Duan Feizhuo handed the secret medicine to the doctor on board, claiming that it was a medicine he had prepared himself to alleviate the ether disease. Doctors held an extremely distrustful attitude towards this three-no medicine powder and refused to use it on their patients.

Duan Feizhuo had no choice but to ask Colonel Freeman for help. He was much more sensible than the doctor, and he agreed to let the patient take the powder without saying a word.

In the evening, Sergeant Bulwe woke up for a moment and said a few words. The red lines on his body didn't deepen any more. Although the sergeant soon passed out again, it at least showed that his condition had improved.

Colonel Freeman also visited the patient once. Seeing that the sergeant's condition had improved, he was full of praise for Duan Feizhuo's Sanwu medicine powder.

Three of Simon's animal friends were found around dinner time. They were frightened by the noise of the battle, and hid in the warehouse where the ingredients were stored. Somehow they managed to open several cans. And bit through the flour bag.

Simon hugged his little friends and wept with joy. Colonel Freeman's face was not very good-looking. If it weren't for the sake of the boy's ability to tame Leviathan, he might put the boy's animal friends in cages.

He ordered Simon to lock his animal friends in the cabin, and Simon himself was not allowed to "explore" around the ship and could only stay in a few public areas. Simon was not very happy.

Duan Feizhuo remembered the spy thing, whenever he was alone, he would use his ability to listen to the surrounding sounds. He didn't hear anything in particular, however. If the spy sent the message with a radio transmitter, he should have heard the sound of the telegraph.

But the only sound of telegraphs on board came from the communications room, which was used officially by the Wellington. Duan Feizhuo also learned Morse code by himself, and found that most of the sent content was communications with the military department, and there was nothing special about it.

In the next few days, the Wellington was attacked by air robbers several times.

The Wellington did not go straight to the North Pole, but first pretended to go to Amsterdam, then turned to Stockholm halfway, and then turned back to Edinburgh. After several days of circling over the North Sea, they went all the way north.

According to the colonel, this was for the purpose of sowing suspicion and throwing off the pursuers. But his plan clearly failed.

Every time the air robbers only dispatched a few small boats, and retreated after some harassment. As annoying as a swarm of flies. The colonel's subordinates even suggested to him that the air bandits should be wiped out in one fell swoop, but they were all rejected by the colonel. Their task is to **** Simon to the North Pole, and the matter of air robbers can only be let go.

But this also proves Z's words that there are indeed spies lurking on the Wellington. And the means by which he transmits the message is not by telegram, but by secret technique.

Duan Feizhuo met with Z twice a day, morning and evening, to exchange the information they found.

Z's investigation also yielded no results. He believed that spies were most likely to infiltrate high-level personnel, because it was difficult for ordinary soldiers to obtain any decent information. He made friends with Colonel Freeman and the ship's officers, but nothing came of it. For a while, he wondered if the queen was deliberately embarrassing him.

Every time he meets Z, Duan Feizhuo will feel a strange feeling. He is a prisoner of Z, and he and Z belong to two irreconcilable camps, but in the confined environment of this airship, they are tied together by common interests (or common pressure), like two underground Party-like secret joints.

He and Z never discussed topics like "the relationship between the mystic and the night watchman". They only talked about who was suspicious and who was not, how was the food on the boat, what trouble Simon got into today...

It's like a prisoner and his guard.

Such days will end after they tame Leviathan and return to London. Duan Feizhu suddenly hopes that the speed of the airship will not be so fast.

— I'm afraid not everyone wants to get to the finish line as quickly as you do.

Xenophon once said this.

Duan Feizhuo didn't understand what he meant until now.

Although the old crow was frivolous, cunning and foolish, he was sometimes a wise man. It is indeed a student taught by the old Greek man.

On the fourth night after boarding the ship.

The Wellington was approaching the Arctic Ocean at this time. It is summer in the northern hemisphere, and the higher the latitude, the longer the daylight hours. The biological clocks of the crew members are somewhat disturbed. Except for those who are on duty, most people pay close attention to the short hours of nightfall to sleep.

Duan Feizhuo was bitten awake from his sleep.

He opened his eyes and felt his toes hurt. He sat up and saw a little squirrel gnawing on his toe.

