Seven hours later, Aberdeen Station.

Returning to this place again, Duan Feizhuo was filled with emotion. But now is not the time to express feelings, they are here to deal with serious business.

To save time, Duan Feizhuo and Z split up. Z first went to the police station to retrieve the files of the serial killings, while Duan Feizhuo went to Mud Street to visit Ruth's family. Afterwards, the two met at the police station gate.

Ruth's house is located at the corner of Mud Street. It is one of the few buildings on the street that looks like a house. This is due to the hard work of the family. The front of Ruth's house was always clean, the windows were spotless, and the "Roberts" nameplate was polished to a shine. And the other houses are so "chic" in shape that it is hard to tell whether they are buildings or avant-garde works of art damaged by the Syrian war.

But Duan Feizhuo can clearly see that Ruth's house has also been neglected recently. Usually the small area in front of her house is always very clean, not even a puddle or a mud mark, but now it is covered with dirty footprints.

Duan Feizhuo knocked on the door.

A woman's roar came from the room, "Go away! We don't accept interviews!"

Duan Feizhuo was puzzled, "Mrs. Roberts? It's me! Leo Chester!"

There was a sound of hurried footsteps. Mrs. Roberts opened the door.

Mrs. Roberts in Duan Feizhu's memory was a kind woman with a big heart and a fat body. She was always cheerful, with smile lines on the corners of her mouth. But compared to the last time we met, she had lost a lot of weight, her eyes were red, swollen and bloodshot, as if she had just cried.

She looked at Duan Feizhuo with a faint smile on her thin face. This was probably the first smile she had shown in recent days.

"Doctor, it's you!" She excitedly held Duan Feizhuo's hand, "I didn't expect you to come back! I'm sorry, I thought you were those reporters. Please come in, come in quickly, you will always be the most popular in our family." Welcome guest!"

She took out a cup from the cupboard, wiped it carefully, and poured water for the guest. All the cups in the cupboard were chipped, but the one she took out was whole. This is the best cup specially for distinguished guests.

"Are there many reporters coming recently?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"Yeah, since Ruth she..." Mrs. Roberts bit her lip, "a bunch of reporters have come to interview us. At first I thought they were trying to get justice for the victims, but I was wrong. They just wanted to Dig up some sensational news to increase sales for their paper."

Duan Feizhuo nodded in agreement. This is the reporter, this is the media.

"Where are Mr. Roberts and little Edward?" he asked.

"Edward works in a factory and won't be back until later," replied Mrs. Roberts. "As for my husband..."

She looked towards a closed door inside the house. There was a clanging knock behind the door, as if someone was wielding a hammer and working hard.

"Since he started to learn shoemaking skills, that room has become his studio." Mrs. Roberts said with a hint of resentment in her tone, "Now he stays behind closed doors all day, so he knows how to make shoes."

She got up and went to the door, shouting, "Come out, here comes Dr. Chester! Won't you entertain me?"

The knocking sound in the studio stopped for a few seconds, and then it started again. Ding Ding Dang Dang, the regularity makes the scalp tingle.

"Look, he is like this now." Mrs. Roberts shook her head resentfully. "Even if his daughter is gone, he doesn't care..."

As she said that, she showed a weeping expression again.

To talk to her about her daughter's death was to open someone's wounds. Duan Fei couldn't bear it, but for the sake of the case, he still made up his mind to ask, "I saw about Ruth in the newspaper. When will Ruth's funeral be held?"

"The day after tomorrow." Mrs. Roberts said sadly.

Duan Feizhuo asked, "Where is she dead? Can I go and see?"

"At St. Andrew's Church. If the child Ruth knows that you care about her so much, she must... must..." As she spoke, Mrs. Roberts shook her head violently again, "No, you'd better not go! Ruth looks really Yes...she sure wants you to remember her as that pretty girl, not...not..."

She covered her face and burst into tears.

