He Became a Salted Fish After Inheriting Millions of Secret Arts

Chapter 41: When making a wish, please be small

After dawn, Duan Feizhuo and Z moved out of the hotel. There are many cheap warehouses or rental houses in the dock area, which are specially rented out to merchants and sailors who come and go. They quickly found a rental house opposite the Stone Clinic, which happened to be used to monitor the Stone Clinic.

Duan Feizhuo had only seen scenes of police monitoring suspects on TV before, but he didn't expect to encounter one himself.

He used to think that the confrontation between police and robbers should be extremely exciting (because the audience watched it very excitingly), but after actually engaging in surveillance work, he realized that this job is really very boring.

What he has to do every day is to stand by the window and watch the movement of the clinic. No matter eating or drinking, you can't leave half a step. Z can't look at him, this job can only be given to him. He originally proposed to send some police officers from the Aberdeen Police Station to help, but Z flatly rejected it.

"This is the job of our night guards, and ordinary people cannot be involved." Z said sternly.

Fortunately, they were sure that the murderer would only come out at night, so Duan Feizhuo could rest during the day.

At night after two days of waiting in the rented house, Duan Feizhuo finally noticed something unusual.

It was dark, and there was no lighting on the street except for street lamps. The lights in the rental house were also turned off. Duan Feizhuo stood by the window, staring into the distance.

The door of the clinic opened. A thin figure came out staggeringly. He faltered, part injury, part toddler.

The two bulldogs tied to the door woke up. They were always fierce, but at this moment they flicked their tails and greeted the man happily, and kept pulling the man's pants with their front paws to show their friendship.

The man was on his knees, on all fours, and nuzzled the bulldog affectionately, allowing them to lick his face.

Then he crawled into the sewer in an extremely strange posture, lifted the manhole cover, and got in.

"Z! It's him!" Duan Feizhuo shouted.

As soon as the words fell, Z jumped off the bed, pushed open the window and jumped out, rushing to the sewer at top speed.

Duan Feizhuo turned around and picked up the sword in the stone and a candle, and wanted to catch up with him, but he looked at the height from the window to the ground and decided to go up the stairs honestly.

When he arrived at the mouth of the sewer well, both Z and the weirdo had disappeared.

Duan Feizhuo squatted down the ladder, and Shi Zhongjian laughed mockingly, "Oh, if you're not good at physical work, don't bite the bullet and do it!"

He went down to the bottom of the well and lit a candle. The weak candle can only illuminate the range within a few steps. There was a roar at the end of the passage, as if a crazy beast had encountered a seasoned hunter and was trying to fight to the death.

The roar shook the sewer, making Duan Feizhuo's scalp numb. Is that a sound humans can make? Are they hunting a human killer, or a monster in human skin?

Soon, the growls turned into howls. The monster seemed injured.

The rapid sound of treading water moved towards Duan Feizhuo. Duan Feizhuo clenched the sword in the stone, facing the voice that was getting closer.

A hunched figure appeared in the field of vision.

It was a young man, about the same age as Duan Feizhuo by appearance. He was dressed very thinly, as if he had just gotten out of bed in his pajamas. The clothes had been dyed bright red, and deep bone scars were visible at the damage.

His eyes were red, his teeth were grinning, he was panting heavily, saliva spilled from the corners of his lips, and a low growl kept coming out of his throat.

Duan Feizhuo recognized his face—the last time he saw him, he was the young man with a smug smile in his graduation photo. But now he is completely a beast in human form.

He is Alexander Stone, the son of Doctor Stone.

Alexander Stone fell from the steam skimmer and should have been bedridden due to high paraplegia, but at this moment he was more agile than most of the humans Duan Feizhuo knew.

Alexander Stone pounced on Duan Feizhuo like a well-trained hound, aiming his fangs at the prey's throat.

Duan Feizhuo immediately handed over control of his body to Shi Zhongjian. Sword in the Stone has never let him down in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

He deftly dodged Alexander Stone's attack, backhanded his sword, and a sword pierced the opponent's palm.

Alexander Stone screamed, causing Duan Feizhuo's eardrums to ache.

Another hurried footsteps approached quickly.