There was no second squirrel to be found on the entire airship. It must be Simon's animal friend.

Duan Feizhuo grabbed the squirrel by the back of its neck and lifted the little thing to his eyes.

"Your master didn't feed you or something?!"

Are squirrels going to eat people these days? Or is it that this thing just looks like a squirrel, but is actually a monster?

Tears glistened in the squirrel's small black eyes, and an expression of aggrieved Bala appeared on its furry face.

"Please, don't sing." Duan Feizhuo said from the bottom of his heart. He doesn't know if Simon's animal friends can sing, but he sincerely hopes that this kind of drama will not happen in front of him.

The squirrel squeaked twice, and wanted to lower its head and bite his finger again. He had to let go of the squirrel. The little thing landed on his lap, its big fluffy tail sticking up high like a bottle brush.

Although he didn't know if the squirrel could understand his speech, Duan Feizhuo tentatively asked, "Did your master send you here?"

I don't know where the little thing slipped into his room. He looked up and found a vent in the corner of the ceiling. Although the entrance was blocked by a grill, a squirrel could get in through the gap.

The squirrel jumped out of the bed, ran to the door, jumped up and tried to reach the door handle, but Duan Feizhuo locked the door, so it could only hold the handle with its four limbs, hanging there pitifully.

The squirrel seemed to want to lead him somewhere. Duan Feizhuo got up, put on his coat, and opened the door.

As soon as the squirrel flashed, its fluffy tail got out, and ran to Simon's room next door, scratching and scratching at the door.

Duan Feizhuo was about to follow. The door of the next room opened, and Z came out wearing only a coat.

He is holding a parrot in each hand, only showing a bird's head, and the two blushes always give people the illusion of "this bird is very shy".

"You too..." Duan Feizhuo hesitated to speak.

"It seems that something happened to that kid." Z's eyes darkened.

Duan Feizhuo knocked on Simon's cabin door. no response.

He drew energy from his ring and directly burned the lock cylinder. The door flung open feebly.

What caught the eye was a blood red.

The ceiling, the walls, the sheets, the floor... The splashed blood turned this small room into a red hell.

A dead body lay on the ground.

Duan Feizhuo thought it was Simon, and his heart almost stopped beating for a while. Simon is at the heart of this mission, and if he dies, then...

But he soon discovered that it was not Simon. It was a tall, grown man, not a teenager.

The man was wearing a military uniform with the rank of lieutenant, judging from the shoulder straps. His wound was on his neck. Duan Feizhuo endured the strong smell of blood, squatted down in front of him, and carefully examined the wound.

The knife was fatal, opening an artery. The blood splatters on the ceiling and walls presumably belonged to him.

There is a dead body here, but no living people.

Simon is gone.

The squirrel scratched Duan Feizhuo's trouser legs with its two little paws, jumped to the door, and looked back at him.

It was like saying follow me.

"Follow them." Duan Feizhuo said.

Z let go of his hand, and the parrot flapped its wings and landed on his left shoulder. He frowned, and slapped the parrot with his palm. The parrot flew up and landed on his right shoulder again.

Z resigned to his fate, so he had to be the bird's mount.

The two followed the squirrel through the dark corridor. Duan Feizhuo unleashes his supernatural powers as he walks to detect what's going on in front of him.

He heard voices not far away.

"Go up." A man said coldly.

Then there was a sniffling sound. Duan Feizhuo recognized that it was Simon. "Why did you kill me? Why?"

"Someone doesn't want you alive," the man said.

Simon cried even louder, "But I never offended anyone!"

"Someone doesn't want you to go to the North Pole."

The fur on the squirrel's back exploded, and it flew away like an exploding chestnut. Duan Feizhuo cursed secretly, so he rushed over with the squirrel.

They turned a corner, and ahead was the hangar at the stern of the airship. There are five or six small steam skimmers parked here, each of which can only hold three or four people. These small skimmers are used when an airship must send a crew aboard another airship. Small boats can also be used to escape when the airship sinks.

Simon drooped his head. A soldier tugged at his arm, trying to drag him into the skimmer.

Duan Feizhuo recognized the soldier's face—it was Sergeant Bulwe.

Shouldn't he be lying down in the infirmary? Why is it here? Why kidnap Simon? What about the dead lieutenant in Simon's room?

