Deafening shelling sounded from above his head one after another, causing Duan Feizhuo's eardrums to buzz.

He had heard this sound more than once inside the airship. But the walls of the airship were covered with sound-proof materials, so he only felt the harsh sound of the shelling, and had no other feelings.

Now that row of forts is firing grenades one after another less than a hundred meters above his head. The powerful sound waves shake everything around him. Coupled with the buzzing of the ether crystallization engine, Duan Feizhuo almost thought that His brain, flesh and bones were all about to be shattered.

Even the whole world seems to be shaken by it.

The grenade whizzed over their heads and hit the Leviathan in the lake.

The wailing of the giant beast resounded throughout the island. The blood sprinkled to the surface of the lake like raindrops, dyeing the clear and pure water crimson.

While being injured, the giant beast was also completely enraged.

Blood red eyes turned to Simon on the shore. Duan Feizhuo couldn't understand the language of the giant beast and couldn't communicate with him, but he could also understand Leviathan's thoughts at this time.

It must have thought that Simon had woken it up just to let it take the cannonball.

"Please wait, Leviathan!" Simon panicked, "We didn't mean to harm you, it was a misunderstanding, I'm here to do it to you..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

Leviathan grabbed his body.

Duan Feizhuo was dumbfounded. He thought with a faint hope that maybe Leviathan was just playing with Simon, like cats and dogs sometimes give their owners a little nip.

Leviathan closed his upper and lower jaws and gave a light bite.

Simon's broken body fell on the tundra like a ripe fruit falling from a branch.

Duan Feizhuo was a little dazed. The impact he suffered was too great, and his brain couldn't function for a while.

Simon is dead. The boy who could communicate with animals was so easily killed by a giant beast.

It's as easy as an ant being trampled to death.

He looked at Z, and Z looked at him.

The two just looked at each other for a while.

Leviathan opened his **** mouth wide, and let out another long roar.

Duan Feizhuo and Z turned around and ran away at the same time.

If you don't run now, Simon's end will be their end!

"Damn Carter, I'm going to kill you!" Duan Feizhuo shouted incoherently while running.

What is Carter's intention in sending them to the North Pole? Did he know there were spies lurking on the Wellington? If he knew everything, and deliberately asked them to carry out the task, it would be like pushing them into the fire pit!

Leviathan spread his wings and jumped out of the lake.

Wellington began a second round of bombing. Howitzers charged at the monster with smoke trails. But the gunners underestimated the dexterity of the giant beast. It looks massive, but not bulky at all. It flapped its wings violently, creating a sharp gust of wind, and Duan Feizhuo and Z on the ground were almost blown away.

Riding on this wind, the giant beast suddenly rose, and the shells flew under it without hitting it.

Its body is almost as big as the entire airship. Wellington is already the largest airship in the entire British Air Force, but the giant beast is comparable to it. No wonder the queen is so full of hope to tame the giant beast. If you have such a ferocious monster, the enemy will be scared to death just by taking a look at it!

The monster flew towards the Wellington with its long fish-like tail. It crashed head-on into the hull. At the same time, the airship launched a third round of shelling.

A shell hit the monster in the eye. It howled and kicked off the airship, and fell headlong into the sea of ​​ice.

The monstrous huge waves submerged half of the island in an instant.

A puff of black smoke rose from the tail of the airship, and it was about to fall, but in the end it struggled to maintain its balance.

After a while, the black smoke gradually dissipated, and it seemed that the crew had put out the fire.

The Wellington sailed towards the unnamed island, but it didn't land on the sea, but hovered in the air tens of meters away from the sea. The hatch at the bottom opened, and two small skimmers slid out.

Compared with the huge airship like a whale, the skimmer's petite physique is like a small dolphin.

Duan Feizhuo looked at the shadow of the skimmer, and exchanged a glance with Z. "It seems that we can only get on the boat."

Z snorted lightly, noncommittal.

Duan Feizhuo got up and patted off the moss and dust on his body.

He looked towards the nameless lake. Perhaps it was because of the turbulent waves brought up by the behemoth when it took off, the lakeside was washed muddy. Simon's body was also swept away by the current. Now Duan Feizhuo couldn't find the place where the boy was killed. He couldn't even pay homage to him.

