"My God! Master! What happened to you!"

As soon as he entered the house, Al let out a scream like a screaming chicken.

"Oh, it's a long story..." Duan Feizhuo threw the Sword of the Stone on the table and fell on the sofa, "I want to take a bath and change clothes, you go and prepare hot water."

"Okay, okay, master." Al wrung his hands uneasily, "Are you really okay? A lot of policemen came out on the street today, and I saw a lot of blood on the street. The owner of the restaurant downstairs said that in the early morning Someone was fighting in the street, and someone died! You wouldn't get involved, would you?"

"Yeah..." Duan Feizhuo moaned as if from hell, "Oh, don't ask so many questions. It's not your place to ask."

Al pursed his lips, feeling aggrieved, but he still obeyed his master's order, didn't ask any more questions, and went to the kitchen to boil water.

"By the way, Al, I'm going on a long trip in three days—this time I'm going abroad. Help me prepare my luggage."

A frightened little head poked out of the kitchen.

"Master, where are you going this time?!" Al yelled, "Have you ever noticed that bad things happen every time you go away?"

"Well...Actually, bad things will fall from the sky if I stay at home." Duan Feizhuo complained.

He is really born with a bad luck physique, right?

"Where are you going this time?"

"Greece. With the Night Watchmen."

"With them again?!" Al showed a very serious expression, which appeared on a young boy's face, which looked very funny, "Are you going to give them to-"

The boy made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"What are you thinking!" Duan Feizhuo said angrily, "I'm going to Greece to study mystical philosophy. That's a rare opportunity!"

"Oh!" The young man suddenly realized, "It must be the mysterious philosophy secretly passed down by the policeman at night, right? The kind that ordinary occultists can't learn? I didn't expect the master to penetrate so deep into them. Learned! As expected of the master!"

Duan Feizhuo couldn't laugh or cry when he heard that Al started to brainstorm endlessly again.

"During my absence, you will study hard with Mr. Yeats just like I did when I went to Aberdeen before. Go to the nursing home to visit Miss Lynn for me when you have time."

"Understood!" Al saluted, like a little soldier.

The bath water boiled quickly. Duan Feizhuo took off his tattered clothes and checked himself from head to toe.

The wound on his body has completely healed, not even a scar. The skin is as smooth as new, and there is no visible injury at all. Is this the power of Duncan McKellen and Jack the Ripper? He remembered that Duncan had the ability to heal himself quickly, and the Ripper's sense of smell was far superior to ordinary people, but he couldn't smell anything special now...

Maybe these abilities can only be brought out through training.

After taking a shower, he changed into the new clothes that Al had prepared for him. His clothes always seemed to wear out quickly.

The next day he went to Scotland Yard at Z's request. The Duncan McLean affair requires a detailed report to be presented to the Secretary-General, the Honorable Carter.

Miss Acheson is in charge of writing the report. While asking Duan Feizhuo questions, she quickly typed lines on the typewriter. This typing speed is really enviable.

Of course, Duan Feizhuo deliberately blurred some points when answering the question. For example, he didn’t say that he went to the Beautiful Gaia Nursing Home in the middle of the night, but only said that Duncan McLean came uninvited at night and was injured. He did it out of humanitarianism. Only then promised to help each other.

"So Jack the Ripper came not long after Duncan McLean arrived at your house?" Miss Acheson asked.

"Yeah. Duncan told me not to intervene at first. He wanted to fight Jack the Ripper alone, but he was obviously not the opponent's opponent, so I had no choice but to fight."

Duan Feizhuo described the details of the fight. His eloquence is not very good, and his description is dry, similar to a journal. I hope Miss Acheson can beautify it a little when she writes the report.

Miss Acheson asked again, "Why did Duncan McLean make you drink his blood?"

"He said it was to repay me for saving my life." Duan Feizhuo said.

In fact, Duncan has another purpose, which is to hope that he can inherit the power of the fourth forerunner. This is also the purpose of the scarlet feast cannibalism. But Duan Feizhuo concealed this.

Because he was already a supernatural being before he ate Duncan's flesh and blood. (If it weren't for this, Duncan probably wouldn't have thought of letting him inherit the power.) He certainly couldn't let the Night Watchman know that his original power came from Joseph Chester.

