
"Brother, are you really doing it? You won't be broadcasting it live again, right?"

After Uzi heard this, he laughed directly on the other end of the phone.

Being teased by Chen Ke, I didn't feel much at all. Instead, I felt like laughing.

In addition to Uzi becoming mature again, the main thing is that he has a better understanding of Chen Ke.

I know that this is the way Chen Ke talks.

Not to mention him, even Chen Ke's teammates are often attacked by Chen Ke. It seems that no one is immune.

Uzi was even wondering if Chen Ke was broadcasting live at the moment and deliberately called him to create a show effect.

Chen Ke did it deliberately and quickly laughed out loud.

Now that he is about to retire, Chen Ke doesn't care so much about the truth anymore, he just can't hold back his bitch.

However, Uzi's mentality was so good, which made Chen Ke very happy.

Look, if I had gone into the profession with this mentality back then, my achievements might have been more than this.

After laughing, Chen Ke quickly denied it and said, "I'm not doing the live broadcast. I really called you specifically to invite you."

"Remember to come that day. I'll ask Aning to buy you a ticket later."

"It's okay. I can just go there by myself. I just have two days to play."

When Uzi heard that Chen Ke really wanted to invite him, he didn't think much about it and agreed directly.

Although he didn't know why Chen Ke called him to the scene, Uzi was somewhat touched when he thought that Chen Ke had retired.

Because he thought about it for a moment, and in his current state, he didn't seem to be retired, but no one wanted him.

Although it looked no different from retirement, the retirement ceremony was not held.

Mainly making comebacks continuously, I am too embarrassed to hold any retirement ceremony anymore, it's so embarrassing.

If you come back and play well, you can still have a grand performance.

As a result, after my comeback, I almost lost my pants, so I might as well forget it, and I can only enter the stage where anchors have not retired, but no one wants them.

Within two days of preparations for Chen Ke's retirement ceremony, the news spread like wildfire.

In fact, V5 still has an official side, and it has not yet started official promotion.

The main reason is that I am afraid that if I say it too early, the home tickets will be more hyped.

The V5 home court itself cannot accommodate too many people, and only a few hundred people watch the game.

Compared with LPL's home stadium in Magic City, it's pretty good.

But compared with Chen Ke's fans, these seats seemed to be very limited, and there was simply not enough seats to watch.

The reason why the officials initially considered finding a large venue to hold the retirement ceremony was because of this consideration.

It's just that Chen Ke felt that his retirement ceremony was just a formality and wouldn't waste too much time.

If you set up a special venue to hold it, fans won't see anything when they come in, and it will be over quickly, which is a bit like cutting leeks.

Buying tickets cheaper is not a good idea, because if you are cheap, you are just making it cheaper for scalpers.

It's hard to stand up to the crowd. Many people inside this thing know about it, so it's quite difficult to hide it.

Even if it is an internal staff member of V5, if someone randomly posts a message on the Internet to break the news, you can't find out who it is.

Fortunately, this is not breaking news. Everyone knows that Chen Ke has confirmed his retirement.

It's normal to have a retirement ceremony. It's something that's meant to be done, it just depends on the time.

After it was confirmed that the retirement ceremony would be held at V5's home court, it was inevitable that tickets would be sold.

There is nothing that can be done to stop this thing. Anyway, if you try to increase the amount of money, you will not be short of money, and it will not deceive the poor.

Even so, it is still difficult to get a ticket online.

Nothing too outrageous happened, but Teng Jing was inevitably scolded.

Everyone is scolding Tengjing for being too petty. They are the first player in history to retire, and they don't even do this in a decent way.

It can't be compared to others in the LCK.

If the retired one is replaced by Feike, he will definitely be very popular.

Chen Ke gives people a feeling of being hasty.

Even so, Chen Ke didn't change his mind, just do it briefly.

Besides, many people have paid high prices for tickets. If you suddenly change places, you will still offend a group of people.

Because of this, Chen Ke even started a live broadcast.

Just a few words to the fans, just watch the live broadcast that day, there is really no need to come to the venue.

The retirement ceremony was only a small part of the day, the main thing was the competition.

Soon, January 23rd arrived as promised.

It was a very ordinary day, but because of Chen Ke's retirement, it seemed to have become a little different.

