Duan Feizhuo shook his head. Al could only sigh deeply.

They sent the distraught Lynn couple home. Duan Feizhuo was really worried about the couple, and was always afraid that they would do something stupid.

That night, Duan Feizhuo didn't sleep all night, until it was almost dawn, he squinted for a while in a daze. But he didn't sleep long, and he had a nightmare—he dreamed that Luisa was covered with bright red lines, her eyes were bleeding, and she was smiling and singing songs that no one could understand.

Duan Feizhuo was immediately awoken by the fright. Looking at the time, it was almost time to wake up. He didn't want to sleep anymore, so he got out of bed and took a shower.

"Boy, you are working very hard today." When Duan Feizhuo was washing his face, he heard Shi Zhongjian say in a fuss.

"I can't sleep anyway." Duan Feizhuo muttered.

"Worried about that lady?"

"I know what you want to say. 'Oh, my God, are you interested in Miss Lynn? Hehehe, what a lucky person!'" Duan Feizhuo imitated the tone of the chicken thief in the sword in the stone.

"...How do you know what I'm going to say?!" Shi Zhongjian was shocked.

"I've been with you for a long time, and I already know your brain circuit very well." Duan Feizhuo rolled his eyes, "By the way, you have worked with Uncle Joseph for so long, have you heard of any cure for ether disease? "

"If I knew, wouldn't I have used this method to make a fortune long ago? Is there still a need for you to be angry with me here?" Shi Zhongjian sarcastically said.

"But you're just a sword, how do you get rich?"


Duan Feizhuo rolled his eyes skyward again.

Al is coming soon. He brought freshly baked bread for a very clumsy breakfast. Judging from the black spots under his eyes, he didn't sleep well last night.

After experiencing everything last night, and now he has to go to work early in the morning, Duan Feizhuo's expression is like that of a dead person. He now understands why the faces of the migrant workers turn pale as soon as the working day comes. It is really impossible to have a good face about such things as "going to work"!

He was the first to arrive at the office today besides Miss Acheson. He thought he had arrived early enough, but he didn't expect to hear Miss Acheson typing on the keyboard as soon as he entered the office.

...This woman, doesn't she really live in the office?

Duan Feizhuo stretched his neck and looked behind Miss Acheson's station, trying to find out where she had hidden her sleeping bag, but found nothing.

He sat down at his desk and continued the unfinished work from yesterday. Every time he finished typing a file, Miss Acheson would give him a new one. The Anomalous Cases Division maintains a seemingly endless file.

Not long after, Z walked into the office. He paused in front of Duan Feizhuo's desk for a moment. Duan Feizhuo thought that he was supervising the work, and hurriedly speeded up his typing. The typewriter was clicked and clicked by him, like bullets pouring crazily. Z smiled and sat down opposite him.

Mr. R and Ms. Q did not come to the office today, and Duan Feizhuo guessed that they might still be busy with the mind control secret technique. Xenophon was still the last to arrive. He turned into a crow and rushed into the room, and the moment he landed, he turned into a human form.

"Good morning, everyone." He greeted his colleagues cheerfully, completely ignoring the fact that it was almost noon now. When his eyes fell on Duan Feizhuo, he screamed out of fuss, "Oh my god, your dark circles! Did you lose sleep last night?"

Duan Feizhuo touched his eyes. Is it that serious?

"Probably." He replied perfunctorily.

"Are you so excited on your first day at work? You can't even fall asleep?" Xenophon looked in disbelief.

Duan Feizhuo felt that this guy's brain circuit might have a chance to compete with Jian Zhongjian.

"No, something happened last night."

"What's wrong?" Z asked.

Duan Feizhuo looked up at him and stopped what he was doing.

"Louisa—that's Miss Lynn, you know—she had a sudden and sudden illness last night, and she was hospitalized."

"So you worked so hard for her that you didn't rest all night?" Z said sarcastically, as if he was very dissatisfied with this.

Duan Feizhuo didn't understand why he was so armed all of a sudden. "It's a very serious disease." He said seriously, "Ether disease, have you heard of it?"

Xenophon raised his hand positively, "I know, I know! I read about it in the newspaper! But medical experts say that calling this disease 'ether disease' is imprecise..."

