Those eyeballs lie quietly in the velvet padding, and the crimson irises are crystal clear. If you look carefully through the pupils, you can see the densely covered secret art runes inside the eyeballs.

This is the prosthetic eye Miss Margaret made for Z.

Three days after selling the phantom phosphorous butterfly powder to the siblings, the prosthetic eye was finally completed. Duan Feizhuo and his party came to the studio of the Molun sisters and brothers as scheduled.

It was Fabian who received them. He took out the box containing the prosthetic eye and showed his sister's work to customers.

"I wonder if the three are satisfied?" Fabian asked awkwardly.

Of course Z can't judge the quality of these prosthetic eyes. Therefore, the identification work can only be handed over to the other two.

Of course Duan Feizhuo is very satisfied, the so-called "ingenious workmanship" is probably nothing more than that. These prosthetic eyes are almost the same as Z's original eyes, and they are more transparent and brighter. Perhaps because of the light, the red color of these eyes is not so much like ruby, but more like Padma sapphire. When facing the light, you can even see the fire in it.

Xenophon looked curious, and wanted to grab a prosthetic eye for a closer look, but Duan Feizhuo slapped his paw off.

He covered his hands and puffed up his cheeks, like a sullen puffer fish.

The next step is the final step, transplanting the eyes for Z.

Surgery was scheduled for late at night. Because Miss Margaret stayed up for several nights to make the prosthetic eye, she was so tired that she slept all day and didn't wake up until dusk.

The surgery is located in the basement of Mellon Studios. Since the days of Grandpa Margaret, this is where they have operated on their patients.

The basement is airtight, and there is only a stone table covered with a white sheet as an operating table. Patients must first enter such a deep underground before they can see the light again, which sounds a bit religious and aesthetic.

The medical technology of this era is still very backward. Thanks to the promotion of the germ theory, people at least know the importance of sterilization. Fabian's surgical instruments have been sterilized with alcohol, and the rest is the lighting problem.

Shadowless lamps were not invented until decades later. Duan Feizhuo used to suffer from lighting problems when he was practicing medicine in Aberdeen, but now he doesn't have to worry about it. He asked the Melun brothers and sisters to bring ten lamps, and used secret techniques to make them float into the air and form a circle, which made a simple shadowless lamp.

"Why didn't I think of it?" Margaret looked at the circle of oil lamps and said with emotion, "This lighting method will not produce obvious shadows, and it can also ensure brightness. If a circle of light bulbs is installed on a disc, then Is it possible to achieve the same effect by using secret techniques to make it glow?"

Duan Feizhuo gave her a thumbs up. Miss Margaret, change the word "mystery" into "electricity", and you will become the inventor of the shadowless lamp decades in advance!

It was just him, Margaret, and Patient Z in the operating room. Fabian and Xenophon were locked out because they couldn't help.

Z was lying on the operating table, and the circle of simple shadowless lamps illuminated his face as pale as a statue.

While cleaning his hands with alcohol, Duan Feizhuo asked, "Are you sure you want me to handle the knife? I'm a black doctor without a license."

"I can't trust others." Z said lightly.

"In case of an accident..."

"No." Z said firmly.

Being so trusted by him, Duan Feizhuo's heart felt hot.

Immediately afterwards, Z said, "Didn't Mr. Thales teach you the secret technique. If there is an accident, you can immediately use the secret technique to heal me."

Duan Feizhuo "..."

He turned to Margaret "Anesthetized."

Margaret took out a bottle of laudanum from the medicines she had prepared.

"No need for anesthesia," Z said. "My pain is very low."

"Low doesn't mean no pain." Duan Feizhuo said, "And if you suddenly move around during the operation, it will affect me."

"I won't move."

Duan Feizhuo ignored him. Outside this basement, Z may be his boss. But in the basement, he is the chief surgeon. Who dared to challenge the chief surgeon on the operating table, who gave Z the courage?

He snatched the laudanum from Margaret and held it to Z's lips.

"Drink it yourself, or should I pour it down for you?"

Z curled his lips, and obediently drank the liquid in the vial.

Guessing that the laudanum was about to take effect, Duan Feizhuo covered Z's face with a cloth, and took the scalpel from Miss Margaret.

