Netizens left messages one after another, expressing moving words.

Xiao Ming instantly became a hero in everyone's minds.

Things have developed to this point, and many media that have reported the news of Xiao Ming's wealth and inhumanity have spoken out one after another, expressing their apologies and admiration for Xiao Ming.

"We should all sincerely apologize to Mr. Xiao Ming. "

The man in the video is by no means acting for the sake of hype, and this is a video sent by the rescue team, which is authoritative enough.

To grandstand in this way, only the brain-dead would do that.

Such a bloody and dedicated person, he should be rich, should be admired by everyone, should live in a big villa like Yuxi Villa, and should drive a luxury supercar.

Proved by the video of the rescue team, Xiao Ming's style was recognized by everyone, and netizens also apologized for their previous misunderstanding of Xiao Ming.

For a while, Xiao Ming became popular again, and it was popular all over the Internet.

And the boy who couldn't stand up for the rest of his life because of an accident, everyone can only help to express sympathy.

After all, his tragedy was caused by a disaster, not by man.

It was an adult boy, whether it was Xiao Ming who saved the woman and the child first, or according to what the original rescue team said, the boy was rescued last.

Because, his position was originally behind Xiao Ming.

His tragedy has nothing to do with Xiao Ming at all, the disaster is ruthless, this is something that can't be helped.

It can only be said that life is not good.

And Xiao Ming, who behaved when the disaster came, after being rescued, as a wealthy man, he donated planes and materials to the rescue team, which was well received by netizens.

As Xiao Ming became more and more popular on the Internet, some of his information was also picked up by almighty netizens.

When netizens learned that he was still single, they all blew up.

Those women said: "So rich, and so upright, this is simply the male god in my dreams, I really want to take the initiative and tell him a story, after having a story, I still have children with him." Xiao

Ming not only became a national father-in-law, but also a public lover.

became the man that all single women want to marry.

Rich, warm, bloody, responsible, who doesn't like such a

man? If you can be with such a man, how beautiful it is?

Yuxi villa.

Seeing that netizens' attitude towards Xiao Ming has changed so much, from a state where everyone shouts and beats, to the object of worship and jealousy of all men, and an object that women want to have, Xiao Yunzhe's brothers and sisters are all dumbfounded.

A few children were completely shocked, their father, this is even more popular than the popular stars.

After recovering from the shock, the three brothers and sisters all rushed to Xiao Ming's side excitedly, extremely happy.

"Daddy, you finally don't have to be scolded by those netizens, I'll just say, you're not that kind of person in the first place, why do they smear you so much, my dad is the best person in the world.

Xiao Jingrou leaned on Xiao Ming's arm, pouted aggrievedly, and said.

"You kid, hehe!" Seeing a few children assert themselves like that, Xiao Ming's heart was very warm.

He smiled lightly and said something to reassure the children.

After the children gradually calmed down, Xiao Ming and a few children suddenly looked at it, and then everyone laughed tacitly.

Xiao Ming was a little helpless in his heart, he was on the Internet, but he was getting more and more popular, people were afraid of being famous, pigs were afraid of being strong, Xiao Ming looked at the comments of netizens, and sighed helplessly.

From his national father-in-law at the beginning, he has become the object that women on the whole network want to have, and the object of men's jealousy.

He didn't want to have such an honor at all.

At this time, the video that proved his innocence was still soaring.

At the same time, a report about Xiao Ming, as soon as it came out, was pushed to an unprecedented height by netizens.

At the beginning of the report, Xiao Ming's identity was first explained: "Rich, what should it look like, we finally have a clear answer, Mr. Xiao Ming, the president of Minghui for a few days, deserves the respect of all of us."

Next, it is a compliment to Xiao Ming: "At present, the masses are expressing their apologies to Xiao Ming, but no one knows what Mr. Xiao Ming has done for our motherland and our compatriots over the years."

After that, it was like a commendation conference, listing all the good things Xiao Ming had done.

First, the establishment of schools in poverty-stricken areas, over the past 20 years, Xiao Ming has funded a total of more than 50 schools in more than 50 areas, costing hundreds of millions.

"These projects are all funded by him alone, to build schools, so that children in poor areas can go to school, the future of children, is the future of the motherland, for the country and the people, I take the masses, thank Mr. Xiao Ming for everything he has done. "

Second, assist the development of state-owned enterprises.

"Over the years, Xiao Ming has donated billions of dollars to assist..."

This report lasted for 40 minutes, and Xiao Ming's great achievements seemed to be too much to say!

This report was transferred to various platforms by netizens with a heart, and Xiao Ming, whose popularity had been soaring. It has once again captured the hearts of tens of thousands

of netizens! Through this report, everyone clearly knows that when everyone didn't know who Xiao Ming was, he had already done so much for the country and the people!

Through the report, netizens roughly calculated that in the past 20 years, Xiao Ming has donated hundreds of billions of dollars!

Everyone has seen a lot of rich people, who donated so one or two hundred million, and it was widely reported, and Xiao Ming, he has done a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand times more than those people, but he has been paying silently, if it weren't for the involvement of this playground incident, how long would he be going to hide it from everyone?

Such a person is the real rich man

! At this moment, if anyone dares to say that Xiao Ming is not, then there is no doubt that he will definitely become the target of the whole network's attack!

Xiao Ming's personality charm has become extremely tall in the hearts of all the people!

Rich, career, socially responsible, patriotic and people-loving, how can people be disrespectful to such a person.

Just by Xiao Ming's sentence to save women and children first, it has warmed countless people and touched countless people.

Everything he has done has given his image a very high position in the minds of the Chinese people.

"Daddy, you donated a lot of money, have you ever felt distressed?" In Yuxi Villa, Xiao Jingrou, Xiao Yuchun and Xiao Yunzhe read the report, and were directly shocked by the money donated by Xiao Ming in the report.

Tens of billions, although Xiao Ming is very rich, this is not a small amount.

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