Duan Feizhuo stood in a cold stone cellar.

The place reminded him of the crypt of the Aberdeen Church, which was dedicated to the mortuary. There was also a stone platform in the cellar, and there was a person lying on the platform. It was not clear whether it was dead or alive, but Duan Feizhuo felt that he was probably dead, because people generally do not cover the living with white cloth.

A middle-aged man in military uniform walked into the basement, accompanied by a woman dressed as a nurse.

The middle-aged officer looked serious, he stood at attention habitually, his straight back was like a steel javelin.

"You succeeded?" asked the middle-aged officer.

The nurse smiled lovingly, "Of course. Your son can move around freely without any obstacles, just like a normal person."

The middle-aged officer stared at the "corpse" on the stone platform, slightly moved.

"You know, nurse, he is my only child, the only descendant of our family. We have been military nobles for generations, and we are proud of receiving martial arts on the battlefield. My father asked me to do so, so I also That's what was asked of him. Actually I could tell he didn't like the battlefield, but I had to. It's an honor...and duty to our family," the officer whispered.

"I understand your good intentions." The nurse smiled.

The officer lifted the white cloth from the "corpse".

He inspected the body under the white cloth, his eyes were critical and cold, like a tricky customer inspecting goods.

But he soon broke into a smile.

"When you said that you could combine mystic philosophy and mechanical prosthetic technology to bring my son back to life, I was skeptical, but now I am convinced."

The nurse bowed her head in trepidation and said, "You praise me too much."

"If this technology can be popularized, how good would it be? From now on, our soldiers will no longer be afraid of being disabled!"

"But it's too expensive to do that, I'm not sure..."

"I'll go and persuade Your Majesty! Imagine, Nurse, that no matter how badly wounded you are, you won't die, you only need to repair your mechanical prosthetics and go into battle again - our empire will have an invincible and invincible army." Undead Army!"

The frenzy in the officer's eyes made Duan Feizhuo shudder.

He took a few steps forward and looked at the motionless "corpse" on the stone platform.

He suddenly forgot to breathe.

The hair of the "corpse" was not as long as it was later, but the face that was so beautiful that it was not human-like was exactly the same as that of later generations, and time had never left a mark on him.

This "corpse" is Z, the transformed Z. The officer was his father and the one who ordered his reformation. And that nurse—Duan Feizhuo suddenly thought, she should not be a nurse, but a nurse with the army. The uniform of nurses in this era is very similar to that of nurses—is the mystic in charge of the transformation.

This is Z's memory.

But how could he peek into Z's memory? Even though he was still arguing with Xenophon just now, why did he suddenly fall into Z's brain.

Z on the stone platform trembled slightly, his eyelashes fluttering.

The officer was overjoyed, "Son, are you awake?"

Z opened his eyes.

A pair of blood-red eyes reflected his father's face.

He turned his head slightly and stared blankly at the officer.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Are you feeling well?" the officer replied irrelevantly. "Is your memory still clear?"

Z still looks confused. Different from him later, his expression at this time is much richer, more like a human being.

"I remember being hit by a shell..." He sat up with difficulty.

The white cloth slipped from his chest, revealing his modified body.

The torso covered with dense scars, the brass-colored limbs, the metal spine that opens and closes with breathing...

Z's pupils dilated instantly.

"How did I become like this?"

The officer pulled the nurse in front of him and introduced, "This is all thanks to this lady. She is your lifesaver! If it weren't for her superb skills, you would have died long ago! This lady has transformed you, and she will The combination of mechanical prosthetic technology and occult art—oh, you can understand it as technology combined with magic! Isn’t it amazing! I have already arranged a boat ticket back to London for you, and I want to introduce you to our great majesty! "

As he spoke, he walked up and down the basement proudly, his eyes full of imagination and anticipation, as if he had already smelled the gunpowder of the salute from his promotion ceremony.

"I'm going to build a new army, take disabled veterans, and do the same to them. They'll become an army of immortality. And you'll be their commander..."

He was immersed in the beautiful blueprint of the future, but he never noticed that his son's expression was distorted, staring at his brand new body. That is not the joy of the reborn person, but a kind of fear and hatred, as if seeing a zombie crawling out of hell.