"Whether he is strict or not, it is a rare disease anyway." Duan Feizhuo said, "My servant's father also died of this disease. It is said that doctors are completely helpless against this disease."

He looked around at the three people in the office, "Have you ever heard of a hospital where ether disease can be treated?"

Xenophon shook his head. Miss Acheson said "Sorry." Only Z frowned, lost in thought.

"Speaking of it," he said after a long while, "I've really heard of such a place."

Duan Fei clumsily asked, "Where?"

Z thought and said, "A few days ago, a group of participants were caught by the police. They claimed to belong to an organization called 'Beautiful Gaia', and their purpose was to call on everyone to stop mining and using ether crystals. They seem to believe that ether crystals It is the cause of ether disease. Their organization has a sanatorium, and it is said that it specializes in taking in patients with ether disease. Many members of 'Beautiful Gaia' work in the sanatorium."

Duan Feizhuo was startled. He knows the organization "Beautiful Gaia"! When he went to meet Yeats at Paddington Station, he encountered a live salesman of "Beautiful Gaia" in front of the station. At that time, he thought they were just fanatical lunatics, but he didn't expect that one day they would become the lifeline of Lynn's family!

"Where is that sanatorium?"

Z turned to Xenophon, "You go and ask Police Officer White on the first floor. He should have left the personal information of those participants. Just check their work addresses."

"Obey!" Xenophon walked out of the office with exaggerated goose steps.

He returned shortly thereafter with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Here, I copied down the address."

Duan Feizhuo took the paper gratefully. Xenophon's handwriting was illegible, but it was enough for him.

Maybe this flimsy piece of paper could save a life.

He really wanted to rush out of the office now and tell the Lynns the address. But it's still working hours, he can't leave his post without authorization, at least he has to stay until after get off work.

Z suddenly laughed softly, with a helpless expression on his face.

"It's fine for you to ask for leave today." He waved his hand, "One day's wages will be withheld. You can go."

Joy and gratitude immediately filled Duan Feizhuo's chest. He thought that Z was the kind of person who strictly followed the rules, but he didn't expect that he would be so flexible for him.


Duan Feizhuo stuffed the paper into his pocket, grabbed his coat and rushed out the door.

As soon as he went out, he felt that the word "thank you" was not enough to express his gratitude, so he turned his head back and ran to Z.

The white-haired policeman just wanted to ask him why he went and returned, but before he could react, he was hugged.

Duan Feizhuo put his arms around Z's shoulders, "You are the best person in the world!"

After saying this, he pushed Z away and rushed out the door.

Xenophon looked at the place where Duan Feizhuo disappeared, and then at his immediate boss.

"Boss, do you know," he said earnestly, "you were disgusting just now."

Z stood there in a daze, motionless, without any reaction for a long time. Xenophon almost thought he had been turned into a marble statue.

One notable difference between his boss and the statue, though, is that statues generally don't blush.

"What? You said that beautiful Gaia's sanitarium can treat ether disease?!"

Duan Feizhuo went straight to Lynn's house after leaving Scotland Yard, and handed the piece of paper with the address of the nursing home to Mr. Lynn. The lawyer held the paper, his hands trembling.

"I heard that they take in ether patients, but I don't know if they can cure them." Duan Feizhuo replied honestly.

He didn't dare to guarantee that if Mr. Lynn was given too much hope and finally deprived of his hope, it might be more cruel than not giving any hope from the beginning.

"No matter what, we have to try!" Mr. Lynn was emotional, "I went to the hospital to see Luisa today, her condition is more serious than yesterday, and another patient in the same ward as her went to..."

The high mortality rate of ether disease and the strange appearance of the onset really shocked Mr. Lynn. In order to save his daughter, even if it is a life-saving straw, he is willing to do his best to grab it.

"The boss has granted me today's leave, let's go to that nursing home to have a look." Duan Feizhuo said.

Without further ado, the two set off immediately. The nursing home is located in the Whitechapel district of London, which is the poorest and backward area among the several large districts of London, known as the slums. It is full of thieves, swindlers, prostitutes and all kinds of poor people.

Five years ago, the "Jack the Ripper case" that shocked the whole country happened in the Whitechapel District, which shows how bad the law and order in this area is.