A wave of sorrow and righteous indignation seized him. Simon came from the center of the world to the edge of the world just to befriend a monster. But he died. He did not die at the mouth of a giant beast, but in the vortex of intrigue and power struggle.

The skimmer landed in front of them, and several heavily armed soldiers jumped off.

They wore thick overcoats over their military uniforms and carried guns. As soon as they saw Duan Feizhuo and Z, they separated to the two sides and surrounded them.

A thick-backed man came out, with bushy eyebrows and black eyes staring straight ahead, but he didn't look at Z or Duan Feizhuo.

Duan Feizhuo recognized him as Colonel Freeman's adjutant. But don't remember the name.

"Is there another one?" The adjutant's voice was mechanical, like a puppet without a soul.

"Dead." Z replied indifferently, "Don't you have watchmen?"

The adjutant's face twitched, "Take it away."

The soldier put his gun against Duan Feizhuo's back, stabbed him deliberately, and signaled him to board the skimmer.

Duan Feizhuo touched the three rings on his hands. A little energy had been used up to start the fire, but he saved it up later. Energy is now full.

Most of the energy stored by the mystic comes from the surrounding heat sources, the most important being the sun. Storing energy in the Arctic is not easy. It took Duan Feizhuo several days to store all three rings.

If you make a sudden move, they will be caught off guard...

Z grabbed his wrist. He was taken aback, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

He knew Z meant to make him act rashly.

"We are just scholars who come to the Arctic to study ecology. We are not soldiers." Z said.

The adjutant didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear his words.

"We saw Colonel Freeman murdered," said Z.

The adjutant glanced at him indifferently.

Facing the death of the chief, he was so indifferent.

"You've all been instigated, haven't you?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"Whatever you say." The adjutant's voice was as cold as stone.

"Who is in charge of the ship now?"

"Nothing to do with you."

"Who is the spy?"

"You don't need to know."

No matter what Duan Feizhuo asked, the adjutant refused to answer. How charming are the spies on the Wellington that even Colonel Freeman's closest adjutant turned against him?

But at the same time, Duan Feizhuo also felt a sense of disobedience.

The soldiers who escorted them were all normal. They had more natural obedience to their adjutants than trust and love. As long as it is an order issued by their superiors, they will never violate it, even if the order goes against their common sense. This is a qualified soldier.

The problem is with the adjutant. He behaved too mechanically, like a robot on command.

This is not the first time Duan Feizhuo has seen this situation. He had seen someone become like an adjutant before, like a puppet who lost his soul.

— Jack the Ripper controlled by occult techniques.

At that time, the night police were ordered by Carter to send Jack the Ripper to hunt down Duncan McLean. Ms. Q cast a mind-control illusion on Jack.

However, Jack the Ripper's will was too strong (or too perverted), and eventually he broke free from the control of the secret technique.

Is the adjutant in front of me also under mind control?

That would explain why even Colonel Freeman's cronies were turned against him. They did not rebel because of the spies' rhetoric, but because of the occult.

The spy lurking on the Wellington is a mystic.

This is Z's area of ​​expertise.

Duan Feizhuo felt uncomfortable when he thought that Colonel Freeman was killed on the boat. Always felt that the adjutant would throw them into the sea halfway.

But if the adjutant wanted to murder them, he could do it now. Escorting them back to the Wellington shows that it is still useful to save their lives.

Whether it is to find out the truth or to leave the North Pole, they must return to the Wellington.

Duan Feizhuo gritted his teeth and got into the skimming boat.


Duan Feizhuo and Z were taken into an empty cabin. There are only two chairs here. The soldiers **** Duan Feizhuo and Z, and pressed them roughly on the chairs.

"I want to see the person in charge." Z said.

The adjutant looked indifferent, and led the soldiers to leave the cabin one by one. But Duan Feizhu heard that they hadn't gone far, some were guarding the door, while others were patrolling the nearby corridors.

Duan Feizhuo rubbed his fingers. The adjutant confiscated his ring, explaining that he did not know that he was a mystic. He can burn the rope, tear down the hatch, and escape with Z.

But after escaping, what should they do? They were not on a picnic, but at the North Pole, at the end of the world. How are they going to return to civilization?

