He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(364)

Echidna: *Looking at him with a smile* full of love*

Chapter 149 The Pharisaic Snake (15)

The underground palace has been silent for a long time. As a modern person who is accustomed to smartphones and electronic entertainment products, Xie Ning will inevitably feel bored after settling down here, even with Echidna accompanying him. This kind of entertainment that allows for personal interaction and revenge really piqued his interest.

As a male college student, Xie Ning's ability to perform chores is still very strong. It didn't take long for him to tease the king's six sons all over the place. The effect of the show was so sensational that he laughed and collapsed on the throne, and he and Echidna chattered happily.

They are happy, but some people are not as happy as they are.

King Xothoth was sitting in the stands, his face ashen, and the queen beside him was breathing rapidly. She couldn't help pressing her chest and pulling off a piece of flying net.

The more solemn the ritual gathering, the greater the likelihood that the gods will be watching. His son suffered successive defeats in the competition. Either his toe was hit by a discus, or he tripped on the track and suffered a bloody head. His favorite youngest son unexpectedly fell forward during the chariot race and rolled a dozen somersaults before finally stopping at the edge of the arena. The crowd of onlookers were all laughing secretly, not knowing how to mock the young prince who was unable to grasp the reins.

So far, the contestants who have appeared in embarrassment are all the king's heirs. Is this an ominous oracle, warning him that disaster is coming?

Apollo, the king prayed silently, among all the gods, you know that I respect my father, Poseidon, the god of oceans and storms, the most, but I respect you no less than me. Father! If I had the singing voice of Orpheus and his harp music that could make stones weep, I would be filled with eloquent passion that would make you sigh and pity me, but I don’t. I will point out Looking at the rocks of Cilicia that bathe in the sun every day, I beg you to answer my question: What have we done wrong?”

In the sky above him, Phoebus Apollo looked gloomy, and many gods were sitting around him.

Normally, I would not allow others to destroy my ritual like this. He said slowly, And I am not without any means to deal with the person who does this!

Dionysus, the god of wine, laughed, because it was not his sacrifice that was destroyed, so he felt very happy when he saw the ugly behavior of the princes.

My brother, please don't be angry, Pallas Athena urged, holding a large shield and her wise blue eyes as wide as the sea, We all know that this is what the demon Echidna did. Good thing, don't you know the power of love? He would have shown his heart and soul for that young man. However, he neither cannibalized nor did any evil. Everything was caused by the prince's naughty nature. You can Forgive Him.”

The god of wine drunkenly laughed and said: Besides, you are their matchmaker. Your oracle caused the Eleusinians to send the young man to Arima. At that time, none of us expected that Echidena She actually fell in love for him!

Seeing that Apollo did not answer, Athena added: I heard that this young man's painting skills are so outstanding, as if the Muses had nurtured him with her own milk. Since he left, the people of Eleusis beat their chests and lamented. His departure. I wonder if it’s true?”

Dionysus raised his face. Out of his unruly nature, he wanted to tease his superior brother. Therefore, he deliberately said: Oh, thanks to Hermes, I have seen the portraits he made of those mortals. It's so vivid, it's like looking in a mirror! I think even Apollo would be jealous if he saw it.

A heavy cloud formed on Apollo's forehead. He frowned displeased and said, Don't say that, my brother. What will happen to those mortals who rely on their own skills and arrogantly compare themselves with the gods? What will happen to them? We both know it well. I don’t want to be an enemy of Echidna for the time being, and please don’t rashly get into trouble for this young man. What’s more, his skills all come from tens of millions of years later. He is in the human world. Painting is like a mature adult who comes here to bully a weak child. Is this something to be proud of? Fortunately, he still knows how to do things and has not come out to show off, otherwise, I will definitely make him Trapped in a miserable tragedy.”

Dionysus stopped talking, but Athena smiled slightly, because neither she nor Apollo could see the future of Dolos clearly, nor could they seek the answer from the goddess of fate - the body of the god should not be close to those three at will. This was the residence of a goddess to avoid any unfortunate entanglements - she and Apollo had the same views, and both were wary of this young man who had somehow come to the current era.

Perhaps, we should not ignore him so easily. Athena said, Echidna obeyed his words. You know in your hearts that the natural greed of mortals cannot be curbed. If he has evil thoughts, he will instigate the devil to return Pick up the flag to overthrow Olympus and become the new master of heaven so that he can enjoy the glory of eternal life. How should we deal with it then? The future of this young man is still in chaos. If we do nothing, it is not very dangerous. ?

Hearing what she said, Phoebus Apollo was silent for a long time, and he said: Then you can make this suggestion to Zeus. Among the gods, you are still his most beloved daughter, and his proposal to you has always been the best. It’s all-encompassing.”

Athena nodded to him, jumped onto a golden cloud, and headed towards Olympus.

The gods conversed in the sky for a long time, but in the mortal sense of time, only a moment passed. As soon as the king finished praying, Apollo transformed into a noble-looking old man, came to the king, and put an encouraging hand on his shoulder.

Son of Poseidon, why are you so sentimental? You know, Apollo has never blamed anyone for his piety. The old man said, As for your sons, you don't have to worry. The target of their offense has been decided. If they are going to make a fool of themselves at the grand event, let them go into the palace to recuperate, and stop expecting the glory of laurels.

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