He also didn't say a word about the strange dream he had when he was unconscious.

In fact, he still doesn't quite understand whether it was a grotesque dream of his, or that he really went to another dimension in his sleep and saw the forerunner that existed there.

He felt a little uneasy, and felt that he should tell the whole story about the dream. But he was also afraid that the details of the dream would reveal his identity—after all, not every mystic would dream of the Precursor Hecate, would he?

Miss Acheson sent him back after finishing the report. According to her expression, Duan Feizhuo judged that she did not have any doubts about her statement. But it was impossible to tell, because Miss Acheson was always so serious, and her face was originally expressionless.

For the next few days, Duan Feizhuo was preparing for the long trip. Al bought him new clothes and personal items for the trip. Duan Feizhuo also put the sword in the stone in the trading house, just in case.

He originally wanted to visit Miss Lynn in the nursing home and visit Chairman Evangeline by the way. He wanted to ask her a lot of questions about the Forerunner. Since her ancestors were the apostles of the Second Precursor, perhaps she also knew about the Fourth Precursor, Hecate.

But after much deliberation, Duan Fei finally decided not to go to the nursing home. He was afraid of diverting the eyes of the night watchman to the nursing home and exposing the fact that Evangeline was also a mystic. Beautiful Gaia's usual actions are already ostentatious enough, it's better not to cause them more trouble.

On the day of departure, Z and Xenophon came to pick Duan Feizhuo downstairs from his house. Al stood by the street, reluctantly saying goodbye to Duan Feizhuo in tears. His expression was as if Duan Feizhuo was not in a taxi, but a hearse.

The carriage arrived at Heathrow Airport. This place is called "Heathrow Airport" in Duan Feizhuo's world, but in this world, airplanes have not yet been invented, but steam airships have been popular in the world, so this place is not an airport for aircraft landings, It is an airport for steam airships to and from.

Duan Feizhuo has been in this world for so long, and this is the first time he has observed the steam airship so closely.

In the past, he had only seen the appearance of steam airships passing through the sky from afar. The shape of the airship is like a space battleship in a sci-fi movie, but the shell is brassy, ​​full of steampunk style.

There are dozens of airships parked in the airport, with different shapes and sizes. The largest is about as long as a Boeing 747, and the smallest is like a helicopter, which can only accommodate four people.

Z The air ticket they bought... No, it should be called a boat ticket. It is a steam airship named "Sappho". Its model is considered medium in the airport. Duan Feizhuo had read in the newspaper before that this model was called "Perceval Class".

The Sappho is dedicated to running the UK-Greece route, the terminal is Athens, and it will stop at Lesbos on the way.

As soon as you hear the name of this ship, you will know that it is named after the famous ancient Greek poetess Sappho. The female poet was not only the first female poet in ancient Greece, the first poet to describe personal love and loss, but also a lesbian. Because he was born on the island of Lesbos, the island has become a homosexual mecca in modern times.

I always feel that going to that place... is a little tricky. Duan Feizhuo involuntarily glanced at Z beside him.

The Sappho, which was about to set sail, spewed billows of white smoke. Unlike the black smoke produced by burning coal, the smoke emitted by the steam airship is pure white. Because the airships are huge, it is impossible to rely on coal to fly into the sky, and their fuel is all ether crystals.

In today's world, Britain controls most of the ether crystal mines, and also monopolizes the development technology of ether steam-powered engines, so it has become a world power and the head of the great powers.

In Duan Feizhuo's original world, Britain also rose rapidly during the first industrial revolution. Although there are differences between the two worlds, the world lines overlap subtly.

Looking at the white smoke from the Sappho, Duan Feizhuo remembered what Chairman Evangeline said that ether crystals are the energy crystals left behind by the second forerunner, the "Lord of Light", and burning ether crystals will cause many People get sick. This little-known secret made him feel complicated.

"Passengers of the Sappho! Passengers of the Sappho can board!" a crew member shouted.

The Sappho extended its gangway to the ground, and two crew members stood on both sides of the gangway, respectfully inviting passengers to board.

"Let's go." Z said.

Their bulky luggage has already been checked in to the airship, and now everyone is only carrying their carry-on suitcases. Picking up the suitcases, they boarded the gangway and entered the cabin.