Duan Feizhuo tried to imagine Z's feelings at the moment. When he woke up, he found that most of his body had turned into a machine. He felt neither heat nor cold, as if he had put human souls in tin cans.

He hates the battlefield, he doesn't want his son to inherit his father's job as an officer, but his father dreams of building an undead army, every soldier in it is a monster like him, and then asks him to be the monster leader...

"what did you do to me?!"

Z jumped off the stone platform and grabbed his father by the collar. He faltered, clearly not yet perfectly in control of his limbs.

"Why did you save me? Why didn't you let me die? Why did you let me become this virtuous!"

The officer frowned, "You survived, you can walk, you can move, what dissatisfaction do you have?"

The nurse looked nervous, but did not persuade the father and son, but quietly retreated to the basement exit.

"Your Excellency, do you remember that I warned you? This is the first time I have experimented with this technology on a living person. I am not sure what the experience body will look like after waking up. If their bodies are not healthy, their spirits will also be Chances are it's going to be mutilated. They're going to... go crazy."

The nurse's reminder came too late.

A silver blade stabbed out from the officer's back, and the tip of the blade was dripping with blood.

"Why... my child..." the officer looked at Z in disbelief, "I'm... saving you..."

Z said nothing, just twisted the blade. The metal turned in the flesh, making a sticky sound.

The nurse turned and fled.

Z drew out the blade, and chased after the nurse without even looking at his father lying at his feet.

His steps were staggering, not at all comparable to the fast-paced nurse.

Outside the basement is an old manor, requisitioned by the army as a temporary field hospital. There were many soldiers wandering in the courtyard. Seeing them, the nurse shouted at the top of her voice, "Help! Killer! Help me! A madman is going to kill!"

Soldiers have always been cared for by nurses and nurses, with nothing but admiration and gratitude for them. Hearing the nurse calling for help, naturally no one doubted the authenticity.

They drew out their guns one after another and cautiously surrounded the entrance to the basement.

As for the nurse, she walked through the crowd and quickly took off her nurse uniform, revealing the ordinary long skirt underneath. She let go of her hair, fiddled with it a few times, and changed from a nurse to an ordinary girl in an instant.

She climbed over the fence of the manor and fled into the wilderness.

Duan Feizhuo looked at her back dumbly.

He wondered where the nurse had fled, for the scene changed quickly.

It was still the manor, but the sky had changed from day to night.

A man and a woman walked through the gate of the manor and walked towards the garden.

Both were wearing black coats and black hats. This is the typical Nightman uniform.

Duan Feizhuo looked at their faces and realized that these two people were actually Mr. Taylor and Ms. Q in their prime.

In his youth, Mr. Thales was considered handsome, but he always had a frivolous look. Ms. Q is much more serious, like a stern governess.

The two went around to the back of the garden.

Z was sitting leaning against the wall, wearing a coat he found somewhere, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

He smoked one after another, and there were already piles of cigarette butts under his feet. But he was still not satisfied, and after sucking one, he quickly tapped another one.

Even the most addicted to smoking would not be like him. He was not smoking, but was craving something that could only be found in a cigarette.

— the thrill of making him feel alive.

Farther away, there were corpses all over the ground.

The soldiers who surrounded the entrance to the basement were brutally massacred.

Ms. Q took out her handkerchief and covered her nose.

"We've had reports of murderous monsters in this area," she said in a low voice. "Have you seen one, young man?"

Z raised his head and grinned, "The monster you're talking about is probably me, ma'am."

"You?" Ms. Q looked at him in surprise, her gaze fell on his brass-colored prosthetic limb, "What's wrong with your body, young man?"

"I want to know too." Z said.

Z stood up, and the blade popped out of the prosthetic limb, and slashed at Ms. Q without any explanation.

The female policewoman Ye Ren chanted a spell while dodging sideways. The combat power of Z in this era is not as strong as that of later generations, and ordinary people can still avoid his attacks with hard work.

Mister Thales also joined the fray. Waves of energy streaked across Z's body, which should have left him with **** wounds, but his metal prosthesis bounced off those energies, leaving him unscathed.