He had surgery in worse circumstances. Compared to the muddy streets of Aberdeen, the condition of this basement is considered extravagant. But he was still nervous. This time, it wasn't a strange patient that he cut under the knife, but Z. He suddenly understood why some doctors avoided suspicion when performing operations on their own family members.

What's more, he has to continuously deliver energy to the shadowless lamps while performing the operation, making them float in the air.

Thanks to the guidance of Mr. Thales, he has gradually mastered the method of unconsciously transforming energy. Extracting energy from his brass ring and feeding it to the floating lamp, everything is as natural as breathing. That way he can concentrate on the surgery.

After removing the eyeballs, Duan Feizhuo used secret techniques to stop the bleeding, then stepped back from the operating table, and Miss Margaret took over the rest of the work.

Miss Margaret picked up a prosthetic eye, adjusted the angle, and began to chant the spell.

Following her dreamlike murmur, a few strands of silk thread protruded from the bottom of the prosthetic eye, they seemed to be alive, they got into the hollow eye socket and connected with the nerve.

Duan Feizhuo watched all this with ecstasy. The black technology that did not exist in his world was invented in advance in this world. The mysteries of machinery and the mysteries of occult arts merged into one at this moment.

Miss Margaret pressed the prosthetic eye into Z's eye socket, and then did the same for the other prosthetic eye.

She moved very quickly, and within a few minutes, the two prosthetic eyes were moved into Z's fundus.

"Gauze," she said.

Duan Feizhuo picked up a roll of gauze from the operating tray and handed it to her. She covered Z's eyes and wrapped them around several times.

"It's done." She said, "For a while, if you feel a burning sensation in the fundus of your eyes, that's normal. It means that the artificial nerve is slowly merging with his nerve. When the burning sensation disappears, the gauze can be removed. down."

Duan Feizhuo breathed a sigh of relief and lowered the lamp in the sky. They landed smoothly one by one, obediently lined up in the corner.

"He is not very sensitive to pain, and may not feel any burning sensation. How long will it take?"

Miss Margaret thought for a while, "According to previous cases, it usually takes two to three days. To be on the safe side, wait three days before taking it off."

Z raised his hand and touched the gauze on his face. Because half of his face was covered, Duan Feizhuo couldn't see his expression. But he felt that Z's fingertips trembled slightly.

They booked a boat back to London the day after tomorrow. The flight from Geneva to London takes about one day. In other words, when they landed in London, it was precisely the day when Z would recover.

Z sat up. His movements were a little sluggish from the laudanum. But his will is fully conscious. He stroked his messy silver hair and turned in Miss Margaret's direction.

"Thank you, miss," he whispered.

It was the first time in his life to thank a mystic who was not a night watchman.

"You're welcome. You are a patient, and this is what we should do." Margaret said lightly while cleaning up the medical waste.

Z jumped off the operating table and stretched out his hand towards Duan Feizhuo.

Duan Feizhuo took his hand.

He dragged Z and slowly walked out of the basement.

They walked through the dark corridors, up the stairs, towards the light.

Xenophon and Fabian sat in the shop on the first floor. Because the two were too bored, they simply played chess.

Seeing two people walking out of the basement, Xenophon raised his head and shouted, "Wow, boss, your appearance looks... like a blind person."

The last time Duan Feizhuo heard such reasonable nonsense was the last time.

"How long will you wear this gauze?" Xenophon asked.

"Three days." Z replied.

"Wow, it's time for us to return to London." Xenophon was overjoyed, "I'll send a telegram to Miss Acheson and ask her to come pick me up."

"It doesn't have to be that troublesome."

One of Xenophon's characteristics is that he tends to ignore what he doesn't want to hear. He scrambled the chessboard (he was about to be generaled by Fabian, who glared at him), and said to himself, "Just ask everyone to come and stand. You can watch them all at once."

Z sighed.

Miss Margaret also came up from the cellar at this moment. She was holding a blood-stained tray, and the removed eyeballs were faintly exposed under a pile of red gauze.

"Do you want to take your eyeball back?" she asked.

The corner of Z's mouth twitched, "No way."

"Then I'll burn it for you."

Marguerite handed the tray to Fabian. The latter grimaced and muttered under his breath "Why do chores have to be done by me..."