In Duan Feizhuo's original imagination, the cabin should be similar to the engine cabin, with a corridor and seats on both sides as standard.

However, the interior space of the steam airship was so wide that he was surprised. It didn't look like an engine room at all, but like a luxurious hotel!

After boarding the gangway, there is a hall. After checking the tickets, the welcoming ladies smiled and took the passengers to their respective cabins.

The entire airship is divided into upper, middle and lower floors. The upper layer is the guest room and living area for passengers, the middle layer is the cabin for the crew, and the lower layer is the cargo hold.

Z booked the boat ticket too late and could only book a second-class cabin. The area of ​​the second-class cabin is only half the size of the first-class cabin, and it is not equipped with luxurious huge portholes like the first-class cabin, but only a small round window. However, although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, in Duan Feizhuo's opinion, it is almost no different from a star hotel.

After placing the luggage, the entire airship suddenly shook. Duan Feizhuo staggered and threw himself on the porthole, his whole face pressed against the glass.

The Heathrow airport outside the window is slowly shrinking—the airship has set sail and is rising.

Unlike airplanes that need to taxi, airships can go straight up and down. How did such a behemoth stay suspended in the air? Duan Feizhuo was extremely curious about the ether steam powered engine.

The airships in the airport that hadn't set sail quickly turned into small dots on the ground. London has also become a small city like a sand table, and the buildings lined up are as miniature as a matchbox.

The airship continued to climb, flying eastward while slanting through the clouds.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" It was Z's voice.

Duan Feizhuo hurriedly opened the door. Z stands outside the door. He had taken off the night watchman's black overcoat, wearing only a vest and shirt, and his silver hair fell in a bunch on his chest. He didn't look like a Scotland Yard detective, but rather like a club gentleman.

"Just you? Where's Xenophon?" Duan Feizhuo poked his head left and right.

"He heard that there was unlimited beer in the bar, so he ran over happily." Z said helplessly, "What are you doing?"

Duan Feizhuo turned his head and looked at the porthole, "Looking at the scenery. It's my first time flying on a plane... er, I mean taking an airship."

"Does it look good?" Z asked, "It's not the first time for me to sit, but I've never seen the scenery outside."

Z's hearing is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he can even listen to the wind to distinguish positions, and his daily life is hardly affected by disabilities. Duan Feizhuo often forgets that he is actually blind.

At this time, the airship has climbed above the clouds. Outside the window is the endless sea of ​​clouds. The morning sun shines on the clouds, and the golden clouds are undulating and rolling, which is too beautiful to behold.

"It's beautiful." Duan Feizhuo stared at the sea of ​​clouds, "I can describe it to you. Do you want to hear it?"

Z nodded.

"Uh, I'm not very eloquent, so just listen to me. The sky is blue and the clouds are white..."

Z chuckled softly. Duan Feizhuo scratched his head, "I'm sorry, my description is almost like a primary school student's composition..."

"No, you continue." Z pursed his lips and said, "I'm willing to listen."

He closed the door and sat on the bed without saying a word, as if he was expecting something.

Duan Feizhuo turned to the window, staring at the undulating sea of ​​clouds.

"Then I'll continue." He cleared his throat, "The sun is shining outside, and the clouds seem to be covered with a layer of gold..."

From London to Lesbos, the total journey is about two and a half days.

These two and a half days were spent on the airship, Duan Feizhuo thought it would be boring, so he brought two books specially for this purpose. But he soon found himself worrying too much.

The entertainment facilities on the airship are very complete, including bars, dance halls, restaurants, and clubs. After all, those who have the money to ride on airships are upper-class people, and these are indispensable in their lives, so naturally the airships should serve them well.

A four-piece band plays by the side while dining in the restaurant. The club is open 24 hours, where passengers can play pool or poker. In the evening, dances are held in the ballroom. If you don't like to socialize, there is also a small library on board, where passengers can borrow books.

Thanks to these entertainment facilities, Duan Feizhuo is not boring at all on the airship. Just playing cards with Xenophon is a lot of fun. Although this guy is good at secret arts, his card skills are poor, and he has a big addiction to food, so he soon became the bullying target of all card players.

Having said that, Xenophon can use secret techniques to cheat, but insists on fair competition, and loses one after another with his own strength... he still has a competitive spirit!

