Duan Feizhuo sat behind the counter and counted today's income. 150 blind boxes sold out. He turned the gold coins into paper money and handed them to Al. The young man held the banknotes and counted them again and again. He couldn't believe that he got such a large sum of money, which was 50 pounds more than the 100 pounds he expected!

"I, I really don't know how to thank you, the owner of the trading house." Al stammered excitedly, "In this way, our family can pay off all our debts, and even have a surplus... You are really the big brother of our family. Saviour!"

Duan Feizhuo pretended to be high-spirited and waved his hands, "It's nothing. I just want to test whether the new business method is feasible."

This is not a lie. If blind boxes didn't work in the Victorian era, it didn't hurt him much. Anyway, he didn't intend to seriously run the trading house, so if he lost money, he would lose money. If the trading house goes bankrupt because of this, he can't wait for it.

Unexpectedly, this plan was a great success. It can only be said that although the times have changed, the weakness of human nature has never changed.

Al pocketed the bill and put the box he had brought on the counter.

"My mother asked me to bring it to you." He opened the box and took out an old lantern.

Duan Feizhuo's eyes widened. The lantern exudes an incomparably dazzling brilliance. If Mrs. Willow's other occult items are dim stars, then this lantern is like the rising sun. What a powerful secret art energy this is!

"This is my grandfather's belongings," Al said with a look of nostalgia. "He passed away before I was born, and I have only seen his pictures. My mother told me that my grandfather cherished this lamp very much. The light of this lantern can To dispel evil, but only with a hidden fire. I don't know what a hidden fire is. But I think you do, don't you?"

Duan Feizhuo had never heard of it, but he still pretended to smile deeply.

Two red clouds flew up Al's cheeks, "Great, this thing is more useful in your hands! Grandpa left his last words before he died, saying that even if the family has to sell this lamp due to financial difficulties in the future, it must never be sold." Sell ​​it to people with bad intentions. Although Smith has some achievements in esoteric philosophy, he is not a gentleman, so my mother will not sell it to him. But you are different!"

Why is this kid blushing? Duan Feizhuo was confused.

"How much do you want to sell it for?" he asked.

Al shook his head, "Mom said this item is not for sale, it is a gift for you."

Duan Feizhuo was taken aback. To be honest, not being moved is a lie. Don't you don't want what you give for nothing?

But after thinking about it, the person he set up for himself was "the owner of a secret trading company with high integrity, virtue and skill, and money as dung". How could he accept gifts from others casually? A gift is only a temporary thing, but a persona is a lifetime thing!

So he made a resolute expression, "I'm not the kind of person who promises to return favors. You go back and tell your mother that she will look down on me if she does this again."

Al's face became even more blush, "How can you explain to my mother for letting me go back like this?"

"Isn't it enough to tell the truth?"

"She will definitely think that I said something wrong, so you don't want to accept it." Al gave Duan Feizhuo a pitiful look, "Otherwise, you can... just treat it as a temporary safekeeping for us! This thing If it falls into the hands of unruly people, it will definitely cause disaster. We, mother and son, know nothing about secret art, so we can't protect it at all, so we can only rely on you!"

Duan Feizhuo sighed. He knew that Mother Al and his son wanted to give him this lamp as a reward, and the "protecting this lamp" was just an excuse for him to accept this gift with peace of mind. He appreciates the kindness of the mother and son, but as for this gift...

He looked at Arna's expression of anticipation and fear.

"Okay, okay, I'll take it for the time being and keep it for you." He said helplessly.

As for how long the "keep" lasts... Al mother and son will probably never come to ask him to get the lamp back for the rest of their lives. Probably kept for a long time...

He was about to leave the trading house, but Al clung to him like a little tail.

"...Do you still want me to 'keep' something?" Duan Feizhuo felt a little amused.

"Well, sir, I...I..." Al stared at his feet, hesitated for a long time, and then mustered up the courage to say, "I want to be a mystic!"

"...Oh, so ambitious."

"Can you teach me the mystical philosophy? My mother and I have already discussed it, and my mother also agrees that I ask you to be my teacher!" Al moved closer to Duan Feizhuo, his blue eyes seemed to have little stars shining, " She said that you are not only highly skilled in magic arts, but also very upright, there is no more suitable mentor than you in the world!"

Duan Feizhuo was speechless. What to teach? He himself doesn't know any secret arts at all, how can he teach this kid?

"I...I can't teach you." He said bravely.

"Why? Don't great mystics always have a few apprentices? My mother said that the more powerful a mystic, the more disciples he has. Otherwise, how can the mystic philosophy be passed on?" Al was surprised.

…Is that so, your mysterious society still has this kind of tradition? Duan Feizhuo didn't understand at all.

"Speaking of which, it's really strange that you don't have an apprentice. Could it be that you..." Al showed a suspicious look.

Duan Feizhuo became nervous. This kid can't see through that he doesn't know mystic philosophy at all, right?

"Could it be that you..." Al speculated, "Tuition is expensive?"

Duan Feizhuo almost slipped. This kid has a really rich imagination!

He turned his face away, unwilling to meet the boy's eyes, "I have no plans to accept apprentices yet!"

"I know that mystics charge tuition fees for their apprenticeships. Although our family is not rich, we will never save money like tuition fees! I can go out to work and earn money while studying with you!" Al was full of ambition, " One day, I will also become a great mystic like you, protect my family and never let them be harmed again! I will also be like you, punish **** and eradicate evil, and sanction those mystics who do evil! "

No, no, kid, you misunderstood! Duan Feizhuo wanted to cry without tears. He is not a great mystic at all! Learning secret techniques from him is probably the same as learning how to drive an excavator from a cook!

"I don't think it's getting early today, why don't you go home quickly? Your mother must be waiting!"

He forced Al into the tapestry circle. As soon as he disappeared into the vortex of magic power, Duan Feizhuo immediately ran to the golden clock at a speed of 100 meters, set the pointer to 12 o'clock, and closed the customer channel to prevent Al from chasing him persistently.

so close. Duan Feizhuo thought with lingering fear. Almost exposed the fact that he doesn't know the secret technique!

But Al was rejected, so he probably won't come again, right? Having said that, that kid is so interested in punishing **** and eradicating evil, he shouldn't be a mystic at all, but should be a night watchman, right...

The next day is Sunday. As a time traveler, Duan Feizhuo never went to church, and usually slept until he woke up naturally. But this day just after dawn, he was awakened by a deafening knock on the door.

Duan Feizhuo yawned and opened the door, and what he saw was Al's glowing red face.

"...How do you know my address?!" Duan Feizhuo screamed. Could it be that Al has awakened the attributes of a perverted stalker at a young age? !

Al raised a set of dresses in his hand and looked at him inexplicably, "Sir, have you forgotten that you ordered clothes in my tailor shop? The address is clearly left by you!"

—I really forgot about this!

Sorry to misunderstand you Al! Duan Feizhuo showed a guilty smile.

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