Chen Ke's parents came to the V5 base the night before.

I’ve been here before, it’s not the first time, so I’m pretty calm.

Knowing that my son will end his career as a professional player in the future, it feels good as a parent.

When chatting with Aning and the others, Chen's father sighed a little: "It's good to retire. I heard that it's very hard for you to play professionally."

"I have to train for so long every day. I heard that many professional players have physical problems."

"After retiring, I can have a good rest every day."


Parents and fans must have different moods. They also know that the money their sons earn will last a lifetime.

There is no need to work so hard anymore, the most important thing is to take a good rest and recuperate your body.

It's just that in the eyes of some fans, when a player retires, it's almost like death, full of sadness and reluctance.

After listening to Chen's father's words, Aning nodded repeatedly and said: "It is true that professional players are quite different from what the outside world thinks. Others may think it is quite easy to make money just by playing games."

"In fact, the high-intensity training every day is also very hard."

"And if your team is like ours in the past few years, the game has been played from beginning to end. It is the team with the shortest vacation every year. The players do have to work harder than other teams."

"However, we will encourage the players to exercise, and we usually pay attention to the players' health."


Aning's main focus this time is to be comprehensive, and his speech is still very good.

The two of them were chatting, and Chen Ma got a little involved.

He glanced at Chen Ke, with a bit of distress in his eyes.

He couldn't help but said: "Why don't you go home and live for a while, I will provide you with delicious food every day."

Chen Ke smiled when he heard this, or he would be annoyed by him within three days.

Moreover, after returning home, I have to get up to have breakfast every day. Who can withstand this?

Chen Ke hurriedly said: "I really don't have anything to work hard on. I usually don't play in many games. I have a much longer rest period than others in a year."

"I just don't want to fight, so don't think too much about it."

After seeing the look in his own father's eyes, Chen Ke stopped talking, fearing that he would be criticized if he continued.

After having dinner at noon that day, everyone took the bus to the V5 home stadium.

The location of the V5 base is not far from the home court, and the traffic conditions are acceptable.

It took about twenty minutes to arrive.

"What's happening here?"

When people arrived at the scene, they found that the car was a little immobile.

Everyone has been to V5’s home court countless times, and a large number of games have been played here.

It carries most of Chen Ke’s memories in LPL.

But this is the first time for everyone to see this scene.

There were so many people that they blocked the entrance to the home court.

There was even control on the scene, and Chen Ke saw several hat uncles from a distance who were maintaining order.

This scene made everyone feel confused.

It was obvious that these were fans. There were a large number of banners and support signs at the scene, as well as many photos of Chen Ke.

They were all fans who didn't buy tickets, but they still came to the venue. Being outside the venue can also be considered the venue.

"The car can't drive in. Let's turn around and walk from the back later."

Aning also ran over quickly and said something to the driver.

There were so many people in front of it, it was impossible for a car to drive in.

Fortunately, there is a back door to the home court, but teams usually enter through the front door.

There will also be fans waiting at the main entrance, which is also a part of interacting with fans.

Some teams are afraid of being scolded by fans, and sometimes they don't dare to go straight.

Fans are standing guard at the door. Although it only lasts a short ten or twenty seconds before you come out and get on the bus, it doesn't take away from me saying a few words to you.

Chen Ke and the others are currently in a situation where there are too many people and there is no way for them to interact with each other.

If we don't turn around quickly, it will be difficult for the car to be surrounded by fans later.

If there are too many people and chaos breaks out, it will be useless no matter how you maintain order.

If something happens, Chen Ke, his team, and even the LPL will be implicated.

But Chen Ke said: "Forget it, let me come down."


"Don't be kidding, how can so many people get down there?"

"This is really not possible. When everyone gets excited, accidents can easily happen."

"To be on the safe side, it's better not to give it up."


When I heard that Chen Ke was going down, not only Aning, but also my brother and the others were shocked.

It’s really no joke that there are so many people wanting to go down there.

If something happens, the retirement ceremony will not even be held, and the whole thing will become a tragedy.

Of course Chen Ke understands this truth, he just feels that everyone has finally come here.

It is estimated that many of them are from out of town. Showing up by yourself can be regarded as letting them have no regrets and expressing their attitude at the same time.