Duan Feizhuo's heart beats a bit for Beautiful Gaia's sanitarium to be opened in such a place. In his memory, the members of Beautiful Gaia seem to be a group of fanatical believers, like a pyramid scheme. Is the nursing home run by such people reliable? Could it be that they cheated money under the banner of treating ether disease? Similar to Internet Rehabilitation Center, XX Academy?

The cab driver refused to go any further when he was a block away from the sanatorium, because the road conditions were too bad, the law and order were too bad, and the possibility of being robbed by robbers was higher than that of carrying passengers. Even if Mr. Lynn offered a price, the coachman would not move forward.

Duan Feizhuo and Mr. Lin En had no choice but to get out of the car and walk to the nursing home. The houses I saw along the way were all dilapidated and dilapidated, as if they were not in the same era as the bright and beautiful buildings in Frances Square.

This place reminded Duan Feizhuo of Mud Street in Aberdeen, but although the people in Mud Street were poor, they were full of vigor. The Whitechapel area was dead. Perhaps the inhabitants here are also thriving, but only come out after nightfall.

However, when they walked through a block, the scenery in front of them suddenly became brighter.

A beautiful building stood among a mass of dilapidated low houses. The building is like a manor, surrounded by elegant iron railings, and the garden inside the railings is well-maintained. It is a spring day, with green grass and flowers in full bloom.

Just above the iron gate of the garden is a sign of "Beautiful Gaia Sanitarium", and the gold-plated words shine brightly in the sun. Although it is not comparable to the noble mansion like Perilla Manor, compared with the surroundings, this sanatorium is like a magnificent palace.

More than a dozen men and women gathered outside the iron gate. They shouted loudly and seemed to want to break into the nursing home. A middle-aged man was guarding the gate, preventing them from entering.

Duan Feizhuo and Mr. Lynn exchanged a puzzled look, and approached a little closer, wanting to hear what they were arguing about.

A woman shouted, "Isn't this a sanatorium for the treatment of ether disease? My family has ether disease, why are we not allowed to go in?"

Others echoed, "That's right! Are you going to die without saving?"

"Will it cure ether disease or something? It's all fake, right?"

The middle-aged man guarding the gate pressed his hands on the crowd and said loudly, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is indeed a nursing home opened by Beautiful Gaia, but it is only used by the official members of Beautiful Gaia and their families. The nursing home It is not open to outsiders, I am very sorry, everyone please go back!"

"We are willing to join Beautiful Gaia!" the woman said, "As long as we join, then we are members of Beautiful Gaia, aren't we?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Sorry, ma'am, but it's too late. First of all, joining Beautiful Gaia requires a lengthy review process. It is impossible for you to apply today and be approved to join tomorrow. Secondly, you want to join Beautiful Gaia now, Isn't it because your family is suffering from ether disease? You are desperate to try your luck in beautiful Gaia, and you don't really agree with our philosophy. I don't want to be rude to you, ma'am, but with your attitude, even if you apply If you join Beautiful Gaia, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass."

The woman was furious, "Don't you just want money? I have money! How much money do you want, can I pay?"

Others also yelled, "Yes! We are not members, so we can pay more money to the head office? Are you still going to make trouble with money?"

Someone even took out a few gold pounds from his pocket and stuffed them into the middle-aged man's hands, trying to bribe him.

The middle-aged man threw the gold pound to the briber with a cold face.

"Please don't insult my personality!" He snapped, "It's not about money! We, Beautiful Gaia, are an organization that exists to protect this world! We only open nursing homes for the convenience of our members and their families , It’s definitely not for making money! Even if you pay ten times or a hundred times the price, I can’t break the rules for you!”

The crowd was noisy, and several men rushed out, grabbed the middle-aged man's clothes, and wanted to fight him. The two sides were at war, and seeing that the conflict was about to break out, the main gate of the sanatorium building suddenly opened, and six or seven men and women hurried over. They wore uniforms and appeared to be nursing home workers.

As soon as the middle-aged man came to help, those who wanted to do it immediately died down.

The woman who wanted to treat her family members saw that it would not work by force, so she simply played the emotional card.

"I beg you, it is my mother who is sick. She is a kind and pious woman. She has been upright and diligent all her life, but she gets ether disease when she gets old..." The woman burst into tears, "I am willing to pay and join Beautiful Gaia, as long as I am willing to do anything to save my mother, please..."