"It really is a monster." Ms. Q's eyes turned cold.

"Hit his eyes!" Mr. Thales yelled as he and Z trembled.

Z's body can be described as invulnerable, but like most creatures in the world, his eyes are defenseless, arguably his only weakness.

Ms. Q recited the spell without thinking, and a bright light burst out from her fingertips. At the same time, Mr. Thales turned his back in time.

The strong light was dazzling, like a bomb exploding in front of your eyes.

Even the night sky was illuminated as bright as day at this moment.

Then, everything fell into darkness.

The scene seemed to change again. Duan Feizhuo could hear whispers and footsteps around him, but he couldn't see anything.

"Is this the monster that slaughtered the entire field hospital?" a man asked.

"That's right, it's a good thing we blinded him, otherwise it would be the bodies of both of us that were transported back to London." Mr. Thales was terrified.

"I checked his prosthetics." Ms. Q said, "They are not ordinary mechanical prosthetics. They incorporate arcane spells and are much stronger than ordinary prosthetics. On the way back, the young man gave some information. He said These prosthetics were made by a nurse."

"I'm afraid the nurse is a hidden occultist," said Mr. Thales.

"He also said that his father, an officer, intends to dedicate this technology to His Majesty to create an immortal army."

"Absurd!" said the first man, "how can we transform humans into such monsters? Fortunately, his father is dead, otherwise... Huh, but the nurse is still at large, what a crazy woman, to use humans for this kind of experiment .Since she can succeed, it means that she has tried many times before. We should focus on hunting her down."

"What you said is true." Ms. Q said respectfully, "Then what should this young man do?"

"He is so dangerous, being locked up in a dungeon is the best ending for him."

"I have an idea, Boss," Ms. Q said, "how about adding him to the night squad?"

"Are you kidding, his mental state is extremely unstable..."

"We'll use mystic techniques to appease him." Ms. Q said, "He's too poor. He was badly wounded in the war and transformed into this appearance. If he doesn't join the night police, he will have nothing else in the future." Is there a way out?"

"We are the police, not philanthropists."

Mr. Thales chimed in, "But Boss, we have always been short of manpower. There are obviously 26 people in the establishment, but there are still a few seats missing. If this young man can join, wouldn't the Night Police be even more powerful?"

"That's right, you haven't seen his fighting power. There are so many soldiers in the field hospital. Although there are many wounded soldiers, there are also many healthy ones, all of which are left by him..."

The man called the boss said, "But he is already blind, how much fighting power can he have? Can you cure him?"

Ms. Q hesitated, "Well, his eyes were injured by secret techniques, so they cannot be healed by secret techniques..."

Mr. Thales continued to chime in, "But even though he is blind, his fighting power is still amazing! It took us a lot of effort to take him down! If there is not just one monster like him, but a whole army Squad...I can't even imagine what the world is going to be like."

"So, it may be a good thing to keep him in the night police team and monitor him all the time."

Mr. Thales and Ms. Q sang together, and the man called the boss could only sigh helplessly, "Then try to appease him. If it works, the code name Z will belong to him..."

Duan Feizhuo stood in the boundless darkness, listening to the gradually disappearing voice.

This is how Z joined the night vigilante.

He only said before that he was seriously injured on the battlefield and transformed into what he looks like now by a mystic, but he didn't say that he became insane after waking up and killed the whole hospital, even his biological father died in the hospital. Under his knife...

Duan Feizhuo suddenly felt that he actually didn't know Z that well.

Both of them thought they knew each other inside out, but it was just wishful thinking.

He was about to go to the next memory when the surrounding air suddenly became disturbed.

Energy gathered around him, forming a vortex, engulfing him.

It feels a bit like his first entry into a Rift trading house, or falling into a front-loading washing machine.

He was just sucked into the vortex. But he wasn't falling, he was rising, rising...

A ray of light pierced the darkness above his head. He raised his head, and a circular light spot appeared in the sky, as if the moonlight pierced the dark clouds in the night sky.

In that spot of light, there was a voice calling to him.