He heard footsteps approaching rapidly in the hallway.

About the door of the cabin, a tall man walked in accompanied by the adjutant.

He was not wearing a military uniform, just an ordinary shirt with a fur coat over it.

Duan Feizhuo recognized this man's face.

He is Colonel Freeman.

"Aren't you dead?!" Duan Feizhu panicked.

The colonel smiled. The adjutant quietly exited the cabin and closed the door. Obviously no one told him, but he was so conscious. Duan Feizhuo didn't believe that he was not a puppet.

"I have my own way of dodging guns," Colonel Freeman said politely.

"You swam back to the airship from the sea?" Duan Feizhuo couldn't believe it.

"It's not quite right to say 'swimming'. Of course I'm going to get back on board the Wellington by my own means."

Something is wrong. No, it should be said that everything is wrong.

Duan Feizhuo always believed that Colonel Freeman was a loyalist loyal to the queen, and there was another foreign spy lurking on board. The spy turned against the colonel's personal guards and instigated them to murder the colonel at sea.

But the colonel who should have died appeared in front of him alive. The Wellington has been completely occupied by the rebels.

Was the "murder at sea" they witnessed really what they thought?

Perhaps the opposite is true. It wasn't that loyal Colonel Freeman was murdered by rebels. It was the two personal guards who discovered that Colonel Freeman had betrayed, so they launched a sudden attack at sea to get rid of the traitor.

What did they say then? The colonel asked the two soldiers, "When did you start".

Duan Feizhuo thought he meant when you became traitors.

But what he actually meant was when did you start to notice my abnormality.

"You were the spy from the beginning?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"Not bad." Colonel Freeman admitted generously.

No wonder the colonel knew that there were spies on board, but still allowed them to leak information, causing the Wellington to be attacked by air robbers time and time again.

With the thunderous wrist of a captain, can't they still find out a spy?

It's not that he can't do it, but that he simply doesn't want to do it.

"You can control other people's minds." Z said in a deep voice, "The adjutant was manipulated by you just now, right? The reason why the mutiny went so smoothly is also because the senior crew and officers were all controlled by you—you are a mystic .”

Now he understood why the Queen had sent him aboard the Wellington. It's really impossible to hand over this work to others.

Anyone else might have fallen into the mental trap woven by Colonel Freeman at the very beginning of boarding the ship and turned into his puppet.

But the Night's Watch has worked with occultists for years and is familiar with their tricks, and almost all of them have received additional training to resist mind manipulation.

In addition, the mystic is also immune to mind manipulation. Mystics will unconsciously build a mental barrier for themselves to defend against the invasion of other mystics.

It is extremely difficult to use psychic attacks on these two types of people. Unless the mystic who launches the mental attack is extremely powerful, or the person being attacked is in an undefended state, such as in sleep.

No wonder Colonel Freeman hated Simon so much. He didn't hate animals, but simply wanted to avoid Simon. The boy is not only a mystic, but also a beast tongue speaker, and being able to communicate with animals shows that he is particularly good at spiritual illusions. He was Colonel Freeman's natural enemy.

It's a pity that the young man's experience is still inexperienced. Although he avoided the colonel's mental manipulation, he still failed to see the colonel's true face.

Colonel Freeman grinned, revealing a set of straight white teeth.

"That's right, I am." He said, "As expected of the dignified leader of the night police, he saw me through so quickly."

"You know my identity?" Z frowned.

"You are very famous, Detective Sinia." Colonel Freeman looked at Z, "If you want to remain anonymous, you'd better change your face, otherwise it will be too obvious."

Z snorted softly, "Which country do you serve allegiance to?"

"Of course it's a great empire." Colonel Freeman said in a very proud tone.

There are only a handful of European powers that are qualified to call themselves empires. Even the Queen of England dared to title herself the "Queen of India" after the British colonized India. When India gained independence, the title "Empress" disappeared from the long list of titles of the Queen of England.

Among the empires, the relationship with Britain has always been at odds, and it is powerful enough to send such a sophisticated mystic, I am afraid that only...

Duan Feizhuo thought of the beautiful lady he met on Lesbos Island. Their encounter had nothing to do with politics, but politics cast a shadow over that fond memory.