The middle-aged man looked at her with pity, "I sympathize with you, ma'am, but rules are rules. Maybe you can try to apply to join Beautiful Gaia now, and when you officially become one of us, you can send Ling Tang to a nursing home gone."

"But...she is dying! Can't she be hospitalized first?"

The middle-aged man shook his head.

The woman burst into tears. A man who looked like her husband supported her, and spat viciously, "I think this beautiful Gaia is lying! If they can really cure ether disease, why don't they accept patients? I don't think they can cure it at all." Okay, that’s why I’m covering it up!”

The middle-aged man sneered, "If you don't believe in Beautiful Gaia, why bother to seek medical treatment? Beautiful Gaia will keep your words and deeds in mind. If your wife applies to join in the future, what happened today will become an important assessment standard."

The woman and her husband left cursing. Seeing that there was no hope of seeking medical treatment, the others also left dejectedly.

Duan Feizhuo and Mr. Lin En who had watched this scene looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What should I do? I'm not a member, they won't accept Louisa!" Mr. Lynn looked like he was about to cry.

After finally coming here, Duan Feizhuo didn't want to retreat.

"How do you know if you don't try? Let's go and ask."

After speaking, he hurried towards the iron gate.

The middle-aged man and other members of Beautiful Gaia saw the crowd scattered and were about to go back, but saw a young man walking towards them. He must have come to see a doctor again.

"Sir, are you a member of Beautiful Gaia?" The middle-aged man looked at Duan Feizhuo and asked.

"I'm not." Duan Feizhuo said honestly, "A friend of mine has ether disease, and I heard that you can treat it here, so I want to ask..."

The middle-aged man raised his hand and made a stop gesture, "Sorry, sir, our nursing home is only open to members and their families. You can apply now..."

Mr. Lynn rushed forward and grabbed the middle-aged man's hand. "It's my daughter who is sick, please forgive me! If you want money or things, I can give you anything!"

"I sympathize with you, sir, but..."

Duan Feizhuo had an idea and said, "This gentleman is a lawyer, maybe I can give you some legal assistance. Members of your organization are often arrested by the police for rallies on the streets, aren't they? I want a professional lawyer to help, They will be treated much better."

The middle-aged man smiled, "This proposal is very attractive, but it is a pity, sir, that Beautiful Gaia has its own full-time lawyer. We appreciate your kindness."

Duan Feizhuo puffed up his cheeks in anger. None of this works? This beautiful Gaia really doesn't like oil and salt!

Seeing that his hope was shattered, Mr. Lynn could not help wailing, and quickly turned his back and covered his face with a handkerchief, not wanting others to see him crying. Seeing Mr. Lin En, who was always optimistic, crying like this, Duan Feizhuo felt very uncomfortable.

Can we just give up?

Or apply to join Beautiful Gaia now, maybe Luisa can survive until they pass the review and become a full member?

Just as Duan Feizhuo was hesitating, a woman in the staff suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Oh, sir, it's you!"

The woman pushed aside her colleagues and squeezed in front of Duan Feizhuo. She was short, a head shorter than Duan Feizhuo, and she looked familiar, but Duan Feizhuo couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

"You don't know me?" the woman realized that Duan Feizhuo couldn't remember her, so she hurriedly said, "About three weeks ago, in front of Paddington Station, our beautiful Gaia held a street lecture. At that time, many patrolmen came Arrest, it was you and another gentleman who protected me when I was cornered. Don't you remember?"

Hearing what she said, Duan Feizhuo suddenly remembered. It was the day he went to Paddington Station to meet Yeats and go to Perilla Manor. They did run into Fair Gaia's gathering in front of the station at the time. A woman preaching, being chased by patrolmen, hid behind them. Mr. Yeats blocked her with his luggage, which saved her.

"I remembered!" Duan Feizhuo's eyes lit up, "So it's you! Sorry, I was in such a hurry, I didn't see your face clearly..."

Mr. Lynn cast a puzzled look at him, as if to say that there is such a thing?

The woman curtsied to Duan Feizhuo respectfully, "My name is Annie Hall, and I am the preacher of Beautiful Gaia."

Duan Feizhuo bowed to her in return. I always feel that the preachers of their organization are really messed up...