Z galloped across the water, like a silver tern, the sharp blade of the mechanical prosthetic reflected golden light.

His face was spattered with blood, but none of it was his own. His blind eyes burned with a blazing light, making the crimson irises redder than the blood on his face.

He raised the knife and pierced Alexander Stone's other palm.

Duan Feizhuo cooperated with him to turn the edge of the sword and hit Alexander Stone's knee with the stone on the tip of the sword.

The young man who looked like a beast fell down screaming. Z stepped heavily on his back, making him unable to stand up again. Then, the white-haired policeman took off a handcuff from his waist and threw it to Duan Feizhuo.

"Cuff him!"

Duan Feizhuo obeyed immediately. He clipped Alexander Stone's hands backwards and put silver bracelets on his wrists.

Alexander Stone struggled and twisted while roaring incoherently. But Z firmly restrained him.

As if realizing that he had nowhere to escape, Alexander Stone no longer yelled, but let out a low whimper, like a wronged puppy, begging for forgiveness from a powerful enemy with its tail between its legs.

"Do you know him?" Z asked.

"Dr. Stone's son." Duan Feizhuo said while shaking the blood from his hands.

"Is he really pretending to be sick?" Z raised his eyebrows.

"No, I think he was really injured, but Dr. Stone used some method to 'bring him back to life'." Duan Feizhu gloomily looked at Alexander Stone's distorted face, "The price of bringing the dead back to life, This is it…"

Z picked up the sobbing Alexander Stone and threw him to the well.

"Go find a rope and hang him up." Z ordered.

Duan Feizhuo nodded. This is Dock Street, and what's more common than rope? There are several bundles of ropes in the surveillance hut they rented.

He quickly returned to the surveillance hut, brought a bundle of rope, and threw it down the well. Z tied Alexander Stone's ankles, then climbed back to the ground, and hoisted him up with Duan Feizhuo.

When they finally pushed the struggling Alexander Stone out of the narrow mouth of the well, a terrified voice sounded from behind.

"What are you doing?!" Dr. Stone broke open the door of the clinic, and rushed towards them with his fists waving. He only wore a coat over his pajamas, as if he had just been awakened by the movement outside, "You are very serious about my son. What did you do?!"

He rushed to his son, trying to free him, but Z stood in his way, blocking his way.

"I should ask you this question." Z said coldly, "What did your son do to the citizens of Aberdeen? What did you do to him?"

Doctor Stone panicked. He looked at his bruised and bruised son, then at Z and Duan Feizhuo, his always arrogant face instantly collapsed.

"I...I don't understand what you are talking about..." He still wanted to deny it. As long as he doesn't admit it, no one will know what he did.

But Duan Feizhuo would not give him this chance.

"It's you who turned your son into this kind of virtue. In various senses." Duan Feizhuo said angrily, "He is no longer a human being, don't you realize?"

Doctor Stone stuck his neck and said, "Nonsense, he is my son..."

"He's not anymore." Duan Feizhuo stared at Dr. Stone sternly. The latter couldn't help taking a step back under his aggressive stare.

"Your son is indeed disabled from the fall, I believe it." Duan Feizhuo said, "Maybe it is more serious than the disability, maybe he is dying, dying. He is your only relative, so in order to save his life, you moved Crooked brain."

Doctor Stone shook his head desperately, "I didn't..."

"When I visited your office, I noticed that you had a great collection of Indian gods. You claimed that they were souvenirs from India you bought while serving as a military doctor. Let it be true. A friend of mine who is well versed in Indian mythology told me, The elephant-headed human in the statue is named Ganesha. He is one of the most revered and beloved gods in India. But do you know why his head is an elephant instead of a human?"

"Because of the religious beliefs of pagans!" Doctor Stone smiled forcefully. "You know, those barbaric pagans always like to worship animals..."

"No. Because Ganesha's head was beheaded by his father Shiva himself."

Every time Duan Feizhuo said a word, Dr. Stone's face turned paler.

Z tilted his head and listened with interest. Alexander Stone curled up at his feet, staring fiercely at his father.

"Siva regretted killing his own son by mistake, so he asked Brahma, the creator of the world, for help. Brahma promised that he could put the head of the first animal he saw on Ganesha. The first thing Shiva saw was the great elephant, so Ganesha was resurrected with the head of an elephant."

