Duan Feizhuo walked in front of him curiously, and found that Joseph's eyes were fixed on the front, that is, the center of the hall, and would not move with Duan Feizhuo's actions.

He ventured a finger and poked Joseph in the face. The fingers went straight through the man's face.

"I hope you didn't come over and poke my face or something," Joseph said suddenly.

Duan Feizhu withdrew his hand as if electrocuted.

Joseph laughed. "I was just guessing. If I were you, I would do it. I think you should be more like me than your stubborn **** dad."

It seemed that he didn't know that his nephew was replaced by someone from another world.

"Speaking of your father, I'm sorry he left so early. Your mother too. I thought you three were living a happy pastoral life, until I was seriously ill and dying, and I entrusted Mr. Lynn to search for your family. I didn't expect that what he brought back was that kind of news..."

Joseph sighed.

"You must be blaming me, right? Why didn't your father go back to take care of you after he passed away? I'm sorry, but I didn't know about it, and no one contacted me... It's been fifteen years since I broke up with your father. At that time You were very young, and probably don't remember anything. We had a terrible quarrel, and then I ran away from home and came to London to make a living. Your father thought I was going completely wrong. Since then, the two of us have completely broken off. Pretending to have no brothers at all.

"You may be wondering, why should I sever ties with my blood relatives? This starts with the source of everything."

Joseph paused, as if to give his audience a little time to think. Duan Feizhuo realized that there must be a long speech ahead, so he just sat down on the ground and found a comfortable sitting position for himself.

"There are many unbelievable and mysterious things in our world. Some people call them magic, witchcraft, some people call them miracles, supernatural powers, and some call them world truths or universal laws. Many people don't believe in the existence of these strange things , I think they are just fairy tales or fantasy legends, but I can tell you responsibly that they are all true, but they are hidden behind the history and have never been known by the public.”

"Those studies of the occult are called occult philosophy. Those who pursue this study call themselves mystics.

"In this era, many families of mystics have declined, and their inheritances have been sold off by impoverished descendants, or have been inadvertently flowed into the general market as ordinary items—and this is actually extremely dangerous. Just imagine, a How terrifying it would be for a powerful weapon to fall into the hands of an ignorant child.

"At the same time, many people who were not originally from the family of occultists began to study this esoteric knowledge. Knowledge about the occult is no longer a secret passed down from generation to generation within the family, but has become a subject that anyone can pursue and explore. Just like today Just as emerging capitalists are challenging the old nobles, newcomers in the occult world are gradually competing with the long-established families. They need more documents about esoteric philosophy, or items with strange powers.

"I spent some time in London and finally found what suited me, which was to be a trader specializing in exotic items. For this, I established this place - this trading house."

Joseph opened his arms, as if he wanted to take the entire space into his arms.

"This space was created by me with secret techniques, and it is hidden in a place that ordinary people can never find. Just walk into the teleportation circle, and you will be teleported here. I drew the circle on paper and sent it to Mystics from all over the world, even if they are on the other side of the ocean or in a foreign country, can freely enter and leave this trading house.

"The reason why we use such a concealed method is because there is a group of secret detectives in the world who specialize in hunting mystics, called night policemen. As long as you have studied esoteric philosophy, they will arrest you indiscriminately. They have already Numerous occult orders have been destroyed, so I have to proceed with caution.

"I've been living a double life these years. On the surface, I'm an ordinary translator and typist in London, but in fact I run a secret trading company. I visit people who are interested in selling exotic items, buy goods from them, and put them in Selling in trading houses. Sometimes sellers will come to my door and sell me things they no longer need, or entrust me to sell them. I make a lot of money from this job. Mr. Lynn probably wonders how typists can So rich, but he never doubted me. He's a good guy, but he's not from our world."

Joseph laughed, "This trading house, Leo, is my first legacy to you."

The apparition of Joseph paused, waiting for his audience to digest his speech.

Duan Feizhuo felt like being struck by lightning. He felt that he should say something, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

He had also been in high spirits yesterday to join Scotland Yard against the Mystic. As a result, he inherited the world's largest underground trading den for mystics the next day? !

Should he have turned himself in at Scotland Yard immediately?

Z might stab him to death with a sword on the spot, but Xenophon might not save him this time.

I thought that I had inherited a large amount of wealth, and I could eat and die with peace of mind, but unexpectedly, there was a shocking hole hidden behind this wealth. Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and all the sweetness he tasted was for him to pay a greater price. How did you say that sentence? All the gifts given by fate have already secretly marked their prices.

Thinking back carefully, the reason why he traveled to this world was because he clicked on the fraudulent email titled "Congratulations on inheriting a million inheritance". And now he has truly inherited an inheritance. Will there be a connection between the two?