Duan Feizhuo didn't know how to comfort the woman who was suffering from the loss of her daughter, so he could only repeat words like "Sorrow and change" clumsily. It wasn't until the Roberts family's youngest son, Edward, came back from get off work that the situation improved.

Before leaving, Duan Feizhu gave Edward a few pounds. Unlike his sister, he didn't refuse, just said "I will return the money to you when I make money in the future" and accepted it. Compared with the last time we met, Edward has aged a lot, and he speaks like an adult. For a child who is only eleven years old, I don't know whether it is good or bad.

St. Andrew's Church is not far from Mud Street, where almost all the poor people of Aberdeen hold their funerals.

St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and the church is named after him. However, the church is not big, and it can even be said to be a little dilapidated, as if it has not been repaired for many years. Some of the family burials in the church are hundreds of years old. And those poor people who don't have family cemeteries and can't afford tombstones and cemeteries can only share a tomb with other dead and bury them hastily.

Duan Feizhuo had visited St. Andrew's Church many times in the past when he was practicing medicine on Mud Street (his medical skills were not yet consummate enough to bring the dead back to life), and he was familiar with the old pastor here.

The pastor also looked surprised when he saw him, "Isn't this Dr. Chester? Why are you back?"

The news that he inherited a huge inheritance and moved to London has spread among acquaintances. Everyone seems to think that he will stay in London for a lifetime to eat and drink, and it is impossible to return to this poor and run-down place.

"Come back to attend Ruth's funeral." Duan Feizhuo said.

The pastor crossed himself, "Poor girl, may she rest in peace in the arms of Our Lady."

"Can I see her body? Her mother has given her permission."

The pastor nodded, "I'll take you there."

The remains are temporarily stored in the church crypt until the funeral. The two walked down a narrow, dark staircase to the ground. Duan Feizhuo could clearly feel that the deeper he went underground, the lower the temperature would be. Even wearing Z's coat, the chill could seep into his skin.

At the end of the stairs was a straight corridor with an iron door at the end. The pastor took a bunch of keys from his belt and opened the door.

"This used to be a catacomb." The pastor said hoarsely. "After the reform of the funeral system, the remains were moved out."

Duan Feizhuo walked into the cellar. The temperature here was so low that white mist spewed out when he breathed. There was a smell of formalin and a faint smell of blood and rancidity in the air.

In this era, freezing technology has not yet been invented. If you want to preserve the corpse for a long time, you must either carry out embalming treatment, or you can only park the corpse in a cold cellar.

There are several coffins in the center of the cellar, most of which are empty, except for one covered with a white cloth.

Duan Feizhuo stretched out his hand to uncover the white cloth on the body.

The pastor grabbed his wrist, "You'd better be mentally prepared. It's scary. A little girl has become like this. If you see it, you might have nightmares for the rest of your life."

"Don't worry. I've seen many horrible things." Duan Feizhuo said in a low voice, "Some of them may not even appear in nightmares."

He tore off the white cloth.

The moment Duan Feizhuo saw the remains of the deceased, he couldn't help turning his face away.

The pastor snorted, with the words "Look what I said" written on his face.

Duan Feizhuo gritted his teeth and forced himself to face the dead.

The pastor was right, it was downright horrible. The deceased was a young woman, and Duan Feizhuo couldn't be sure if it was Ruth for a while, because she only had half of her face left, and the other half was **** and bloody, and she couldn't make out her appearance at all.

The body of the deceased was not much better. One of her arms was mutilated, and the broken bone pierced the flesh. The flesh and blood from the chest to the lower abdomen have completely disappeared, and the internal organs have also disappeared. The damaged wounds are covered with tooth marks, as if they have been bitten by a crazy beast.

"It's so pitiful." The pastor said sympathetically. "When her mother went to identify the body, she didn't even dare to recognize her. In the end, she judged it was hers based on the birthmark on her body."

Duan Feizhuo's hands trembled uncontrollably. It was so cold in the cellar, but it was as if a fire had ignited in his heart, making his eyes red. He wished he could rush out of the church now, into the streets of Aberdeen, find Ruth's murderer, and tear her to pieces.

