In the next second, Duncan's figure disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Jack the Ripper, punching him in the face.

Jack the Ripper raised his hand casually to block his attack.

However, this is just a feint. Duncan immediately kicked up and kicked the Ripper impartially in the abdomen.

The latter took a few steps back, but managed to stabilize himself. Duncan sprang at him again. But he bent his body and rushed forward like a cannonball, knocking Duncan into the air.

The red-haired young man adjusted his posture in time in the air, and landed on all fours like a cat. His nails suddenly elongated and sank into the ground, leaving five long scratches.

Duan Feizhuo opened his eyes wide and tried his best to keep up with the speed of the two of them.

This is the power of people with supernatural powers, their agility is comparable to that of Z.

At first Duncan had the upper hand. But he was injured and soon exhausted. Jack the Ripper's attack was still as fast as the wind, and Duncan was overwhelmed and seemed to be unable to resist.

"Unexpectedly, in the end, I will have you all to myself!"

Jack the Ripper grabbed Duncan by the neck, lifted him high, and laughed wildly.

Duncan was out of breath, his legs kicking feebly in the air. He tried to break the hands that were clasped around his neck, but to no avail.

Duan Feizhuo had no choice but to watch from the sidelines any longer. He raised the sword in the stone and rushed to Jack the Ripper.

The sword light flashed, and blood spattered everywhere. Jack the Ripper's arm that held Duncan broke in two. Duncan landed hard.

Instead of screaming, Jack the Ripper laughed even more wantonly.

"Good! Good! I haven't felt this kind of pain for a long time!"

Regardless of the fact that his severed arm was bleeding profusely, he strode towards Duan Feizhuo.

"You are fine! The stronger the prey, the more delicious it is!"

The Ripper laughed and ran.

Duan Feizhuo immediately raised the sword in the stone and slashed at Jack the Ripper's remaining arm.

The sharp sword wind chopped off the flesh and bones. The arm fell to the ground.

However, Jack the Ripper's footsteps did not slow down at all.

He rushed towards Duan Feizhuo and bit his shoulder.

Duan Feizhuo wanted to raise his sword to block, but it was too late.

Jack the Ripper's teeth sank into his flesh. He felt a piece of flesh on his shoulder being torn off together with his clothes.

Jack the Ripper rolled his throat and swallowed his flesh and blood.

Duan Feizhu was so painful that tears almost came out. He wanted to chop off the monster's head with his sword, but the pain weakened his strength, and he didn't even have the strength to lift the sword.

Jack the Ripper grinned, intending to take another bite.

At this time, there was only a sound of blood being torn apart, and an arm pierced through Jack the Ripper's chest.

Duncan stood behind the Ripper. His hands turned into claws, piercing the serial killer's chest and grabbing his heart.

The heart thumped in his fingertips.

A smile froze on Jack the Ripper's face.

Duncan withdrew his hand and squeezed it hard, and his heart was torn apart, turning into a pool of sticky rotten meat.

Jack the Ripper's body wobbled, and then he fell face down heavily.

"Who is the prey?" Duncan stared at the dead body of the invincible serial killer and asked coldly.

Duan Feizhu sat on the ground paralyzed, covering the wound on his shoulder.

His vision gradually became blurred due to excessive blood loss.

He vaguely saw a red shadow stepping over Jack the Ripper's body and walking right in front of him.

"Are you all right?" Duncan asked.

Duan Feizhuo pointed to Jack the Ripper at his feet, trying to remind him, but he couldn't make a sound.

Jack the Ripper, who lost his heart, should have turned into a cold corpse, but he suddenly trembled.

Duncan realized something was wrong behind him, but it was too late.

Jack the Ripper's body suddenly exploded, biting Duncan's neck.

This guy, can he move without a heart? !

Is this the ability he possesses?

Duncan fell down powerlessly, clutching the wound on his neck that kept gushing blood, and made a hoarse hiss in his throat.

Jack the Ripper lunged at him, trying to give him a final, fatal bite.

With the last bit of strength, Duan Feizhuo grabbed the sword in the stone and jumped up, rushing towards Jack the Ripper.

This time he won't show mercy.