The group once again thanked Miss Margaret for her ingenious skills. Just as they were about to leave the shop, the girl seemed to remember something and stopped them.

"Please wait a moment." She walked towards Z quickly.

"Anything else?"

She grabbed Z's hand and observed it carefully against the light.

"I'm curious about one thing. Who made your prosthetic?"

The perennial smile on Xenophon's face disappeared.

Duan Feizhuo felt a sudden chill from Z beside him.

The only person who dares to ask Z this question face to face is an ignorant technical geek like Miss Margaret.

"Why are you curious about this?" Z asked indifferently.

"I faintly noticed it when I checked your body before." Margaret grabbed Z's other hand, stared at the brass-colored skin and said, "The manufacturing technology of your mechanical prosthesis is similar to that passed down by our ancestors. It looks exactly the same. Your mechanical prosthetics are also powered by occult arts, right?"

Z's chill was even deeper. If there happened to be water around them, the water might condense into ice.

When talking about occult techniques, Miss Margaret gushed, "I can feel the power of occult runes. The runes in your prosthetic limb are very similar to those in the prosthetic eye. The rune has improved some places, removed the complicated structure, and is more concise. These improvements are all thanks to my grandfather. My grandfather has never made prosthetics, so I am curious, who made your prosthetics? Could it be You actually know my grandpa, but pretend not to?"

"I think," Z paused, "I really don't know Grandfather Ling."

Miss Margaret raised her head, thought for a moment with a puzzled face, and then suddenly realized: "Then you know 'the lady'?"

"What madam?" Z's hand that was holding Duan Feizhuo's was suddenly clenched.

"I once heard from my grandpa that he didn't know how to make prosthetic eyes at first. But decades ago, a female mystic happened to move in next door to our house. She came here as a refugee, and her grandparents helped her a lot. , out of gratitude, she taught my grandfather how to make prosthetic eyes."

Z's breathing suddenly became heavy.

"Where is that woman?"

Fabian just came back. "She moved away a long time ago," he said. "She's British like you. Grandpa says she's been targeted by detectives for mystics and has to go to Switzerland to hide. She is more tolerant. She lived for a few years, and after the limelight passed, she returned to London."

Z's fingertips dug deep into Duan Feizhu's skin, but he didn't notice it at all.

Could it be that the female mystic Margaret mentioned was the nurse who transformed Z's body?

She took asylum in Switzerland and taught her knowledge to her next-door neighbor by the way. Decades later, the neighbor's granddaughter became a mechanical master and made a pair of prosthetic eyes for Z?

Like the cycle of fate, but also like a biting irony.

"Can you still contact that woman?" Z asked urgently.

Margaret shook her head. "She moved away long before we were born. We don't even know her name. I still want to ask you for her contact information."

Duan Feizhuo pressed Z's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Calm down, Miss Margaret is innocent."

Z took a deep breath and let go of his hand. Duan Feizhuo rolled up his sleeves, his arms were bruised from pinching by Z.

"I'm afraid I don't know her whereabouts either." The corner of Z's lips twitched, "It might be a good thing for that woman to disappear forever."

He bowed slightly to the Melun siblings, "Farewell."

After speaking, he walked into the night without looking back.

The Melun siblings stood side by side at the door of the store, waving goodbye to the three customers. When their figures were swallowed up by the night, Margaret hugged her shoulders and shivered.

"It's cold. Let's go back," she said to her brother.

Fabian looked complicated, still looking in the direction the three left.

"Sister, I contacted my colleagues in London yesterday." He lowered his voice, lest his neighbors overhear, "They said that among the police detectives of the Metropolitan Police Department, there is a blind man with white hair and red eyes. All four limbs are prosthetics, everything fits!"

"So what?" Margaret asked absently.

"They are detectives who specialize in hunting mystics! They are our enemies!"

"They didn't come to catch us."

"This is not the UK, of course they don't have the guts." Fabian said bitterly, "If I hadn't signed the contract and collected their money, I would definitely not do this business! Before receiving patients next time, I must first Find out their identities. I don't know how the countess would know that kind of person..."

"Fabian." Marguerite stared at her younger brother accusingly, "How can you say such a thing. Could it be that the patients are policemen, shouldn't we help them?"