"So that's it." Duan Feizhuo murmured, "You have been a mystic from the very beginning, a spy sent by them. You have been promoted all the way to the rank of colonel, which is really inspiring."

Colonel Freeman raised the corners of his lips, "Sending spies to other countries is just a routine operation. Our country also has many spies. Everyone is just a dog eats a dog. As for what kind of achievements you can achieve in the end, it depends on your ability."

Duan Feizhuo looked into the Colonel's eyes, "What is your purpose?"

"Everything is for my country," he said.

"Aren't you going to drive this airship back to Vienna?"

"Can't you?" The colonel asked back, "Such an advanced engine and equipment can be brought back for my fellow scientists to study, then we can manufacture the same, or even more advanced engine!"

Duan Feizhuo felt his head buzzing. It turned out that this was his purpose—to completely seize the Wellington, and use the airship as research material to return to the country.

"Those air bandits we met..."

The colonel smiled, "It's just used to test the strength of the airship. If this ship is not as good as I imagined, then I will not implement the subsequent plan. But Wellington is really beyond my expectations. It is simply my The most perfect airship I've ever seen."

"What about Simon? You killed him because you didn't want him to tame Leviathan?"

"That's right. That monster is too powerful to be acquired by any country. I've wanted to kill that animal kid for a long time, but I didn't expect the killer I sent to be so useless." Colonel Freeman pouted contemptuously.

"So Lieutenant Horn was sent by you..." Duan Feizhuo recalled the corpse in Simon's cabin. If Sergeant Bulwe hadn't arrived in time, Simon's death would have been brought forward one day.

...he only lived one extra day.

Duan Feizhuo stared at the colonel, "You have come here to tell us about your criminal experience, you don't expect us to send you to Scotland Yard, do you?"

The colonel laughed, "I didn't know that the night policeman was so humorous before! It seems that I came here specially to find you, and it really was the right choice. It's a pity that boy Simon is gone. Although he has various shortcomings, he is still a talent. "

As he said that, the colonel bowed politely, "I want to ask, are you two interested in changing families and coming to my country?"

"Since you like humor so much, what you need is not a night watchman, but a circus." Duan Feizhuo sarcastically said.

"You night policemen are so capable, but you are treated like ordinary policemen. Our country is different. If the two of you come to Vienna, you will definitely receive first-class preferential treatment."

Z snorted disdainfully, "I heard that your country is quite tolerant towards mystics. I'm afraid we policemen are useless."

"Your skills can not only be used to arrest mystics. Talents like you are also very much needed in the army."

"What if we refuse?"

Colonel Freeman did not answer directly, but pretended to take out a pocket watch, opened it and looked at it.

The pocket watch was made of silver, exuding a shimmer of secret art. Duan Feizhuo speculated that it was the metal that the colonel used to store energy.

"You have plenty of time to think, my lord," said the colonel. "You can tell me the answer before we arrive in Vienna. And your answer will determine how you will be treated when you land—whether you will be a guest of honor or a Prisoner."

"Didn't they just throw us into the sea?" Z sneered.

"As I said, we always give preferential treatment to talents."

After the colonel finished speaking, he went around behind Duan Feizhuo and took off three rings from his fingers.

"Is this your energy-storing metal?" Colonel Freeman played with the three rings. "I will keep such a dangerous thing. I will return it to you whenever you are willing to join us."

He bowed to Duan Feizhuo teasingly, and Shi Shiran left.

Only Z and Duan Feizhuo remained in the cabin.

The two people who were bound by five flowers looked straight ahead at the same time, and their eyes never met each other.

After a while, Duan Feizhuo tentatively said, "I don't want to join him."

"What a coincidence, me too." Z said.

"This is the air, we have no way to escape unless we control the entire airship. Wellington has at least hundreds of crew members, can we win?"

"There is no need to fight the crew." Z said, "The thief is the first to capture the king. The reason why the crew rebelled is because they were under the mental control of Freeman. As long as the mystic is dead, the mental control will naturally be lifted."

Duan Feizhuo nodded, "Understood. Beheading, right?"

"Can you find out where Freeman is?"

"Let me try."

Duan Feizhuo concentrated his mind and extended his mental tentacles to the outside world.

