But at this moment, he was also shocked by the super fast speed of the big pendulum.

No wonder, many people say that playing such an extreme game is very decompressing.

Xiao Yuchun exclaimed happily, Xiao Ming looked at his daughter's happy appearance, and he was also very happy.

The thing he is most happy about is to see that several children can be happy and happy.

"Daddy, this is so much fun, haha, ahhhh I like it. "

The big pendulum swings again and again, and it looks like it's about to swing to the highest point, but in fact, it's getting faster and faster.

Xiao Yuchun said to Xiao Ming with great interest: "The most exciting thing about the big pendulum is the moment when it slides down at a super fast speed from the highest point. "

Yuchun, I didn't expect you to be quite bold, in the end it is my Xiao Ming's daughter, a tiger father and no dog girl!" Xiao Ming said in a good mood.

Soon to the point of passion, the big pendulum has come to the highest point, the next is to fall, in an instant, all the players were scared screaming again and again, some of the timid, all tightly covered their eyes and did not dare to look.

But the big pendulum was sliding a little bit, and suddenly there was a loud squeak, and the big pendulum stopped abruptly.


After a while, everyone realized that they were actually suspended in the air, and the big pendulum did not know when it stopped.

At this time, the player's body is downward, but not vertically downward, but about 40 degrees of inclination, such an angle is a test of people's waist strength.

This sudden accident frightened everyone on the big pendulum.

Below, after seeing it, many people were busy holding up their mobile phones to take pictures, which was amazing.

"Daddy. Xiao Yuchun, who was next to Xiao Ming, was so frightened that tears fell down.

Xiao Ming felt as if all his internal organs had escaped and been shaken out, but he quickly eased up, and hurriedly went to see his daughter beside him as soon as possible: "Yuchun, Yuchun, don't cry, I'm here, I'm here."

At this moment, Xiao Ming's intestines were about to regret it, it was he who had to take his daughter to play this project, so that the two of them suffered this accident and frightened his baby daughter.

After a while, a very shocking news of the accident spread all over the Internet, Weibo and Douyin, and netizens were fried.

Anjin is a first-tier city, and a little bit of wind and grass will attract a lot of attention.

At this moment, a certain sound and Weibo Duzhuo and other places are reprinting a news link, and after a short time of sending it out, it instantly occupied the hot list.

"There was a major accident in a large amusement park in Anjin City, and 17 people were trapped on the big pendulum with the entertainment project!" In

this news, in addition to the text description, there is also a small video.

In the video, at an altitude of more than 30 meters, a large pendulum is suspended in mid-air, and the trapped people on it are inclined to the ground at about 40 degrees.

This is the so-called not going up, not going down, and it is a very uncomfortable posture.

Just looking at it makes people feel chills down their spine!

Oh my God

! In an instant, tens of thousands of netizens have blown up the pot, and many of them who have played this project naturally think of themselves in an accident, and they can't help but feel the feeling of being there!

It's like sleeping in the middle of the night and suddenly feeling the bed turn over, it's too scary.

What you can think about is what you think after all, and it's far less than the feeling of being in it after an accident really happened.

Everyone sweated for the trapped man inside the pendulum.

"It's so scary, I don't dare to play such a ferocious project again.

"The equipment for these projects is regularly overhauled, and the chances of accidents are very small, and those people are too unlucky.

"Now I look forward to the rescue team coming soon, those who are trapped, this position is the most uncomfortable, if you stay for a long time, it is likely that you will not be able to support it, and your life will be in danger." "

It's all better, if that big pendulum suddenly falls, it's probably the whole army is gone.


The people at the playground, knowing the situation, quickly launched rescue work.

The top person in charge of the playground was alarmed, and some high-level officials also came to the scene, all holding their breath and doing their best to carry out the rescue.

The people from the technical department went to inspect the project facilities to find the cause of the accident, and the rescue team quickly came to the scene.

After the people from the technical department of the playground found that the accident could not be solved in a period of time and could not continue to work the equipment, so as to send the trapped people back to the ground, the rescue team could only rely on the ladder to carry out the rescue.

"The trapped people above, listen to me, we are a rescue team, and now we are here to rescue everyone, please stabilize your mentality, don't overdo it, consume physical strength, obey our arrangement, please believe in us, we will rescue you."

At this time, the sound of the rescue team members came from the broadcasting equipment in the playground, and it reached the ears of everyone present.

In addition, there were too many tourists who came to see the excitement, and affected the rescue, the rescue team and the staff of the playground, and quickly evacuated the crowd.

Let the amusement escape 100 meters away, and then clear the passage of the ambulance to ensure that the rescued people who are not in good condition can be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

However, the families of the trapped people were left behind and cared for by the staff of the playground to avoid chaos and affect the rescue order.

It's just that some news media, reporters, TV stations, etc., all came to the scene as soon as they got the news, and carried out various filming and on-site reports without affecting the rescue work.


Nearly forty meters in the air.

Xiao Yuchun, who was trapped, was already in tears at this time, firmly grasping the things that could be grasped next to him with both hands, and there was no blood on his face.

"Daddy, I was wrong, I was wrong, woo woo..."

Xiao Yuchun at this time, his intestines were repentant.

They all blame her, what kind of playground is so good, they are all such big people.

If it weren't for him, she and her father wouldn't have had such a thing, she was the one who caused her father.

"Daughter, it's okay, don't be sad, it's not your fault, blame me, I'll pull you to play this, as a result, let's stop blaming each other, let's just wait for the rescue team to save us!".

Xiao Ming's state is not good, such a posture is too torturous, at this time, he feels a little difficult to breathe, but when he sees his daughter so sad, he immediately feels distressed and comforted.

"The rescue team is here, and we will be rescued soon.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and stretched out his hand to Xiao Yuchun's position as much as possible, wanting to hold his daughter and give her courage and strength.

Finally caught his daughter, he felt a lot more relieved, and he obviously felt that his daughter's mood was a lot more stable: "Don't worry, we will be saved safely." "

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