Seeing Duan Feizhuo and Z, Simon immediately showed joy. "Great, it's you guys! Help me, someone is going to kill me!"

Without thinking, Duan Feizhuo extracted energy from the ring and turned it into a shock wave.

Sergeant Bulwei couldn't react in time, he was hit by the shock wave impartially, flew out, and slammed into a skimmer.

Z rushed forward with a stride, raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, and one of Sergeant Bulwe's arms flew out.

The sergeant didn't seem to feel any pain, not only didn't he scream, even the expression on his face didn't change.

He pulled out the pistol from his waist, aimed at Z's head, and pulled the trigger.

With a sound of "Dang", Z flicked the bullet with the blade.

The squirrel and the parrot screamed at the same time, as if they were expressing their inner cries on behalf of the boy.

"No!" Simon rushed forward and hugged Z's waist, dragging him back desperately, "You guys are mistaken! This sergeant is here to save me!"

Z was stunned. He looked at the boy in disbelief, and repeated mechanically, "Is he here to save you?"

"If it wasn't for him, I would have died!" Simon said tearfully.

Z withdrew his blade in bewilderment. Sergeant Bulwet dropped his remaining arm and fell to the ground like a puppet with a broken string. Blood gushed from the wound on his severed arm like a fountain.

Duan Feizhuo rushed forward, pushed Z and Simon away, and knelt beside Sergeant Bulwei.

"His hand!" he cried.

Simon was so frightened that he didn't understand what he was saying at all. Z picked up the sergeant's severed arm and handed it to Duan Feizhuo. His face was a little ugly.

Duan Feizhuo had never tried to attach a broken arm to someone. In fact, he didn't even use the secret technique to heal wounds a few times.

The time for the arm to be severed is very short, even if you don't use secret techniques, it can be saved if you simply suture it. He encouraged himself like this.

Sergeant Bulwe's body is very weak, and he might not have enough energy to stimulate cell regeneration. Duan Feizhuo absorbed energy from the ring and injected it into Sergeant Bulwei's body.

Soon, the scars on the broken arm began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. The regrown flesh and blood joined together flawlessly.

There was the sound of chaotic footsteps behind him.

The sound of gunfire and animal screams soon attracted soldiers on night patrol. They rushed into the hangar with guns in hand, and what they saw was blood all over the ground. Sergeant Bulwet lay in the middle of a pool of blood, surrounded by his three strange passengers.

So their first reaction was that three strange outsiders teamed up to murder the sergeant.

Can't blame them for being too arbitrary. If Duan Feizhuo encountered such a scene, his first reaction would probably be similar to theirs.

So they were escorted by soldiers to Colonel Freeman's office.

The colonel was also called up by his subordinates in the middle of the night. Wearing only an army jacket over his pajamas, he sat at his desk with dark circles around his eyes, a sign of sleep deprivation.

"What's going on?" He might have gotten up, and his tone became impatient.

He stared at Duan Feizhuo and Z, and the latter two stared at Simon.

The boy shrank his neck, held the squirrel and parrot in his arms, and looked at them pitifully.

"Actually, I don't know too well..." He sniffed.

"Then start from the beginning." Colonel Freeman ordered.

Simon organized his words, and said slowly, "I slept soundly at night, and suddenly someone knocked on the door..."

Simon fell asleep with his fox in his arms. The squirrel nestled on his pillow, sleeping on all fours. Two parrots stood at the head of the bed, hiding their heads in their wings. From under the bed came the sound of even breathing that only he could hear, as well as the occasional "hissing" sound.

He was awakened suddenly by a knock on the door.

The boy sat up rubbing his eyes. He didn't ask who was the person outside the door, because there were only a few people who would visit him in the middle of the night, anyway, it was either this person or that person. Here is a warship again, and it is a closed space, and there will be no burglars who enter and rob.

He boldly opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a middle-aged officer, dressed in a meticulous military uniform, with a square face.

Simon had never met the officer.

"What can you do?" he asked politely.

The officer looked indifferent, like a statue, which made Simon feel a little uncomfortable.

"I picked up an animal outside, is it yours?" His voice was hoarse, and it sounded like sand was rubbing against each other.