There was a small power outage in Geneva that night. Centering on the hotel where the policemen stayed, half of the city was plunged into darkness.

Power was quickly restored. At the same time, Duan Feizhuo also woke up.

He had a splitting headache, and it felt like someone had stabbed a scorching knife into his head.

He thought he would never come back, but luckily...

His gaze turned to the side of the bed, and then his eyes widened in horror.

—Why is Z here? !

Z moved his fingers and sat up slowly.

At the same time, Xenophon's voice came from the next door.

Duan Feizhuo didn't know whether to take care of Z or Xenophon's life first.

But soon he didn't need to hesitate. Because Z left his room without a word.

He hastily chased them out.

Xenophon sat cross-legged on the bed, holding his head, his eyes were empty and dazed.

Duan Feizhuo was worried that his spirit would be destroyed by too powerful a force, so he hurriedly shook his hand in front of his eyes.

"Stop shaking. I'm dizzy," said Xenophon sullenly.

"What happened?" Z asked.

Xenophon rubbed his eyes, "I know I'm good at illusion, but I didn't expect it to be so good. Once again I understand the fact that I'm a waste."

Duan Feizhuo was as pale as Xenophon, but the difference was that Xenophon would look away when he saw him, while he stared at Xenophon with piercing eyes.

"Is someone mentally attacking you?"

"No." Xenophon laughed dryly, "I was spying on that kid's dream." He cast a sidelong glance at Duan Feizhuo, "But I didn't expect that I would be defeated by him because of my ignorance. "

Z was surprised, "He spied on your dreams instead?"

Xenophon was noncommittal, just snorted. But Z understood that the word he didn't say was "yes".

"Why do you want to spy on his dreams?"

"I want to see if that kid is hiding something." Xenophon gave Duan Feizhuo a gouged look.

"What is he hiding?" Z asked coldly.

Duan Feizhuo was so nervous that he almost vomited.

Xenophon saw his flaws and knew that he had learned secret arts long ago. If he tells the secret, then...

Xenophon's expression became extremely strange. He turned his face away, looked at the night sky outside the balcony, and said sullenly, "There is nothing."

Z "... huh?"

"He didn't hide anything. I was overthinking."

Now Duan Feizhuo is at a loss.

Why did Xenophon help him?

Could it be because he had a glimpse of Xenophon's past, and this guy felt that something was in his hands?

Or was the mental collision between the two of them so intense that Xenophon lost his memory?

Z picked up Duan Feizhuo's collar and pushed him outside the door.

"and many more…"

The door closed in his face, almost flattening his nose.

He stuck the door panel, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation between Z and Xenophon, but only heard Z's roar, "No eavesdropping!"

Tsk, that guy's hearing is as keen as ever, and he even knows he hasn't returned to his bedroom.

Duan Feizhuo could only go back to the next door full of complaints.

Z and Xenophon here.

"What are you doing?" Z asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing, boss," Xenophon smiled weakly, "I've said everything, I wanted to pry into his secrets, but I found nothing. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Why do you doubt him?" Z showed an uncertain expression, "You said before that he is not as innocent as I thought..."

"It seems that I have become suspicious of a dark ghost."

Z still had some doubts, but Xenophon looked like he didn't want to talk more, and fell back on the bed with his back to him, so he couldn't ask any more questions.

Besides, he didn't want to ask.

Like Xenophon, he was spying on a memory.

His most unbearable memory was glimpsed by that person.

Of all the people in the world, Z is the only one who doesn't want him to know his past.

Although he didn't say anything after waking up, Jing understood that sooner or later they had to be honest, otherwise this matter would become a thorn in their hearts forever.

On board the steamship "Hugo".

Duan Feizhuo stood on the viewing platform at the tail of the airship, looking at the undulating sea of ​​clouds below.

The viewing platform is circular and covered with a glass dome, which is the place with the best scenery on the whole ship. When they first boarded the ship, many passengers scrambled to get on the viewing platform to see the scenery, and there were admiration one after another. But after watching it for two days, most people are tired of it. It was dusk at this time, the restaurant began to serve dinner, and the entertainment room was also open. Most of the passengers flocked to those two places, and there was only Duan Feizhuo alone on the viewing platform.