Listening to sounds on an airship is easier than on the ground. It was a behemoth of iron and steel, and all kinds of sounds flowed through the metal. It is well known that sound travels much faster in solids than in air.

He heard the roar of machinery running, the footsteps of soldiers on patrol, the people on their shifts gathering together to joke, the clinking of pots and pans in the kitchen, the officers issuing orders through microphones, and the sound was transmitted along the copper pipes to the The other end of the airship...

All kinds of voices gathered together to form a complete airship map in his mind.

"Freeman's in the map room," he said.

"You stay here, I'll go." Z said.

"How can you deal with Colonel Freeman alone?—I don't mean to look down on you. But he is not alone. He can control so many obedient puppets."

"That must be tried, too."

Duan Feizhuo was silent for a moment. He does have a way to greatly improve the efficiency of the beheading operation, the only obstacle is that Z may not be willing.

But in this critical moment, even if he is unwilling, Duan Feizhuo will try to persuade him.

"Have you brought the talisman paper from the trading house?"

Z let out an unhappy grunt. "Take it." He said disgustedly.

"Come with me in the trading house. There are two things that will help us."

Z didn't know what kind of bad guy could say such a thing. Knowing that he didn't want to see the trading house the most, but he wanted to go in with him again and again, challenging his bottom line again and again.

...but he just couldn't refuse.

"When do you want it?" He asked bitterly.

"Now." Duan Feizhuo said.

A sharp blade popped out of Z's mechanical prosthesis, cutting off the rope on his wrist. Fortunately, Colonel Freeman did not know the secret of his prosthetic limb, otherwise his arm would be removed, and that would be the end.

The rope on Duan Feizhuo's body was also cut off by Z. The white-haired night guard took out the crumpled magic circle talisman paper from the inner pocket of his coat, and threw it to him like trash.

"Why do you carry it with you?" Duan Feizhuo was curious, "I thought you would put it at the bottom of the box."

Z turned his face away, "It's too dangerous, I don't worry about it."

Duan Feizhuo didn't say anything, grabbed Z's hand, and led him into the trading house.

There are hundreds of strange or terrifying secret art items stored in this space. Although each item has its own merits, there are only a handful of them that can be used in battle.

Duan Feizhuo only took two of them this time.

The first is the phantom leaf. The precious plants worth 50 pounds per leaf were almost bald by Duan Feizhuo.

He plucked the last two phantom leaves and handed one of them to Z.

"Keep it in your mouth, don't spit it out or swallow it, so that others will ignore your existence, which is almost invisible. But once you make unreasonable movements or make too much noise, it will be invalid."

Z took the phantom leaf with a complicated expression. "You've been using this thing?"

"Occasionally." This is the truth, and he didn't use it a few times in total.

Z's expression became more complicated. The dignified leader of the night guard actually wants to cooperate with the owner of the secret trading house and use the goods in the trading house to defeat the enemy. This is simply trampling his dignity on the ground.

What's more sad is that he has been favored by the trading house from a long time ago. Otherwise he would still be blind now.

Z looked at the translucent blade in his hand, and felt that the machine in his chest seemed to be strangled by something.

The second item that Duan Feizhuo needed was on the counter—he stored the sword in the stone in the trading house before he went to Greece, and he never used it again. After being neglected for so long, Shi Zhongjian doesn't like to talk anymore.

"Finally think of me?" Holding the hilt of the sword, the familiar voice of yin and yang came into his mind.

"You are the ultimate weapon, and you don't usually take it out easily." Duan Feizhuo slapped Sword in the Stone's sword fart.

"Who are you talking to?" Z's expression was like seeing Leviathan singing and dancing in front of him.

He stared at the rusty sword. It took a long time to recognize that it was the sword he had brought back to Scotland Yard for appraisal.

"At that time, nothing was identified."

Shi Zhongjian let out a gloating smirk, and began to laugh loudly at the backwardness of the night policeman's identification technology. Duan Feizhuo decided not to tell Z about this.

"This sword is quite special, it can resist all kinds of identification and detection secrets." He explained.

"...I was really blind enough before." Z laughed at himself.

Otherwise, how could you read such a little bad thing full of lies.

They return to the real world. Duan Feizhuo quietly squatted at the door, listening to the movement outside.

