Duan Feizhuo staggered and almost fell into a puddle on the side of the road.

This... you don't need to look for it at all! The master of the trading house is right in front of you! He wanted to cry without tears.

Of course, he never dared to say that.

Could Z have noticed some clues and deliberately tested him?

Duan Feizhuo thought that he had not revealed his identity, and even if Z had doubts about him, there was no evidence. Instead, he can use this opportunity to test Z and see how much he doubts himself, so that he will know how far he should act in the future.

"How can I find it?" He asked with feigned enthusiasm.

"Pymer was in Aberdeen for a while, and maybe the people in Mud Street have heard of something. You know the people there, can you ask for me?"

Duan Feizhuo let out a long breath of relief. What did he think it was, it turned out to be that simple.

"No problem, I'll write to Ruth and ask her to find out."

Z's face lit up instantly. The already exceptionally handsome appearance is even more radiant.

"Thank you." This was probably the most sincere sentence that Z said today.

"You'd better not get your hopes up. They probably don't know anything," Duan Feizhuo said.

"It doesn't matter, a clue is better than nothing."

They came to the entrance of Raven Restaurant. The restaurant is closed, but the lights are on and the waiters are cleaning the storefront.

Duan Feizhuo stepped up the stairs and looked back at Z, "Good night. Be careful on the road."

Z lowered the brim of his hat to cover his scarlet eyes. "Good night."

As soon as he got home, Duan Feizhuo immediately closed the door and locked it. He ran to the window and looked out through the gap in the curtains to make sure that Z had left. He was relieved just now, and slid on the carpet with his back against the wall.

His legs were weak, his hands were trembling, and his heart was about to jump out of his throat. He had been kidnapped and stabbed twice, but he was not as nervous as he is now.

"You've come back!" said a lazy voice, "I saw you were taken away, and I thought you had exposed your identity, and you would never come back for the rest of your life!"

Duan Feizhuo was taken aback, and then realized that it was Shi Zhongjian who was speaking.

He glared at the thing and told it what happened that day.

After listening to his narration, Shi Zhongjian lamented, "You are too daring to go directly to Scotland Yard, the home of the night police! If you say a word wrong there, you will be stabbed into a human meat skewer immediately. .”

"Aren't you disappointed that I came back with all my needs?" Duan Feizhuo sarcastically.

"Oh, for a little while, I haven't seen human meat skewers yet."

"Compared with this, I care more about Mrs. Lynn's necklace." Duan Feizhuo recalled the appearance of the necklace, "I saw the necklace glowing, which means it is a secret art item, right?"

The sword in the stone said, "Isn't this obvious? You have inherited Joseph's talent. He can recognize what kind of mystic spells are attached to it by the light of the object, and he even knows exactly what the owner has done before. But I guess you are now Can't do it yet."

"I'm sure Miss Lynn didn't choke on the food, but the necklace strangled her neck. But why?"

Who attached such a terrible secret technique to the necklace? Who wants the lives of Lynn's family?

Mrs. Lynn would definitely not murder her daughter, so it could only be the person who mortgaged the necklace to her—Mrs. Willow.

Could she be a mystic? Because he lost to Mrs. Lynn in a card game, in order to retaliate against her, he put an aggressive secret technique on the necklace? And Miss Lynn put on the necklace by accident and became the victim?

Shi Zhongjian said, "Why don't you report it to the Night Police? Isn't this the job of the Night Police?"

Duan Feizhuo said gloomily, "I'm not sure it's Mrs. Willow's problem. What if I misunderstand the good guy? Besides, then I have to explain to the night policeman why I can see the abnormality of the necklace."

Shi Zhongjian laughed twice, "Don't you want to get involved in the mysterious society? Then why care about other people's lives? Even if something happens, there will be night police to deal with it. You just have to wait and see."

Duan Feizhuo really didn't want to ask for trouble, but he had a good impression of the Lynn family. He does not allow those close to him to be hurt.

Alas, he thought he could rest easy from now on, but he was forced to be involved in such a bizarre incident.

On the one hand, he wanted to live a leisurely and peaceful life, but on the other hand, he was born unable to sit idly by. It's so embarrassing...

Just this one time! Duan Feizhuo said heartily. He just meddles in such a nosy one time! When the dust settles, he will go back to Place Francis and lie down happily!

In the end he came up with a compromise, "Otherwise, I will go to Mrs. Willow tomorrow to have a look. If she is really a mystic and intends to murder Mrs. Lynn, then I will quietly take her Report the name to the night police and let them deal with it."

This method is the safest.

Besides, he couldn't think of another way to protect the Lynn family without revealing his identity.

The next day, Duan Feizhuo opened his eyes in the midst of a hoarse and mocking singing.

When he sat up, he immediately saw the source of the noise—the sword in the stone was standing beside the bed, the gem on its hilt staring at him like a dull eye.

"What are you doing?!" he yelled angrily.

"Wake you up." Shi Zhongjian said gracefully.

"Why sing! What did I do wrong, why should I be tortured like this!"

"Your mistake is laziness! It's getting late, you have to hurry up if you want to visit Mrs. Willow!"

Duan Feizhuo looked out of the window—it wasn't even fully light yet. He yawned and got up, and several times when he put on his clothes, he buttoned the wrong buttons.

Shi Zhongjian insisted on visiting Mrs. Willow with him. ("Little poor, what would you have done without me?") Duan Feizhuo felt that walking on the street with a sword on his back (with a stone stuck in it) was too eye-catching and stupid. Five centuries ago, it might have been fashionable, but in the late 19th century, he would only attract the police. And the last thing he wants to face right now is the police.