Because Z couldn't see, he couldn't play poker games, so he played billiards with other passengers. Soon he became the man of the boat, nicknamed "Billard Master", and he was able to score a hole in one just by hearing, which is really frightening.

On the second day after departure, the airship docked in Geneva, Switzerland to replenish supplies. Some passengers disembarked and were joined by a new group of passengers.

One of the new passengers stood out. It was a woman in her fifties, at such an age, her figure was surprisingly good, even so "good" that Duan Feizhuo worried about her health. Women in the Victorian era regarded thinness as their beauty. In order to have a slender wasp waist, they often wore whalebone corsets, which forced their waists to be thinner, and some even deformed their internal organs. This has broken away from the category of beauty, and has become a kind of torture to women.

This woman should be an aristocrat from a certain European country, and she was accompanied by two maids and four male bodyguards. They were not talking in English, which Duan Feizhuo couldn't understand, but it was supposed to be German.

He felt that this woman looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. Perhaps she is also a famous person in history. Duan Feizhuo wanted to collect stamps a little bit, but he didn't have the courage. The woman's bodyguards all looked fierce and menacing, making people daunting.

Besides, think about it differently, if a strange man suddenly came to you on the airship and asked for an autograph, wouldn't you also feel baffled?

On the afternoon of the third day, the airship arrived at Mytilene, the capital of Lesbos. There is no airport in this city, so the airship landed directly on the sea, and then the passengers who disembarked were taken to the harbor by a shuttle boat.

Apart from Duan Feizhuo and his party, those who disembarked at this station also included the beautiful woman and her entourage.

On the shuttle boat where two groups of people sat, a clear line was formed. Duan Feizhuo and others sat on the left, and the woman and her followers sat on the right. The small feeder was a little unbalanced, and the captain looked at them helplessly.

"Madame, can I have some of your entourage over there?" he said in Greek.

But the passengers could not understand Greek. The captain had no choice but to make gestures to ask the woman's entourage to sit on the other side, so as not to capsize the connecting boat.

The woman's attendants understood what he meant, but they were very unhappy, and all glared at the captain with fierce eyes. The captain shrank his neck and dared not speak.

But the woman just covered her lips with a smile, and said a few words to her bodyguards, and two of the bodyguards obediently sat beside Duan Feizhuo and the others.

Now there are five people on each side, and the feeders are balanced.

"Thank you, ma'am." Z said to the beautiful woman in English.

Duan Feizhuo thought that the woman could not understand English, so she would not be able to answer. Unexpectedly, the woman said in fluent English, "This is what it should be, sir. Otherwise, wouldn't the ship capsize?"

When she spoke, her spirit was flying and jumping, not like a Pentecostal woman, but like a naive and lively girl.

"According to the accents of these gentlemen, they are from London, right?" The woman could even recognize this, which is really not to be underestimated. "Are you here for a trip? Or are you here to visit relatives and friends?" The woman asked.

"Visiting relatives and friends." Z was very polite, "How about you?"

The woman smiled, "Travel."

As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at the small island in the distance. Mytilene is a port city, where the blue sky and the blue ocean correspond up and down, and the Greek-style houses with white walls and red tiles are built along the coast, layer upon layer, exquisite and unique.

Duan Feizhuo, Mr. Thales, who they are going to visit, chooses such a picturesque place to retire and live in seclusion. He is really discerning.

When the shuttle boat arrived at the pier, the woman and her entourage disembarked first. To Duan Feizhuo's surprise, a group of attendants were waiting for the woman on the pier.

She really is some noble in Europe. The only real nobles Duan Feizhuo has seen are Lord Perilla and his family. He thought the lord's family was grand enough (look at their magnificent mansion!), but compared with the lady they were nothing more than country folk. I don't know where the woman came from. I'm afraid her title and status are much higher than that of Lord Perilla's family.

The lady boarded an open carriage and soon disappeared on the streets of Mytilene. The city is not big, and there are not many horse-drawn carriages, only some rickshaws are waiting for guests.

But they don't even need a rickshaw. Mr. Thales' home can be reached in a 20-minute walk, and they can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the small Greek town along the way.

It's a pity that Z couldn't see this beautiful scenery, so Duan Feizhuo tried his best to act as his tour guide along the way.