The sword pointed at the Ripper's neck and slashed hard.

No blood is splashed because the body has no heart and the blood no longer flows.

The headless corpse of Jack the Ripper just fell.

Duan Feizhuo's body swayed, and then he fell to his knees. He had to support his body with the sword in the stone.

"Duncan you okay...?" Duan Feizhuo said intermittently.

Then, he too fell. Jack the Ripper, the man wounded by the Ripper, and the man who killed the Ripper, all three fell together.

Duan Feizhuo wanted to activate the secret technique to heal the wound, but the pain prevented him from concentrating.

Consciousness also gradually became trance.

He heard Duncan crawling towards him with difficulty, turned him upside down, and stuffed something warm and soft with a strong smell of blood into his mouth.

"Eat this," said Duncan hoarsely.

Duan Feizhuo suddenly realized that what Duncan stuffed into his mouth was the heart of Jack the Ripper.

"In this way, a channel will be established between you and that guy, and you can draw his power and heal yourself."

The smell of blood made Duan Feizhuo gag.

"I...don't..." He shook his head weakly.

"You have to eat it." Duncan forcibly opened his mouth and stuffed the lump of heart into his mouth.

Duan Feizhuo almost vomited. He turned his face away, "Why...don't you eat by yourself..."

Duncan gasped and smiled, "I'm dying, doctor. I know I won't live long. So I hope you can inherit our powers—me, Jack the Ripper, the mystic who died at the Scarlet Feast, and The power of all the psychics they ate—the power of the fourth forerunner."

Duan Feizhuo's brain was almost unable to turn around.

"What...the Fourth Forerunner?" he asked hoarsely.

He only knows the first forerunner, Hermes, the second forerunner, the Lord of Light, and the third forerunner, Hecate... Who is this fourth forerunner?

Duncan's smile grew blurred. Duan Feizhuo's consciousness became more and more blurred.

"I heard this story from members of the Scarlet Feast, so I'll keep it short." Duncan paused to catch his breath after each sentence, "Once upon a time, when mankind encountered a catastrophe, the fourth forerunner He came down to earth and saved them. But he was betrayed by his apostles. Coveting his power, the apostles set a trap, captured the fourth forerunner, and then devoured his body. Each of them got They have acquired part of the abilities of the forerunners, and have become the leaders of the mystics. Their descendants have also inherited this ability, and it has continued to this day."

Duncan smiled hoarsely, "That's right. All the supernatural beings among the mystics today are descendants of those apostles. I am, and so are you. In the long history, most of them have forgotten The legends of their ancestors, they didn't even know they had powers. But the mystics of the Crimson Feast remembered. They sought out those with powers, brought them back to the sanctuary, and ate them as food to steal their power. Scarlet Feast believes that this is 'recycling' the ability of the fourth forerunner. One day, when they eat enough supernatural beings, they will become a great existence comparable to the forerunner."

He... what the **** is he talking about? Duan Feizhuo thought in shock. Why can't he understand? Is Duncan's narration too shocking, or is his brain too slow to think?

"Doctor, Jack the Ripper is a member of the Scarlet Feast, and I ate the ten mystics of the Scarlet Feast to gain their power. You can imagine how powerful the two of us are combined. If we die like this, then our power will be wasted. might as well inherit it."

Duncan held up the **** pieces of meat in his hand, "Maybe it is true that you can become a pioneer as the Scarlet Feast speculates?"

Duan Feizhuo couldn't help shaking his head, "I...I don't go away..."

"Take it as my repayment to you." Duncan smiled, "Because you saved my life, I transfer my ability to you. You will become extremely powerful, even stronger than now. Maybe one day, you'll be above everyone else."

After speaking, he bit his wrist again, forcing Duan Feizhuo to drink his blood.

In an instant, two fiery forces flowed into Duan Feizhuo's body.

He had felt the same feeling once, when he ate Joseph Chester's ashes.

But the energy flowing into his body at this moment is a thousand times stronger than that at that time, as if two flames were burning his body.

Only his eyes were burned last time. But this time, he felt that every cell in his body was melting in the heat.

He seemed to have turned into a piece of steel, melted in a furnace, hit with a hammer, and forged into another form.

