Duan Feizhuo personally experienced a horror movie in just a few minutes.

Hidden and weird ships, ventilation ducts with strong corpse smell, two corpses in the bilge, and the nightmarish faceless man.

The black snake swam up to the faceless man, looked back at Duan Feizhuo, and hissed the snake letter, as if reminding him that the identity of the faceless man was extremely important.

When the faceless man heard the noise, his body moved, and a "ho ho" sound came out of his throat, but he couldn't speak.

Duan Feizhuo took a step back. He almost wanted to raise the sword in the stone and kill the Faceless Man, but he couldn't take his eyes off the Faceless Man's epaulettes.

The false colonel who died in the map room. The faceless man in the bilge.

That human-skin-mask that was peeled off from the face of the false colonel.

Duan Feizhuo took out the human-skin-mask and carefully covered the face of the faceless man.

The moment the mask touched the skin, it seemed to melt and fit perfectly on the face. The edge of the mask merged with the skin, the facial features returned to their proper positions, and the faceless man grew the face of Colonel Freeman.

The Colonel opened his eyes, then snapped them shut. Duan Feizhuo realized that the light source he made was too dazzling, so he weakened the brightness of the light source and moved it to a distance.

The colonel tried to open his eyes again. His eyes lingered on Duan Feizhuo for a long time, his chapped lips twitched: "Thank you..."

"Are you Colonel Freeman?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

The colonel nodded with difficulty.

"your face…"

The colonel's voice was hoarse: "It was stolen."

Just as Duan Feizhuo was about to ask in detail, a burst of soft footsteps interrupted his train of thought.

A fiery shadow emerged from the darkness.

It's the fox that Simon raised. It got lost the day Lieutenant Horne attacked Simon at night, and has never been found since. Duan Feizhuo almost forgot about it, but unexpectedly saw it here again.

The fox was holding an apple, which he stole from the kitchen, or from some soldier. It put the bread at the colonel's hand, squatted down, and flicked its fluffy tail.

Parrots and squirrels also emerged from behind a machine. They surrounded the fox, watching the colonel and Duan Feizhuo with enigmatic eyes.

"You've been here all this time?" Duan Feizhuo asked. He felt a little silly talking to animals.

The animals ignored him. Colonel Freeman answered him.

"They keep bringing me food," he said. "I might be dead if it wasn't for them."

Are animals so intelligent? Or, because they have been with Simon for a long time, their intelligence has also improved?

Duan Feizhuo burned the rope in Colonel Freeman's hand and helped him sit up. The colonel grabbed the apple and devoured it, eating only the core in seconds.

"Why are you here?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

"It's a long story," the colonel coughed twice, with a haggard face, "It starts when I was selected as the captain of the Wellington..."

As the first air ship equipped with the fourth-generation ether crystallization power engine, the Wellington has attracted much attention before leaving the factory. The military department specially selected a group of outstanding soldiers from various units of the Air Force as the crew of the Wellington. It is an honor for all to be aboard this state-of-the-art airship.

The most honored among them was Colonel Freeman. He had previously served as the chief mate of another airship, and had made countless achievements, and was promoted to colonel at a young age. When he heard that the Wellington was selecting the crew, he also reported his life. After many assessments, he was finally selected as the captain.

The crew of the Wellington were all selected from various units, so the new team needed to be adjusted. Colonel Freeman intends to get close to his subordinates, so he often visits various departments on the ship and mingles with the soldiers.

When he visited the engineering team, through the introduction of the chief engineer, he met a junior technical non-commissioned officer named Heinz. Sounds like a German surname. I heard that Heinz went to university, and he has a lot of research on the ether crystallization power engine, and he has a good conversation and is familiar with the cultures of various countries. Colonel Freeman felt that he was a malleable talent, so he became interested in him.

The day before the Wellington was about to take off for the North Pole, Colonel Freeman patrolled the ship as usual. When I came to the engine room, I bumped into Heinz and chatted with him. Heinz tells of a folklore in his native German countryside: a wizard knocks on your door at night, steals your face, and disguises himself as you. So if you hear someone asking "Can I borrow your face" at night, you must never respond.

