Leaving the alley, Duan Feizhuo turned onto a main road. Across the road is a row of low office buildings, in which Mr Smith's office is located.

I occasionally saw a few pedestrians coming and going on the road, but they turned a blind eye to Duan Feizhuo who was carrying a strange long object on his back. It seems that this is the effect of the phantom leaf. As long as Duan Feizhuo didn't do anything out of the ordinary, their attention wouldn't shift to him.

According to the address given by Mrs. Wei Liu, Duan Feizhuo entered one of the office buildings and came to the third floor.

Duan Feizhuo found Smith's office and squatted at the door.

The office building is old and dark, and most of the offices are empty. Is Smith renting this place as an office, is he really doing serious business?

He put his ear to the door, trying to hear if anyone was talking in the office. But he was disappointed. It was quiet inside, and there was no sound. Duan Feizhuo even wondered if there was anyone in the office. Perhaps Smith hadn't come back here since he left the tailor's shop?

After squatting for some time, Duan Feizhuo's legs were almost numb. He thought he had missed out today, and when he was about to go back, the door of the office opened.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Smith put on his coat and walked out of the office.

Duan Feizhuo squatted right under his nose, but he didn't seem to see anything.

The power of the phantom leaf is so terrifying!

Before the door was closed, Duan Feizhuo quickly slipped into the office. Smith didn't realize that he had "led the wolf into the house" at all, closed the door and walked towards the stairs.

Duan Feizhuo looked around the entire office. There is only a set of tea table sofas, a set of office desks and chairs, bookshelves standing on the walls on both sides, the carpet is dirty, has not been cleaned for a long time, and is full of moth-eaten holes.

It looks like a small office rented by an ordinary poor self-employed.

Of course, that is in the eyes of ordinary people.

In Duan Feizhuo's eyes, many of the books on the bookshelf exuded the unique gleam of secret art items.

"The evidence is conclusive now." Duan Feizhuo walked past the bookshelves, muttering to himself, "I just need to say something next, and let the enemy surrender... Ah no, I just need to send a letter to Scotland Yard." An anonymous letter, telling them that Smith is a mystic who is doing harm to the world, and the night police will punish that guy."

Shi Zhongjian shouted, "Wait!"

"What's your opinion again?"

"Is there a piece of paper on the desk? Go and have a look!"

Duan Feizhuo walked towards the desk. The messy table was full of documents. At first glance, he didn't know which paper Ishi Zhongjian was talking about, but soon he found the one Ishi Zhongjian said from among the messy papers.

It was a piece of talisman paper with a magic circle painted on it.

Duan Feizhuo's heart skipped a beat.

"How could Smith have this thing?!" He picked up the talisman paper and looked at it carefully, and confirmed that it was indeed a special talisman for customers, and the magic circle on it was exactly the same as the one at the customer's entrance of the trading bank.

Shi Zhongjian said mockingly, "That means that guy Smith is also a customer of the trading house."

…Uncle Joseph, can’t you filter a little bit when you expand your customer base? Any cat or dog dares to put it in the trading house!

This also shows that the group of mystics is a mixed bag. No wonder the night vigilante sees it as a thorn in his side.

"Even if it's the financial backer of the trading house, I can't tolerate it." Duan Feizhuo said sternly, "I still have to report the case!"

Shi Zhongjian yelled, "Hey, have you forgotten something important? All customers who hold the keys of the trading house have signed a secret contract invisibly. They cannot reveal the identity of the owner of the trading house and other customers. Likewise, the owner of the trading house cannot reveal the identity of the customer. You go to Scotland Yard to report Smith's case, don't you want to live?"

Duan Feizhuo scratched his head. After Shi Zhongjian reminded him, he remembered that there was still a contract.

"I just sent an anonymous letter, and I didn't rush in front of the night guards and shout 'Smith is a customer of the trading house', shouldn't the contract be triggered?" He speculated.

"Hmph, just try it. Don't blame me for not reminding you if you kick your legs to lift the dead body on the spot."

Duan Feizhuo was skeptical. He found a blank piece of paper from the messy files, and took out a pen from the pen holder on the desk, ready to write down Smith's name and address.

He stopped suddenly.

The tip of the pen trembled slightly, but it couldn't land on the paper no matter what.

At the same time, his heart twitched suddenly, and severe pain spread to all limbs. He couldn't help screaming, dropped the pen, and knelt on the ground clutching his chest.

Is this the power of the secret contract? Duan Feizhuo was in so much pain that tears almost came out. Just thinking about how to expose Smith's identity in his mind, he almost suffocated in pain. If he really wrote Smith's name on the paper, wouldn't he die suddenly on the spot?