He doesn't want the power of the fourth forerunner at all!

His ancestors were the apostles who devoured the fourth forerunner? What a joke!

He is just an ordinary person who strayed into this time and space!

Why did he get into such a situation?

He tried to get up and run away, but he couldn't move at all.

He sank into the boundless darkness.

Duan Feizhuo blinked and sat up.

It was pitch black, but not completely pitch black.

It was indeed dark all around, but thousands of stars shone overhead, and a cobbled path lay beneath. As if suspended in the starry sky, the path stretches into the boundless darkness.

is he dead

Is this the afterlife?

Why is there only one Milky Way Railway... Ah no, the Milky Way Cobblestone Road? Shouldn't it be an old woman standing by the bridge, holding a bowl of soup for him to drink?

It was the first time for Duan Feizhuo to die, and he felt a little at a loss.

He stood up and looked at his body.

He was wearing the clothes he had worn before he died, but they were clean and intact. The wounds and bloodstains on his body also disappeared without a trace. It's like he's never fought Jack the Ripper.

Maybe people will return to a complete state after death.

Now that he's dead, there's nothing he can do, let's go down this road.

Duan Feizhuo bravely walked forward. He thought that the starry sky would show images of his life, like a revolving lantern, but the starry sky was just a starry sky, cold and solemn.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the road ahead split into three, forming a crossroad.

A woman stood in the middle of the intersection with her back to him.

Oh oh oh, there it is! Duan Feizhuo thought expectantly. Is the old lady going to make him drink soup?

However, when the woman turned around, Duan Feizhuo realized that he had made a big mistake.

This woman is not an old woman, but a young woman. Her black hair reached the ground, and she was wearing a Greek-style snow-white robe, like a goddess who walked out of a myth.

But her eyes were pitch-black, and her pupils were silver-white, as if a silver moon hung high in the night sky.

She stared at Duan Feizhuo for a while, with a smile on her face.

"Long time no see." Her voice was ethereal and distant, reminiscent of a church death knell, "I didn't expect that we would meet again."

Duan Feizhuo looked her up and down, making sure he didn't remember the woman's appearance.

"Have we met before?" he asked.

The woman nodded, "You don't remember. But it doesn't matter, you will remember sooner or later."

"Uh, can I ask you not to be a riddle?" Duan Feizhuo said sincerely.

The woman laughed again, as if amused by Duan Feizhuo.

"Who are you?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"I think you already have the answer in your heart." The woman continued to be a riddle.

Well, this is presumably a test. Duan Feizhuo thought to himself. Like some mystery novels he had read. The author gives all the clues and then challenges the reader to solve the puzzle.

First of all, this woman is definitely not an ordinary human (nonsense). Judging from her attire, she may be related to ancient Greece. Plus she's standing at a crossroads...

Soon an answer came to Duan Feizhuo's mind.

"The guardian of the crossroads..." Duan Feizhuo chanted the name in surprise, "Hecate, the goddess of death?"

Just by saying the name, Duan Feizhuo could feel the magic words flowing between his lips and tongue.

The woman smiled approvingly. "You are still as smart as ever."

incredible. Do gods really exist in this world?

No, Hecate is just a name. She is actually a occultist, the top and most experienced occultist, known as the third forerunner. In some ancient times, people who feared her regarded her as a god.

A member of the Forerunner... There are eight Forerunners in total, four of them are dead, two continue to climb, and two remain in the world. Hecate was one of the two who survived.

Duan Feizhuo was a little wary, "Since you are the goddess of death, does that mean I am dead?"

Hecate looked at the boundless starry sky, "It depends on how you choose."

"What? I can still choose not to die?" Duan Feizhuo was surprised, "I thought I had been killed by Jack the Ripper..."

"Really?" Hecate interrupted him.

Is not it?

Wait, no.

He was indeed badly wounded, but when he was dying, Duncan McLean forced him to eat Jack the Ripper's heart and drink his own blood.

By devouring the flesh of other supernatural beings, he can seize the power of others.

That is, he now has the full power of Jack the Ripper and Duncan McClane?

Duncan McLean has a powerful self-healing ability. If he had obtained his power, Duan Feizhuo should have recovered already.