Colonel Freeman thought this legend was very interesting, and it was similar to the legend of vampires in Eastern Europe. It is said that vampires cannot enter other people's homes without the owner's permission.

At that time, Heinz made a joke: If I want to borrow your face, would you be willing?

Colonel Freeman never believed that there are strange things in the world, so he replied with a smile: My face is nothing to look at, so you can borrow it if you want.

So... Heinz literally borrowed his face.

The guy just said a spell, and Colonel Freeman's hands were automatically bound with ropes. Heinz came over and held his face. Colonel Freeman felt his face was extremely hot, as if someone had poured molten iron under his skin.

The last thing he saw was Heinz peeling a diaper-like thing off his face.

So Heinz is the wizard who can steal other people's faces? Or was that folk story just made up by him in order to tell his own story?

What a terrible witchcraft! What is the purpose of this kind of person infiltrating the army!

Heinz threw him in the hold. He has been held there ever since. Although he couldn't see, he could hear voices and feel movement around him. He knew that the Wellington had set sail, bound for the North Pole.

Heinz steals his identity, disguises himself as him, and leads the Wellington to the North Pole!

Colonel Freeman fell into deep despair. Nothing can be undone. Heinz is sure to sabotage the mission. Every other day the guy would come down and give him some water to drink and hang his life. The reason why he spared his life must be to blame him after the matter is completed. Or maybe he still has some use value, intending to torture important military information from him.

I was locked up like this for several days, and some animals appeared around me for no reason. These animals would bring him food so that he would not be so hungry. The two birds also tried to peck at the ropes around his wrists. It's a pity that the rope is a special cable with steel wires mixed in, which is far from being able to be broken by two little parrots.

Even so, Colonel Freeman was grateful for the animals' presence. He didn't understand where the animals on the airship came from, maybe they were sent by God to save him.

"No, they are all Simon's pet...friends." Duan Feizhuo sighed after listening to the colonel's narration.

Simon left the animals behind when he went to the island, and they escaped unharmed. If they go with Simon, they may also be killed by Leviathan.

Did the animals know that their human friend had passed away? Duan Feizhuo looked at the fox, who looked back at him with sad eyes.

They know. Duan Feizhuo thought to himself. They can sense it. That's why he was brought here to rescue the Colonel, didn't he? They also want to avenge their friends.

"The fake colonel has already been killed by me." Duan Feizhuo succinctly told his story, but concealed the part about his use of secret techniques.

The more Colonel Freeman listened, the more he admired him. The colonel almost jumped up when he heard him slaying the enemy, and finally sat down on the ground because his body was too weak.

"But the fake colonel manipulated part of the crew, and even if he died, the manipulation was not lifted. I am looking for a way to undo it."

The two parrots chirped and hopped around Duan Feizhu's feet.

"Hmm... do you know how to get rid of it?" Duan Feizhuo asked uncertainly.

"Chirp chirp chirp!" sang the two parrots.

I don't understand it at all...but I can only think that the two of them mean "yes". Duan Feizhuo stretched out his hand, and the two parrots flew to his arms obediently.

He turned to the colonel: "You can rest here, I will remove the secret technique. The fake is dead, I don't think anyone will come to harm..."

Before the words fell, the hull of the ship shook suddenly.

Duan Feizhuo bumped into a machine, and his back felt painful. The colonel was lying on the ground, and the animals were squealing. The violent vibration lasted for a while before it slowed down, but it didn't disappear. Duan Feizhuo could feel that the floor was still trembling slightly. A strange hum filled the surrounding space.

"Something must have happened." Colonel Freeman struggled to get up, "I want to go up and have a look."

"But the airship is still controlled by those puppets, they may be against you..."

"I am the captain, this is my duty."

Duan Feizhuo and Colonel Freeman met their eyes. The colonel looked haggard, but tried to straighten his back. Duan Feizhuo could almost imagine his vigorous appearance on the bridge.

"Then we split up," he said.

Warrant Officer Reeves squeezed his fork nervously.

There are people coming and going in the cafeteria, and every table is full of people. No matter how weird things happen on the ship, everyone should eat or have to eat. This is the same for thousands of years.