Simon looked back in surprise at his animal friends, the fox, the squirrel and the two parrots. Who did the officer pick up?

"You seem to be mistaken, I..."

Before he finished speaking, the officer grabbed him by the neck and pushed him into the room.

Simon's eyes widened. The officer's fingers tightened. He tried in vain to break off the officer's hand, but the officer's hands squeezed the last breath of air out of him like iron pincers.

When the boy was about to lose consciousness, the fox suddenly jumped up and bit the officer's throat. The officer was taken aback, and hurriedly let go of his hand, blocking the fox's fangs with his arm.

The fox grabbed his arm, and its fangs pierced through the uniform and skin, sinking into his flesh and blood. The officer swung his arm vigorously and threw the fox out. At the same time the fox's fangs tore off a piece of his flesh.

Simon stumbled towards the door and opened the hatch tremblingly. The injured fox wailed, got out through the crack of the door, and disappeared in an instant.

Parrots and squirrels crawled into ceiling vents. They are too weak to be human opponents at all, so they can only hide.

He almost crawled into the corridor. He was going to call next door for help. Isn't the person next door sent by Mr. Carter to protect him?

Just as he was about to call for help, a hand covered his mouth from behind. Simon was pressed to the ground and could only stare at the ground directly in front of him.

A pair of military boots appeared in his field of vision.

He just wanted to cry. One officer is tough enough, but a second? He has not yet reached the North Pole, is he about to die before his great cause is completed?

However, the second officer kicked the first officer away, pushed him into the room, pulled out his dagger deftly and smoothly, and slit the opponent's throat.

Simon shivered, and retreated backward with hands and feet together. The appearance of the second officer was more terrifying than the first one. He seemed to have a high fever, his face was flushed, and his skin was covered with reddish lines, as if his blood vessels were exposed.

After finishing off his opponent, the weird officer inserted the dagger back into his boot and picked up Simon.

"Go. Someone is going to kill you." His voice was dull, as if coming from somewhere far away.

"Who are you?" Simon asked timidly.

"Just a servant." There was a trace of fanaticism in the officer's tone, "I came here on His order. He needs you to go to the North Pole to liberate the giant beast. You must not die here."

"What Him? Who are you talking about?"

Simon had too many questions in his stomach, but the officer didn't give him time to smell them out. He dragged the boy directly to the hangar.

After listening to the boy's narration, Colonel Freeman had an unbelievable expression on his face. He stood up and paced back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back, like a trapped lion.

Boom boom boom. There was a knock on the office door.

"Come in!" bellowed the colonel.

His adjutant pushed the door open and gave a standard military salute.

"Sir, a body was found in cabin 3021. It was Lieutenant Horne," he said.

The gully between Colonel Freeman's brow could almost fill in an Everest. "You go out first."

The adjutant saluted and exited the office.

The colonel took out a cigarette from the desk drawer and took two quick puffs before he calmed down.

"Do you know that Lieutenant Horn is one of my closest subordinates. I have known him for more than ten years, and I have been his boss since he was a recruit." His deep eyes rolled on Simon's face, "But according to your statement, Lieutenant Horn wanted to kill this kid, and he was rescued by Sergeant Bulwe. So Horn is a traitor?!"

He thumped his desk angrily, "Damn it, I suspected that there were spies on board the Wellington. I was puzzled by the attack of the air robbers in three days and two days, and obviously changed the route several times. , but they can always be found by them. I used to serve on another airship, which was on the Indian route, and I have never encountered air pirates so frequently. I hope this is just a coincidence, but..."

He looked up at the three people, "You have already noticed that our coordinates have been leaked, haven't you?"

Duan Feizhuo and Z nodded, while Simon shook his head blankly.

The colonel started pacing in the office again. The rich carpet was worn bare by his combat boots.

"I never thought that Horn turned out to be a spy..."

"He may have been instigated by spies." Z said, "I'm afraid the real spies haven't shown their true colors yet."

The colonel glared at him, his eyes were as cold as the arctic snow.

"I'll do a thorough investigation. I won't allow a vermin to hide in my boat. As for you, kid," he pointed at Simon's nose, "I'll send extra people to protect you."