Doctor Stone's legs were shaking. "What an interesting legend, I don't understand what it has to do with my son..."

Duan Feizhuo approached Dr. Stone step by step. "You have been in India, and you must know that the locals reverence Ganesha. So when your son suffered an accident and you were helpless as a doctor, you prayed to Ganesha with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor." Yes—you prayed for your son to be restored to health. And then, the idol answered you."

Dr. Stone laughed dryly. "There are no gods in the world! Those are all stories made up by people!"

"Maybe there are no gods in this world, but there are some supernatural things. You wished exactly the same as Lord Shiva's wish, so the **** fulfilled you—the first creature you saw after you went out, and your dying one. The sons are united."

Duan Feizhuo looked at the gate of the clinic, and his gaze stayed on the two bulldogs for a moment.

"You saw the dogs. Your son is back to health, but his mind has become like a dog. He was spoiled by you since he was a child, and then he spoiled the dogs. Their temperament Violent and often attacking passers-by, so your son has become like that. He will wake up at night, wander around the sewers, and if he happens to meet someone at the mouth of the sewer well, he will eat him alive and tear him to pieces."

Duan Feizhuo pointed at Dr. Stone, "Your son is the real culprit of the serial murders in Aberdeen."

Plop. Dr. Stone could no longer stand still, and slumped on the ground.

"My son doesn't..." Dr. Stone murmured, "he's just a little out of his mind, I'll...I'll take good care of him and make him feel better..."

"You have no chance, Dr. Stone." Z said abruptly, "It is also a crime to cover up the murderer. I don't believe that when your son returns to the clinic covered in blood, and the murder case is reported in the newspaper the next day, you will not know Love, without awareness."

Dr. Stone shot Z a pleading look, hoping that the detective would be lenient. But his efforts were in vain, because Z could not see at all.

"Where is Ruth?" Duan Feizhuo asked viciously, "Did she find out about your crime, so you silenced her?"

Doctor Stone shook his head convulsively, "She has been taking care of Alexander, but one day Alexander sneaked out at night and was discovered by her. She didn't know that Alexander was the serial murderer, and thought he was faking illness. So I stuffed her with some money and told her to shut up... But then Alexander slipped out again and again and every time there was a murder. The girl soon realized something was wrong. I wanted to stuff more money to shut her up , but she was afraid..."

He smiled wryly twice, "She actually wanted to call the police! 'Weakness, your name is a woman!' Note 1 So I let Alexander act first..."


Duan Feizhuo rushed towards Doctor Stone and punched him in the face. Dr. Stone fell down screaming, his two front teeth flew out, and blood dripped from his nose.

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you bastard!"

Duan Feizhuo wanted to punch Stone again, but Z hugged him from behind.

"Let go of me!" He wanted to break free from Z.

However, Z just increased his strength, making him unable to move.

"He's the culprit! I'm going to kill him!"

Z hugged Duan Feizhuohuan into his arms, leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Stop it. Are you going to lower yourself to his level?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. Duan Feizhuo had never been so angry before. Because of the father and son who killed a thousand swords, such a beautiful girl passed away. And Z also stopped him from killing the two beasts.

Why is it that in this world, the wicked are always free and the good are harmed? Why is justice always delayed when lives are irretrievably lost?

Dr. Stone stared at Z, and seemed to think that he was better at speaking than Duan Feizhuo. He's Scotland Yard's elite detective, calmer and more sane. If you beg him for mercy, maybe he will forgive you.

"Mr. Detective, please forgive me!" He walked up to Z, hugged Z's leg, and shook it vigorously, "Alexander is my only relative! My only child! Please understand my feelings as a father Now! If you want to arrest me, arrest me! Take me back to London for trial as the real culprit of the serial murder case! Since someone must come forward to bear all the responsibilities, then let me do it!"

With disgust on his face, Z kicked Dr. Stone away. "And then let your son continue to kill?"

Duan Feizhuo said angrily, "You told us to be considerate of you? Then why don't you be considerate of Ruth's parents? It's painful for you to lose your son, but wouldn't it be painful for them to lose their daughter?"