But the atmosphere in the cafeteria today is obviously different from before. During normal meal time, the cafeteria is always the busiest place. Everyone is talking and laughing. The high-pitched voices combined with the crisp sound of the collision of knives and forks and plates form a beautiful melody about food.

Today, however, there is an uncharacteristic silence from all. The knives and forks are still ringing, but human voices are barely audible. Everyone at the dinner table exchanged glances of doubt and fear, as if waiting for some fateful moment to arrive.

Whenever a senior crew member walked into the mess hall, everyone's eyes would focus on him briefly, and then move away quickly, as if they saw something they shouldn't be looking at. Originally on the ship, senior officers could enjoy the special treatment of having meals in their own cabins, and the orderlies would go to the kitchen to collect the meals and deliver them to the officers. But Colonel Freeman withdrew this privilege. He believes this will increase the gap between officers and soldiers. Therefore, except for patients and those who are too busy to stick to their posts, everyone must come to the cafeteria to eat.

This is also a good time to question the senior crew.

The adjutant went into the canteen.

He kept his eyes fixed, and his every step was windy, followed by a group of soldiers. Many people wondered in their hearts, he even had to bring his personal guards with him when he ate. Was he afraid of something?

The adjutant took the food and sat down at the table. The atmosphere in the cafeteria immediately became tense like a string.


A lieutenant stood up and walked towards the adjutant under the expectant and fearful eyes of the crowd.

Lieutenant Levi's eyes could not help but follow him. He was at the same level as the adjutant and belonged to the gunner team.

The adjutant raised his eyes and looked at the gunner in front of him. "Is there a problem?"

The gunner saluted. "Excuse me, when will the captain come for dinner today?"

"The captain dines in his room."

"But the rules on board..."

"The captain can make an exception."

The gunner pursed his lips, as if he had made up his mind, and said: "We hope that the captain can come forward and explain some issues, such as, what is that monster, what is the purpose of our coming to the North Pole, when will we return to London, what happened to the previous explosion? what happened."

"You?" The adjutant's eyes flashed brightly.

The adjutant is not the highest-ranked person on the ship except the captain, but he is the captain's right-hand man, and everyone agrees that he is the captain's spokesperson.

Arguing with him was tantamount to arguing with the captain.

The adjutant's stern gaze swept over the others in the cafeteria. Many people did not dare to bear his gaze, and lowered their heads timidly. But there were also many who bravely met his gaze.

Warrant Officer Levi was one of them.

If no one is willing to help the gunner at this moment, then no one will dare to question the adjutant in the future, and their questions, fears and uneasiness will never be answered.

Warrant Officer Reeves thought of his parents and sisters in London. He also wanted to go back and meet them. He wants to subsidize his family with allowances.

He shouldn't disobey an order from his superiors, even if that order violates common sense or morality. He's just a soldier, and there's only one thing he needs to do: obey.

But he stood up anyway.

Reason clamored in his brain: he should sit still, remain neutral, and let those people figure things out on their own. Getting involved in such a feud would likely cost him a court-martial, loss of his allowance, or even jail time.

But there was another voice in his head whispering at the same time: You can risk everything for what you think is right.

Lieutenant Levy believed that asking the captain to come forward to explain the situation and appease his emotions was the right request. Undoubtedly, unimpeachably correct.

In this kind of thing, as long as someone takes the lead, the others will become more courageous.

Soon, the second person stood up. Then came the third person, the fourth person...

Nearly half the people in the canteen stood up and surrounded the gunner.

The adjutant narrowed his eyes, as if thinking.

After a while, he said, "Okay, then I'll report to the captain. You wait here."

After speaking, he left the cafeteria with his team of soldiers.

Seeing this, the other senior crew members also left one after another. The soldiers who obeyed them left together.

The canteen was half empty in an instant.

Lieutenant Levy breathed a sigh of relief. Since the adjutant is willing to ask the captain to leave the mountain, it means that the captain is safe and sound, right? All is well and good, and they have nothing to fear.

However, after a long time, they did not wait for the captain. None of those who left came back.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, full of doubts.

Some people got impatient and rushed out of the cafeteria, intending to go to the captain's room to see Colonel Freeman.