He hasn't spoken to Z for two days. Z seemed to avoid him on purpose, kept the door behind closed doors, and always staggered the time when he went to the restaurant to eat, which made him unable to talk to Z even if he wanted to.

He repeatedly thought of the memory that belonged to Z that he had glimpsed. Although Z had told him the whole story of his transformation, he never expected that the truth behind the story would be so bloody.

Maybe he should pretend that nothing happened, that he never saw Z's memory.

Footsteps came from behind.

"I want to talk to you." Xenophon tapped the floor with his staff of civilization.

Duan Feizhuo subconsciously began to extract the energy in the brass ring, always on guard against Xenophon's sneak attack.

"Don't be nervous," Xenophon smiled awkwardly, "I just want to chat with you."

Duan Feizhuo stared at him vigilantly, "Well, I want to chat with you too."

Xenophon walked to his side, leaned on the railing of the viewing platform, and looked at the sea of ​​clouds with him. "That's good. You talk first."

"Why did you cover it up for me?" Duan Feizhuo asked, "You know my secret, why didn't you tell Z?"

Xenophon stroked his own hair, thoughtful "I said, I don't want to hurt the boss. Everyone in the Abnormal Case Investigation Division has a past that they can't bear to look back on. It was so miserable in the past, but now they are finally happy Why do you have to destroy the good life of others?"

"Is that really all that is?"

"Even if not, what can you do with me?" Xenophon smiled and said, "Kill me to silence you?"

Duan Feizhuo thought carefully about the feasibility of silence.

"Hey, do you want to be serious?" Xenophon called strangely.

"Then what do you want to say to me?" He said nonchalantly.

"It's nothing serious." Xenophon cast a playful glance at him, "I just want to remind you, don't reveal your secrets in front of the boss."

"Would you be so kind to remind me?"

"I have sympathy for you anyway. Although you have concealed your identity as a mystic, it's okay. Everyone has some unspeakable secrets. The mystics among the Night Watchmen have always been very secretive." Unity, we walk on the edge of light and darkness, dance on a tightrope anytime, anywhere, if we are isolated from each other, we will not survive."

"It seems that the night guards are not of the same mind."

Xenophon smiled, "Of course we are of the same mind, it's just that we act differently. The night guards who are not mystics are more highly valued by the higher ups, and they have always been the leaders of the night guards. Boss Z is like this. But relatively, they are subject to more restrictions. Take Secretary Carter as an example. He is the agent of Her Majesty the Queen, and he can be regarded as the boss of our night police. Boss Z is obliged to know everything about him. But do you think Carter knows all about the Nightman's secrets?"

Duan Feizhuo was suspicious, "Isn't it?"

"Of course not. Even Boss Z doesn't know all the secrets of the Night Watchman." Xenophon blinked playfully.

Interesting. The police night people are also divided into two distinct camps. However, people who are born as mystics do not want to form such a small group to fight against those who are not born as mystics. It is more like keeping their own little secrets with the latter's acquiescence, or in order not to let the higher-ups People who are not mystics know certain secrets, and those who are not mystics voluntarily give up their right to know these secrets.

Xenophon patted Duan Feizhuo on the shoulder, "I just want to say, continue to act well in front of the boss. Don't let him find out about your crap."

Duan Feizhuo was speechless.

"It sounds like you value Z's happiness over my life."

Xenophon's smile became a bit bitter, "You have read my memory. You know who saved me the day my family was destroyed. I will always remember this kindness. I hope everyone who saved me that day can Peace and happiness—many of them have lost happiness forever."

Among the night guards who rescued Xenophon that day, except for Z, Thales and Ms. Q, everyone else has died.

Another footstep approached them. Every step is accompanied by the sound of machinery running - it is Z.

He stopped about five steps away from the two of them, as if deliberately keeping a distance from them.

Xenophon turned around, "I heard that the restaurant serves tender lamb chops tonight, so I'll go ahead and not disturb the world of the two of you."

He waved his hand and walked away swaggeringly, leaving only a handsome back.

Only Z and Duan Feizhuo were left on the viewing platform.