Dr. Stone wailed "I'll pay them! I'll also contact a psychiatric sanatorium. They have a way to quiet the most violent lunatic. It is said that as long as part of his brain is removed, he can become peaceful and docile, like a well-behaved Like a lamb! I have saved enough property for Alexander to be taken care of there for the rest of his life. Please, let him go, let me... let me take the blame for him..."

Doctor Stone burst into tears. In Duan Feizhu's impression, he is always arrogant, looking down on the poor, the hardworking people, and the black doctors who help the poor without a medical license. When had he ever begged others so humbly? For his son, he put down all his dignity.

He really loves his son - but that love is what made Alexander Stone what he is now.

If he hadn't doted on his son so much, Alexander Stone wouldn't have turned into a dandy with a pack of vicious dogs. If he hadn't doted on his son so much, he wouldn't have thought of "healing" his son's injury by crooked ways, allowing his son to fuse with the vicious dog and become an out-and-out monster.

—Love, how many crimes have been in your name!

"I'm a policeman, I can't break the law knowingly." Z's tone was cold, "I will **** you both back to London for trial."

Dr. Stone realized that no matter how much he pleaded, the two men would remain as cold as marbles. He simply went all out, threw himself on Alexander desperately, and tore his handcuffs.

"Run, boy! I'm here to stop them, run away! Run as fast as you can, as far as you can! Never come back..."

Alexander Stone let out a roar that no one could understand, and then bit Dr. Stone's throat.

Z and Duan Feizhuo had no time to stop them.

His mutated canines pierced skin, arteries, and windpipes, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Alexander Stone laughed, gulping his father's blood like a traveler who has found water after a long thirst.

As for Dr. Stone, he covered the wound on his throat, trying feebly to stop the blood, but he was unable to recover. His eyes were wide open, looking at his son in disbelief, as if he were looking at a stranger.

It wasn't until the last moment of his life that he suddenly realized that he seemed to have never understood what kind of person his son was.

"Can't let him die!" Z shouted.

Duan Feizhuo immediately rushed to Dr. Stone, trying to stop the bleeding. However, it was too late.

Dr. Stone opened his mouth to speak, but blood blocked his windpipe and he couldn't say anything.

Suddenly, Alexander Stone jumped up. He bit off his thumb in one bite, and as soon as he struggled with his hands, he took off the handcuffs.

He laughed wildly and jumped into the sewer.

Z chased after him without thinking.

Duan Feizhuo felt Dr. Stone's pulse. He's alive, but with this amount of bleeding, he'll be dead in a matter of minutes.

It would be great if I could master Xenophon's secret healing technique! Duan Feizhuo thought distressedly.

However, the moment he thought about it, a force gushed out from his fingertips and injected into Dr. Stone's body. He could feel that there was a same force in Dr. Stone's body, they converged with each other and gathered at the wound.

Dr. Stone stopped the bleeding.

Duan Feizhuo looked at his hands in surprise. What did he do? He obviously doesn't know how to heal!

Then he thought that wound healing is nothing more than the result of cell regeneration, as long as there is enough energy, regeneration can be accelerated and wounds healed. This is the same as transferring energy.

Dr. Stone lay motionless, staring at the night sky feebly with empty eyes.

He has lost all hope. At the moment when his son hurt him, he realized that it was no longer his son.

No, it should be said that that person was his son from beginning to end. It was his father who created that cruel and **** serial killer.

He wasn't fully recovered, and I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get up and make trouble, so Duan Feizhuo said, "I'll be back later to deal with you", raised the sword in the stone, and chased him into the sewer.

"Boy, it's too dangerous!" Shi Zhongjian shouted, "That guy is not human at all! Let him be handed over to the night police!"

"I know!" Duan Feizhuo yelled, "But I can't let Z fight alone!"

Sword in the Stone burst out a series of extremely imaginative curses, and then took over Duan Feizhuo's body.

He galloped through the sewer at a speed that was absolutely impossible for him.

After being controlled by the sword in the stone, his perception of time and distance seems to have become dull. He didn't remember how long he ran or how far he ran, but he felt that every muscle seemed to be on fire.

A silver-white shadow appeared in front of him—it was Z.