Jack the Ripper is a member of the Scarlet Feast and has eaten countless supernatural beings. Duncan McLean slew ten Crimson Feast mystics, devoured their flesh, and claimed their power.

Among today's supernatural beings, perhaps they are the strongest.

Both of their strengths are now inherited by Duan Feizhuo.

He should be alive, but why didn't he wake up in the real world?

"Why am I here? Why did I meet you? Aren't you a pioneer?" Duan Feizhuo had a series of questions in his mind.

Hecate stretched out a finger and tapped his chin lightly, as if thinking. "This place is a space created by the previous forerunner. Only us forerunners and those we summon can enter. It's a bit similar to your secret realm trading line."

"You actually know about the Secret Realm Trading Company?" Duan Feizhuo was stunned. But after thinking about it, the other party is a woman who is almost a god. Is there anything in the world that she doesn't know?

"I know many things." Hecate said indifferently.

"Then I came here because I was called by you?"

"You can say yes, or you can say no."

Duan Feizhuo became a little impatient. Why do these gods and demons like to be riddlers so much? Is it so difficult to open the skylight and speak the truth?

"I beg you to speak clearly."

Hecate tilted his head and looked at him. "Didn't you hear it from Duncan McLean? Scarlet Feast believes that as long as you eat enough supernatural beings, you can have the power of the fourth forerunner."

"Is that true?"

"Of course." Hecate's tone was a little strange, as if Duan Feizhuo dared to doubt an axiom in the world, "Energy does not appear or disappear out of thin air, it only transfers from one place to another, from one place to another. One form transforms into another."

"The law of energy conservation," Duan Feizhuo murmured. It was strange that another woman had just mentioned this to him not so long ago.

"The same is true of the power of the Forerunners. Long ago, in ancient times that you humans have almost forgotten, a struggle broke out among the Forerunners."

Hecate waved his hand, and a picture emerged in the starry sky. A group of people in ancient Greek robes were fighting with each other. The painting style is somewhat similar to the ceiling painting of the Sistine Chapel.

"You mean, the battle with the Lord of Light?" Duan Feizhuo remembered the story Evangeline had told.

"That's right. The other forerunners united against the Lord of Light, and there was only one person on his side, and that was the fourth forerunner 'Blood Moon'. He was the most staunch ally of the Lord of Light. As long as he was there, the other forerunners would not even Together, I am afraid that we will not be able to defeat the Lord of Light."

Hecate waved his hand again, and this time the picture changed into a picture similar to "The Last Supper". A person with a vague face sat in the center, and twelve people sat on both sides of him.

"The fourth forerunner took pity on his apostles, so he descended to the ground to save them, hoping to send them back to the world after the world was destroyed and reborn. But these apostles betrayed him. Strange to say, it was the Lord of Light himself The apostles turned against them."

"I heard Evangeline say it." Duan Feizhuo said, "Ah, Evangeline is..."

"The descendants of the night race, the descendants of the traitors." Hecate wrote lightly.

It seems that she knows all the people around Duan Feizhuo like the back of their hands.

"Yes. Evangeline said that her ancestor, the apostle of the Lord of Light betrayed his secret..."

"His secret is that the fourth forerunner will fight side by side with him. The other forerunners didn't know this at the time." Hecate shot a ray of light from his dark eyes, which seemed to contain anger, "so we must defeat the light. Maharaja, the fourth forerunner must be defeated first, so as to weaken the power of the maharaja of light. Therefore, the ancestors of the dark night clan went to instigate the apostle of the fourth forerunner. They said that the maharaja of light intends to destroy everything in this world , including the apostles of the fourth forerunner. It is impossible for them to be saved. As long as the apostles devour the fourth forerunner’s body, they can gain his power.”

Hecate sneered, "The result is that greed in human nature prevailed."

"The fourth forerunner was killed by his own apostle?"

"He never expected that the people closest to him would betray him. Even if he was as powerful as the forerunner, he would not be able to escape unscathed if he was attacked. As a result, the apostles won, and the fourth forerunner was swallowed alive."

Duan Feizhuo felt nauseous.

