He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(380)

There was no distinction between day and night in the underground palace, and there was no clock to tell time, but Xie Ning stared at the rock wall, and her mind spontaneously imagined a ticking clock. Every time the second hand passed, it made a small and crisp sound.

How long had Xanthipei been gone? Xie Ning asked herself, ten minutes, twenty minutes? It's such a pity that I live like a year like this, and I can't tell whether time is passing forward minute by minute...

It is embarrassing to say that he lived a poor and smooth life in the first twenty years. Apart from school, training, and the college entrance examination, he could not pick out any impressive or thrilling events. The only thing that matched the current scene was perhaps the time before he passed the college entrance examination. That night - the lingering power of the evening summer wind was still blowing sultryly on the asphalt road, and the bricks and stones were filled with the firepower of the day. As soon as the left foot stepped down, the right foot couldn't wait to lift it up, and 30% to 20% of prospective college students The group rushed to school to answer the college entrance examination papers.

But even when he was waiting for the results of the college entrance examination, he was not so anxious and afraid.

Xie Ning didn't smile. His face was like a solidified pale mask. Viewed from the side, it looked unexpectedly serious.

The clock in his heart turned around again. He had sat for too long, and his hands and feet were soaked in a layer of cold sweat. The surroundings were so quiet that he could almost count his heartbeats and hear the blood rushing through his veins.

In the still time and space, Xie Ning seemed to have been stuck for a hundred years. In addition to breathing and heartbeat, he finally heard another kind of movement, a long and rough friction sound, which came from the cracking sound produced when the snake's tail intersected with the bronze floor.

Echidna is coming.

The snake demon came quickly and violently. He rushed over in a rage, reached the quiet room in the blink of an eye, and grabbed the door open. This inner room was specially dug for Xie Ning. With the size of the devil, he would not be able to get in for a while, so he would have to linger outside for a while.

Dolos! Echidna hissed. Because he was too urgent, he could not say any meaningful sentences, so he could only repeat Xie Ning's name again and again, Dolos!

Xie Ning stood up. The pressure from his sitting position restricted blood circulation, causing him to limp when he walked.

He held on to the doorframe and looked up at the irritable Echidna: ...Yes, I'm here.

Dolos, did you hear what that despicable creature was saying? The demon complained loudly, twisting his tail angrily, She actually spread rumors about your origin, saying that you are not from this world, and that you will return sooner or later. My own hometown. Can such a thing happen in the world? How could I not kill her severely and let her know the lesson that makes me so anxious!

Xie Ning stared at him, the human face was completely pale, and his lips could not help but tremble, but Echidna was immersed in panic and anger and did not notice this.

The Demon God continued angrily: She pledged her life to ask me to verify with you that everything she said is true. Tell me, how should I deal with this liar who talks nonsense?

Xie Ning looked into Echidna's eyes, and his ears suddenly felt so quiet. The previously noisy noises were all gone, including heartbeat, blood flow, breathing... Xie Ning concentrated on speaking, and could only hear her own voice. .

She's right, he looked at Echidna thoughtfully, his mind completely empty, She's...right.

Echidna was stunned.

The snake demon hesitantly poked out the snake letter, trying to smell lies, jokes or untruths in the air, but he only smelled the bitter smell of salt, the smell of heartbreak.

...I live in the 21st century. I am a student at an art school. I have parents, grandparents, and some friends. I am twenty-one years old this year. Xie Ning lowered his head. Even though the words were trembling together, he still spoke as clearly as possible and read every word clearly. He did not want to repeat the truth of these analyses.

There were no gods or monsters in my era. The Olympus gods were just like you, they were characters in myths and legends. I don't know how many years it has been from my era, maybe thousands of years, maybe tens of thousands of years... … As for why I came here, I still don’t understand the reason. I just remember that I was watching an ancient Greek culture exhibition that day. When I went to the bathroom, I closed the door and opened the door again, and I came to the forest here.”

Xie Ning didn't look at Echidena's expression, he didn't dare to look at it.

After arriving in this world, the King of Eleusis discovered me first. He thought I was a messenger from God Pan...or a son of God or something, so he took me back to his country and allowed me to live in the temple. However, three months later, my identity was exposed by the princess there, and Cilicia asked for a human sacrifice, so the princess took me on a ship overnight and sent me all the way here.

After saying this in one breath, Xie Ning's throat hurt, and he continued: You know what happened next...

Echidna said nothing, he was as quiet as a statue.

This silence was like a steel knife that cut out bones, making it difficult for Xie Ning to live in peace. He took a breath and said hoarsely: I'm sorry, I lied to you. My family is not dead, they are still alive, they are just living in another world. Time and space... time and space that I can’t access.”

They stood face to face, Xie Ning lowered her head, crossed her arms, and lowered her head. Even if a decapitated guillotine fell from above, he still insisted on this posture without any regrets. The air was as dead as ice that would never melt, and at the same time it was burning fiercely.

Doros. Echidna spoke after not knowing how much time had passed.

Dolos, look up at me.

How cruel is the voice of the devil! This was a tone he had never used to Xie Ning before, as if he was giving orders to a dead object.

Xie Ning shivered from time to time. He hugged his arms tighter. The pressure in the demon's tone seemed to pull a chain around his neck, forcing him to slowly raise his head and talk to Echidna. Look at each other.

...How strange, Xie Ning thought in a daze, his face was expressionless, as blank as drawing paper.

Tell me now, Echidna said, the dazzling golden mark on his lips shining brightly in the air like an extra sharp fang, You are kidding me.

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