After returning from Charing Cross Road, Duan Feizhuo was so happy that he didn't fall asleep all night. Yeats and he made an appointment to meet at Paddington Station at 10:00 a.m. three days later, and the two would go together to visit the family of the late mystic. But before dawn the next day, he got up and packed his luggage.

Al came to Duan Feizhuo's house on time this morning. He carried a small basket with freshly baked bread and some ingredients.

"The food in the restaurant downstairs is horrible, master. I'll cook for you from now on." He looked at Duan Feizhuo who was packing his luggage, "Are you going out?"

"On Wednesday, I will travel with a mystic." Duan Feizhuo replied, "You can take a few days off."

Al's eyes lit up, "Can I go together?"

"We are here for serious business, not for tourism."

"Then you need me even more! Otherwise, who will take care of your daily necessities when you are away?" Al said excitedly, "I can travel by myself! I know I am useless now, but I want to see more The world of mystics! I will never embarrass you in front of your friends!"

In order to show that he was more or less useful, he took out the clothes that Duan Feizhu had stuffed into the suitcase in one go.

"You should fold it like this!" He skillfully folded the shirt and trousers neatly.

Duan Feizhuo looked at the suitcase that Al had tidied up—even a patient with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder would not be dissatisfied when he saw it. He silently shed tears of inferiority in his heart. He is actually no better than a twelve-year-old child in terms of housework...

"Then you can go with me." He said helplessly, "Of course you don't have to pay for the travel expenses. I'm not stingy to that extent."

Al let out a cheer and hugged Duan Feizhuo's waist, "Thank you, master! By the way, you haven't told me where I'm going yet!"

"Shrewsbury." Duan Feizhuo replied, "In Shropshire."

Al had never left London in his life, and it was the first time he had traveled to such a distant place. He was so excited that he couldn't read at all, so Duan Feizhu just let him go.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Duan Feizhuo seized the time to study the few books he bought from Yeats. Unlike the handbook full of profound theories that Z lent him, the book recommended by Yeats focuses on practical operations, which can be described as easy to understand.

The most basic ability of mystical philosophy is the transformation of energy. Skilled mystics can capture energies and store them for later use. Usually the energy is stored in metals or gems compatible with the mystic's constitution.

Duan Feizhuo remembered Paimo who kidnapped him back then. He had a metal wand in his hand. That's probably for storing energy, right?

As long as you master the skills of "capturing-transforming" energy, you can deal with many emergencies. For example, it is possible to draw heat from a flame and use this energy to make other objects fly.

Duan Feizhuo tried several times to capture energy from the flames of the fireplace, but he blushed and didn't let even a piece of paper fly. Whenever he tried, Ishikawa would snicker and ask him if he was constipated.

Could it be that there was something wrong with the book Yeats gave him? Or is he born without the talent of a mystic?

Duan Feizhuo was a little depressed. But he's going on a trip soon, and he can try a few more times when he gets back to London.

In a flash, it was the day to make an appointment with Yeats. Duan Feizhuo woke up early. He told Al to meet him directly at Paddington Station, so today he had to go down to the Raven's for breakfast.

The restaurateur brings a breakfast and slams it on the table.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to rent your house if this continues, Mr. Chester." He said loudly, "Business is sluggish, and inexplicable accidents often occur these days, causing me to lose a lot of money..."

Blame your chef for bad business. Duan Feizhuo thought harshly.

"What accident?" he asked.

"The glass suddenly shattered, and the wine bottle fell off the shelf for no reason. Yesterday when the chef was cooking, the pot suddenly exploded. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the guests were scared away, and the meal money was not settled." The boss He said bitterly, "I have opened a restaurant here for ten years, and I have never encountered such a thing. It is really evil."

"Earthquake. It must be an earthquake." Duan Feizhuo said.

"I think it's the end of the world," muttered the boss.

Duan Feizhuo seriously suggested that he buy a house earthquake insurance.

After breakfast, Duan Feizhuo picked up the suitcase. In addition to a change of clothes and some cash, he only brought two important things: the magic circle talisman paper leading to the secret trading house and a phantom leaf to save his life. The sword in the stone was placed in the trading bank by him, and he can pick it up at any time if necessary. Shi Zhongjian cursed for a long time before he stopped.

