This time, it did teach him another lesson.

Thinking about these experiences, Xiao Yunzhe is really frustrated, how old is he, he always suffers such losses, but he is also a financial bully at school, and he has become a nerd in emotional reading.

I don't understand the sinister nature of people's hearts at all, and I was deceived by others casually, now that I think about it carefully, Zhu Luo has been so good when he knew him from the beginning.

No matter how you say that, everything is just right, it is all premeditated.

But he didn't even suspect it at all, how could he be so easy to deceive?

However, fortunately, he had a powerful father, if it weren't for his father's presence, these two Daji would have been enough for him to never recover.

At the same time, he also silently made up his mind in his heart that in the future, he would have to be more attentive, and he would not be able to live under his father's protection all the time.

"Well, the truth in this, you think about it slowly. Xiao Ming nodded: "By the way, I told you before, let you find a time to go to your little grandfather." "

Okay, Dad, I'll take a leave of absence when I go back and go and get the things you explain done." Xiao Yunzhe responded.

The left and right companies belong to his family, as long as it is for his father, it is a big deal.

Back at home, Xiao Yunzhe went back to the room, and when Xiao Ming entered the door, he was stopped by the two sisters Xiao Jingrou and Xiao Yuchun, who were sitting and chatting in the courtyard after eating: "Daddy, is my brother making trouble outside again?"

"It's okay, it's just a little trouble, it's taken care of."

Xiao Ming said jokingly: "It's okay to get into trouble occasionally, which child doesn't get into trouble, maybe when he was young, he didn't let him get into trouble, and I cleaned up the mess for him, no, he got it back." Xiao

Ming's words made the father and daughter laugh out loud.

"Come, let's go over there and sit down, and blow the night breeze. Xiao Ming pointed to the swing in the garden and walked over with the two girls.

Blowing the night breeze, looking at the stars in the sky, and smelling the flowers in the yard, it feels pretty good.

"Daddy, I suddenly don't want to get married, I think it's good to be like this now. Suddenly, Xiao Jingrou pillowed her head on the crook of Xiao Ming's arm and said, "Just like this, how happy I am with you and my brothers and sisters."

"I can do whatever I want, whether I do it well or not, no one will say anything about me, as soon as I see that others are married, and I worry about trivial things every day, I have no hope of marriage at all." "

Hehe, you kid. Xiao Ming smiled and patted Xiao Jingrou's shoulder, his eyes full of gentleness.



As soon as the talent of the Xiao family got up, he told his subordinates that there were ten Hennessy poisons parked outside the door.

Xiao Yunzhe and his father Xiao Ming went out to check together, wishing Luo and his father and son, kneeling on the ground, begging for forgiveness and letting go.

was ruthlessly kicked out of Yuxi Villa.

There's no need to be soft-hearted.

Xiao Ming didn't take the Zhu Luo family seriously at all, Zhu Luo was powerful in Linxi, but in his eyes, it was nothing at all, he just talked to the people in the five major casinos, and in just one sentence, the Zhu family's father and son ended up like this.

If he really moved with the Zhu family, the Zhu family would have died a long time ago and had no place to be buried.

Seeing the ten Hennessy poisons outside the door, although they were not the latest, they were all worth a lot, Xiao Ming smiled with satisfaction.

Yes, Xiao Yunzhe is becoming more and more businessmanlike.

In fact, Xiao Ming had already used his own way to make the Zhu family bleed, but his son's approach also surprised him slightly.

Xiao Yunzhe saw Xiao Ming looking at him with such an inexplicable gaze, and he scratched the back of his head embarrassedly: "Dad."

"There's nothing wrong with me doing this, right? As soon as I thought that the kid deliberately chased my tail, I got angry, just beating him up, it was too cheap for him, no, I wanted to let him bleed, but I was quite surprised that he actually sent it so quickly." "

These cars sent by Zhu Luo are all super luxury sports cars, and it is not easy to buy ten luxury cars in such a short period of time, it seems that this kid has really worked hard in order to beg for mercy.

However, in order to survive, he can only work hard, otherwise, if Xiao Ming is unhappy again and kills them all again, how can it be good?"

Xiao Ming nodded to Xiao Yunzhe and didn't say anything more.

"Dad, what about those cars?"

"Those cars are used to beg you for mercy, so I'll leave it to you to deal with, you can deal with it however you want, I have no opinion." Xiao Ming replied indifferently.

What does this mean, doesn't it mean that it's him?

Xiao Yunzhe was happy when he heard it.

This is all a supercar, and if you drive it out, it will be worth a lot of money if you sell it: "Okay!"

drove away the Zhu family's father and son, Xiao Ming went home, he thought as he walked, in fact, Xiao Yunzhe was calculated this time, which is also a good thing.

Only by looking at the dark places of society can we grow faster and take on great responsibilities as soon as possible.


Ten days passed.

Xiao Ming acquired an aviation technology company called "Star Sea", which is a small business belonging to individuals.

Although it is a small business, the development of aviation technology is really good, and if it were not for the limitation of funds, it would be a very successful company.

To do research in this area, the most important point is to have enough funds to do support, many times, it is a state of making ends meet, which is not something that ordinary people can bear.

This aviation technology company is not bad in terms of technology, but because the funds cannot keep up, several good projects have been shelved.

In fact, several years ago, Xiao Ming had already begun to prepare for the development of aviation technology in China.

Now is the time to do so.

He made a deployment very early, from the time he put out the net to now, it only took ten days, and the company had completely belonged to him, and it belonged to the absolute holding state.

After he acquired the company, the development of the company was adjusted in an instant, and all kinds of publicity and advertising were arranged very well.

I don't know which link exposed the person who bought this company, surnamed Xiao.

As soon as the news broke out, netizens exploded.

Prior to this, the largest controlling shareholder of the AT Aviation Technology Company in the United States was surnamed Xiao, and now, is the big guy surnamed Xiao going to develop aviation technology to China?

So, netizen Xiao Ming acquired an aviation technology company and started a discussion.


Yuxi villa.

It was Xiao Yuchun who found out about the Internet when he was bored and showed it to Xiao Ming.

Seeing the news about himself, the popularity was rising, Xiao Ming was extremely helpless, and it was getting more and more difficult to keep a low profile.

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