He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(428)

However, even if he becomes a god, Echidna cannot immediately return to the mortal world and return to him.

Tartarus is surrounded by three black curtains and three copper walls. Each obstacle will take even the gods three years to overcome. The God King explained to him in a low voice, lest Xie Ning would turn his back on him. This is the rule of the Ancient God of the Abyss, and I cannot erase it.

Eighteen years, Xie Ning said, becoming a god, but there was no excitement in his heart. Including the five years I wasted on you after I woke up, a total of twenty-three years. I don't want more, As long as you pay back tenfold, whoever participated in the plan against us will go to Tartarus and stay there for two hundred and thirty years, no problem, right?

Having already obtained a reprieve, none of the gods dared to object. Apollo silently restrained his brilliance, and Hera, who was usually arrogant and arrogant, swallowed her humiliation and did not speak for a long time.

Xie Ning looked around. He didn't see Aphrodite in the Pantheon, so he kept silent and turned around to leave.

On the plain of Alima, Xie Ning sat all night. He looked at the stars in the sky and the full moon hiding behind the flowing clouds. He thought that he would at least be a little proud of having his great revenge, but no, nothing. None, only the scarred scabs and the dull pain of longing remained in his heart.


He missed Echidna so much.

At dawn, Xie Ning decided to get up and do something. So, he packed up his painting tools, led the Pegasus disguised as a mortal horse, and chose to use this period of suspended painting to travel. Otherwise, how would he survive the eighteen years of waiting?

In this way, he embarked on a long journey.

It's funny to say, maybe because of the restrictions of the priesthood, Xie Ning can't tell the difference between becoming a god and not becoming a god. He still cannot fully understand the numerous dialects on the earth, nor has he learned the language here all at once. To communicate with humans without divinity, he still has to speak and gesture.

The journey was long and arduous, but Xie Ning never felt tired or hungry. She still had to rely on her legs to trek through mountains and rivers. When he was with Echidna in the past, the devil always treated him like a child who needed to be pampered. His fingers would draw calluses, and the calluses would then wear out and form stronger dead skin. Echidna discovered that, He would rush over and blow on it awkwardly several times, as if this would relieve him.

You must never leave me, Doros. Echidna always said, You are so small and the world is so big. When I think of the many terrible things you may encounter, I don't know what to do. Got it!

Thinking about it now, he is really a lucky man. When he first came to an era when he was unfamiliar with the place where he was born, he was picked up as the son of a god and kept in a temple. After his identity was revealed, he was immediately sent to the underground palace of Arima. Met Echidna again.

In the past, he could act coquettishly and become childish because there were people who cared about him and there were people he could depend on. Now that he has nothing, Xie Ning's maturity is far beyond anyone's imagination.

He went to Thebes, and saw the statue of the maiden Antigone, who stood above all the heroes, standing in the center of the city, who died for her opposition to the evil law, and who became immortal because of her opposition to the evil law; he sailed to Callister The island, which was the last stop for Jason to win the Golden Fleece, was also known as the most beautiful island. The island was full of flowers and fruit trees, rich and fertile; he came to Athens, this famous giant city. , named after the goddess Athena, it houses the temples of so many powerful gods at the same time, including the sacred grove of the goddess of revenge. However, when Xie Ning wore a cloak and passed by the temple without squinting. , the statues on the altar all lowered their heads silently, looking at his walking figure in silence.

He rode to Sparta, which was once the powerful kingdom of Menelaus. His wife Helen was a beautiful woman famous all over the world. For her, he would not hesitate to start a ten-year Trojan War in the world. In Sparta, in addition to her regular work on the canvas, Xie Ning also made a sketch of the statue of Helen.

The square was bustling with people, and the Spartan atmosphere was martial. People saw the young man in simple clothes writing and drawing on the statue of Helen, just thinking that he was an admirer who came from afar. However, everyone who saw his paintings was shocked: Even if this young man is not a god, he still has a pair of arms made by gods.

He arrived at the island of Skuros, where the great hero Achilles grew up. After that, he went to the city of Troy, which was destroyed and rebuilt, and saw the city walls towering and stretching like unmelted snow-capped mountains.

Until Xie Ning followed the aimless waves and took a boat to Lemnos Island. On the way here, he heard many rumors about the island. People said that the person who ruled the island was not a person, but a goddess. She knew people's hearts and had insight into the world. She was as smart as Athena and as beautiful as Athena. Phrodite.

Xie Ning was not curious about the rumors and had no desire to investigate. He just drifted wherever the wind blew. However, as soon as he stood on the island, the Queen's car came towards him.

Dolos! The Queen stood in the car and called loudly, It's really you, I saw you, Dolos!

Xie Ning then raised her head in surprise. After all, there were only a few people who could call his name.

Ignoring the attendant's dissuasion, Xanthippe jumped out of the car and hurried to him.

Dolos! The former divine sacrifice now stood in front of him with radiant face and joy. The goddess entrusted me with a dream last night. She said you would come, and you did come!

Seeing her old friend, Xie Ning laughed for the first time in a long time.

Xanthippe! So you're here, are you okay?

I'm fine. Xanthippe held his hand and guided him to stand on the king's carriage with her. How are you? A few years ago, I also experienced the turmoil. Fortunately, I had Aphrodite. The temple of Lemnos protects the island of Lemnos. Is the Demon God... still with you?

Xie Ning didn't want to retell those things anymore. The world still knew nothing about the legend of him becoming a god. He didn't know that a brand new god had appeared in the world. Therefore, he downplayed his experience and said, He and I are temporarily separated, and I am waiting for him.

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