May I ask what kind of life was considered top fashion in London in 1893?

Drink black tea from the East India, smoke tobacco from the New World, read Conan Doyle's novels, and then take a steam airship to take a trip as soon as you say it.

However, those fashionable gadgets have nothing to do with Duan Feizhuo.

While the four million people in London are enjoying the glory of Her Majesty the Queen, Duan Feizhuo is standing on the poorest street in Aberdeen, 500 kilometers away from London, and is kidnapped by a thin, mouse-like man , lives are at stake.

The mouse man strangled Duan Feizhuo's neck with one hand, held a magic wand with the other, pressed it against his temple, and roared, "Don't come here! If you dare to move, I'll blow this kid's head off!"

Duan Feizhuo was stunned, "Brother, I saved your life just now, and you just want to repay your kindness like this?"

"Shut up! Or I'll blow your head off right now!"

"If I die, don't you have no hostages?"

The mouse man was taken aback for a moment, surprised that what he said was reasonable, and immediately became furious, pointing his wand at a stone not far away.

With a deafening bang, the stone shattered and turned into dust.

Duan Feizhuo didn't dare to say anything immediately.

Is this coming for real?

If there really are gods in this world, Duan Feizhuo would like to ask him, as a good young Chinese in the 21st century, why he has fallen into such a situation.

Three years ago, he was a medical student in his prime. One day he received a fraudulent email titled "Congratulations on your million inheritance". He wanted to delete the email, but he was in a boring class at the time. Anyway, I was idle, so I patiently read the email from beginning to end.

The email was written in English, to the effect that a distant relative of Duan Feizhuo who lived overseas passed away and left a huge inheritance, and he was designated as the heir.

He suddenly had a mischievous idea, why not pretend to be fooled, and go face to face with the liar?

So he opened the link in the email cheaply.

When he opened his eyes again, he was transported to the Victorian era.

The current time travel is really getting less and less particular, at least a big truck is coming, right?

The true owner of this body was named Leo Chester. His mother lost his mother when he was young, and his father was also a doctor who opened a private clinic. Not long ago, a fire razed the clinic, killing Leo's father and seriously injuring Leo himself. Duan Feizhuo's soul "occupies the magpie's nest" at this moment.

I thought that I would be able to inherit the inheritance of my deceased father after time travel and reach the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, there were also several unlucky patients who died in the fire. The family members of the deceased blamed the fire on the doctor's careless use of fire and demanded high compensation.

Duan Feizhuo inherited only eleven shillings after compensating the deceased's family.

He didn't know much about the purchasing power of the British pound in this era, but he had read the Sherlock Holmes series. At the beginning of "A Study in Scarlet", Watson confessed that his daily income was eleven shillings and sixpence.

In other words, all of Duan Feizhuo's belongings were about the same as his daily salary, with six pence less.

...can this live?

He was homeless, and the few coins in his pocket could not afford a hotel, so he had to rent a room in the most run-down and poorest neighbourhood, Mud Street, in Aberdeen.

Mud Street is dark and dilapidated, full of filth, and is a rotten sore in this glamorous city. But it is indispensable, just like a beautiful palace also needs a trash can. Mud Street accommodates the **** that the rest of the city has discarded like shoes, and all the poor who don't deserve to live in the sun.

Duan Feizhuo lived in this trash can for three years.

His only means of earning a living was his medical knowledge. Although he only went to college for more than a year, and his clinical experience is basically zero, but fortunately, his main clients—the residents of Mud Street—are not picky or picky.

These poor people at the bottom of the society cannot even afford their daily living expenses. They often have to resign themselves to their fate when they get sick, and they are absolutely reluctant to see a doctor unless they are in critical condition. Duan Feizhuo's arrival was like rain from heaven to them. They couldn't afford much medical expenses, and Duan Feizhuo was too embarrassed to ask for more money from them. He only charged a few shillings for each consultation fee, and sometimes he didn't even take a penny.

Before he knew it, it was ironic that such an unlicensed black doctor turned out to be a well-known "miracle doctor" in Lanni Street.

Pull the timeline back to the morning of this miserable day.

In the early morning of thick fog, Duan Feizhuo was awakened by a deafening knock on the door before the sky was fully lit.

"Doctor! Please open the door, Doctor! My father, he..."

Duan Feizhuo put on a patched coat, yawned and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a petite girl with a flushed face and tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Doctor, please come to my house! My father...he..."

Duan Feizhuo pressed his hand, "Luth, calm down, and speak slowly."

The girl choked up, "When he was unloading, a container came loose and fell down, and his leg..."

Before she could finish speaking, Duan Feizhuo had already put on his coat, returned to his room, and took out a medicine box from under the bed.


The girl hurriedly nodded and led the way in front of him.

Ruth Roberts lived at the other end of Mud Street. When Duan Feizhuo arrived at her house, the dilapidated hut was already surrounded by three floors of people, some were residents of Mud Street, and the other were airport stevedores in overalls—workers of Ruth's father.

Seeing Duan Feizhuo, they moved aside automatically like Moses dividing the Red Sea.

"It's Doctor Chester!"

"The doctor is coming! Make way! Make way!"