He closed his eyes, trying to suppress his anger.

Don't be impulsive. Don't be rash and impulsive. He repeated inwardly.

"You know medicine, doctor, can you see anything?" the pastor asked curiously.

Duan Feizhuo carefully observed Ruth's body again.

"There are many wounds, but there is no living body reaction." He whispered, "She was killed first, and then the murderer put her..."

"That's what the police said. She was strangled first—mechanical asphyxiation—and then the body was...uh...mutilated."

The pastor didn't want to say "swallow," that would be too appalling.

A few bruises in the shape of fingers were left on what was left of Ruth's neck. There is no fingerprint identification technology in this era, Duan Feizhuo can only judge from the shape of the pinch mark, the murderer's palm is relatively large, and he is more likely to be a man.

"People with this kind of power should be men." Duan Feizhuo said, "But strong women are not excluded."

"I think it should be a man," said the pastor. "Besides her, there were four other dead, three men and one woman. Among them were workers with a strong physique. The person who can subdue him must be a strong man."

Duan Feizhuo hesitated for a moment, and asked sheepishly, "Has the deceased been sexually assaulted by...that...?"

The pastor raised his eyebrows. "I've never heard of that. Strange, isn't it?"

Not surprising at all. Duan Feizhuo thought to himself. If the murderer is the last member of the Order of the Bloody Feast, a occultist, then his purpose is to devour human flesh to satisfy his appetite, not his sexual desire.

wrong. If the murderer is a occultist, then of course he can use occult techniques to subdue the victim. Female mystics can easily do this too.

Duan Feizhuo leaned down and carefully examined the marks around the wound.

A bite mark or two remained on the mutilated body. Judging from the tooth shape, it is a human tooth.

Everything is consistent with Z's inference. It's becoming more and more likely that the killer is the Crimson Feast's mystic on the run.

Duan Feizhuo didn't want to see Ruth's body anymore. Her mother was right. If it was Ruth, she would definitely hope that the impression she would leave in the hearts of the world would always be that innocent and beautiful girl, instead of... an unrecognizable, mutilated corpse.

"Pastor, on the day of the funeral, is Ruth going to be buried like this?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"Of course not. Her family will come and dress her in the best clothes, and then hold a mourning ceremony. Everyone takes turns to pay their respects to the deceased with flowers." The pastor paused, and added, "Oh, it may not be possible to pay homage to the deceased. No. Poor girl."

"Are there any restorers in Aberdeen?"

"Body restorer?" The pastor repeated the unfamiliar word.

"It is to put makeup on the remains, repair the incomplete parts, and make them look more beautiful."

The old pastor looked up at the ceiling, narrowing his eyes in thought.

"There's a coffin shop in the Silver Road," he said, "and I remember the owner there seemed to know the trade. I saw a dead man once had his head smashed in with a stone. But at the funeral he looked As if he had never been injured. His wife said it was all the fault of the coffin shop owner."

Duan Feizhuo nodded and muttered "Thank you". There was nothing he could do, at least... at least make Ruth walk in a decent way.

The two left the morgue, and the iron door slammed shut behind them.

After staying in the cold cellar for a long time, Duan Feizhuo actually felt that it was a little hot outside.

He took leave of the vicar and went to Silver Road.

It was getting late, and it was the time when the lights came on. The drizzle took a break, and the water on the stone pavement reflected the bright lights.

A few pubs and restaurants are still open on Silver Road, but business is lackluster. The serial murders in Aberdeen made the night extremely dangerous. Many people would rush home as soon as it was dark. If they were not bold or had to go out at night because of work, no one would want to walk at night.

Duan Feizhuo asked the tavern staff about the location of the coffin shop. The staff frowned, made an exorcism gesture, and pointed to the other side of the street.