"But you helped him, and he will arrest more mystics in the future—our compatriots!"

"Fabian, we are mechanics. What is the purpose of our making machinery? Is it purely for machinery? Of course not. We want to make people happy through machinery. From small wind-up dolls to large steam engines, everything Yes. Of course the mechanical eye is the same. This is our job. We are not qualified to judge others, that is the work of God."

"But sister..."

"Fabian, you still have a lot to learn." Marigette patted her younger brother's head and walked back to the shop with a smile.

Z was silent all the way to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, he only said one word to Duan Feizhuo, "Good night."

Duan Feizhuo really wanted to talk to him about the female mystic. But Z obviously doesn't want to discuss it. He had to give up.

Is the mystic that Miss Margaret mentioned really the nurse who transformed Z? Could it be different people?

If so, then the culprit who transformed Z into what he looked like had been lurking in London all these years—right under the noses of the Night Watchman. No wonder Z became so angry and angry.

He went back to his room, changed into his pajamas, and threw himself on the bed.

As soon as his head touched the pillow, Duan Feizhuo fell asleep.

He had a strange dream.

He was standing in the dungeon at Scotland Yard, the cell in which he had been held.

For a split second, he thought he had traveled back in time, to the day just after the Battle of Jack the Ripper ended. Then he wondered, maybe this moment is reality. The trip to Greece that happened afterwards was his fantasy.

There were footsteps in the corridor. It approached step by step, and finally stopped at the door of his cell.

Duan Feizhuo couldn't help swallowing. He remembered that it was Z who walked in. But the sound of footsteps does not belong to Z, because there is no unique mechanical friction sound of Z.

The door opened. A man with black hair and yellow eyes walked in. He was dressed in black, like a huge crow.

"... Xenophon?"

The policeman smiled slightly, "Hello."

"Am I dreaming?"

Xenophon nodded.

Duan Feizhuo asked again, "Why are you in my dream?"

Xenophon spread his hands, "Don't forget that I'm Mr. Thales' favorite student. Although I'm not very good at the mystic techniques of spiritual spying, I can use them at least."

Duan Feizhuo felt very uncomfortable, as if someone had peeped at his diary, probably this was the discomfort of having his privacy violated.

"Are you spying on my dreams?"

"That's right." Xenophon replied confidently, "I want to see what your little brain is thinking all day long."

Duan Feizhuo crossed his hips and stared at him angrily, "What's going on?"

"Actually, I've wanted to do this for a long time. It's just that I haven't found an opportunity." Xenophon said cheekily, "I want to see what secret you are hiding."

Among all the night guards, Duan Feizhuo thinks that Xenophon is the most unfathomable one.

Xenophon's brain waves are often not on the same channel as other people's. But never lose the chain at critical moments. Duan Feizhuo thinks that cynical appearance is just his disguise, his heart is far more complicated and deeper than his appearance.

"You are...invading other people's privacy!"

Xenophon stood with his hands behind his back, "It's really interesting. When ordinary people encounter this kind of question, shouldn't they answer 'I didn't hide anything'?"

Duan Feizhuo choked.

"...But I'm not an ordinary person," he said.

"Well said." Xenophon actually showed approval, "I also think you are not an ordinary person. Before returning to London, I think I need to check you carefully. If necessary, I can prevent you from returning to London. "

"Why? What did I do wrong?"

Xenophon seemed to have heard something funny.

"Don't you understand what you did wrong? Who are you? What's the purpose of sneaking into Scotland Yard?"

For a moment, Duan Feizhuo forgot to breathe.

—he knows.

—He knows that I am the owner of the Secret Realm Trading Company.

But how on earth did he know? No one can reveal the identity of the owner of the secret trading house, and everyone who knows this secret is bound by a secret contract. Who told Xenophon?

"Your face has changed." Xenophon's eyes shone with a strange brilliance, "In dreams, acting skills often can't cover up real emotions. I admit that you acted quite well, and almost fooled me. Z The boss may have been distracted for a while and didn't notice your flaws, but I am different."

He grinned like a crow, "You were an occultist before joining the Night's Watch."

A drop of cold sweat slid down Duan Feizhuo's forehead. It's strange, why do I still sweat in my dream?