He went to the mailbox on the corner to post a letter. The letter was for Ruth. Before leaving Aberdeen, Duan Feizhuo promised her father to write the letter back, but Ruth's father couldn't read, so she had to let her daughter collect it. In the letter, Duan Feizhuo said that everything was fine in London, and asked about Ruth's father's recovery and the recent situation of the residents of Mud Street.

In addition, he specifically asked Ruth at the end of the letter if he had heard of the "Secret Realm Trading Company". He promised Z to ask the residents of Mud Street about the situation before, and he had to put on a show.

After posting the letter, he called a cab and drove straight to Paddington Station.

In this era, many people commute by train and subway. The road to Paddington Station is extremely congested, and everyone has the lifeless look on their faces that is unique to migrant workers.

The carriage stopped a block from the station.

"What's going on?" Duan Feizhuo poked his head out of the car window.

"Sir, the road ahead is blocked," replied the coachman. "It seems that a group of people are demonstrating. I saw them holding some signs."

Duan Feizhuo looked at his watch. There is still half an hour to ten o'clock. If he stays stuck here, he will miss the train. It might be faster to walk over.

"Just stop here." He paid the driver for the car, and jumped out of the car with the suitcase.

Sure enough, the road ahead was blocked by a large group of people. The carriage approaching from unknown circumstances and the carriage about to turn around refused to give way to each other, the roar of the coachman and the snorting of the horse's impatience were endless.

There is very little space left for passers-by to walk. Duan Feizhuo had to squeeze through the dense crowd. Every now and then his suitcase bumped into someone's back, and he kept apologizing along the way.

"Wretched people, open your eyes! Look at what has been done to the ground beneath our feet!"

A woman's cry came from the center of the crowd.

"We patronize the top of our heads, but ignore the earth! We cheer for the flying machines in the sky, but how many people know how harmful the burning crystals of those machines are? Oh, people name those transparent stones For the "ether crystallization", I happily mined it from the ground, thinking that it is a treasure given to mankind by God, so that mankind can fly to the sky proudly, but in fact it is a gift from Satan!"

Some raised their arms and yelled for the woman, while others hissed.

Duan Feizhuo looked towards the source of the voice, and saw a woman standing on a wooden box, holding up a wooden sign that said "Beautiful Gaia".

"How many people are sick because of breathing the exhaust gas of ether crystals? How many people are lingering in nursing homes? Don't listen to the rhetoric of those politicians who say that ether crystals will never produce exhaust gases. Open your eyes and see the facts! Look! Around you!"

In addition to women, there are many people in the same shabby clothes as her, loudly preaching to passers-by. Duan Feizhuo just stopped to look out of curiosity, and immediately an elderly man grabbed his arm.

"Children, join the beautiful Gaia! Resist ether crystals and save human lives!"

Duan Feizhuo wanted to shake him off, but the man's hands were as firm as iron tongs, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't shake them off.

Boy, is this a Victorian sales pitch?

More and more people came towards Duan Feizhuo, surrounding him like a tide. They all had the same wild eyes as the screaming woman.

"Sir! Please learn about Gaia the Beautiful, our protector, our only salvation!"

"Just look at this pamphlet and you'll see! What lies those politicians are telling!"

"Our family members have died because of 'ether disease', believe us, don't let more people suffer!"

Duan Feizhuo was pushed around by the crowd like a rubber ball. He had never been surrounded by so many people. No matter which direction he turned, all he saw were excited faces. People opened their mouths, chanted slogans he didn't understand, and one hand after another was stretched out in front of him, pushing him pamphlets, leaflets, placards and the like.

"I don't want these, please let me go, I'm on my way..." He explained in vain to the fanatics, but no one answered him.

Just when he was about to be submerged by the crowd, someone grabbed his wrist suddenly. The man struggled to drag him out of the crowd. Duan Feizhuo finally breathed fresh air.

"Thanks..." he gasped.

He raised his head and found that it was Yeats who saved him.

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