He asked "Those Apostles gained the power of the Fourth Forerunner?"

"This power has been passed down through blood to this day." Hecate stretched out a hand and touched Duan Feizhuo's forehead lightly. Her fingers were colder than ice and snow.

"Your ancestor was also one of the apostles. Duncan McLean is the same as you. You have all inherited part of the power of the fourth forerunner, although after thousands of generations of inheritance, this power has become extremely weak."

"But every time you devour a supernatural being, you can take away his power." Duan Feizhuo said, "Theoretically, as long as enough supernatural beings are devoured, then..."

"You can get all the power of the fourth forerunner, and become an existence comparable to the forerunner." Hecate confirmed Duan Feizhuo's speculation.

Duan Fei was dumb. That's what the Scarlet Feast is for, isn't it? They continued to devour human flesh in order to become pioneers. (Except for Jack the Ripper, who is purely for cannibalism.) Even if Duncan doesn't kill them, sooner or later they will have internal strife. Because there can only be one person who inherits the full power of the Forerunner.

"Then I now..." Duan Feizhuo touched his chest, "Duncan forced me to drink his blood and eat Jack the Ripper's heart, then am I..."

"Now you are still a long way from the fourth forerunner." Hecate said.

Duan Feizhuo breathed a sigh of relief. He was terrified of becoming something that wasn't human, of being driven mad, like Jack the Ripper, by powers that didn't belong to him.

"Then you summoned me here to...?"

"It's to protect you." Hecate looked at the starry sky again, "Suddenly gained so much power, neither your body nor your soul can bear it. I let you come here to protect your soul for the time being." —Or, after suffering a great injury, you subconsciously fled to this safe place."

"But I didn't know this place at all before." Duan Feizhuo retorted her.

Hecate showed an inscrutable smile, "Ah, you have been here. It's just that you forgot."

"Then can you help me recover my memory? I still have a lot to know!"

"That's your own memory, and no one can get it back except yourself."

The problem is, Duan Feizhuo doesn't think he has lost his memory! His memory from childhood to adulthood is very complete, and he has not lost any part! If he lost a memory, how could he not know it himself?

"You should go back." Hecate said softly, "Someone is calling you to go back."

Duan Feizhuo was stunned for a moment, "You mean, I can still be resurrected? No, it might not be appropriate to use resurrection...I mean, let me return to the human world?"

Hecate pointed to the road that Duan Feizhuo came from, "Go back along that road, and you will be able to return to the place you came from. Go, remember, don't tell me what you have seen and heard here. people outside."

Duan Feizhuo turned around obediently. After walking a few steps, he stopped and turned his head. Hecate was still far away—at the intersection of the crossroads, eyes like silver moons stared at him intently.

"May I ask where the other roads lead?"

Hecate pointed to the road to her left. "That road leads to history that you have seen and that exists."

She pointed to her right again. "That road leads to a history that you have never seen, but may exist."

Finally she turned around and faced the road behind "That road leads to a history that no one has ever seen, and no one knows whether it exists."

...Sounds so tongue-twisting! What a permutation and combination!

Duan Feizhuo looked at the road he came from, "Then what is this road? Could it be that I have seen it before, but it doesn't necessarily exist in history?"

Hecate didn't answer.

Duan Feizhuo really didn't want to waste any more time with this old riddleman. He strode forward in the direction he came from, and as he walked, he began to trot and then gallop.

He leaped from the cobbled road suspended in the starry sky.

In the next second, he returned to his body.

Opening his eyes and sitting up suddenly, he found himself lying in a cold stone room.

This is not his own home, nor is it a hospital. Where exactly? Why is he here?

The stone room was quite spacious, much larger than his bedroom at 49 Place Franchise. But the decoration is not so comfortable and luxurious.

It was like a cellar, with bare stone walls and an iron door in front. The only decorations in the stone room are the two corresponding huge magic circles on the ceiling and floor.

Duan Feizhuo suddenly understood where he was - this was the dungeon of Scotland Yard.

Why was he put in a dungeon?

The street battle between Jack the Ripper and Duncan must have awakened the surrounding residents, and it is not surprising that some people went to the police. The night watchman must have arrived soon.