Duan Feizhuo pushed the door open and entered. There was no lighting in the small room, and Ruth's father, Mr. Roberts, was lying on the bed, covered with a thin blanket, the lower part of which had been soaked deep red with blood. Mrs. Roberts sat on the head of the bed, sobbing. Her ten-year-old son, Edward, held her arm and said nothing, with a solemn expression on his face that did not match his age.

Mrs. Roberts stood up with tears streaming down her face, "Doctor, please save my husband..."

Duan Feizhuo threw off the blanket. Mr. Roberts uttered a groan of pain. From the knee down, his right leg was almost reduced to a puddle of flesh, and it was hard to tell where the bones were and where the muscles were. Some people bandaged him briefly, but the bandaging technique is really not flattering.

"Has he received treatment?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

Ruth nodded with tears in her eyes, "Dr. Stone on Wharf Street looked at it briefly, but he opened his mouth. We couldn't afford the medical bills, so we had to bring Dad back..."

"I can't keep this leg." Duan Feizhuo said, "It must be amputated."

Mrs. Roberts gasped and nearly passed out. "Can't you think of a way?"

Antibiotics were not invented in this era. If it drags on, the whole leg will become infected, and Mr. Roberts will die by then. Amputation at least has the possibility of saving life.

Mr. Roberts on the bed slowly opened his eyes. Enduring the severe pain, he said to his wife and daughter, "You all listen to the doctor!"

His wife was tearful, "But if you amputate, you will..."

Mr. Roberts forced a smile, "I'm very lucky, at least I wasn't killed on the spot like the other two. Even if I am amputated, I can still install mechanical prosthetics..."

A stevedore walked into the house and handed Duan Feizhuo a small leather bag that jingled. Duan Feizhuo opened the leather bag and saw that it was full of coins, all copper coins of one penny and two pennies.

"Doctor, this was put together by a few of our fellow workers. Please cure Roberts!"

Duan Feizhuo pulled on the drawstring of the leather bag. "What does your foreman say? No compensation?"

The stevedore spat. "That **** said that the container was loose due to the negligence of the workers. He also said that it would be good if we didn't make compensation for the damaged goods. In fact, we have long reported that the ropes are aging, but the superiors didn't take it seriously. Anyway, even if something happened, They are not the ones who died..."

"Hmph. Capitalism." Duan Feizhuo snorted softly and opened the medical box, "You all get out, I'm going to have an operation."

The operation lasted two hours. Because there was no anesthetic, Mr. Roberts could only endure the pain and amputate his **** leg while awake. That morning, his screams could be heard all over Mud Street. But for Mud Street, this sound is nothing more than a daily concerto. The most important thing on this street is the misery of sentient beings.

After the operation, Duan Feizhuo washed his **** hands in the bucket. Mr. Roberts had passed out. Duan Feizhuo was about to call his family into the house when he heard a low voice coming from outside the door.

"...Mom, I've thought about it. I want to go out and make money. The proprietress of the Peacock Bar said that if I go to her place..."

"No! I will never allow my daughter to do that kind of skin business!"

"But Dad won't be able to work in the future. Are we going to drink northwest wind?"

"Sister, don't worry, I will be eleven years old soon, and I can go to the factory. I must make a lot of money!"

"Yes, Ruth, as long as our family works together, what difficulties can we not overcome?"

Duan Feizhuo pushed the door and went out. Seeing this, Ruth's family immediately stopped talking and stared at the ground with their own thoughts.

"The operation is done," he said, pretending not to hear the family's argument.

He briefly explained a few postoperative precautions, and Ruth nodded while listening. In order to hide her embarrassment in front of her family, she stammered, "Doctor, I'll take you home."

She took the initiative to pick up Duan Feizhuo's medical kit, and the two walked side by side to the other end of Mud Street.

The city is gradually waking up in the morning light. Although Aberdeen is not as prosperous as London, it is also one of the largest cities in the north. The residents of Mud Street poured out onto the streets to start their day's work. Although they are poor, they are as energetic as those gentlemen and ladies who live in luxurious communities.

At the door of the house, Duan Feizhuo took out the small purse that the dock worker gave him, and put it in Ruth's palm.

Ruth panicked, "This is your consultation fee!"

"You need it more than I do."

"No! Doctor, you have worked so hard, you deserve it!"

Duan Feizhuo forcibly closed her palm, "That's what I borrowed from you. When your father recovers and can work, it won't be too late to return it to me."

Ruth's eyes turned red, and she turned her back and wiped her cheek with the corner of her clothes.

"Thank you, Dr. Chester." She sniffed.

Duan Feizhuo took the medical kit, said goodbye to the girl, and went back into the house.

He never locks the door. Because the house is barren, even thieves don't bother to patronize this kennel.

As soon as he put down the medical box, Duan Feizhuo was keenly aware of a cold breath coming from behind.

Someone hid in the house while he was out.

A hoarse male voice sounded from behind, "Are you the number one doctor on this street?"

Duan Feizhuo pondered for a moment, then said, "Considering that I am the only doctor on this street, it probably is."

"My companion is wounded. Please heal him."

"What if I say no?"

A flying knife brushed against Duan Feizhuo's cheek, cut off a few temple hairs, and nailed it to the opposite wall, penetrating three points.

Duan Feizhuo turned around, said righteously and in a calm manner, "The hero, spare your life!"

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