He crouched on the ground, with a knife blade popping out from each arm, "staring" at the darkness.

Duan Feizhuo rushed to his side, barely stopping in his tracks.

"Where's Alexander Stone?!" he asked eagerly.

Z raised his chin slightly, motioning forward.

Duan Feizhuo turned his head and took a deep breath.

There were several corpses of ghouls lying in the sewer, and the mutilated limbs were scattered everywhere.

This direction leads to Duncan McLean's coffin shop. The body restorer shouldn't be in danger, right?

"Go!" Duan Feizhuo urged.

Z galloped up, followed by Duan Feizhuo. He never knew he could run so fast. Sword in the Stone must have performed exceptionally well this time.

They soon came under the well of the coffin shop. Here lay the corpses of more ghouls, their blood—some kind of mucus-like substance—smeared all over the place, making a sticky sound with every step they took.

The two climbed up the iron ladder one after the other.

There was no body at the wellhead, but neither Alexander Stone nor the body restorer.

"Will it be in the house?" Duan Feizhuo asked in a low voice.

Z nodded, "I heard the voice."

Duan Feizhuo didn't hear anything. But Z is a good listener, of course he believes in Z's judgment.

Bending over, Jing walked carefully to the door of the house, while Duan Feizhuo followed behind him with the sword in the stone, and stopped by the door to take his place.

Z raised three fingers, counting down to three two one. When he retracted his last finger, he suddenly kicked open the door, and rushed in first.

Duan Feizhuo also followed in.

There was only one kerosene lamp lit in the room, the light was dim, but it was enough for Duan Feizhuo to see the scene in front of him clearly.

Alexander Stone had fallen on the floor, blood staining the surrounding wooden floors red. The smell of blood came to the nostrils, making people sick.

But he wasn't knocked out by Z.

His thin clothes were torn to shreds, a huge **** was opened from his chest to his lower abdomen, and his internal organs were roughly ripped out.

A young man with red hair crouched before him, holding a still beating heart in his hands.

"...Duncan McClain?" Duan Feizhuo was incredulous.

The young body restorer, coffin shop owner and ghoul breeder raised his head and smiled at Duan Feizhuo.

Then he crushed Alexander Stone's heart in one bite.

Blood spurted from his fingertips, like fruit being squeezed and squeezed out. A few drops of blood even splashed on his face.

He stuck out his tongue to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth, his green eyes sparkled like a child who had tasted a delicious meal.

Duan Feizhuo almost vomited.

He held back his nausea, gritted his teeth and asked, "Did you kill him?"

"Is there even a need to ask?" Duncan McLean looked strange, as if Duan Feizhuo asked an extremely stupid question.

"Why? Are you the real murderer of the serial murder?"

Duncan laughed "Koko".

Is he still the Duncan McLean that Duan Feizhuo knew?

Compared with the last time we met, he seemed like a different person.

No, maybe this is his true face. He had been acting all the time before, cheating Duan Feizhuo, cheating Z — cheating everyone.

"I told you I'm not. This guy is the real culprit." He stared at Alexander Stone's body with disgust, as if it was not a living person, but a pile of garbage, waste that was not even as good as a ghoul , "He broke into my house and wanted to harm me. Is it strange that I killed him?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Z rushed towards him with the speed of an arrow, and swung his blade.

Duncan just turned slightly to avoid his attack.

"Don't waste your time, Mr. Detective. To deal with me, you'd better send some mystics over."

"Are you also a mystic?" Z asked coldly.

"Not really. I'm just...possessing extraordinary abilities that ordinary people don't have."

Duncan spread his hands with a smile, and stepped back.

Z's eyes widened slightly, "Could it be that you are... a member of the Scarlet Feast?"

The smile disappeared from Duncan's face in an instant.

"I'm not." He said firmly.

"Hmph, do you think I'll believe it?"

Z rushed towards him. Duncan dodged the blade as soon as he was low. The young body restorer looked fragile, but his movements were unexpectedly agile. He escaped from the house and jumped into the sewer well.

Z cursed and hurriedly followed.

Duan Feizhuo cast a complicated look at Alexander Stone's body, then left the house and went down into the sewer.