The atmosphere is awkward.

Duan Feizhuo cleared his throat, "It's time for me to have dinner too."

He overtook Xenophon. When he brushed past Z, Z grabbed his arm.

"What did Xenophon tell you just now?"

"To share the fellowship of policemen at night."

This is not a lie. This is indeed the central point of Xenophon's tirade.

Z raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"I have something to tell you."

What day is it today? Why does everyone have something to say?

Duan Feizhuo stayed patiently.

Seeing that he had no intention of leaving, Jing let go of his hand. He was holding on to the railing of the observation deck, and the brilliance of the setting sun sprinkled on his silver hair, gilding the tips of his hair into gold.

"That night...you saw my memory," he said softly.

"En." Duan Feizhuo nodded.

"...what do you think of me?"

"Where do you mean?"

Z touched the gauze over his eyes "Duncan McLean once asked me which of us was innocent. I don't know how he could tell. Maybe he can smell naturally who is his kind. I He is more sinful than he is. I am not a perfect gentleman. I have killed people, countless people. I killed my own father. Then my crime is worthy of the gallows."

Duan Feizhuo didn't know what to say. He's not very good at comforting people.

"You were insane at the time," he said.

"That's not the reason." Z laughed at himself, "I often think that I have become a night watchman and a law enforcement officer... Sometimes things in the world are really ironic, aren't they?"

Duan Feizhuo looked at the golden sea of ​​clouds. Everything in the sky is so simple and beautiful, but all living beings under the clouds are so complicated and contradictory.

"Duncan is right, none of us is completely innocent." He squeezed the railing tightly. "Our past is bad, but we can work hard to make ourselves a better person."

Z moved slightly.

"Which detective's famous quote is this?"

"Huh?" Duan Feizhuo was at a loss.

"You can always say something very philosophical. I would like to ask which classic is quoted this time."

Duan Feizhuo was a little embarrassed. "It's something I came up with myself."


Z touched the gauze lightly again. "I really want to take it off."

"Miss Margaret said that tomorrow will be..."

"I can not wait anymore."

After speaking, he ignored Duan Feizhuo's obstruction and tore off the gauze.

The afterglow of the setting sun pierced his pupils like a sharp sword.

He subconsciously raised his hand to block the light.

Duan Feizhuo was so nervous that his heart almost jumped out of his throat and ran away from home.

"How are you?"

Z kept his posture, and after a while, he slowly lowered his hands, opened his eyes wide, and stared at the sea of ​​clouds motionlessly.

Against the backdrop of the setting sun, the crimson eyes turned into a flickering, flickering orange-red, like the top-grade Padma corundum.

After a long time, he smiled.

"Exactly as you described."

"...What?" Duan Feizhuo was stunned.

Z turns to him.

The two looked at each other. What seemed like centuries passed.

Z raised his hand and flicked quickly on Duan Feizhuo's eyebrows, like a monsoon blowing through the treetops.

"It was green-gold," he said.

When the airship arrived in London, it was just the beginning of the lights.

Duan Feizhuo thought that no one would come to greet them, but he didn't expect to see Ms. Q and Mr. R waving at them on the pier as soon as they got off the boat. Even Miss Acheson, who never went out, came, holding a sign saying "Welcome Mr. Z".

Z gave Xenophon a reproachful look. Now his gaze is not only harsh, but also has an inexplicable lethality.

"You sent them a telegram?"

"It doesn't cost me anyway." Xenophon smiled and pushed Z in front of the night guards.

"Boss! How is it!" Mr. R waved his arms excitedly.

Z said coldly, "You look like an orangutan."

"Have you ever seen an orangutan?" Mr. R doubted.

Z "It's not like I was born blind."

"Boss, can you see what is written on my sign?" Miss Acheson asked seriously.

Z "Congratulations Mr. Z."

Miss Acheson turned the sign over and it read "I want a raise".

"what about now?"

Z pretends to look at the scenery.

Ms. Q looked more vicissitudes, she kept wiping the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

"I thought you would never be able to regain your sight in your lifetime. Over the years, I have regretted using that secret technique all the time."

Z stares at her.