"With all due respect, Colonel Freeman," Z interjected, "are you sure none of the guards you sent were bribed by spies?"

Colonel Freeman choked, unable to speak as if something was stuck in his throat.

He maintained that astonished expression for a long time before slowly returning to a calm expression.

"You're right. Even Lieutenant Horn, whom I trust very much, can be bought by spies, and others are even more..."

"We will protect Simon." Duan Feizhuo said.

"There are only two of you."

Z said, "The safety of Mr. Simon Marlowe is entrusted to us. You should leave your manpower to find out the spies lurking on the ship."

Colonel Freeman wanted to contradict him, but had to admit that Z had a point.

"...I know." The colonel reluctantly said, "Gentlemen, as the captain of the first ship, I should bear all the responsibilities. But I have to rely on your strength, which really makes me feel uncomfortable."

"We are all serving His Majesty, regardless of you and me." Z said lightly.

Colonel Freeman's eyes darkened, "Yes, we are all serving His Majesty..."

He crushed the cigarette; "I'll ask someone to **** you back... No, you'd better go back by yourself. I can't trust anyone now. I will ask someone to collect the lieutenant for an autopsy later, check his personal belongings, and hope to find What clues?"

Duan Feizhuo and Z accompanied Simon, dragging him back to the cabin. Along the way they met many soldiers, not all night patrols. The commotion on the ship has awakened most people. They either poked their heads out of their staterooms to ask questions, or gathered in groups in the corridor to discuss in low voices. When the three people passed by, their expressions were as if they saw the **** of death walking in front of them.

The officers angrily told those who were not on duty to go back to sleep, with little success, because many of the officers themselves were asking around to find out what happened.

Simon's cabin 3021 is no longer inhabitable. This is a murder scene, blood everywhere. Lieutenant Horn's body had been carried away.

"You can sleep in my cabin tonight." Duan Feizhuo said wearily.

Until Simon tames the giant beast, he must take good care of the boy. He thought it would be enough to go to the North Pole with the airship and come back, but now he knows that this journey is full of dangers. No wonder the mystics and night vigilantes are used to protect Simon.

Secretary Carter... Didn't they really send them to die?

Simon could only ask nonchalantly, "Why would someone kill me? Did I offend someone? Or, what benefits can I get from killing me?"

"Sometimes killing people is not to benefit themselves, but to prevent others from benefiting." Duan Feizhuo said helplessly.

The boy looked at him puzzled.

"You can think about it. The power of Leviathan is so powerful. After you tame it, people will be afraid of your power. Of course there are people in the world who don't want this to happen."

"But I don't want to tame Leviathan, I just want to be friends with it..." the boy whispered, "I won't use its power to do anything."

"But other people don't think so." Duan Feizhuo said, "the sages in the East have a saying, 'Every man is innocent, but he is guilty'. Owning something that makes others envious is the greatest danger among other people's dangers." Good reason."

Simon was still bewildered. It was all too complicated for a workhouse kid.

"...Forget it, you will understand in the future." Duan Feizhuo patted the young man's shoulder, "Go to sleep."

He let the teenager sleep in his own bed, and he planned to sleep on the floor for the night. Let Colonel Freeman find another suitable cabin and assign it to Simon tomorrow.

Z looked at them with complicated eyes for a while, then turned back to his room. Not long after Duan Feizhuo lay down, there was a knock on the door.

Those who came were not soldiers, but doctors in white coats.

"Can you go and see a Sergeant Bulwe?" The doctor looked anxious and anxious. "I remember you told me that if Sergeant Bulwe started talking nonsense, I would come and notify you."

He changed his previous indifferent and arrogant attitude, and became more respectful to Duan Feizhuo's tone. Don't know what made him like this.

Duan Feizhuo was worried that Simon would be left alone, so he called Z to guard the door. Although Z had reluctance written all over his face, he still agreed.

In the infirmary, Sergeant Bulwe was lying on the innermost bed. Curtains are drawn around the bed to prevent outsiders from prying.

"He ran out by himself at night. It's definitely not our ineffective supervision." The doctor defended, "I thought the sick person didn't have the strength to walk around, so he didn't lock the door. Who knows... After he was sent back, his condition worsened."

