck has always been ups and downs. He thought, if I am down now, it’s time to get up, right?

The further he walked in, the more strange sounds he could hear: sometimes like the roar of a lion, sometimes like the howling of strong winds echoing in the valley, and a burst of strange and unpleasant crows, and more often than not, even gods could not decipher them. , the indescribable hissing sound of snakes, intertwined like copper wire, weaving a steady stream of ancient and malicious curses.

Echidna lost his temper like a hurricane. He cursed the gods and cursed all the Holy Spirits. In the bottomless underground palace, the dark and chaotic Arima, he almost went crazy in his long exile. He was flowing with all the venom and terror in the world, and the bitterness brewed endlessly in the death-like loneliness, making him burn in agony all the time.

You drove me here, seduced me, teased me, made me wail unwillingly, and committed such a despicable act. Do you really think I will let it go! The snake demon roared towards the sky, and the dark clouds of resentment entangled Qili. In the sky of Chia, he drips with poisonous saliva, and his fangs have been polished by thousands of years of hatred to be extremely sharp, even sharper than the spear tip of Ares, the god of war.

Olympus God! No matter how dare you face me, sooner or later, I will die with anger, and the new Echidna will immediately give birth to the demon's heirs. At that moment, we will inevitably end Your rule, Zeus, awaits!

After hearing these blasphemous words, the sky rained down thunder in anger, and the god of sleep was summoned from the underworld to the underground palace of Arima.

He hid in the shadows, and when the crazy snake demon was not paying attention, he hurriedly covered his body with his sleeping cloak. Then, he did not dare to stay too long, because he was worried that the poison of the primitive gods would corrode his divine power. Seeing Echidna suddenly fall asleep, the God of Sleep also quietly left. Because he came and went in such a hurry, he couldn't help but ignore the tiny humans in the distance.

When it fell on Xie Ning's ears, just one second, Echidna was still roaring and screaming fiercely, and the next second, there was no sound.

Xie Ning: ?

Unable to restrain his curiosity, he tentatively speeded up and trotted over.

After passing through the second palace gate, I could see the messy ruins all over the ground. A monster with a body and a snake's tail lay on its back in the middle, snoring regularly.

Asleep, obviously.

Xie Ning: ??

What's going on? There's something wrong with your brain. Why are you having convulsions?

But I have to say that this situation was the most beneficial to him. Luck really favored Xie Ning, so that he did not have to face an awake and angry Echidna.

Haha, thank you Lady Luck!

Xie Ning held her breath, and he climbed over the ruins gently and came to Echidna's side.

Although this monster creature does not have direct bloodline from Gaia, it is several times larger than ordinary people. The snake's tail was winding and coiled. Xie Ning estimated that it was probably no less than eight meters long. After stuffing all the snake's beard and tail inside, three more people could be stacked inside.

It's really... extremely beautiful.

Xie Ning squatted next to him. After witnessing the stupid behavior of the snake demon, his psychological fear index of Echidna was greatly reduced. As a result, he dared to be brave enough to stretch out a finger and carefully Poke each other's snake scales.

Wow, so hard.

Xie Ning poked and poked again, but Echidna never woke up. He exhaled coldly, but his strong chest did not rise and fall at all. The golden tattoos and gorgeous jewelry covered on it seemed to have solidified.

...Ah, look at it this way, I drew a lot of details wrong! Xie Ning frowned. Although his chest still hurt badly, he stretched his neck and concentrated on observing the tattoo patterns at close range. After memorizing in silence for a while, he went on to observe the order and structure of the scales.

Gradually, the fear in his heart receded like a tide. Xie Ning muttered words while his eyes shone brightly. He stared with joy, like a scholar who had entered a lost collection, trying to recite an entire library of ancient books using only his own memory.

It would be great if I could get started. After all, it is a muscle structure that I have never seen before, and shiny scales that I have never seen before. How precious... What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Xie Ning suddenly paused.

He lowered his head thoughtfully, looking at the woolen sponge and the golden pot in his hand.

——Wait, wasn’t I just here to get started?

The soft wool was soaked in balm, covering up the thick poisonous smell in the air. Xie Ning secretly wiped those hard and tight scales, focusing on observing the brilliance after the ointment penetrated.

He wiped it, paused, sighed, and felt happy. He couldn't help but blurt out: It's so beautiful...

No, Xie Ning suddenly came back to her senses and hurriedly shut her mouth.

Where do you come from with so many words? Just focus on collecting the information. Why do you need to make a sound? What if the other party hears you?

Xie Ning scolded herself while repenting to Echidna in her heart.

Since I am painting for you, then you are my model. Unfortunately, I am so poor that I really don’t have any money to pay you, so I will help you wipe your tail...I will definitely wipe it clean and smell good for you. , Don’t think the remuneration is shabby.

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