"I admit that I secretly practiced secret techniques." Duan Feizhuo said. He confessed this to Mr Telles. Xenophon is a disciple of Mr. Thales, and he may have heard of it from his mentor. There was no point in hiding it from him.

As long as he bites him to death and refuses to admit anything else, what else can Xenophon do?

"More than that?" Xenophon smiled, "Are you confessing yourself, or am I going to extract the confession?"

"I have nothing to confess."

"You remember the day you came to Scotland Yard for the second time? That was the day you learned of the death of the girl from your hometown."

Of course Duan Feizhuo remembered. It was Xenophon who told him the bad news.

"I tested your knowledge of arcane philosophy that day. I asked you who were the two surviving pioneers. You replied that they were Hermes and Hecate."

Duan Feizhuo tried his best to keep his face sullen, not to show his emotions.

"That's the correct answer," he said.

"That's right, it's absolutely correct." Xenophon approved, "But the book we gave you doesn't have this knowledge point. You can only learn it from other places."

Duan Feizhuo's pupils dilated instantly.

How could he have forgotten such an important thing?

He mixed Joseph Chester's notes with the textbook given to him by the Night Watchmen. Although he learned the knowledge, he had forgotten which knowledge point came from which book in the end.

Even he himself didn't notice this insignificant detail, but Xenophon did.

Then he saw through his lie in one fell swoop.

Xenophon smiled darkly, "If I hadn't just read the news about the girl's death and distracted my attention, I would have exposed you on the spot."

In other words, did Xenophon realize that Duan Feizhuo had concealed his identity as a mystic when he recalled the incident afterwards?

So when exactly did he discover this? Why did you hold back until now? And instead of complaining to Z openly, but sneaking into Duan Feizhuo's dream to confront him?

Xenophon's move obviously had an ulterior motive. He didn't just want to expose Duan Feizhuo's true face.

"Then why don't you expose me?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

Xenophon narrowed his eyes, "Well, there are many reasons. First of all, when I found out about this, you and Boss Z were already on fire. If I told him the truth, he would be very sad. I can't bear to hurt him heart of."

"You have a good relationship with him." Duan Feizhuo snorted.

"I've known him far longer than you." Xenophon said flatly, "The second reason is that I am different from Boss Z, and I don't have so much hostility towards mystics. Anyone who is willing to work for the night vigilante As a magician, I don't even ask about his background, he is a fellow robe partner. Therefore, it doesn't matter to me whether you are a mystic or not."

"Then why did you sneak into my dream?"

"Intuition tells me that you have hidden more secrets." Xenophon took a step towards Duan Feizhuo, who subconsciously took a step back.

"...I didn't." Duan Feizhuo bit the bullet and denied.

"I advise you to confess quickly. As long as it is not a major issue of principle, I am willing to help you keep a secret." Xenophon winked at him playfully, "But I don't like the feeling of being kept in the dark. We It can be an accomplice, an accomplice, but you can't hide anything from me."

Oh, coincidence, Duan Feizhuo's big secret is really a matter of principle.

"I admit that I have indeed learned mystical philosophy a long time ago." Now that Xenophon has seen through this point, he can't continue to be stubborn, "Other than that, I have nothing else to hide from you."

"Really?" Xenophon took another step forward, "Then tell me, when, where and under what circumstances did you learn that knowledge?"

Duan Feizhuo's brain is running fast, how can he explain it reasonably?

"I... when I was living in Aberdeen, I treated a patient and he died, leaving only a book." He began to make up, "I just read it out of curiosity. At that time How could I have imagined that it was actually a book of mysterious philosophy?"

"What's the name of that patient, and which cemetery is he buried in?" Xenophon continued to approach.

"I don't remember. I have treated so many patients, how could I remember their names one by one? Besides, many of my patients are refugees and don't know how to use their real names."

Xenophon sneered, "Don't remember? It's okay, I can see it myself."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand like lightning, and pressed Duan Feizhuo's forehead.

A cold force flowed along his hand into Duan Feizhuo's head, like some kind of plant took root in his brain, desperately absorbing the memories in his brain as nutrients.

No, he can't let Xenophon peep into his memory!

Duan Feizhuo clenched his teeth and forced back the force that penetrated into his brain.