He went downstairs to the Raven's for a free breakfast, which, to be honest, was nothing compared to the disastrous dinner at Lynn's last night. Seeing that Duan Feizhuo was eating with so much gusto, the restaurant owner even called the chef to watch together, as if he had seen some rare spectacle once in a century. Customers swallowing their breakfast with a tasteless expression seems to be a common sight in their restaurants.

After the meal, he asked the boss, "Can you lend me a cloth bag? It's about this long and this wide." He gestured to the size of the sword in the stone.

The boss wondered, "What do you want this cloth bag for?"

"Put on golf clubs." Duan Feizhuo said without changing expression.

In the end, the owner of the restaurant helped him find a cloth bag filled with green onions. Duan Feizhuo stuffed the sword in the stone into the bag, pretending it was a golf club. Shi Zhongjian kept making vomiting-like sounds.

"You put me in a cloth bag that used to hold green onions! Do I look like green onions!"

"If you are really a green onion," Duan Feizhuo said coldly, "then it will be much easier for me."

He packed the Sword in the Stone and the magic circle talisman paper from the Secret Realm Trading Company, called a taxi, and went straight to Mrs. Willow's tailor shop. In the past, he would definitely be reluctant to take a taxi, but now it's different, he has plenty of money, so there's no need to save in this kind of place.

Mrs. Willow's tailor shop is in Shaftesbury Street. The storefront was very unremarkable, and Duan Feizhuo passed by two or three times without noticing it, so he found it after asking passers-by.

The shop is small and dark, with several wooden mannequins on one side and measuring tapes hanging from their shoulders, and a row of ready-to-wear clothes on the other side, as well as accessories such as belts, capes, gloves, and corsets.

There was only one boy of twelve or thirteen in the store. He was sitting behind the counter, holding a copy of "Four Signatures" attentively. When Duan Feizhuo walked into the shop, he didn't notice the customers coming at all. It wasn't until Duan Feizhuo coughed lightly that he suddenly woke up. He hurriedly put down the book, came out from behind the counter, and bowed respectfully, "Welcome, sir."

Duan Feizhuo looked at him carefully. The teenager has brown hair and blue eyes, with some freckles on his face. It seems that he hasn't slept well for many days, and the under eyes are dark.

"Could you be the shop owner himself?" Duan Feizhuo asked jokingly.

"Of course not." The boy said awkwardly. "The owner is my mother. My name is Alfred."

He turned around and yelled "Mom! There's a visitor!"

A woman of medium build raised the curtain behind the counter and came out. She was dressed in black, with a black veil, the widow's mourning attire. She must be Mrs. Willow.

"Forgive me, sir, but my husband passed away not long ago," said Mrs. Villau. "Do you want to order clothes or buy ready-made clothes?"

"Buy a set of ready-made clothes for everyday wear first, and then order a dress." Duan Feizhuo said casually, "It was the Lynns and his wife who introduced me here."

He wanted to stay in the store for a longer period of time, so that it would be easier to observe the clues of Mrs. Willow.

Mrs. Willow smiled, "So you are a friend of the Lynn couple. Then I must give you a discount."

"You have a good relationship with them?"

"Mrs. Lynn and Ms. Lynn are regular customers of this store." Mrs. Willow turned to her son, "Al, you measure this gentleman."

From her tone, she couldn't see any resentment towards the Lynn family. Instead, she was a little grateful for the introduction of the guests.

Duan Feizhuo placed the cloth bag containing the sword in the stone horizontally on the counter, "Is it okay for me to put my golf clubs here?" Mrs. Willow nodded.

The boy named Al asked Duan Feizhuo to stand on a low stool, and took a tape measure to measure his length. Mrs. Wei Liu picked up a coat from the hanger and showed it to Duan Feizhuo.

"What do you think of this dress? This year's popular style, I can help you change the size for free."

Duan Feizhuo shook his head pretentiously. Mrs. Willow hurriedly took out another one.

"All the clothes in this store are handmade. As long as you measure the size once, the store will record your data forever, which is convenient for you to customize clothes in the future. As long as the store is still open, you can always use the clothes to modify and mend."

At this time, the bell on the door jingled. Another guest came.

Wei Liu's mother and son looked at the door together. The new guest is a young lady. She was holding a delicate lace cloak in her hand, and she threw it on the counter as soon as she entered the door.

"Madam, I want to return this cloak!" she said aggressively.

Mrs. Wei Liu's face was pale, and she hurriedly apologized, "Miss, are you dissatisfied with the products in our store?"

The lady rolled her eyes to the sky, "It's so evil, your cloak! It always covers my head when the wind blows, and it almost smothered me several times! My other cloaks don't have this problem. ! Is there something wrong with the material? I don’t want it anymore!”

Mrs. Willow apologized, "I'm very sorry, Miss... Al, you take the money and return it to this lady."

Her son looked reluctant, and wanted to argue with the young lady, but was stared at by his mother's stern eyes, so he obediently went to the counter drawer to withdraw money.

The lady left angrily. Al turned to Duan Feizhuo, trying to defend the store's reputation, "Sir, the clothes in this store are made of high-quality wool, there is absolutely no problem! You can buy with confidence!"

Duan Feizhuo nodded, but his mind was on the returned cloak. There was nothing special about the shape and material of the cloak, but in his eyes, the cloth exuded a faint light, exactly the same as Mrs. Lynn's necklace.

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