The figure of Z in front of him flashed, obviously chasing Duncan McLean. Duan Feizhuo sprinted to keep up. After running for an unknown amount of time in the criss-crossing sewers, another wellhead finally appeared in front of them.

Duncan McLean stood directly below the mouth of the well. He slightly bent his knees, jumped up with a strength that is impossible for human beings, kicked off the wall of the well a few times, and jumped to the ground with ease.

——So easy! Duan Feizhuo secretly called out.

wrong! Duncan is endowed with extraordinary abilities, and judging from his reaction just now, he has obviously heard the name of the Scarlet Feast. He is absolutely inseparable from that destroyed Mystic Society!

Z climbed up the iron ladder to the mouth of the well. Duan Feizhuo hurriedly followed.

After climbing to the ground, Duan Feizhuo realized that they had come to the outskirts of Aberdeen.

This is a wilderness, and the shadows of houses can be vaguely seen under the night in the distance. A line of iron runs from north to south. The track is low-lying, with hills standing on both sides. A bridge spans the track and connects the highlands on both sides for the passage of pedestrians and horses.

Duncan had climbed the bridge and looked back at them with a smile on his lips.

Z flew onto the bridge.

Duan Feizhuo wanted to catch up, but he was out of breath after a few steps.

"Sword in the stone, help me!" He said angrily.

"It can't be done, your body has reached its limit. Although I can strengthen your body for a short time, there is no way for you to surpass the limit of human beings!"

"I'm not a human anymore, can't I!"

On the bridge, Z has launched a stormy offensive against Duncan. The bright blade reflected the moonlight, drawing a series of chilling silver arcs. And Duncan didn't fight back, but barely avoided the deadly blade, like a butterfly fluttering its wings in the rainstorm.

"Why are you attacking me, Mr. Detective?" Duncan asked relaxedly, "I have obviously solved a big problem for you, and you should thank me!"

"Murderer, you are also guilty!" Z growled.

"Have you never killed?" laughed Duncan. "'Whoever is innocent among you may be the first to throw a stone at her!' 2 Are you guilty, Inspector?"

Z was not in the mood to talk nonsense with him, and stabbed Duncan in the face with his sword.

Duncan dodged his attack deftly. This red-haired young man doesn't look amazing, but his agility is comparable to that of Z.

Z's movements are getting faster and faster. At first Duan Feizhuo could see their every move clearly, but soon he could only see a blur of light and shadow.

A silver light hit Duncan. He raised his hand, trying to block Z's sharp blade.

However, flesh and blood is no match for steel. Hearing a "pop", Duncan's palm was pierced by the sharp blade.

Duncan stared at his **** palm with great interest, and instead of crying or screaming, he smiled brighter and brighter.

Z wanted to pull out the sharp blade, but found that the blade was stuck by something.

The wound on Duncan's hand began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. The newly grown flesh and blood tightly wrapped the blade, making Z unable to draw it out at all.

"Also said that you are not a mystic!" Z raised the weapon in the other hand.

Duncan caught his sword with his bare hands without fear.

"It's all said that I am not. I just have some kind of natural ability."

Z's blade was so sharp that it should have cut off his finger directly, but the healing speed of Duncan's breast was too fast. The blade only cut off half of the finger, and it was wrapped in the regrowth of flesh and blood.

Duncan sacrificed his hands, but also suppressed Z's two weapons.

"Mechanical limbs, huh?" Duncan said, laughing. "That's funny, how did your body come to be like this?"

"How did you become so virtuous?" Z's complexion was ice-cold, and he gritted his teeth and exerted force secretly.

Duncan smiled without answering, his arms suddenly snapped.

Z's two sharp blades snapped off at the same time!

Duncan shook his **** hand. The broken blade was still stuck in his hand.

Both of his hands were injured, so he simply bit the broken blade with his teeth and pulled it out without changing his expression.

"What are you going to do when you're out of arms, Mr. Police?"

A cold light shot out from Z's blood-red eyes.

"Do you think I didn't bring a spare weapon?" Z raised his lips.

Duncan stared at him in surprise. Z doesn't look like he's hiding any kind of sword!

Z swung his coat off.

The black policeman's coat floated down the bridge with the wind, and was caught by Duan Feizhuo below.