"We're passing a street now, and there are a lot of cats on the street..."

"There are plants I don't know in the yard by the roadside, and there are many flowers blooming..."

"This house is very grand, and the glass is painted! Oh, sorry, this is a church..."

Z didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded when Duan Feizhuo introduced. Xenophon turned his face away every time he heard a sentence, and Duan Feizhuo suspected that he would become a motorcycle that couldn't start sooner or later.

They soon arrived in front of a chic little house. The name of the owner's family was written in Greek on the sign in front of the door, but Duan Feizhuo couldn't understand Greek. He could only surmise that it was Mr Thales' Greek name.

Z knocks the door knocker.

The three of them stood outside for a long time but no one came to open the door.

In May in the Mediterranean, the sun is scorching hot, far hotter than London. After a while, Duan Feizhuo was sweating profusely. He couldn't help unbuttoning his tie and the top button of his shirt, and while fanning the wind with his coat, he asked, "Are you sure it's this place?"

Xenophon probed his head, "The address should be correct. Could it be that Mr. Thales is out?"

Z frowned, "I obviously sent him a telegram, telling him we're here today."

Suddenly, they heard a heart-piercing scream from inside the house.

Z raised his foot and kicked open the door, and the other two rushed into the room.

"Mr. Thales!" Z shouted, "Are you okay, Mr. Thales?"

"Ahhh—" the old man screamed from upstairs.

The three rushed up to the second floor without thinking.

However, the second floor was empty, the windows were wide open and the curtains fluttered in the wind.

"Where are people?" Duan Feizhuo looked around. They clearly heard the voice coming from the second floor!

Xenophon walked to the window and looked down. "Strange, there's no one outside."

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped down from above the window and hit Xenophon's nose. He covered his face and yelled, and staggered back.

The black shadow rushed into the house and rushed towards Duan Feizhuo with lightning speed.

Duan Feizhuo raised his hand subconsciously, ready to transfer energy, just like when he was attacked by armor in Perilla Manor.

But before he could make a move, Z stood in front of him, and the mechanical prosthetic limb stretched out the blade, slashing at the shadow.

With a sound of "clang", the blade bounced off. Z almost fell backwards due to the reaction force, but Duan Feizhuo supported him from behind.

Heiying let out a "giggle" laugh, "Boys, it's been a long time since I've seen you, you've lost your kung fu! If I'm still in the Abnormal Case Investigation Division, I'll knock your heads until they bloom!"

Duan Feizhuo took a closer look, and found that the black figure was an old man in black. He was a short man with white beard and hair, bald on the top of his head, a wrinkled face, and a vigorous man, with wide silver bracelets on his wrists. Just now he blocked Z's attack with his bracelet.

Xenophon held his nose and wailed, "Why are you beating your own students!"

Z snorted softly and retracted the blade, "We heard the screams and thought something happened to you."

Duan Feizhuo was dumbfounded. So, this old man is the retired Mr. T from the Night Watchmen—Taylors?

Mr. Thales thumped his back. "That was a test for you! The result really disappointed me—everyone failed!"

Xenophon protested loudly, "It's obviously your sneak attack!"

Mr. Thales gave him a look, "What if I was really attacked? What if some gangsters took me hostage and set up a trap on the second floor? If you rushed up like this recklessly, wouldn't you be falling into a trap?" How many times have I said that the correct way is to split up, one person to attack the front, and the others to go around the back. If there are enough people, there should be a backup for backup. How long have I been retired, and you all forgot?"

He stared at Z again, "It's fine that Xenophon kid forgot, but why did you...?"

Z curled his lips, "Seriously, Thales, how many people in the world can hold you hostage? When I heard you scream, my first thought was that you were old and your legs and feet were not flexible, so you fell down the stairs."

As a night watchman, Xenophon spoke to Mr. Thales with some respect, while Z treated the old man with an equal attitude.

Duan Feizhuo suddenly thought that in fact, Z's real age was about the same as that of Mr. Thales, they should be regarded as the same generation, while Xenophon was the younger generation.

Mr. Thales is already very old, but Z is still young and beautiful. This scene is really strange. Will Mr. Thales envy Z's youthfulness? Will Z envy Mr. Thales for having a fresh and complete penis?