Duan Feizhuo lifted the curtain. Sergeant Bulwe tilted his head and opened his eyes slightly, but the pupils were not focused. The lines on his arms were obviously deeper than before, covering his body like a crimson spider web.

He said weakly, but with great fanaticism, "The day of His return is coming... Blessed are those who wait for Him..."

"Oops." Duan Feizhuo frowned. This is a sign of the end of the etheric disease.

Why did his condition worsen even though he had been given the secret medicine of Beautiful Gaia? Is it because he was injured? Or is it that his condition is so serious that he can't be treated by medicine?

"He calls his companion back to him...someone will bring it back to him..."

"Blessed is the guide who will bless you..."

Sergeant Bulwe's voice trailed off.

Duan Feizhuo gently touched his carotid artery, then turned his head and gave the doctor a regretful look.

Sergeant Bulwe's body will be buried at sea. Duan Feizhuo brought the news of his death back to Z and Simon. Z was a little depressed, Duan Feizhuo comforted him, Sergeant Bulwe was not killed by him, but died of ether disease. Simon cried a lot because of the death of his benefactor. But crying was good for him because he fell asleep crying and crying.

Simon could sleep, but the others could not. Colonel Freeman was furious and demanded a thorough investigation of every corner of the airship, and all those close to Lieutenant Horn were also subject to strict scrutiny.

They were locked in a small cabin and interrogated by Colonel Freeman himself. However, investigations and interrogations yielded no results until the next morning. Lieutenant Horn's personal belongings were searched over and over again, but no evidence of collaborating with the enemy was found. The spy was impeccable and did not leave any clues.

Simon's fox disappeared after it escaped. Colonel Freeman is now looking for both people and foxes, and he is in a state of desperation.

Given enough time, the captain might turn the ship upside down and interrogate the entire crew from top to bottom. But the next afternoon, they crossed Greenland and arrived at what later became known as the Queen Elizabeth Islands. The archipelago does not yet have an official name.

"I can feel that Leviathan is nearby." The boy said, "There must be a lake in the center of the island, and it is there."

When he arrived at this place, Simon suddenly became the instructor of the airship. Colonel Freeman had to obey him instead. He asked the colonel to put down a small boat, and he wanted to go to the island and "wake up" Leviathan himself.

He was naturally accompanied by Duan Feizhuo and Z.

The colonel wanted to send more people to accompany him, but Simon refused.

"Just let me **** you there," said the colonel. "What if you encounter any danger on the way?"

"If there are too many people, it will disturb it." The boy said mysteriously, "It will also disturb other animals on the island. Let them live quietly."

"Let me **** you at least." The colonel insisted. "What if you encounter any danger on the way?"

Simon sighed and had to allow him to take two soldiers with him. But the colonel could only send them to the shore.

The Arctic is extremely cold even in summer. The six people put on thick cotton clothes and boarded the two prepared boats.

The hatch opened and the boat slid down the track into the water outside.

The colonel and his men traveled in a small boat. Duan Feizhuo, Z and Simon took another boat. The good news is that Simon didn't bring his animal friends along. At this time, it was summer in the Arctic, with extremely long days and extremely short nights, but the temperature was still very low, below 10C most of the time. The animal friends couldn't adapt to this temperature, so they had to stay on the boat.

Duan Feizhuo and Z dragged the boat ashore and placed it behind a rock to prevent it from being swept away by the rising tide. Then pack your luggage and prepare to head towards the center of the island.

Simon enthusiastically studied a large group of arctic hares lying on the seashore. From a distance, they look like scattered cotton piles on the coast.

The colonel only sent them to the sea. Originally, the colonel wanted to camp on the shore and wait for them to return after completing their mission, but Simon refused.

"If there are outsiders on this island, Leviathan will feel that the territory has been violated." The boy said, "The three of us are enough, you should go back."

Colonel Freeman insisted on escorting Simon, but the boy, uncharacteristically, refused him with great firmness.

The colonel had no choice but to row back to the airship with his two subordinates unhappy.

Duan Feizhuo and others stood on the shore and waved goodbye to the colonel. The skiff drifted away from the shore toward the Wellington on the water.

Just when the boat was almost at the halfway point, it shook suddenly. The colonel suddenly got up, threw away the oar in his hand, and seemed to have a dispute with his subordinates.