Warrant Officer Reeves tried to stop them. It's not a good idea to offend the captain at this time. He ran to the door, and those people just entered the corridor outside the cafeteria and turned a corner.

There were several gunshots around the corner.

Warrant Officer Reeves stopped. A chill rose from the soles of his feet.

He heard the adjutant's voice from the end of the corridor:

"Someone in the cafeteria is instigating a rebellion, stay here, and anyone who dares to escape from the cafeteria will be killed!"

Duan Feizhuo climbed into the ventilation duct again.

Animals love to use the ventilation ducts to move around. For their petite size, the ventilation ducts all over the ship and extending in all directions are as convenient as a highway, and they don't have to worry about bumping into rough two-legged beasts.

But for Twolegs, drilling pipes is tantamount to torture. The clothes on Duan Feizhuo's elbows and knees were already worn out, and his skin was almost callused. The sword in the stone kept bumping into the top of the pipe, whimpering and moaning, adding to his pain.

Fortunately, the crawl distance was not long, and they reached their destination quickly.

The animals escaped through a vent. Duan Feizhuo lay on the grille for a while, and after making sure that the room below was empty, he dared to move the grille and jump down.

He landed in an empty cabin.

After staying on the Wellington for several days, Duan Feizhuo has visited the entire airship, but he has never been here. Relying on his extraordinary hearing, he drew a map of the airship in his mind, but this place was not included on the map.

He recalled the map in his mind, and the location of this cabin was blank. Explain that the walls and ceilings here are soundproofed.

In the center of the cabin is a cylindrical machine with a diameter of about one meter. There are many pipes connected above it. Some kind of liquid is being continuously injected into the machine, and then discharged from another pipe.

The animals gathered around the machine, gesturing towards Duan Feizhuo. The fox even used its front paws to constantly pluck at the shell of the machine.

What do they mean, there is hidden in this machine the false colonel's secret technique props or magic circle to control the mind?

Duan Feizhuo stepped forward in confusion, and lightly touched the shell of the machine. He wanted to extend sensory tentacles into the metal, to probe the contents of the machine, but he couldn't infuse power into the metal. It was as if something in the machine was repelling him.

He circled the column and found a small panel. He judged that it was used to control the machine, so he boldly pressed the "OPEN" button on the panel.

Accompanied by the chirping sound of mechanical operation, the metal shell opened like a flower blooming.

Dazzling and gorgeous light instantly filled the entire cabin.

Inside is a cylindrical container filled with some kind of solution that Duan Feizhuo doesn't understand. A fist-sized ether crystal is suspended in the center of the container.

The animals raised their hairs one after another, growling threateningly at the ether crystals.

Duan Feizhuo was dazzled for a while looking at the gorgeous crystal.

It turns out that this is the "fuel tank" that powers the engine.

He used to think that since the ether crystal is a kind of "fuel", its fuel compartment is a large coal furnace, but it is filled with radiant crystals.

How wrong he was. "Fuel" is probably just a habitual term for people. The actual use of ether crystals is not "burning", but using this special solution to decompose it, releasing a large amount of heat in this process, heating the water in the boiler, and generating steam.

But why did the animals bring him to the fuel tank? Is there any relationship between the ether crystal and the secret technique of the false colonel?

Duan Feizhuo's gaze moved down slowly, and then his eyes widened.

A magic circle is drawn on the bottom of the cylindrical container.

He recalled the knowledge of arcane geometry he had learned, and dismantled the magic circle in his mind. Circle—circulation of energy; Triangle—stability, uniqueness; Eye—peeping, spirit, dream…

Yes, this is the magic circle to control the mind.

The fake colonel actually painted it in such a place, really... I don’t know whether to say that he has originality, or that he has sinister intentions.

First, the operation of this magic circle requires a steady stream of energy supply, and ether crystals can provide it with a source. The fake colonel is tantamount to pulling wool from the Wellington. Second, if you want to destroy this magic circle, you must empty the liquid in the cylindrical container, but in that case, the engine will lose power, and the entire airship will fall.