Could it be that they discovered that he is the owner of the secret trading house?

But Duan Feizhuo is not in chains like Jack the Ripper. Isn't it too negligent to treat the owner of the secret trading house like this?

He really wanted to see if he could open the iron door. At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the door.

Every step is accompanied by the sound of mechanical transmission. As soon as you hear it, you know it's Z.

The footsteps came from far to near, and finally stopped in front of Duan Feizhuo's cell.

He heard the sound of the key being inserted into the lock.

The door opened.

The policeman with silver hair and red eyes walked into the cell, stood still in front of the magic circle, and looked at Duan Feizhuo in blank dismay.

For a moment, Duan Feizhuo had mixed feelings in his heart.

Just over ten hours ago, he and Z came to the dungeon to observe the secret ritual. Z hugged him all the way, and was teased by Jack the Ripper.

After more than ten hours, he became a prisoner and was overlooked by Z from a high position. The distance between them is only three steps, but it seems to be as far as three light years.

Just when Duan Feizhuo thought that Z's silence would last forever, he spoke.

"are you OK?"

Duan Feizhuo was taken aback for a moment, never expecting Z to say this.

He thought that Z would ask him severely why he concealed his identity, or yell at him for deceiving him. But... Z's first sentence was concerned about him.

He looked down at himself. He was still wearing his previous clothes, torn and bloodstained. However, all the wounds have healed, and the skin is as smooth as new.

Touching the pocket lightly, the magic circle talisman paper from the Secret Realm Trading Company was still inside. He was quite surprised that the night guards didn't search him.

"I remember I was injured..." Duan Feizhuo recalled the fight on the street, "Where are Jack the Ripper and Duncan McClane?"

"They're all dead." Z said without regret in his tone, "When we arrived at the scene, both of them had passed away. Only you were still alive, in a coma."

"How could this be?" Duan Feizhuo muttered.

"I still want to ask you. What happened?"

"Duncan McLean ran to my house and said he was wounded and needed my shelter. Then Jack the Ripper came. The two of them fought. Duncan McLean was badly injured. I ended up chopping Jack the Ripper's head, but he bit me too."

Duan Feizhuo recalled the clip at that time, "By the way, Duncan McLean was not the last member of the Scarlet Feast! He was the prey of the Scarlet Feast back then, but he was also the one who killed the ten members!"

Z raised his eyebrows slightly. This information was beyond his expectation, but he didn't show too much surprise.

"Did he feed you something?"

Duan Feizhuo nodded, "Duncan forced me to drink his blood and eat Jack the Ripper's heart."

"Is that how you accept it?"

"I couldn't move at the time!" Duan Feizhuo defended himself, "Duncan said that because I saved him, in order to repay me, he was willing to give up all his power to me..."

Z's expression froze. Duan Feizhuo hurriedly stopped.

Inheriting the power of Duncan and Jack the Ripper means that he has become a supernatural being.

Even though he was an ordinary person before, he is now a member of the mystics.

And what Z hates the most is the mystic.

Duan Feizhuo's heart gradually sank. There seemed to be a huge hole in his chest, and the cold wind was blowing into his body.

He became Z's most hated person.

wrong. Since a long time ago, he has been Z's most hated person.

"That's why you're keeping me here, isn't it?" He smiled sadly.

How will Z sanction him? Just like imprisoning Jack the Ripper, imprisoning him for a lifetime, even if he dies, the undead will be bound here?

Or just stab him with a sword, give him a good time, and then restrain his undead here?

Z took a step toward him, followed by a second.

It appears to be the latter option.

Duan Feizhuo closed his eyes, ready to meet Z's sharp blade. Anyway, it wasn't the first time he was stabbed by Z.

Z took the third step.

Then he hugged Duan Feizhuo.

Duan Feizhuo's mind went blank, as if it had been short-circuited by a fire.

Z's mechanical prosthetics hugged him tightly, as if to rub him into his body.

"You're fine..." Z whispered.

Duan Feizhuo was at a loss. He had never seen Z so out of control...nor had he himself been so out of control.

"I didn't want to lock you up at first, but they said...Xenophon suddenly absorbed so much power, it is very likely that you will lose control, so you must use this magic circle to suppress you..."