Anne Hall said to her colleagues, "This gentleman is my benefactor, and also our beautiful Gaia's benefactor. I think I will give him a chance and let his friend be hospitalized?"

The middle-aged man guarding the gate frowned, "That's against the rules."

"Have you forgotten what the chairman taught us? Beautiful Gaia will never forget the kindness of others. If we can't help this gentleman, what kind of gratitude is there?"


Another staff member said, "Or ask the chairman to make a decision."

"Yes, yes." Others echoed, "If the chairman refuses to take in this gentleman's friend, we will find other ways to repay this gentleman's kindness."

Hearing the name "Chairman", the middle-aged man couldn't say anything. He opened the iron door, stepped aside, and invited Duan Feizhuo and Mr. Lin En to enter.

Annie Hall walked in front of them holding her skirts up, "Come in, gentlemen. You are the honored guests of Gaia Gaia, please don't be restrained."

Duan Feizhuo was quite surprised, but still followed her footsteps.

Mr. Lynn was overjoyed, and his face was filled with vitality again.

"Son, you never told me that you still have contacts with Beautiful Gaia." He said in surprise.

"It was an accident, I forgot about it myself." Duan Feizhuo smiled wryly.

In fact, he didn't want to help Annie Hall at the time, and it was Yeats who felt compassion. Duan Feizhuo just followed the trend.

How could he have imagined that such a small act of kindness at that time would become their life-saving straw today.

Annie Hall led them into the main building of the nursing home. The interior decoration of the building is also magnificent. The ground is clean and tidy, and there is a scent of flowers in the air, which makes people feel happy.

Mr. Lynn looked around, obviously very satisfied with the environment here. To be honest, this place is much more luxurious than the hospital.

They went up the stairs to the top floor. Annie Hall knocked on the largest door at the end of the corridor.

"Please come in." A clear voice came from behind the door.

Annie Hall opened the door and walked in first.

Duan Feizhuo followed closely behind. But as soon as he entered the room, he almost thought he was blind.

The room was pitch black, the windows were shaded by heavy curtains, all the lights were out, and the only source of light was the light from the door.

But that only light also quickly disappeared. Annie Hall closed the door. Now the room is completely invisible.

Duan Feizhuo's first reaction was bad, he met a black shop!

It was dark here, and he was not familiar with the terrain. If there were some thugs hiding in the dark, he and Mr. Lynn could be knocked down with a single blow. At that time, the two of them will be slaughtered!

With the sound of "click" turning on the switch, the room suddenly brightened. Duan Feizhuo's eyes hurt from the bright wall lamp. Just now he had to adapt to the darkness, but now he needs to adapt to the light.

He heard a woman's chuckle.

"Sorry, I was meditating just now, so I turned off the light. Are your eyes okay?"

Duan Feizhuo endured the stinging pain and opened his eyes.

What came into view was a beautiful woman, with jet-black hair, also bottomless black eyes, fair skin in line with the aesthetics of the Victorian era, as white as if she had never seen the sun.

She was very young, maybe not a few years older than Duan Feizhuo, but her eyes were full of vicissitudes, like an old man who had experienced many vicissitudes in the world. Among all the human beings that Duan Feizhuo has met, if you have to rank them in terms of appearance, this woman can be ranked second—the first is naturally Z.

Annie Hall introduced, "This is the dean of the nursing home and the chairman of Beautiful Gaia, Miss Evangeline Black."

She turned to the chairman again, "This gentleman is the one I told you about, the one who helped me in front of Paddington Station."

Evangeline stared at Duan Feizhuo, and burst into a gorgeous smile, "So it was you, sir. Thank you for saving Lecturer Hall. People in this world misunderstand our beautiful Gaia too deeply, and few people would like to Help me out. Your kindness will never be forgotten by Beautiful Gaia. From now on, you will be a distinguished guest of Beautiful Gaia."

She gracefully stretched out a hand to Duan Feizhuo. Duan Feizhuo took her hand and kissed her in the air. "Under Leo Chester."

Looking at Evangeline's face, he suddenly felt a strange curiosity.

"Ma'am, your last name is Blake. Do you have any relatives named Sirius?"

Evangeline "?"

Duan Feizhuo showed a sad smile, "Probably I made a mistake."