Xenophon's smile turned to astonishment.

He wanted to withdraw his hand, but it was too late.

That force flowed into his body in reverse!

The dungeon disappeared, and Duan Feizhuo fell into endless darkness.

Soon he fell to the ground.

He was in a glass greenhouse. It's late autumn outside the greenhouse, with fallen leaves everywhere and withered grass, but inside the greenhouse is full of flowers and greenery.

A boy with black hair and yellow eyes was lying under the flower stand, with a big thick book under his head, and a straw in his mouth. He held another book in his hand, and Duan Feizhuo bent down to look at the title. It was "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas.

This boy was undoubtedly Xenophon who was more than ten years younger.

Here is the memory of Xenophon.

"Master, why are you reading idle books again?" A little girl dressed as a maid ran up to Xenophon and took away the "Count of Monte Cristo" from his hand, "God, you still use the master's notes as a pillow! Master If I see you, I will definitely scold you again!"

Xenophon spat out the blades of grass, took back his idle books, and said with a smile, "You can curse, anyway, I don't want to be a mystic. When I become an adult, I will run away from home and become a sailor or something. Never going back to this place again!"

The maid pouted, "You're talking stupid again! You are the sole heir of the family. If you don't become a mystic, won't the family inheritance be cut off?"

"Break it. If it doesn't work, let my dad accept an apprentice. Do you want to run away from home with me? It's boring to be a maid here, and my mother scolds me all day. Let's go out together How about it?"

"Master, don't talk about it, if Madam hears it, I will be scolded again..."

Xenophon laughed, lay down again, and continued reading The Count of Monte Cristo. And that thick secret technique notebook became his pillow again.

Unexpectedly, Xenophon is a descendant of the mystic family. Duan Feizhuo thought with interest. But he kept saying that he didn't want to learn the mystic philosophy, so why did he become a mystic in the end? The Law of True Fragrance?

The scene changes. As day turned into night, Duan Feizhuo was still standing in the greenhouse, and he noticed the raging fire reflected on the glass of the greenhouse.

The mansion of Xenophon's family is burning. The flames lit up half the sky.

The greenhouse door was knocked open with a "bang", and the little maid Raxenophon stumbled in.

"Master, hide here!" The little maid pushed Xenophon behind a blooming flower bush.

Xenophon held her wrist, "But what do you do?"

There is no room for another person to hide behind the flowers.

"Leave me alone, master! No matter what happens, don't make a sound, don't come out, do you hear me?"

After finishing speaking, the maid brought a few more pots of flowers to completely block Xenophon, and then she rushed out of the greenhouse with her skirt and ran in the opposite direction.

A group of people dressed in red clothes, masks, and dressed like the Ku Klux Klan surrounded her with torches.

"Say, where's the boy?" The leader man in red hissed when he spoke.

The maid shook her head in panic, "I don't know! Please spare me, I'm just a servant!"

"Kill her." The leader of the man in red ordered coldly.

One of his men threw a throwing knife at the maid, the blade sinking into her chest. She looked down at the handle of the knife protruding from her chest, her legs gave way, and she fell to the ground.

The leader of the man in red looked around, "Where's that kid?"

"Boss, there seems to be something in the greenhouse."

The man in red stepped over the maid's body and strode into the greenhouse.

Duan Feizhuo looked at Xenophon who was hiding behind the flowers. He curled his knees and covered his mouth, trying not to make a sound. Tears welled up in his yellow eyes, tears of fear and tears of anger.

Although he didn't see what was going on outside the greenhouse, he must have heard the conversation between the man in red and the maid. His childhood sweetheart, the girl died under the knife of the man in red, as humble as an ant that was trampled to death.

People in red file into the greenhouse. This place is not big, you can see the head at a glance.

"Did I read it wrong?" The man in red who said there was something in the greenhouse just now muttered.

The leader of the man in red sticks to the torch and walks through the competing flowers.

Xenophon trembled.

The leader of the man in red walked past him.

Xenophon closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the leader of the man in red turned back.

He pushed aside the flowers, revealing Xenophon who was hiding behind.

"I found you, kid, and hand over the keys to your laboratory—"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a loud bang above his head.