There were four guards outside the door, and the noise of their breaking through the door was bound to be so loud that the Phantom Leaf would fail. So they must be dealt with first.

"Can you still use secret techniques?" Z looked down at him.

"It's okay if it's a simple secret technique."

The ring was confiscated by Colonel Freeman, but this does not mean that Duan Feizhuo cannot absorb energy. There are dense circuits on this airship, and he can directly draw power from them. It's just that because of the long distance, not much energy can be obtained.

He asked Z with his eyes if he was ready. Z quickly looked away and nodded.

Duan Feizhuo lightly pressed the hatch, absorbed the energy in the ring, and melted the lock cylinder.

The two broke through the door at the same time.

Before the four soldiers guarding the door could react, one of them was knocked down by Z.

Duan Feizhuo swung the sword in the stone at another person. After being bored in the trading house for a long time, Shi Zhongjian couldn't wait to move his muscles and bones. It laughed wildly, and after being controlled by it, Duan Feizhu felt that his strength became stronger than ever.

The sword in the stone hits the soldier's head. Because he was not in a wartime state, he didn't wear a helmet, and as a result, he passed out with a "ow".

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other two soldiers turned around and fled.

Z rushed to the person in front, and hit the back of his head with a hand knife.

Duan Feizhuo caught up with the one who fled in a panic. He swung the sword in the stone several times, but the opponent deftly dodged it. The corridor space is narrow, and it is difficult to use the sword in the stone that is used to opening and closing. It hit the wall several times, or almost got stuck in the ceiling vent. Shi Zhongjian let out an anxious roar. The soldier ran too fast, and if he ran into the patrol, it would be a big disaster.

So far, Duan Feizhuo can only try a secret technique that he has never used before. While on the island of Lesbos, he had inadvertently come into contact with mind-control illusions. By analogy, maybe he can release the mental shock wave now and directly stun the soldier.

Pointing to the soldier, he recalled how he had entered the Countess' dream. The principle of illusion is similar, he only needs to increase energy, change temptation to attack...

A shock wave invisible to the naked eye emerged from his fingertips, hitting the back of the fleeing soldier's head without aiming. The soldier's body fell down like a puppet with broken strings, and his whole body was as motionless as mud.

Duan Feizhuo stepped forward to check his heartbeat and breathing—he was still alive. It was his first time to use a mental shock wave, so he was not careful, and he only hoped that this unlucky little white mouse would not suffer any sequelae.

They **** the unconscious soldiers and threw them into the cabin where they were kept. Duan Feizhuo also deliberately welded the keyhole to prevent them from escaping. After finishing Colonel Freeman and taking control of the entire airship, he will come back and release these four unlucky bastards.

"You can use the phantom leaf." He said to Z.

Z pinched the translucent leaves, and asked suspiciously, "If it is said that others cannot see you by holding the leaves, can I see you?"

Duan Feizhuo scratched his head, he really hadn't thought about this question. He only knows that phantom leaves don't work on animals, but does it work on humans who also contain phantom leaves? If it still worked, wouldn't he and Z not be able to see each other?

"I don't know either. Or you could hold my hand," he said.

Z's cheek twitched, and he took his hand reluctantly. That expression almost made Duan Feizhuo think that his palm would spew out acid to corrode him.

They stuffed the phantom leaf into their mouths at the same time. Z has doubts about the performance of this plant, but Duan Feizhuo has used it several times. If there is a phantom leaf farm in the world, he will probably repurchase it infinitely.

He looked at Z beside him, it was amazing, his hand knew that Z was beside him, but his eyes refused to admit this fact.

A group of patrolling soldiers approached. Duan Feizhuo hurriedly retreated to the wall to avoid them. The soldiers passed in front of him without turning their eyes. One of them almost hit Duan Feizhuo's chest with his arm, but he still didn't notice two suspicious guys standing very close.

Like two invisible men, they strutted through corridors and cabins. They passed the dining room, the library, the meeting room, and passed countless crew members.

Duan Feizhuo could clearly feel that the atmosphere on the boat was not quite right. Groups of soldiers can often be seen gathering together and whispering. But as soon as they saw the officer, they would disperse as if nothing had happened, and at the same time cast strange glances at the officer.

"Do you think there is something wrong with the captain?"