After the old man counted down the night guards, his sharp eyes turned to Duan Feizhuo.

"This is the newcomer you brought?" The old man sized Duan Feizhuo from head to toe, then grabbed him, held his face, looked left and right, opened his mouth and checked his teeth, and then Let him turn in a circle, it's like showing the age of a horse.

"It's okay, there are no missing arms or legs."

"...Are you mocking me?" Z raised his eyebrows.

Mr. Telles replied, "You are not missing arms or legs, it's just that your arms and legs are different from ordinary people."

Duan Feizhuo now understands why he and Xenophon are master and apprentice. The ability to lift which pot without opening it is indeed the inheritance of the master!

Z wasn't very angry, maybe he got a good temper from Xenophon.

"Well, can you train him?" he asked.

Mr. Thales stroked his beard, "Can't you train yourself? Do you have to do it?"

"The telegram sent to you is not very clear. He is not an ordinary occultist. He has inherited the abilities of two people and is now in a very delicate state. I am afraid that only you can train him."

Mr. Telles nodded, "Okay, then I will do my best."

He hooked Duan Feizhuo's neck, "Boy, come with me."

Then he said to Z and Xenophon, "You can use everything at home, it's best to help me cook dinner. You can buy the ingredients yourself. I don't know how to cook, and I always eat out .”

Duan Feizhuo seemed to hear Xenophon muttering, "Aren't you afraid of being poisoned to death by us?". Well, it's really a family of kindness and filial piety!

Mr. Thales dragged Duan Feizhuo to the study on the third floor. At first glance, this is just an ordinary study room. There are typewriters, paper and pens on the desk, and hardcover books are piled up on the bookshelf, with foreign characters written on the spine.

But Mr. Thales knocked on the bookshelf, and the books on it immediately scrambled to move aside, revealing a secret door.

The old man pointed at the secret door, and it opened automatically. The door was a staircase extending downward.

"Come on, kid, below is my private research room." Mr. Thales walked in first.

Duan Feizhuo had no choice but to keep up with him.

The stairs spiraled downwards, and there were candlesticks nailed to the walls. The candlesticks would automatically light up when Mr. Thales passed by, and they would automatically go out when he walked by. Just like modern sensor lights.

At first, Duan Feizhuo thought that the candlestick had been cast with a secret technique, which could sense the human body. But he didn't see the unique light of occult items from the candlestick. Therefore, he can only speculate that it was Mr. Thales who voluntarily released energy to ignite these candlesticks.

At the end of the stairs stood a double door. There was a line of words written on each of the two leaves of the door. On the left was "The upper form is the same as the lower", and on the right was "The lower form is the same as the upper". There is another line of words directly above the door—" To Hermes the Triple Great".

"Hermes, the first forerunner?" Duan Feizhuo couldn't help asking.

"It's also the ancestor of alchemy." Thales said, "I'm actually an alchemist."

He flicked his finger towards the door, which opened automatically.

Behind the door is a chemical laboratory-like room, the table is full of various glass containers, a strangely shaped furnace stands by the wall, some crucibles are placed on supports, and some crucibles are empty. But Duan Feizhuo noticed that some crucibles were boiling with suspiciously colored liquids. A small bookshelf is full of books, ready to fall apart at any moment.

There are many pictures on the wall, there is a king in red sitting in a flask, a man and a woman are sitting in a pool and getting married, and there is another picture. Duan Feizhuo thought it was a map of the solar system, but he found it when he walked in. , the most central place where the sun should be is actually written "Earth".

"That's Ptolemy's celestial map." Mr. Thales walked over and said, "The solar system conceived by the ancient astronomer Ptolemy."

"But that's the wrong thinking of the ancients, isn't it?" Duan Feizhuo was quite puzzled, "Everyone knows that the earth revolves around the sun."

"That's right, but it's actually a code diagram drawn by an alchemist. The graphics inside hide alchemical knowledge. For example, the sun actually represents gold, and the moon represents silver. Ancient alchemists seldom recorded their knowledge directly, and always used pronouns. Or a metaphor."

Duan Feizhuo seems to understand but not understand. His knowledge of alchemy is quite shallow. After all, Joseph Chester is good at arcane geometry, so he didn't leave any notes on alchemy for him.