Duan Feizhuo looked at the ceiling. It turns out that the upper and lower magic circles have this function.

He buried his head in Z's neck, smelling the mixed smell of steel and tobacco on the white-haired night vigilante. He didn't know where to put his hands, he hesitated for a long time, so he put his arms around Z's back.

His palms could touch the protruding metal spines under the black coat.

Z whispered in his ear, "If you lose control and go crazy after waking up, I have to kill you with my own hands. You know, I've never been so scared. I'm afraid that once I enter the cell, what I see is the second Jack the Ripper. Afraid you'll never be the same again. But... great, you're okay..."

Duan Feizhuo was in a trance, his whole figure standing on the cloud. His heart was beating so fast, it was like thunder reverberating in his chest.

Through the clothes, he could feel Z's chest rising and falling violently. The heart driven by ether crystals was beating crazily at this moment—just like him.

The rhythms of the two hearts gradually converged, like an exquisitely arranged duet.

The two embraced like this for an unknown amount of time. It wasn't until Duan Feizhuo was hooped that he was almost out of breath that Z relaxed his strength.

"Since you are in good health, you can leave this place." He said, "Let's go."

Duan Feizhuo blinked.

Wait, didn't Z not realize that he is actually the owner of the secret trading house?

Z didn't even know that before Duncan forced him to eat flesh and drink blood, he had already acquired the ability?

In other words, he didn't actually expose it?

Z took Duan Feizhuo's arm and pulled him out of the cell. They returned to the office of the Abnormal Case Investigation Section along the dark and cold corridor.

"By the way, can I go and see Duncan McClain's body?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"What do you see that doing?"

"It's an acquaintance after all..."

Z curled his lips, "It was cremated, along with Jack the Ripper's body, and the ashes were poured into the River Thames."

Duan Feizhuo silently mourned for the deceased in his heart. Thus ended the short life of Duncan McLean. He was originally a victim of the scarlet feast, and finally broke through the siege, but in the end he died because of the scarlet feast.

Is this some kind of fate? Some kind of doomed ending? No matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape the inevitability?

in the office.

Miss Acheson typed as usual. Xenophon put his feet up on the desk, holding a copy of "A Study in Scarlet". Mr. R stood at the window smoking a cigarette. Only Ms. Q was absent. The sword in the stone was placed on Duan Feizhuo's desk.

"Oh, are you alright?" Seeing Duan Feizhuo, Mr. R greeted first, "I thought the boss would bring out a corpse from the dungeon. It's a blessing that no one was killed."

He came over and patted Duan Feizhuo's shoulder hard. Duan Feizhuo was almost patted shoulder to shoulder by him.

"You can cut off Jack the Ripper's head with a single sword. Your swordsmanship must be outstanding. I can't help but want to do two tricks with you, hahaha!" Mr. R looked up to the sky and laughed, "I heard that you were forced to Inherited the abilities of Jack the Ripper and Duncan McLean? But it doesn't matter, there are not no mystics among our Night Watchmen." He glanced at Xenophon, "Just use your abilities on the right path. "

Xenophon put down the book and said displeasedly, "What do you mean? Didn't I use my power on the right way?"

"Wow, you are quite self-aware!" Mr. R laughed jokingly.

Z took the cigarette from Mr. R's hand, flicked his finger, and threw it out the window.

"Smoking will be prohibited in the office in the future." Z said.

Mr. R acted like he saw a ghost, "You're not serious, are you, Boss?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Mr. R looked him up and down, "It's over, it's over now. The newcomer is not crazy, the boss is crazy."

"Smoking is harmful to health." Z's tone was flat, as if he was describing some well-known axiom.

Duan Feizhuo hurried out to smooth things over, "By the way, where is Ms. Q?"

"She was wounded by Jack the Ripper, and she is still in the hospital." Mr. R frowned, "Fortunately, you killed Jack the Ripper, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. When Xenophon and I found out that he had escaped, we were scared out of our wits. I'm afraid that the boss will peel our skin..."

"I won't skin you." Z said lightly, "Secretary Carter came up with this bad idea. I want to skin you."

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