Could it be that he did not cross over by accident, but was "summoned" to this world by Joseph?

Before Duan Feizhuo could think about these questions carefully, Joseph spoke again.

"I hope you can inherit my business and continue to operate the trading firm. You may be worried about being discovered by the night police. In fact, as long as you are cautious in your words and deeds, I think you should be safe and sound. All customers have concluded secret spells invisibly. The contract, the method of entering the trading house, my identity and the identity of other customers cannot be disclosed. Of course, this contract is two-way, and I cannot disclose the identity of the customer to others."

Joseph pointed to a gold-plated wall clock on the wall behind the counter, with a long pendulum hanging below it, and the pointer pointed to 12 o'clock.

"Customers enter and exit the trading house through a special magic circle. This wall clock is in charge of opening and closing the customer channel. If the pointer is set to 12 o'clock, customers will not be able to enter the trading house, and the clock will stop. If you want to open it again, Just set the hands to some other time. You can try it. I don’t think it’s rusted yet.”

Duan Feizhuo passed Joseph, stood on tiptoe, and turned the pointer to 12:5. The sound of tick-tock sounded, and the pendulum began to swing regularly from side to side, as if the time frozen in this secret space had finally thawed out.

Joseph continued, "My business hours are not fixed. Sometimes I will sit here every day of the week, and sometimes I have to go to a distant place to do business, so I have to temporarily close the business. But every Saturday is a day that must be open. As for you Well, I suggest you take your time and learn the relevant knowledge first, even if you only open for one day a week, it doesn't matter. You don't have to worry about being unable to do this job at all, because I have left you a second inheritance."

Duan Feizhuo was about to turn back the hands of the clock, but when he heard "the second inheritance", his movements stopped unconsciously.

"There is a small group of mystics who have passed on special abilities from generation to generation. Our family is one of them. Although it has been passed down to our generation, the family has declined, but the blood full of power still flows in our blood vessels. This special ability has always been inherited from parents to children, but not all children are born with this talent.

"I have this amazing ability. I can see things that ordinary people can't see, from the special power attached to the item to the life experience of the owner of the item, all of which cannot escape my eyes. I am proud of this ability , however... my brother, your father, is an ordinary person. He did not inherit any unusual abilities from our ancestors. This is also the source of our conflict."

Joseph said with a wry smile, "He was very opposed to me returning to my ancestors' old business, and always thought I was doing crooked ways. I accused him of being purely jealous of my talent. We broke up like this. The separation is life and death. "

He sighed, "Leo, as his child, you actually didn't inherit this talent. But I have a way to transfer my own ability to you."

Duan Feizhuo immediately regained his spirits. He really has no interest in running the world's largest underground trading den for occultists, but he really hopes to have an unusual ability. After all, who doesn't want superpowers?

"Mr. Lynn should hand over my ashes to you, right? I left a will on purpose for him to do so. Innate talent exists in my flesh and blood, and even flames can't erase it. As long as you eat my ashes The ashes can inherit this power."

Duan Feizhuo blurted out, "Why did you bring ashes with the rice?!"

This method of transferring abilities is too disgusting! Even if he starved to death, he would not eat human ashes!

Unexpectedly, Joseph knew his inner cries (and stomach churning), and said, "This is my legacy to you. Please make good use of the endowments inherited from our family and inherit my career. From now on, you are the secret The master of the trading house. I have left some books for you in the drawer of the counter for you to learn the arcane philosophy. In addition, there are three pieces of advice."

He holds up three fingers.

"First, honesty comes first, and what is more important than honesty is that you only tell half the truth.

"Second, maintain a sense of mystery, and smile when you don't know how to maintain a sense of mystery.

"Third, if anyone is asking for trouble, open that box behind the counter.

"That's all I have to say. I will leave it to you, young man. I am sure you will become a great mystic. So, farewell."

The figure of the man disappeared like melting ice and snow, leaving only a golden mask standing alone in the middle of the counter.

Duan Feizhuo stood in the middle of the hall, silently appreciating what is meant by "ups and downs of fate".

He traveled to this world inexplicably. He thought he would be able to reach the pinnacle of his life, but who knew that he spent three years of poverty in the trough.

After finally inheriting a fortune, I thought that the days of misery were finally over, but who would have thought that what would follow would be a more difficult situation.

He hasn't gone crazy yet, Duan Feizhuo admires him a little bit.

At this time, he suddenly remembered a crucial event, which was more important than surrendering himself.

Today is Saturday, the day when trading houses are open for business.

He happened to be in the secret trading company.

He had forgotten to set the golden wall clock back to twelve o'clock.

The customer channel is opened.

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