Chen Ke also understands everyone's worries, but Chen Ke knows it himself.

If you have an alarm on your body and haven't been working, it means there is no danger today.

After having previous experience in South Korea, Chen Ke also knew that this thing was an early warning.

Except for people who are malicious to me, even if it is an unexpected situation, if it is going to happen, I will give myself an early warning.

If nothing happens right now, that means don't worry.

When everyone saw Chen Ke's resolute attitude, it was obvious that he couldn't be persuaded, so they decided to get off the bus together.

If there were more people, it would be better to turn back.

Moreover, Aning didn't know how he found a loudspeaker from the car. It would be easier to maintain order with this thing.

"Everyone, listen to me and be quiet first."

"Let's all stand still and don't push around. If something happens, I won't be able to hold my retirement ceremony today."


After Chen Ke came down, a sharp-eyed person saw him and shouted, which immediately caused a certain amount of chaos at the scene.

Fortunately, Chen Ke spoke in time through the loudspeaker. In addition, Chen Ke also had the bonus of [Golden Voice], his voice was rich and powerful, and everyone was shocked at once.

Those of you who can come to V5 today are really die-hard fans.

Chuanzi is all about participating in the fun online. If you ask them to pay to come to the scene, they probably won't be willing to even take a taxi.

True fans definitely don’t want to see anything unexpected happen at Chen Ke’s retirement ceremony.

Don't fight with tailwinds all your life, only to have a huge headwind on the day of your retirement ceremony.

Under Chen Ke's guidance, the scene became much quieter, which relieved the pressure on the staff and Uncle Hat.

Originally, these people were a little nervous when they saw Chen Ke coming down, thinking that this man was going to cause trouble, but they didn't expect that the effect was quite good.

"Thank you all for coming to support me today. To be honest, I was very moved after seeing it in the car."

"I don't know when everyone started to like me, but I still want to say, thank you very much for your support all the time."

"Retiring doesn't mean anything, it just completes a stage of my life."

"After retiring, I will accompany you in other ways."

"Finally, thank you for your support. I am honored to have brought smiles and tears to you."

"Chen Ke..."

By the end of Chen Ke's talk, some female fans who were more sentimental had already begun to drop their little pearls.

Everyone at the scene was shouting Chen Ke's name.

The entire formation lasted for more than a minute. After the sound calmed down a little, Chen Ke continued: "We are going in later, so everyone should go back early. We will see you back in the live broadcast room!"

The fans were quite cooperative and did not cause any surprises.

Chen Ke showed his face, and the fans who came to the scene were satisfied, and the order at the scene was also better. It can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

Under the guidance of the staff, the fans quickly made way for Chen Ke and the others to walk in from the main entrance.

After arriving backstage, Chen Ke was surprised again.

I met some acquaintances at the scene, such as senior executives from Tengjing and Riot Games.

This shows the importance attached to Chen Ke.

In addition to them, there are also some old acquaintances of the LPL, such as some well-known commentators and Uzi.

Chen Ke knew all this in advance, so there was nothing surprising.

What Chen Ke didn't expect was that his old teammates from G2 would also come.

I saw Ah P, Wunder, and Yang Koussi, and even the G2 champion coach came.

After everyone met, Chen Ke's surprised look made Aning smile with satisfaction.

Chen Ke glanced at it with the corner of his eyes and knew that this must be Aning's arrangement.

He didn't say it in advance, so it was obviously going to be a surprise.

After several people from Old G2 saw Chen Ke, they hurried up and took turns hugging Chen Ke.

Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, it doesn't feel strange to see you again.

After the hugs and greetings were over, Aning asked: "How was it? Are you surprised?"

Chen Ke smiled and said: "Why did you call them here? Isn't there any competition in the LEC now?"

Chen Ke did think of these people from the old G2 before, and the contact is still there after so many years.

It doesn't matter how good the relationship is, but after all, this is where Chen Ke's career began, and together we won the most important championship.

But it was obvious that the LEC was also playing. It was so far away that it was really inconvenient to come here. Chen Ke didn't mention it.

If you insist on inviting people, wouldn't it cause trouble to them?

Just retiring from service really doesn't lead to so much mobilization of troops.

Unexpectedly, Aning said: "Don't worry, none of them have jobs."

Chen Ke: "..."

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