"What's going on?" Simon asked terrified.

Duan Feizhuo hit his spirits, used his ability to listen to the conversation of the three people on the boat.

"When did you start?" Colonel Freeman stood at the bow, looking at his two subordinates, "Are you going to attack me now?"

"We can't let you back on board," one soldier said.

He pulled out the gun and aimed at the colonel.

There was a shot.

The colonel fell backwards into the Arctic sea of ​​ice.

The three people on the shore were dumbfounded.

"Did I read it wrong?" Simon was stunned. "Did they... murder the colonel...?"

Not to mention the shot fired by the soldier. Even if the shot missed, the colonel fell into the sea. The Arctic sea of ​​ice is so cold that the chances of surviving a crash are slim to none.

"Go!" Z growled, "Leave the coast! Go to the lake where Leviathan is!"

He turned around and walked towards the center of the island. Duan Feizhuo took two steps, and found that Simon was frozen in place, so he had to go back, dragged the boy by the arm, and forcibly pulled him away.

The arctic rabbits lying on the shore were disturbed by the strange Twolegs, and they jumped up one after another, running around with their four long legs.

"How could this be?" Simon muttered to himself, "Aren't they the colonel's personal guards, why did they murder the colonel..."

Z frowned. "I'm afraid those two soldiers have already been instigated."

"Instigating rebellion?!" Simon was terrified, trembling like a small animal.

"There are foreign spies lurking on the Wellington." Duan Feizhuo explained, "Before we were repeatedly attacked by air pirates, it was because the spies leaked the route of the airship. But I didn't expect that even the colonel's personal guards were also attacked. Rebelled..."

"Then, what should we do then?" Simon panicked, "The colonel is dead, and the Wellington is under the control of spies. Aren't we abandoned?"

Z looked at the boat from afar with a solemn expression. He was the only one among the three who had served in the army, and his knowledge of the army was much richer than the other two.

"Generally speaking, it is impossible for the entire crew to defect. A spy is not that capable. The more people he has contact with, the greater the chance that he will be exposed. Therefore, the spy will only carefully select some key people, such as The senior crew members on board, or Colonel Freeman's personal guard. The death of the Colonel cannot be concealed. When the crew found that he had not returned, they immediately knew that something had happened to him. There will be a mutiny on the ship next. The traitor and the loyal party will Fighting for control of the Wellington. It depends on which side wins."

Same army, but ships are different from other troops. If the army was attacked and the soldiers fled into the wild, they would more or less survive. But once the ship sinks, especially in the deep sea, the possibility of the crew surviving is almost zero. It can be said that everyone on a ship is a relationship of prosperity and loss.

Therefore, the ship's soldiers are required to be absolutely obedient, absolutely loyal, and never question the orders of their superiors. They operate like a machine from top to bottom, and everyone is just a screw in the machine.

Staying in this environment, the soldier's spirit was also suppressed to the limit. A small spark can lead to an unmanageable fire.

Throughout the ages, there have been many stories of "the unpopular captain was overthrown by the chief mate".

"If the traitor side gains the upper hand..." Simon's face was pale, but he contrasted well with the Arctic rabbits not far away.

"The best case scenario is that the Wellington leaves us and sets sail directly," said Z.

"What about the worst case?"

Z showed a cruel smile, "You have seen the power of the Wellington's artillery. What do you think will happen if they bomb this island?"

Simon staggered and almost fell face down on the ground, but luckily Duan Fei quickly caught him.

The teenager's lips trembled "It's all my fault. If I don't let the colonel go back..."

"That's just the difference between 'the colonel died at sea' and 'the colonel died on land'." Z said lightly.

Duan Feizhuo looked at Z, "So we can only hope that the traitor will fail?"

"We can still pin our hopes on him." Z squinted at Simon, "As long as he can tame the Leviathan, we can ride it back to London directly."

"...That's right!" Simon cheered up a little bit, and his eyes glowed, "I almost forgot. With Leviathan, we don't have to be afraid of the Wellington anymore!"

He has full confidence in Leviathan, but Duan Feizhuo is not so optimistic.

No one has seen Leviathan's real appearance, and no one knows Leviathan's true strength. An ancient creature can really fight against modern technology

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