As long as the airship is still flying, this circle cannot be erased. Draining the liquid rashly is tantamount to dragging the entire ship to be buried with him. However, if the airship is to land, an order must be given to the bridge, but the crew members on the bridge are all subject to mental manipulation, and it is impossible to obey such an order.

What a clever technique, what a vicious intention.

What should I do? Duan Feizhuo looked at the brilliant ether crystals, sweat dripping from his palms.

Disputes turned into conflicts. The conflict turned into a fight. The fighting turned into a full-scale mutiny.

From the mess hall to the bridge, gunshots were heard everywhere.

Lieutenant Levy held his gun and shrank behind the corner. There are a few comrades in arms who are also in the maintenance team, and everyone has their colors on them.

The adjutant attacked everyone in the cafeteria on the grounds of suppressing violence. Warrant Officer Levi and others hurriedly escaped through the back door, but an ambush was also set up there. The adjutant has calculated their route and is waiting to catch them all.

From the start he didn't want to negotiate.

Warrant Officer Li Wei and others broke out from the cafeteria all the way, fighting and retreating, retreating and fighting, and retreated to the bottom floor. Such a big commotion broke out on the ship, and the captain has not yet come out to quell the chaos. It seems that the captain has...

He didn't dare to continue thinking about it. He also didn't dare to think about why the adjutant and the others concealed the news of the captain's death. Are they planning to seize power? But with the Wellington taken, where could they go?

"Warrant officer," said a soldier of the maintenance team, half of his face was stained red with blood, and one eye could not be opened, "the leader on the opposite side is Dellas, I know him, he is a reasonable person. I don't believe he's on the Adjutant's side. He's just following orders. Do you think we can convince them?"

Lieutenant Levi shook his head, expressing that he was not sure. He also knew that Draas was a good man who valued affection and righteousness. He respected his superiors and was also loved by his subordinates. Colonel Freeman thought highly of him. If he knew that the colonel had been killed by those senior crew members, it would be impossible for him to remain indifferent. But he happens to be a man who obeys the rules...

Warrant Officer Levi thought of his family back home. He doesn't want to die here. But if it goes on like this, he will definitely die. He can only try.

"Drass!" he cried, "haven't you noticed? The captain has been murdered! The officers are now in power! They're all in a conspiracy to take the Wellington! Are you going to help the tyrant?"

"Shut up, Levi!" Dellas roared in a rough voice, "I advise you to surrender, you may still have a chance to go to a military court and be sentenced for life!"

"Court-martial? We can't go to court-martial! The ship has been seized, which country's court are we going to? You are not a fool, you have already noticed something is wrong! If the captain is still alive, why don't you come forward? The captain is that kind Shrunken? The only explanation is..."

Lieutenant Levi poked his head out, wanting to communicate further with the soldiers opposite, but a bullet hit his head only an inch away. He hastily retracted.

"Damn it, Dellas! Don't you have any thoughts of your own!"

"My order is to suppress the rebellion!"

Warrant Officer Levy kept hearing gunshots in the distance. They didn't betray at all, they just made reasonable demands, but they were charged with this crime...

"Warrant officer, why don't we surrender?" A young engineer said, "Maybe the other side can forgive me..."

The others glared at him: "What are you dreaming of! Surrender is a dead word!"

"But there are more people on the other side than us, we can't win! Unless the captain comes forward in person, the other side can't stop!"

"The captain is dead!"

useless. Lieutenant Levi thought desperately. Now even we are starting to fight among ourselves. One more time, and we'll all fall apart...

"Who said I'm dead?"

A faint voice came from behind them.

Lieutenant Levy was shocked, and subconsciously raised his gun in the direction of the sound.

"What, Warrant Officer Levi, are you going to shoot me?"

A man staggers out of the shadows, leaning on the wall. He was haggard, with a gloomy complexion and disheveled clothes, as if he hadn't eaten for several days, but his eyes were still piercing. Those were the familiar eyes of Warrant Officer Levy.

"Ship, Captain...?" Lieutenant Levi couldn't believe his eyes.

Shouldn't Colonel Freeman be dead? Who is this guy? ghost? Zombie?

"Put down the gun, Lieutenant Levy." Colonel Freeman said flatly.