He walked forward for tens of meters, and finally saw the signboard of the coffin shop—the signboard was in the shape of a coffin, hanging high above the street.

Its doors were locked and there were no lights in the windows. Duan Feizhuo knocked on the door with the mentality of giving it a try. If there is no answer, he will come back tomorrow.

To his surprise, the small window on the door, which was used as a cat's eye, opened after a while, revealing a pair of green eyes, reminiscent of a cat.

"Buy a coffin?" asked the green-eyed owner.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so late." Duan Feizhuo said, "I heard that there is a highly skilled body restorer here. A friend of mine passed away, and I want to ask this restorer to restore her original appearance. "

To add credibility, he added, "I was introduced by the pastor of St. Andrew's Church."

The small window in the door was closed. Duan Feizhuo thought that the store was closed for customers so late, and he had already planned to visit again tomorrow, but the door opened immediately.

The door was opened by a young man with ocher-red hair and green eyes. He looked a few years younger than Duan Feizhuo. Make him unable to even eat.

Duan Feizhuo looked behind the young man. The store was lit with kerosene lamps, and there were many coffins stacked on one side of the storefront, and cut wooden boards were stacked on the other side. The fragrance of wood hits the nostrils.

"I'm the restorer," said the lad. "My name is Duncan McLean."

Duan Feizhuo shook hands with him. "Leo Chester." He reported his original name, "Are you still open so late?"

Duncan smiled teasingly, "Don't people die at night?"

Makes sense. Duan Feizhuo thought to himself.

"Then restore the remains..."

"Let me tell you first," Duncan interrupted him, "I am a professional, and the fee is very expensive. The more damaged the body is, the more expensive the fee is. But you get what you pay for, as long as you can afford it, I promise to make the deceased look exactly the same as when he was alive." There was a hint of pride in his tone.

"I can afford the money." Duan Feizhuo said confidently, "but there is one thing I have to explain first. The deceased was a victim of a recent serial murder case. The remains look...terrible. The day after tomorrow There's a funeral..."

"I see." Duncan quickly interrupted him, "I've read the newspapers and know what they look like. If you want to restore them to the original condition, ten pounds. Pay half of the deposit first."

Duan Feizhuo could still take out this money easily. He reached for his wallet and counted enough gold to pay Duncan.

Seeing that he was so forthright and didn't even pay back the price, Duncan was also taken aback. He picked up a gold coin and took a bite, and looked at the tooth marks against the light, only then was he sure that it was real gold.

"The funeral will be held the day after tomorrow." Duan Feizhuo said again, "Is it in time?"

"Of course. One day is enough." Duncan replied confidently, "St. Andrew's Church, isn't it?"

"Yes. The deceased's name was Ruth Roberts."

"Then it's settled." Duncan spit into the palm of his hand and held it out to Duan Feizhuo. As long as the two shake hands like this, it means a deal is concluded. Although it was a bit unhygienic, Duan Feizhuo still did as the Romans did.

After leaving the coffin shop, Duan Feizhuo remembered that he should meet Z.

The two agreed to meet at the gate of the police station. Duan Feizhuo should have rushed to see Ruth immediately after visiting Ruth's house, but he went to the church first and wasted some time looking for a body restorer. Z must be waiting impatiently.

Duan Feizhuo wanted to stop a carriage and rush to the police station, but there was no car on the road. The coachmen would rather make less money and avoid a dangerous night. God knows if they'll be the next serial killer's victims.

Duan Feizhuo couldn't complain about the driver's desire to survive, so he had to walk to the police station. The night was getting darker, the sky was filled with a layer of faint night fog, and the street lamps turned into orange light **** with halos.

Before arriving at the police station, the rain started to patter again.

Duan Feizhuo cursed. He brought everything with him when he went out, but he just forgot to bring an umbrella. Should really mention Al next time.

He trotted up, splashing water all the way. In such a deep night, such a quiet street, I always feel that a murder case is about to happen next.

He ran faster and faster, and when he reached the gate of the police station, he was out of breath.