A man in a black coat fell from the sky and smashed through the roof of the greenhouse. Thousands of broken glass slanted down like a torrential rain.

The man landed in front of the leader, bathed in the torrential rain of glass, but his expression remained unchanged.

The leader of the man in red stared round his eyes, "You are... the night policeman!"

The man opened his arms, and each of the two mechanical prosthetics ejected a bright blade.

— is Z.

He grinned and looked joyful, as if he was playing a fun game. He rushed to the leader of the man in red, the blade reflecting the red-gold flame.

The rest of the people in red were terrified and scrambled to escape from the greenhouse. But as soon as they went out, they ran into a large group of night policemen in black.

Duan Feizhuo recognized that the leaders were Mr. Thales and Ms. Q, who were more than ten years younger.

What followed was a massacre without any suspense.

The man in red had no power to fight back against the night guards. Except for a few smart people who surrendered at the beginning of the battle, the rest were shot to death without exception.

In the greenhouse, Z stepped on the corpse of the leader of the man in red, shaking the blood off the blade. His handsome face was covered with blood, as if he had just been bathed in blood.

Xenophon stared at him blankly, as if seeing a **** descending to save him—or a devil crawling out of hell.

Mr. Thales ran to the flower bush where Xenophon was hiding, and stretched out his hand to him.

"Come out, kid." He said kindly, but because he was also stained with blood, his kind tone was creepy. "The gang who killed your family are all punished, and you are safe."

Xenophon was stunned for a while before he managed to make a sound, "Are you night policemen?"

"That's right, we belong to the Scotland Yard Abnormal Case Investigation Division."

Mr. Thales pulled the boy up and patted the fallen leaves and dust off his body, "You are a child of this family, aren't you? Oh, what a terrible vendetta among mystics, for those few books and treasures, even the children We didn't miss it. Luckily we came in time, didn't we?"

He turned to Z, asking for the opinion of the boss.

Z raised his blood-red eyes, "Is this kid also a mystic?"

"I'm not. I've never learned it. I don't want to." Xenophon whispered, a tear slid down his cheek, "If I had known today, I should have tried my best to learn, so that parents would not Will... Isabel won't..."

"If you say such things in front of the night guards, you won't be afraid of being thrown into a dungeon and never see the light of day for the rest of your life?"

Xenophon squeezed out a bleak smile, "That's better than death."

Mr. Thales sighed, and put his arms around his thin shoulders, "Then do you want to learn from now?"

Duan Feizhuo looked at them ecstatically.

It turns out that this is how Xenophon joined the night vigilante. The young man who did not want to learn the mystic arts, because he lost his family, finally embarked on the path of a mystic.

An indifferent voice came from behind him, "Have you seen enough?"

Duan Feizhuo turned his head, and another Xenophon stood behind him.

"I didn't mean to spy on you." Duan Feizhuo said angrily, "It was you who made the first move, and I was the one who took the lead instead."

"Hmph, so it's all my fault for my inferior skills?" Xenophon laughed angrily.

The greenhouse scene is gone. Duan Feizhuo and Xenophon appeared in the boundless darkness.

"What kind of memory is this?" Duan Feizhuo looked around.

"...not my memory." There was a trace of tension in Xenophon's voice, "It's not good, you leave quickly!"


"Someone else is coming! The mental collision of two people is bad enough, if there is another one..."

Duan Feizhuo couldn't hear the next words.

Xenophon disappeared from his sight.

Something was pressing overhead, like the overwhelming sea tide when a storm comes.

Z woke up with a start.

He has always slept very lightly, and will wake up at the slightest disturbance. This is a habit formed unconsciously after working as a night policeman for many years.

Without this kind of vigilance, it is very likely that his throat had been cut in his sleep.

It wasn't the noise that woke him up tonight, but the occult technique.

Even if he is not a mystic, he can still feel the majestic mystic energy surging around him.

This energy often means that someone is performing a powerful occult technique. Just a little leaked energy is enough to create a storm.

Who is performing the secret technique? What kind of secret technique to perform?

He touched the gauze covering his eyes. He rarely hated himself for being blind, and tonight was one of the few exceptions.

"Xenophon?" he called.

None of his roommates responded.

Z got out of bed and touched Xenophon's bedside.

his companion

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