He knows me. Lieutenant Levi thought. I was just a small warrant officer in the maintenance team, and the captain only asked my name when visiting the equipment of the maintenance team.

No one expected the high command of an airship to remember the name of an engineer, but Colonel Freeman did.

Warrant Officer Levy suddenly felt his nose sore. He thought to himself, whether the colonel was a man or a ghost, he would follow him.

Colonel Freeman passed a crowd of soldiers and turned a corner. Warrant Officer Levi hurriedly grabbed him.

"Colonel, the person opposite is..."

"I know." Colonel Freeman yelled, throwing his hand away, "Drass! You son of a bitch! Put the gun down!"

Colonel Freeman will be shot into a sieve! Lieutenant Levy thought in horror.

But the **** scene he imagined did not happen.

The soldiers confronting them saw the captain slowly walking out of the corner, and they were so surprised that they couldn't even hold their guns.

It's not that they haven't doubted the orders of their superiors. The superiors said that a rebellion broke out on the ship and must be suppressed. Of course, they gave priority to obeying orders. But they had also heard rumors about the strange behavior of the officers.

This suspicion deepened when they began to suppress the rebellion. There was a riot of this magnitude on the airship, why did the captain stay behind closed doors? Is it true that the captain was killed by the adjutant, as the group of rebels claimed, and the adjutant colluded with others to seize power?

Now, the living captain appeared in front of them. All the rumors about his death fell apart in an instant.

But the captain told them to lay down their weapons—not the insurgents.

"You all have eyes, have you seen me alive and kicking?" The captain's sharp gaze swept over the faces of the soldiers, "Now, follow me. We still have to recover the Wellington."

He passed through the human wall formed by the soldiers and walked towards the upper floor.

Warrant Officer Li Wei and his group held their weapons and looked at the soldiers opposite, both of them looked a little confused.

In the end, neither of them spoke, but followed the captain silently.

The situation reversed so quickly, Warrant Officer Levi didn't react for a long time.

They encountered many rebels along the way, as well as many repressive armed forces. The captain ordered them to stop the firefight and join himself.

More and more people followed him. They ascended the upper deck, and then the upper deck, and Lieutenant Reeves realized they were heading for the bridge.

"Captain, did the adjutants betray you?" Warrant Officer Levi asked cautiously.

"They are controlled by others, and they can't help themselves." Colonel Freeman looked solemn, "If you encounter them, don't kill them all, just disarm them. A friend of mine is looking for a way to restore them to normal. "

Lieutenant Levy didn't quite understand. What is "being controlled"? Does it mean that they have been held accountable? What does it mean to bring them back to normal? There are many things he doesn't understand, but he trusts the captain.

So they boarded the bridge.

Of course not everyone went up, after all, the bridge cannot accommodate so many people. Colonel Freeman selected twenty elite soldiers, plus a representative from each group. Warrant Officer Levi was among them.

The atmosphere on the bridge was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

All officers are here. The adjutant stood at the forefront of the bridge, and next to him were the navigator, bosun, chief engineer and others. All of them looked cold and solemn, which reminded Lieutenant Levy of the statue of the **** of death at the gate of the cemetery in their hometown.

"So, you're really under control, aren't you?" Colonel Freeman asked in a low voice.

No one answered him.

The colonel made a gesture: "Do it. Be careful not to damage the equipment on the bridge."

Twenty of his carefully selected soldiers surrounded the crew on the bridge with guns in hand. They also drew their guns and confronted the captain.

The adjutant's icy gaze was like an iron nail, firmly nailed to Colonel Freeman's body.

"It is impossible for us to let you get this airship." The adjutant said, "Even if we have to destroy it, we will not hesitate."

After speaking, he quickly pulled down a red lever on the console.

A bullet hit his forehead and pierced the back of his head, and the splashed blood stained the glass in front of him blood red.

He took a step back and slid down with his back against the console.

The other senior crew members did not change their faces, indifferent to the death of their companions. The soldiers rushed up and pinned them to the ground.

The airship shook violently. It no longer hovered, but swooped in the direction of the nameless island.