"Blake is a very common name, and I am afraid I am not related by blood to the gentleman you know."

Evangeline smiled, and gave Mr. Lynn her hand again. The lawyer looked completely smitten with her, took her hand and kissed it hard. "This is David Lynn, who is... a lawyer," he stammered.

"I don't know what the two gentlemen are doing in Beautiful Gaia? Can our little organization help you?" Evangeline's voice was soft, like a whisper in a dream.

Duan Feizhuo said, "Mr. Lynn's daughter is suffering from ether disease. I heard that the nursing home in Beautiful Gaia can treat ether disease, so we came here to visit. It's just that the gatekeeper outside said that the sanitarium is only open to members..."

Annie Hall hurriedly said, "Chairman, you often say that the benefactor of every member is the benefactor of Beautiful Gaia. Can you make an exception for this gentleman and accept that patient?"

Evangeline bowed her head in thought for a moment. Duan Feizhuo couldn't help holding his breath, waiting for her answer.

After what seemed like centuries, when Duan Feizhuo was about to suffocate, she finally raised her head.

"Of course. Beautiful Gaia will never treat her benefactor badly." She showed a dazzling smile, "Just make an exception for this gentleman and accept his patient."

Mr. Lynn gave a cry and wept with joy. "Great, great... Louisa is saved..."

Evangeline hurriedly took out a handkerchief and handed it to him. "Sir, let me put my ugly words first. Even the patients we take in, not all of them can be cured. You have to plan for the best and the worst."

"I...I know...but it's better than no hope..." Mr. Lynn sobbed.

In other words, will some of the patients living here recover? Duan Feizhuo thought to himself.

Although Luisa is hopeful to be cured, he is also very happy, but he also has doubts. Beautiful Gaia holds the technology to treat ether disease, but keeps it secret. What is the reason for? They spread the theory that ether crystals are harmful all day long, and warn people of the dangers of ether disease, which runs counter to the public's cognition, causing beautiful Gaia to be like a rat crossing the street. Wouldn't it be more popular if they opened sanatoriums and treated all etheric patients?

Could it be that...they can't really cure the ether disease, they just fooled the patient's family? Or even though they can cure this stubborn disease, the method is not very open and aboveboard, so that it is inconvenient to disclose it to the public?

"Chairman, I am very grateful for your kindness." Duan Feizhuo said cautiously, "But can I ask, how does your hospital treat ether disease? It would be even better if we could meet those recovered patients."

He thought Evangeline would refuse, but she nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps you can't trust our medical technology? Don't worry, we use a uniquely formulated drug. Of course, the formula cannot be made public. Lecturer Hall, take these two gentlemen to the ward for a while let's go?"

Annie Hall curtseyed, and made an invitation gesture to Duan Feizhuo and Mr. Lynn, "Please follow me."

She led the two out of the office. The moment he left, all the lights in the office were turned off. Duan Feizhuo looked back, but Evangeline had disappeared into the darkness.

They followed Annie Hall to the second floor. On both sides of the corridor are wards. The lecturer randomly opened the door of a ward and walked in.

There are four beds in the ward, and curtains are drawn around them. Annie Hall lifted the curtains one by one to greet the patients. Duan Feizhuo looked in through the gap in the curtain, and found that every patient was covered with the same red lines as Luisa, but far less dense than Luisa's, and the color was much lighter.

Like a doctor on a tour, she greeted the patients one by one, and then went to the next ward. Some patients were unconscious, and Annie Hall greeted the air, but others were conscious.

"Mr. Hooker, how do you feel today?"

"Much better than yesterday. Nice to see you, Miss Hall."

"Did you sleep well last night, Mr. Brown?"

"Slept till dawn and had no more nightmares. When will you come walk us, Miss Hall?"

These patients were in a much better state of mind than those in Louisa's ward. It seems that beautiful Gaia really has two brushes, which can cure ether disease?

"I'm going to tell my wife right now, let Louisa be transferred to this nursing home!" Mr. Lynn said to Annie Hall.

"The opportunity to be hospitalized here is very rare, because we generally don't admit outsiders." Annie Hall said politely.

"I suppose it must be very expensive to be hospitalized here?" asked Mr. Lynn.