"Did you learn alchemy after joining the night police?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"No, I was an alchemist from the beginning, and I was recruited by the Night Police later." Mr. Thales showed nostalgic eyes, "When I was young, the Night Police had a pretty good attitude towards mystics. If a A mystic has never done anything bad, and if he is willing to surrender, he can become a member of the night vigilante. But the atmosphere has changed now!"

"Now the night guards seem to be less tolerant of mystics." Duan Feizhuo said what he was thinking.

"That's right, even innocent mystics basically have to go to prison after being discovered."

"Why did this change happen?" Duan Feizhuo was very curious.

Mr. Thales thought for a while, "Probably the attitude of the lady above has changed. After all, the night watchman is her direct secret force, and she must obey her."

The "lady above" he said should refer to Queen Victoria of England. Duan Feizhuo guessed. The Nightman, although nominally affiliated with Scotland Yard, actually reports directly to the Queen. The liaison between the Queen and the Night Watchman is Secretary Carter.

But that guy is not a good thing either. If he hadn't insisted on releasing Jack the Ripper, Duan Feizhuo wouldn't be what he is now.

"Sit down." Mr. Thales pointed to a chair. It had only one leg. Duan Feizhuo really didn't know how it stood up. But he had no choice. When he sat down, the chair made a frightening moan. Duan Feizhuo didn't dare to put his whole weight on the chair for fear that it would collapse, so he had to support himself with his legs.

Mr. Thales walked to the bookshelf, muttering and rummaging through them. He pulled out a book from the shelf, then turned around abruptly, and threw the book at Duan Feizhuo!

If you get hit by that tome, you'll be bloody!

Duan Feizhuo subconsciously activated the secret technique to transfer energy.

The book fell to the ground before it touched him, and at the same time, a flask on the table exploded with a "bang".

Mr. Thales stroked his beard and smiled slightly, "Boy, are you already self-taught?"

Duan Feizhuo immediately murmured that it was not good. This old man plotted against him!

Deliberately hitting him with a book, forcing him to use the secret technique of transferring energy!

Now the old man knows that he has mastered the occult before he inherited the powers of Duncan and Jack the Ripper!

How to get away with it? Duan Feizhuo's thoughts turned.

"I...uh... secretly learned a little..." He put on a guilty look, "Z gave me some textbook notes, he said he could only learn theoretical knowledge, but I tried it secretly..."

I don't know if this excuse can convince Mr. Thales.

The old man stared at him without saying a word.

Duan Feizhuo also stared back in silence.

Just when he thought that the old man was going to report his anomaly to Z, the old man showed a tolerant smile.

"Ah, I understand, I understand." Mr. Telles patted Duan Feizhuo on the shoulder, "No one can resist such a big temptation, right?"

"Uh...yes..." Duan Feizhuo laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't tell them." The old man blinked playfully, "Who didn't taste the forbidden fruit when they were young?"

I always feel that the description of "forbidden fruit" is weird...

"Now that you have mastered the method of transferring energy, I can save a lot of time in basic teaching."

Mr. Thales pointed at the broken pieces of the flask, they flew up and assembled into the shape of the flask by themselves. The rift gradually healed, and after a few seconds, it was back to a full flask.

Duan Feizhuo jumped up, "Coach, I want to learn this!"

"It's very simple, and you can learn it quickly." Mr. Thales nodded. "A mystic can manipulate energy. As long as there is enough energy, the fragments can be restored. But the energy required for this operation is very powerful. It is far from enough to rely solely on the energy produced by the human body. If you forcefully absorb your own energy, you will be weak and comatose, or die on the spot.”

Duan Feizhuo remembered his experience at Perilla Manor. At that time, he was holding the lantern given by Mrs. Willow. The lamp had to be lit with his own energy, but because he expended too much energy, he finally fainted from exhaustion. Yeats also advised him not to overuse the lantern, otherwise his life would be shortened.

"So where does the energy come from?" he asked.

"Mystics usually pay attention to storing energy and extracting it when needed." Mr. Thales replied, "Have you ever noticed Xenophon's Civilization Staff? That is actually the prop he used to store energy. Every time Each occultist has his own unique energy storage item, some are gemstones, some are metal, and some are wood."

The old man raised his hands and showed Duan Feizhuo his bracelet, "This is

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