Z was holding an umbrella alone, standing under the streetlight at the entrance of the police station, his silver hair swaying slightly in the wind. He was only wearing a shirt and vest, which looked a little thin in the rainy night. There was a bulging file bag under his arm, and a cigar was in his mouth, and the flame was flickering in the dark night.

Hearing the sound of Duan Feizhuo stepping on the water, he spit out the half-smoked cigar and stomped it out as if nothing had happened.

"If you don't come again, I plan to call the police." Z pointed to the police station behind him. When he joked, his expression was very serious.

Duan Feizhuo felt a little sorry, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. How is the police station?"

Z handed him the file bag. "They were quite cooperative. They introduced me to the general case and gave me a detailed file."

Duan Feizhuo took the heavy file bag. Z moved the umbrella over his head, "Let's find a hotel to stay in first."

"En." Duan Feizhuo nodded, and followed Z obediently. He was afraid that Z would get wet in order to take care of himself, so he leaned against him and hid under the umbrella.

Z turned his head in his direction strangely, then raised the arm holding the umbrella, and poked his elbow in his ribs.

Duan Feizhuo looked at him unclearly.

Z grabbed his hand and put it on his arm.

So that's what he meant.

Duan Feizhuo tightened his grip on his mechanical prosthesis, and the two of them got closer. For some reason, he felt his ears start to burn again.

The two walked for a while without a word, and Z asked abruptly, "I thought you were just visiting the family of the deceased. Why did you go for so long?"

"...After I visited them, I went to the church to see Ruth's body."

Z frowned slightly.

Duan Feizhuo hurriedly said, "However, I didn't gain anything. I checked the body and found that there were human bite marks on the body. Maybe the last one was the same as you speculated, the murderer was the mystic of the Scarlet Feast. Thirst kills—like Jack the Ripper."

"It took so long just to look at the body?" Z's tone seemed to be asking for a crime.

"Uh, I then went to see a body restorer and asked him to restore Ruth's body."

Z pursed his lips. "You were so kind to that lady. Even the funeral was arranged."

"You mean Ruth?" Duan Feizhuo said, "You didn't see her body. It looked terrible. I couldn't do anything for her, at least I wanted her to go away beautifully. Neither did her parents. As for being so sad."

"You and her..." Z hesitated to speak.

Duan Feizhuo was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Z meant.

His face flushed red.

"We're not that-that!" he stammered. "When I lived on Mud Street, the Ruths took care of me. She's like my sister..."

"I remember you once wanted to buy that lady a necklace."

It took Duan Feizhuo a long time to remember what Z was talking about. On the day when he went to Lynn's house for dinner, in order to extract the origin of the pearl necklace from Mrs. Lynn's mouth, he lied that he would buy the same necklace for Ruth.

He himself doesn't even remember this, why is Z's memory so good?

"Well, I actually wanted to buy it myself. But it's so strange for a man to buy a pearl necklace, so I had to lie and say it was for Ruth."

In order to cover up the previous lie, he had to tell another lie.

Z's expression immediately relaxed a lot. He switched the umbrella to the outer hand, and the free hand wrapped around Duan Feizhu's shoulder, pressing it into his arms with almost rough force.

"Come closer to me." Z said flatly, "Don't get wet."

They are all so close, how close can they be? Duan Feizhuo thought to himself.

But he still arched into Z's arms.

They found a hotel not too far from the police station and Mud Street, which was convenient for keeping in touch with the Aberdeen police, and also convenient for Duan Feizhuo to visit Ruth's family.

The hotel owner heard that Z was a policeman from London and was in awe of him. It was past dinner time when they returned to the hotel, but the boss lit up the stove and made stew for them.

The facilities of this hotel are so much better than the hotels in the small villages of Shropshire, even electric lights are installed. Thanks to it, Duan Feizhuo was able to read the files given by the Aberdeen police all night.