Ms. Q showed a frightened expression for a moment, just like when she first met Z in the field hospital where no survivors survived.

After a while, Z said, "You are getting old."

Ms. Q was stunned.

Z leaned over and put his arms around the old woman's shoulders, "I never blamed you."

Ms Q whimpered and buried her face in the handkerchief.

The night guards booked a nearby bar and held a clean-up banquet for Z. They were extremely curious about the ins and outs of Z's return to light, and pestered him to ask non-stop.

Z seemed uncomfortable with being in the limelight. He handed over most of the work of answering questions to Xenophon, while he sat at the bar and drank one cup after another.

The night guards seem to have forgotten that the original purpose of this trip was to **** Duan Feizhuo to Greece to learn secret arts. Duan Feizhuo was also happy to relax. He sat beside Z, watching Xenophon describe the beauty of the countess to others dancing. The guy's words were half-truths and half-truths, and the true part also contained deliberate exaggeration.

At the end of the welcome banquet, Xenophon and the others were staggering drunk. Z had no choice but to call a large rental carriage, stuff them in one by one, and then let the driver go to their residences one by one, and then send the drunken subordinates into the house.

If the mystics in London make trouble tonight, no one can do anything to them.

In the end, only Duan Feizhuo was left. He also drank a lot, but stayed strong sober.

"Go to No. 49, Franchise Square." Z ordered.

As soon as he entered the house, Duan Feizhuo heard the cry of a little sparrow.

"Master! You are back! Do you want to take a bath first or..."

Al's voice faltered.

He looked at Duan Feizhuo, then at Z next to him, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Z's status is similar to Al's. He recalled the fear of being dominated by a brat on the train. There are very few things in the world that Z can fear, and bear children are one of them.

Duan Feizhuo broke the weird atmosphere, "Al, Mr. Detective sent me back. Treat him to him. Ordinary hospitality."

If he hadn't added the "common hospitality," Al might have interpreted his words as "serve the guy a Last Supper and send him to hell."

"No need." Z said flatly, "I'll take my leave now."

After speaking, he turned and went downstairs.

Duan Feizhuo looked at his back reluctantly, then walked towards the sofa with heavy steps, and threw the luggage on the ground casually. There was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, and then Al poked his head out, "Master, the hot water is ready. Do you want to take a bath?"

After a long journey, there is nothing better than a hot bath to relieve fatigue. Although there are shower facilities on the airship, ordinary cabins can only shower, and bathtubs are for first-class passengers.

Duan Feizhuo walked into the bathroom, stepped into the bathtub, and sank himself to the surface of the water, leaving only half of his head above the water. The warm water waves and dense steam soon made him drowsy.

Suddenly, a hand yanked him out of the bathtub.

With a jolt, he woke up immediately.

It was Z who pulled him out.

The white-haired policeman half-kneeled by the bathtub, his face livid. Al grabbed the door frame of the bathroom, looking like he was about to cry.

"What's wrong?" Duan Feizhuo scratched his head.

"You fell asleep in the bathtub." Z said harshly, "Almost drowned in it."

"Why are you here?!" Duan Feizhuo was shocked.

Z's lips twisted, and he said with some reluctance, "...changed his mind halfway, and turned back. After sitting for a while, I heard your little servant crying and howling, saying that you were unconscious in the bathtub."

Duan Feizhuo looked at Al, and the latter's expression of ready to cry confirmed Z's words.

"I'm probably too tired..."

Z shook his head helplessly, "You'd better go to bed early."

"Didn't you come back specifically to tell me something?"

"Rest." Z said in a commanding tone.

As soon as he said that, Duan Feizhuo was helpless.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he was sitting in the bathtub, and Z...Z was right in front of him...

His whole body instantly turned red like a steamed crab.

Z gestures to Al. The boy tremblingly handed him a large bath towel.

Z dragged Duan Feizhuo out of the bathtub, wrapped him in a towel, and after the water on his body was absorbed by the towel, he hugged him horizontally.

"Put me down!" Duan Feizhuo yelled.

Z pretended not to hear his protest and asked Al "Where's the bedroom?"

The boy trembled, "That, there

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