Lieutenant Levi immediately stepped forward and pulled the adjutant's body away to prevent his blood from seeping into the equipment. He pushed up the red lever, but the downward momentum of the airship remained undiminished!

"How could this be?" Colonel Freeman raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Lieutenant Levi checked the console and raised his head in horror: "Colonel, the program of the ship's differential engine has been modified."

Colonel Freeman didn't quite understand these technical terms, so he asked, "What will happen then?"

"The airship will fly in the specified direction unless the program is modified. But only the navigator knows how to modify it."

The Colonel's brows knit together. "It's useless to push the lever back?!"

Lieutenant Reeves shook his head.

The navigator who was suppressed on the ground sneered: "Even if you destroy this airship, you can't get it. Originally, you could all survive and start a new life in a new country, but you have to die. Now it's okay. Let's all die together!"

Accompanied by his sharp laughter, the vibration of the airship became more and more intense.

At this time, the sea surface directly below the air ship stirred up a monstrous splash.

A ferocious monster soared into the sky, its body was as sharp as a dragon, its scales were as bright as steel, and its wings spread out like a black cloud.

Lieutenant Levi's heart sank. It's all over. Originally, the airship was about to crash, but now there are monsters again. They will be destroyed. Maybe someone could escape in time in a small skimmer, one of the functions of skimmers is to escape. But the number is limited, and I am afraid that only a few people can escape. Of course the captain is qualified, as for the others...

The ship shook violently again, Warrant Officer Levi almost bit his tongue. The shock came from below, similar to an earthquake, everyone couldn't stand still, and they were staggering.

Did the monster attack them from below? It is so big, if it crashes into the airship recklessly, what kind of metal shell can stop it?

But the strange thing is that after this shock, the Wellington stopped falling.

They're still going, but the direction is back to level.

The people in the observation group and the measurement group almost pressed their noses flat against the glass.

"Report to Colonel!" The lookout almost screamed, "That monster...it's under the ship...supporting us!"

Red eyes stare at red eyes.

Pulses in the chest follow pulses in the chest.

He couldn't hear the voice, but strangely, he seemed to understand the meaning of the other party. It was as if the other party's thoughts appeared directly in his mind.

—You also have ether crystals in your body. That is the power of the maharajah.

said the thing.

—What Maharaja? Which Maharaja?

he asks.

— Our Majesty. Master of the world. He gave me strength and crystallized within me. He has been gone for a long time. I am sealed here. Cursed by his enemies. I can't leave this place, lose my freedom, lose my Maharaja. I... have been asleep for a long time, long enough to be forgotten by the world.

He didn't understand many parts of what the thing said. But he could feel the other person's pain.

The soul is trapped in a cold and rigid body, bound in a small and broken container.

— you can help me. I will pay you back too.

That thing said.

- why?

— you have no choice. Either die here, or help me, and I'll take you back to your world.

—I can't release you. You will attack humans, you will destroy the world.

- I only attack those who hurt me.

It's ridiculous. From the moment he fell off the airship, he had already accepted the fact that he was about to die.

The fate of people like them is similar. They died in a certain battle, and even their bodies could not be found. He has seen too many endings like this.

If that's how he ends up, then he has nothing to complain about.

The only thing he couldn't let go of were those eyes.

Not the red pair, but the golden green one.

Like fields in spring, and emeralds poured with gold.

The fragrance of maypoles. The rain is pattering down the city without stopping. The salty taste of the Mediterranean. The mainspring turned, the pendulum swayed, and the model spun round and round the ceiling.

The glorious sunset above the sea of ​​clouds is like a never-ending dream.

He wants to live. Go back to that colorful world.

-how can I help you? he asks.

—I have a scale with a magic circle drawn on my body. Destroy it for me, and I'll be free.

—Why don't you destroy yourself?

—I can't touch it. but you can.

He swam deeper into the ocean. The body of the thing was so large that he felt that he was not swimming in the sea, but walking on a hill.

He found the scales the thing was talking about. It's on the tail of the giant beast and is a slightly different color than the other scales around it. After swimming closer, he realized that the scales were not of different colors, but were engraved with dense magic circles and spells.

A sharp blade popped out of his remaining hand and stabbed at the scales.

The giant screamed in pain

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