He shares a room with Z (this hotel actually has standard rooms!). When he was reading the file, Z was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

It is too difficult to concentrate on studying the archives under such circumstances. Every few lines he read, his gaze involuntarily drifted to Z, and then quickly shifted back to the file.

Duan Feizhuo, Duan Feizhuo, what are you doing? If you don't work hard, you will know how beautiful you are. Ruth's spirit in the sky can't wait to punch your dog's head!

He forced himself not to look at Z anymore, and put all his mind on the files.

The records of the Aberdeen police are very detailed, ranging from autopsy reports to witness testimony. It can be seen that the Aberdeen police have indeed worked hard and tried their best to catch this murderous murderer.

Although the murderer was nicknamed "Jack the Ripper of the North", Duan Feizhuo found that his actions were very different from the Jack in London.

The most notable difference is the choice of victims.

Jack the Ripper's victims were all whitechapel prostitutes. However, the victims of the Aberdeen serial killings were of different genders, ages and occupations.

The first fatality was discovered on the morning of April 18. He was a cab driver and worked the night shift that day. His death time was from the late night of April 17 to the early morning of April 18.

The police judged that he was driving a carriage through a high-end community. On the way, because of internal urgency, he got off the car and relieved himself by the sewer on the roadside. At this moment, the murderer attacked him from behind. The whole process did not make the slightest noise.

It wasn't until early in the morning that his body was discovered by early risers. Since many upper-class people lived around the scene of the crime, and the murderer's process was too cruel, the Aberdeen police paid special attention to this case from the very beginning.

The second victim was killed on April 21. She is a washerwoman who starches clothes for clients. She usually goes to the client's house to pick up the dirty clothes in the evening and wash them the next day. On the night of the incident, she went to a lady's house to pick up dirty clothes as usual, but was killed on the way.

The third case occurred a week later on April 28. The deceased was a factory worker, tall and strong.

In the early hours of the same day, he had just finished his night shift and was killed on his way home. As the pastor said, it is not easy to subdue such a big man. Therefore, the police judged that the murderer should be a strong male, basically ruling out the possibility of a female.

In the fourth case, on May 2, the deceased was a teacher at a senior grammar school. His wife gave birth that day, so he asked for leave to go home to accompany his wife after teaching that day. Who knew he would never be able to return home.

As the teacher was so respected, it was a pity that his child was born without a father. Coupled with the fueling of the media, the citizens of Aberdeen were excited and put a lot of pressure on the police.

The police are also battered. In order to curb crime, they wanted to impose a curfew, but it was too difficult to implement, so they had to give up. Aberdeen is one of the big cities in the north. The airport and seaport are operating around the clock, and the workers are naturally working day and night. It is almost impossible to enforce a curfew.

The fifth case occurred on May 5th, and the deceased ... was Ruth. She worked the night shift as a nurse in Dr. Stone's clinic. (According to Ruth's letter to Duan Feizhuo, she was mainly caring for Dr. Stone's son.) That night, she left home to go to work at the clinic, but never made it to the clinic.

"Do you see any clues?" Z asked lying on the bed.

Duan Feizhuo woke up from his complicated thoughts and shook his head, "The five dead have nothing in common. I was thinking, what criteria did the murderer use to select his prey? Jack the Ripper in London chose prostitutes as his targets, but The dead in Aberdeen are all different in occupation, gender, and age. Was it randomly selected?"

"If the murderer is the last member of the Scarlet Feast," Z said, "he may continue the practice of the Scarlet Feast, which is to devour those who possess extraordinary abilities."

"I don't think Ruth has any special abilities." Duan Feizhuo said, "I have known their family for so long, and she and her family have never shown any abnormalities. Aren't all the victims of the London Whitechapel case Ordinary people? Maybe the murderer in Aberdeen just couldn't suppress the desire to eat people, so he attacked ordinary people."

Z asked again, "Is there any social connection between the deceased?"

