He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(362)

Xie Ning was confused and said: But... I don't think I am a descendant of God.

He spoke from his heart. As a modern man, he was educated in the theory of evolution. Natural selection, the evolution of all things, how much time it took for humans to transform from ape erectus to what they are today is supported by massive academic research and archaeological historical data. What does it have to do with the gods of this era?

However, when his truth came to Echidna's ears, it turned out to be something else.

The snake demon was so excited that he was greatly confused.

He hurriedly hid Xie Ningyan tightly in his arms and advised: Dolos, you must never speak such rebellious words again! I am not under the control of the New God, but you are still a human body with a strong soul. Control is in the hands of the gods, turned into threads, and woven into cloth on the loom of the goddess of destiny. If the gods hear your declaration, they will definitely try their best to deal with you!

If you don't tell me...if you don't tell me, then let's stop talking. Xie Ning shrugged her shoulders and agreed.

Seeing that he had regained a little energy, Echidna also smiled. He temporarily put down Xie Ning, cleaned his body, and with washed hands, took out the mirror given to him by the goddess of the night.

Xie Ning took a look and saw that the mirror was as big as a round table in a restaurant. It was decorated with exquisite gold, black copper, rubies and obsidian. There were six gold rings inlaid on the frame. Each gold ring was carved with a magnificent city-state. . There are all kinds of women, men, children, old people, livestock, etc. in the city. The crowds are bustling, and all kinds of worldly conditions are presented in it. The undulating waves of golden wheat surround the tall city wall, and farmers wave branches among them to drive away the birds that steal food; the shepherd wearing an oak cane calls to his sheep, and the hounds jump around at his feet; tourists in the vineyard Like weaving, the rattan is covered with bunches of crystal clear and plump fruits. Here, some city-states are overflowing with joy, with men and women surrounding the harp poet, singing and dancing lightly; some city-states are lifeless, with old people holding their children who died in battle, and the black veils they wear on their heads are as silent and desolate as midnight.

Truly otherworldly craftsmanship!

Xie Ning was amazed by what he saw. What surprised him most was not the carving technique that was as delicate as hair, but the carved characters and animals. When you stare at them directly, they remain motionless, no different from dead objects of gold and silver. But when you turn your eyes away, they immediately move and talk in the corner of your vision, as if they are strange. hallucination.

Come on, Echidna took his hand and led Xie Ning to sit down on the throne. Stop thinking about those stupid things. Let's look at something happy!

He grabbed a gold coin and threw it towards the mirror. The mirror was like lake water, and then it swallowed the gold coin, causing ripples.

——A strange thing happened, the mirror gradually showed moving images. It showed a grand meeting. The whole city was crowded in the market. At the top stood the king and queen of Cilicia, as well as their children, and the prince Goubuli who was very familiar to Xie Ning. .

...What is this, a coin-operated TV from the age of mythology?

Look! Echidna hugged him happily, The meeting has just begun.

He then called the big stone snakes and asked them to carry a silver plate filled with rich food. Xie Ning was not used to drinking wine, so there was a bucket of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice mixed with honey, as well as cheese cake and roasted butter-wrapped meat. Meat, venison sinews, figs, etc.

Okay, Xie Ning thought to herself, now it feels like eating popcorn and watching a movie again.

The Cilicians are good at racing, archery, discus throwing, chariot racing and wrestling, Echidena explained to him. He also took the Achilles tendon and marrow of the bronze bull and chewed it while looking at the mirror. After they win, they have to choose singers and dancers, and come out to sing and dance to their heart’s content...well, it’s all very lively.”

Xie Ning stared at the grand event in the mirror. His thoughts were not attracted by this. He just thought about Echidna's words and how he spent his long and lonely life relying on this mirror.

Echidna is neither a complete demon nor a complete god. He hated the Olympus gods and the humans under his rule. However, the trace of divinity belonging to the primitive gods prevented him from living in isolation like a real demon and hated everything in the world.

Was he like this in the dark late nights, alone in front of the mirror, secretly watching all the noise in the world?

Did you look at the mirror like this before? Xie Ning asked.

Echidna listened to his question and pondered for a moment.

Before, he smiled slightly, seeming to hear the implication of Xie Ning's words, Yes, I used to look at it this way. Through the mirror, I can know many things on the earth. This is what Nyx imposed on me. Therefore, among all the gods, He alone has my respect, this respect even exceeds that of Gaia, the Earth Mother.”

He threw away the bone marrow of the bronze bull, his favorite food, which could no longer arouse his interest.

Before you, I had no one to talk to, Dolos. The giants were stupid and ignorant. They were the remnants of Gaia, but Mother Earth never took pity on them. She gave them wisdom in addition to their strong bodies. Their personalities were impulsive. I have an irritable, grape-seed-sized mind, filled with hatred for the gods, and bent on avenging the Titans. I have nothing to say to the Titans. Humans are timid and fragile, and fear me more than they fear death. I Looking at them, I feel more and more jealous of the gods who are so pretentious and can walk freely on the earth and accept worship from all living beings. I have nothing to say to humans.

After a pause, Echidna continued: As for the primitive and ancient gods, they either ascended to the embrace of Chaos Chaos or sank into the dark underworld to serve. Even the eternal earth mother Gaia, I have also been sleeping for a long time and have lost the interest to wake up. The ancient gods and I also have nothing to say. And the monsters... you have also seen the appearance of the monsters, and I have nothing to say to them.

On the mirror, the wrestling match has begun, and bodybuilders all oiled up come in one after another, waving vigorously and greeting the audience on all sides.

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