"Ha, let me just say it!" Shi Zhongjian laughed triumphantly, "I remember your uncle said that the point of this contract is that 'you cannot reveal the identity of others against their will'. Unless Smith agrees to your Tell others about his identity, otherwise you will not be able to disclose his identity whether you use oral or written words, and even body language hints will not work."

"What's so ridiculous!" Duan Feizhuo said angrily, "Doesn't this mean that Smith can get away with it? This contract was originally used to protect the safety of the customers of the trading house, but now it has become the umbrella of the evil forces!"

When Joseph Chester first set up this contract, he probably would not have expected the situation today!

Duan Feizhuo was so angry that he slammed his fist on the ground hard.

There was a sudden noise outside the office.

Duan Feizhuo hurriedly put the paper and pen back on the desk, and quietly retreated to a corner of the room. As long as he didn't make too much noise, Smith couldn't find him.

The door of the office was pushed open with a "bang", and Smith strode in, holding a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy in his hand—it was Mrs. Willow's son Al.

He threw Al **** the ground. The boy let out a scream, and happened to jump at Duan Feizhuo's feet.

Duan Feizhuo moved to the side.

With a cigarette in his hand, Smith glared at the boy viciously, "What are you doing sneaking around the door?"

Al got up, his eyes were red, and his expression was aggrieved.

Duan Feizhuo knew at a glance that the child must have sensed that Smith had bad intentions, so he followed him here specially. I'm afraid that a child of this age doesn't know what "falsehood and deception" is. If he and Smith get into a fight, won't he be silenced by the mystic? !

But Al's calmness exceeded Duan Feizhu's expectation. The boy brushed the dust off his body and bowed deeply to Smith.

"Dear Mr. Smith, I am here to deliver a message on behalf of my mother." He said respectfully, "I dare not disturb you at will, so I linger at the door of your office. Please don't misunderstand."

"Oh?" Smith raised his eyebrows, observing the boy with great interest, "Is your mother finally willing to sell me that lantern?"

Al squeezed out a look of regret, "It's a pity, sir, my mother asked me to tell you that she doesn't intend to sell. She apologizes to you very much..."

Smith snorted coldly, walked to the desk, picked up an ashtray, and dusted off the cigarette. "It's useless to keep it in your mother's hands, why won't she sell it!"

"Because... because it is my grandfather's relic, so mother she..."

"That woman doesn't understand esoteric philosophy! The treasure is like dust in her hands!" Smith said angrily, "I am your grandfather's favorite student! I should inherit his mantle! But the old man would rather hand over the inheritance to Give it to my daughter who doesn’t understand the mystical philosophy! Just because I’m an outsider!”

Al shrank his neck, "Sir, I don't understand what you said... I have already passed on the words, so I will leave now!"

The boy bowed deeply again and walked towards the door.

He was holding the doorknob and was about to retreat when Smith suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

Al's hands trembled, "Sir, do you have any orders?"

Smith walked up to him and grabbed the boy by the wrist. Al groaned.

"Boy, did you sneak into my office just now?" Smith looked gloomy.

"No, sir!" Al cried out in pain.

"Then why did the positions of things on my table change?" Smith continued to exert force, almost breaking the boy's wrist.

"I don't know, sir!"

Duan Feizhuo covered his mouth. I didn't expect Smith to be so thoughtful that he could even remember exactly where the items on the table were placed!

It was he who messed up the position of the item, but Smith mistook it for Argan. Sorry to blame you Al!

Smith lifted the boy up and pressed him firmly against the desk.

"Your mother sent you here, right?" He gritted his teeth, "That **** deserved to die last night, but why did she live until today? Did she find out the problem with that pearl necklace?"

"Pearl?" Al's expression was blank for a moment, "My mother used that necklace to pay off the debt..."

"Ha! Then she really got **** luck!"

Smith held down the boy with one hand, shook the other slightly, and a small knife slipped out of his cuff. He gesticulated twice on the boy's finger with the dagger, and smiled ferociously, "Why don't I cut off one of your fingers and send it to your mother? If she refuses to give me that treasure, I'll cut off another one. You say Would she be willing to trade that treasure for your remaining finger?"

Al's face was pale and trembling, "Sir, you are committing a crime! Aren't you afraid that my mother will call the police?"

"Does she dare?" Smith laughed. "She has so many occult items piled up in her own warehouse, and she dares to report my case to Scotland Yard? Isn't that a thief calling for a thief? You said the night policeman arrested her first." , or catch me first?"

After speaking, he raised the knife high.

Al closed his eyes in despair.

He had braced himself for the excruciating pain, yet he waited and waited and nothing happened.

He opened his eyes tremblingly, only to see an extra person in the office at some point.

It was a stranger who had visited his shop before. He blocked Smith's knife hand with one hand, and in the other held a strange rusty sword with a stone stuck in the tip.

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