Duan Feizhuo flipped through the files in his hand, "No. The police investigation was very detailed. The five deceased did not know each other at all. The coachman, washerwoman, worker, teacher, nurse... really included all walks of life."

Z groaned, "If they knew each other, it might be a common enemy who committed the crime. The murderer can be identified by checking the social relationship. But if the murderer randomly selects the target..."

Duan Feizhuo stared at the file and touched his chin thoughtfully, "Is it possible that it was the ABC murder?"

"What is ABC Murder?" Z was surprised.

Duan Feizhuo almost forgot that it was 1893! Agatha Christie's immortal masterpiece "ABC Murder" has not yet come out! Even Agatha herself was only a three-year-old child this year!

"Uh, it's a detective novel I read before." Duan Feizhuo said vaguely.

"A detective novel like the Sherlock Holmes series?"

"Yeah, it's that kind of novel. The murderer in the book killed three people in succession. The person whose name starts with A in place A, the person whose name starts with B in place B, and the person whose name starts with C in place C. The police found that After this rule, it is natural to think that the murderer's next target is the person whose name starts with D in D."

"But that's not the murderer's goal?" Z quickly noticed something strange.

"That's right. The murderer's real target was actually one of the ABC people. He knew that if he killed only one person, he would be immediately suspected by the police. So he killed two more people, making the police mistakenly believe that the murder was a serial killer. What he did, so as to remove his suspicion.”

"You mean, the murderer in Aberdeen actually only wanted to kill one of the five dead, but in order to clear himself of suspicion, he killed the other four?"

Duan Feizhuo smiled wryly, "I'm just making a random guess, don't take it seriously."

Serial killers kill for all kinds of reasons, and God knows what criteria they use to select their victims. The criminal investigation methods in this era are very backward, and there is no criminal profiling technology, so it is very difficult to solve the case.

He turned to the first page of the file, intending to read it again to see if he missed any details. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. It's already early morning, and tiredness is gradually creeping up.

"Stop reading." Z said, "Aren't you tired after running around all day?"

"It's not time to take a break yet." Duan Feizhuo braced himself, "I'll ask the boss for a cup of coffee later."

As soon as the voice fell, Z jumped out of the bed and snatched the file from his hand.

"Give it back to me!" Duan Feizhuo jumped up.

Z held up the file. He was taller than Duan Feizhuo, and Duan Feizhuo couldn't reach the file even if he jumped up.

"Go and rest!" Z said in a commanding tone.

"I'm fine!"

Z threw the file on the tea table. Duan Feizhuo turned around and rushed towards the coffee table, but suddenly his feet flew into the air.

Z picked him up and hurled him onto the bed like a sack of potatoes.

Duan Feizhuo screamed "Aw". Thanks to the softness of the mattress, otherwise his spine would have snapped in two.

"What are you doing?!" He glared at Z angrily.

"Give me a rest." Z's blind eyes "stared" at him forcefully.

"I said, I'm not tired." Duan Feizhuo continued to protest.

"This is an order from the boss!" Z raised his voice.

"I haven't officially joined Scotland Yard yet! You are not my boss!" Duan Feizhuo argued.

Z folded his arms, his handsome face seemed to gather thunder. Duan Feizhuo knew that his words made him unhappy again, and he couldn't help but feel a little drummed.

"I... I'll just read it for a while... just a few pages." He said in a conferring tone.

Z looked away, and said coldly, "You know I can't see, and I can only rely on you for many things. If even you are exhausted, what should I do? How will the case be solved?"

Duan Feizhuo was stunned. Z said just now... You have to rely on him for many things?

The leader of the night police, the invincible Z, also needs to rely on him?

Just this one sentence made him instantly elated. He buried his head in his knees, hiding the corners of his mouth that kept rising.

"I see." He said in a low voice, "I just need to rest."

"That's about the same."

Duan Feizhuo changed into pajamas with his back turned to Z. He heard a rustling sound behind him, and knew that Z was doing the same thing.

The steam engine inside him roared wildly again, burning his cheeks red.

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