"We don't charge, sir," said Annie Hall. "The sanatorium is a benefit of members of Beautiful Gaia. Everything is free. Naturally, the daughter of Ling is treated equally."

After hearing this sentence, Mr. Lynn was completely convinced. If Beautiful Gaia is expensive, it may be deceiving the world and stealing fame and killing one's life for money. But they are all free of charge, this is totally a kindness hall! What kind of spirit is this? This is the spirit of internationalism!

Impatient to transfer Louisa here, Mr. Lynn took his leave. When they left the nursing home, they found another group of people gathered outside the iron gate, crying for hospital treatment. The gatekeeper ruthlessly drove them away. When Mr. Lin En and Duan Feizhuo came out, they all cast jealous eyes.

Mr. Lynn rushed to the hospital non-stop, went through the discharge procedures for Louisa, and planned to transfer. The doctor was naturally not happy about this.

"You would rather trust those quack doctors than our regular hospital?!"

"Really? Then why do the patients receiving treatment in your hospital show no signs of improvement?" Mr. Lynn retorted, "I just want to cure my daughter, what's wrong?"

Anyway, if she continues to be hospitalized, it is impossible for Luisa to get better, so she might as well go to Beautiful Gaia to try her luck.

The doctor's face was ashen, and he kept muttering that Mr. Lynn "did not know what is good" and angrily went through the discharge procedures. Mr. Lynn called a carriage and took Louisa at once to the Beauty Gaia Sanitarium. Mrs. Lynn and the housemaid escorted her.

After Luisa settled down, Duan Feizhuo felt relieved. Next, let's see how beautiful Gaia's medical skills are. Duan Feizhuo can't get involved in this aspect at all.

The next day is a working day. Duan Feizhuo is on vacation after the day's shift. He came to the office as early as yesterday, thinking that he was the second to arrive again, but to his surprise, besides him, there were five members of the night police in London.

Miss Acheson worked as hard as ever. Mr. R and Ms. Q read the newspaper leisurely. Z stood in front of the window smoking a cigar. When he heard the door opening, he crushed the cigar out guiltily, and opened the window to let the air out. Even Xenophon, who was always late, sat comfortably behind his desk.

Duan Feizhuo looked at the time suspiciously, he shouldn't be late, right?

"Everyone got here early today," he said.

"Ms. Q's illusion is ready, and it will be performed by Jack the Ripper today." Z said, "If you want, you can also come and observe."

"Watch Jack the Ripper?" Duan Feizhuo was so excited when he heard that. That is one of the most famous serial killers in the world, and the source of inspiration for countless literary works! If he could get a glimpse of Lushan's true face, it would be worth coming to Scotland Yard to be a social animal every day!

Hearing that Duan Feizhuo was so interested in Jack the Ripper, Z's expression was a little complicated.

"I mean watching the process of performing secret arts, not watching Jack the Ripper." Z said, "Haven't you always been interested in secret arts?"

Duan Fei was dumb. He is indeed interested in secret arts, but he has seen a lot of secret arts, and his interest is gradually decreasing.

But he couldn't tell Z the truth, so he could only wait and say, "That... I'm naturally interested in the secret technique, but Jack the Ripper... that's Jack the Ripper!"

"I can't see that you are quite curious..." Z was helpless.

"When will you perform that secret technique?" Duan Feizhuo asked with great interest.

Z turns to Ms. Q for her opinion.

The gray-haired old woman took out a small pocket watch from her pocket and glanced at it.

"In seven minutes," she said, "we can go to the dungeon now."

Z nodded.

Everyone in the office stood up at the same time, and their movements were so uniform that Duan Feizhuo was surprised. In his impression, the Abnormal Case Investigation Section can be regarded as "loose discipline" (a large part of the reason is because of Xenophon), until then he realized in a trance that the laxity of this group of people is just the appearance, and the well-trained people in their bones can Comparable to the military.

The night police officers filed out of the office, with Ms. Q and Mr. R leading the way, followed by Xenophon and Miss Acheson. Z and Duan Feizhuo are the queens. They walked through the dark corridor, no one spoke, only the sound of footsteps echoed in the empty building.

At the end of the corridor stood an iron door, behind which was a staircase leading underground.

Xenophon took out a key and inserted the key into the lock while muttering something Feizhuo couldn't understand.

"What is he doing?

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