"Z! Don't fight recklessly!" Duan Feizhuo was anxious.

Z grabbed the back collar of his shirt and tore it hard. A rip had been torn in the back of his shirt, revealing his eerie metal spine.

He held down the uppermost vertebra.

Suddenly, the interlocking metal spines separated, revealing a bronze-colored rapier hidden within.

Z withdrew the rapier from the spine, and the spine closed again.

He rushed towards Duncan like lightning, and stabbed Duncan in the chest when the opponent hadn't recovered from the shock.

Duncan suddenly reacted when the rapier was only a finger away from him. He jumped sideways and hit the railing of the bridge.

The aging railing couldn't support his weight, and broke with a "creak".

Duncan didn't even have time to utter a cry, so he fell off the bridge and fell heavily on the rails under the bridge.

He groaned and spit out a mouthful of blood.

But he didn't die. The height of the bridge is not high enough to fall and kill a person, and even if he falls seriously injured, the recovery ability can make him recover quickly.

Just at this moment, a whistle sounded from afar.

A train rumbled toward him belching black smoke. The headlights of the car were brightly lit. Z stood at the gap in the railing, his white hair danced wildly in the wind, and the light shone from behind him, outlining his figure like a judgment angel rising from hell.

Duncan struggled to get up, trying to get off the rails.

But his foot got stuck in the sleeper.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move his feet.

The train roared and approached, the wheels ran over the rails, and the strong vibration could even be felt by Duan Feizhuo who was standing by.

Duncan looked at the approaching giant with a blank expression, like a deer frightened by headlights.

He will be hit by a train. Duan Feizhuo thought so.

He killed Alexander Stone, he may be the last member of the Scarlet Feast, and he may also be burdened with many other sins that I don't know about.

But he will be killed by a train.

At that moment, Duan Feizhuo's mind went blank. He didn't think about anything, but his body moved involuntarily.

He rushed forward, hugged Duncan's waist, and pulled back hard.

The train passed by in front of his eyes.

The strong airflow made Duan Feizhuo almost unsteady.

He sat down on the ground, looking at Duncan who was kneeling beside him and panting.

At the critical moment, Duncan was dragged out of the railway track by him and saved his life.

The body restorer turned his head to look at him, his green eyes were full of surprise and confusion, as if he was silently asking if you were with the white-haired policeman? Why do you want to save me?

But he didn't ask the question.

He just stood up quickly. When the last car of the train passed him, he ran to the track in three steps, grabbed the handle at the back of the car, and jumped on the train.

The train roared south. Duncan hung on the car, looking back at Duan Feizhuo.

His figure quickly moved away from the train, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Duan Feizhuo sat where he was, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.

After an unknown amount of time, a strong arm picked up his collar and forcibly pulled him up.

Duan Feizhuo blinked, and Z's face came into view.

Z's elegant and handsome face was overflowing with anger that Duan Feizhuo had never seen before.

"Why did you save him?!" Z asked sharply.

Perhaps because of being too angry, his voice was hoarse.

"This..." Duan Feizhuo didn't dare to look at Z, and muttered, "He's going to die..."

"Have you ever thought that maybe it would be better if he died!"

Z pushed hard. Duan Feizhuo staggered back a few steps, tripped over a stone beside the railway, and fell to the ground with an "Aiyo".

He looked at Z aggrievedly. Not so long ago, Z had been so kind and considerate to him. Hold an umbrella with him when it rains. If he finds that he is unwell, he would rather suspend work and let him rest. Because he hated the smell of cigarettes, he held back his cravings and never smoked in front of him.

Now Z seems to be a different person. Even when they met for the first time, when Z stabbed him, they had never been so cruel.

Duan Feizhuo knew that he had really touched Z's reverse scale.

Z raised the rapier and pressed it against Duan Feizhuo's throat. Duan Feizhuo couldn't help shivering as the cold metal pressed against his skin.

"Give me a reason not to kill you." Z gritted his teeth, his pupils became more and more red, as if blood was about to drip.

How should I answer?

He realized that if his answer could not convince Z, Z would not really kill him, but from now on, he would never want to return to the previous relationship with Z.

Why did he save Duncan?

Knowing that he disappears from the world

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