"It's not just the captain who is wrong, our captain has been acting weird since this morning."

"It turns out that our mission is to go to the North Pole to kill that terrible monster. Why didn't anyone tell us before we set off? Don't ordinary soldiers have the right to know?"

"I don't know if the monster is dead or not. I suspect that a few shellings won't kill it at all."

"Why do we keep stopping in this crappy place? What if monsters come out and attack us?"

Duan Feizhuo had reason to suspect that all senior crew members on the Wellington were under the mental manipulation of Colonel Freeman. As a occultist, the Colonel's skills are unfathomable. For an experienced mystic like Ms. Q, it is very difficult to control Jack the Ripper alone. How did Colonel Freeman control so many people at the same time? Is there such a big difference in the occult genres of different countries?

Why were the two soldiers who rowed to the island with the colonel not controlled by Colonel Freeman? Could it be that Freeman felt that his acting skills were superb enough, or that he persuaded the two soldiers with his three-inch tongue, but they gave up halfway through?

The more I think about it, the more I can't figure it out.

They passed through most of the airship, and finally arrived at the map room at the front of the ship. There were no guards at the gate, but it was locked.

They could directly rush in to Colonel Freeman to fight, but this would be a bit too reckless. Duan Feizhuo felt that a plan should be made, but his eyes refused to recognize the existence of Z, and talking would also invalidate the Phantom Leaf, so it was impossible to communicate in this situation.

At this time, Duan Feizhuo felt a little itchy palm.

Z wrote a few words on his palm.

—I'll go in first, don't expose yourself, just sneak behind him.

Since he can't see each other and can't communicate with words, he can only convey his thoughts in this way.

Duan Feizhuo squeezed his fingers hard, expressing that he understood what he meant.

Z tapped three times on his palm as a countdown.

At the end of the countdown, Z suddenly let go of his hand, slashed open the door lock of the map room with a sword, and broke in directly.

Duan Feizhuo lowered his body, as long as he didn't make too exaggerated movements, even if he walked past under the eyes of others, he would not be noticed.

Occupying the largest area of ​​the map room is a huge map table, which can accommodate two adults to roll on it. A map of the North Pole was spread out on the table. A variety of drawings are stored on the map shelf against the wall, ready for use at any time.

Maps in this era can only rely on manual surveying and mapping, so they are extremely valuable, especially military maps, each of which is a valuable military secret.

At this moment, Colonel Freeman stood in front of the map table with his back to the door, with his hands resting on the table. He turned his head, his dark eyes swept over Z's face, and he smiled.

"You escaped. You are worthy of being a night watchman. I hope you can be my companion more and more."

Z is not in the mood to gossip with him. His figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared in front of the colonel. One sword after another, not only did the sword not slow down, but it became faster and faster, like a storm. The colonel jumped onto the map table and flipped over to the other side. He pulled out a long copper map case from the map stand, and used it as a stick to block Z's sword.

With a bang. The map box was chopped into two pieces.

Without fear, the colonel put the two parts of the map box together. Run your finger over the joint, the break disappears, and the map case returns to its original state.

When he confronted Z, Duan Feizhuo sneaked up behind him.

The power of the phantom leaf made the colonel completely ignore the third person in the map room. Duan Feizhuo saw a piece of silver watch chain hanging down from the colonel's chest, and the pocket watch was in his pocket.

That was the colonel's source of energy, and if he got it, it would be difficult for the colonel to perform secret techniques.

Z swung his sword, Colonel Freeman blocked it with a map case. This time the map box was not tempered, presumably the materials were strengthened with secret techniques.

At the same time, Duan Feizhuo clenched the sword in the stone, flew forward, and picked up the silver watch chain.

Under the colonel's astonished gaze, the pocket watch was lifted off. Duan Feizhuo caught it steadily and smiled triumphantly.

A mystic who has lost his energy storage is equivalent to a gunner who has exhausted all his bullets. How long can the colonel continue to jump?

Colonel Freeman touched his empty pockets.

"Is it the invisibility technique? Or the phantom leaf?" He asked, "It's a pity that the two of you are so outstanding that we can't use them for our country."

Duan Feizhuo weighed the pocket watch, which was still full of energy. But he doesn't get along very well with Silver,

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