Xiao Yunzhe closed the door, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her: "Baby, what are you thinking?" "Yunzhe

, I think Dad this time, it's not just as simple as letting you find someone.

"He wants to test you, otherwise, his ability is so strong, it is not good to let anyone go, but let you go, he probably wants to see if your ability to do things can afford to take on big responsibilities." Geng Jingshu analyzed.

Xiao Yunzhe listened to it, and nodded approvingly: "Yes, that's right, that's what dad should mean, I didn't think about it so much before, hehe, wife, you're still smart."

"Yun Zhe, you have always been heartless, you don't have to worry about going by yourself, I'll go with you." "

The next day.

As soon as the morning dawned, Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu got up and went downstairs, their luggage, they had packed it a day in advance, and the others hadn't gotten up yet, Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu had a simple breakfast, and then set off for Yuncheng.

"Sir, the young master and the young grandmother have already set off.

After they left, Steward Xi came to Xiao Ming's bedroom and reported to him.

"Okay, I got it. Xiao Ming nodded and smiled faintly.

Geng Jingshu is right, this time to find someone, in fact, Xiao Ming wants to test Xiao Yunzhe, otherwise, he will just find a private detective.

If Xiao Yunzhe successfully passes the test this time, then he will be able to slowly hand over his career to Xiao Yunzhe.


Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu finally arrived in Cloud City in more than five hours.

On the way here, Xiao Yunzhe booked the best hotel in Yuncheng, Di'an Hotel, he ordered the most luxurious sea-view room in the hotel, the service provided by the hotel is very thoughtful, Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu just walked out of the high-speed rail station, and a woman wearing Di'an Hotel clothes came over.

It turned out that the hotel sent a special car to pick up the two of them.

Before, Xiao Ming gave Xiao Yunzhe a card of several millions, and he had money in hand, but this time he came out with his girlfriend, so he naturally couldn't treat his girlfriend and himself badly.

Soon, Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu followed the hotel's car and came to the Di'an Hotel.

This hotel, just from the outside, belongs to the super luxurious kind.

After that, the hotel staff led the two to the room he had booked, room 666.

After coming to the room, Geng Jingshu was instantly shocked by the luxury of the room: "Oh my God, Yun Zhe, this room is too magnificent, and you can see the sea view in the distance."

Geng Jingshu and Xiao Yunzhe have never stayed in such a luxurious hotel.

Xiao Yunzhe's home is also luxurious enough, but the luxury of the home and the luxury of the hotel are two completely different concepts.

In the past, Xiao Yunzheshen lived at the bottom of the society, just eating a high-end hot pot and weighing the money in his pocket, let alone staying in such a magnificent hotel.

"It's good if the baby is happy. Xiao Yunzhe hugged Geng Jingshu from behind, and the two looked at the sea view outside the room while being tired.

"Uh-huh, happy, so happy. Geng Jingshu happily kissed Xiao Yunzhe.

Xiao Yunzhe came to look for his little grandfather, and originally he didn't have any other superfluous ideas, but last night, when Geng Jingshu proposed to come with him, he decided.

People must be looking for it, but he and Geng Jingshu have been together for so many years, and now, Geng Jingshu has his children, but he didn't take Geng Jingshu out to play together.

But Geng Jingshu still loves him wholeheartedly, think about it, he owes Geng Jingshu a lot.

It just so happened that taking the opportunity to find the little grandfather this time was also a love trip between the two of them, and they were right to play and get down to business.

Regarding the point of finding people, now looking for people, you have to spend money to solve it, how can you go all over the mountains and fields by yourself.

"Baby, I've got it all figured out. Xiao Yunzhe hugged Geng Jingshu and sat on the balcony and told her what he thought.

"On the way here, you are also quite tired, you sleep for a while, rest well, let's go to Dad's hometown to ask about the situation, see if we can find some clues, how to find the market is the best, if you can't, let's talk about it."

"If there are no clues, then let's go back and find a detective, find someone, they are much more professional than us, how can we invite a few more at that time, that can also improve efficiency."

Seeing that Xiao Yunzhe arranged everything in an orderly manner, Geng Jingshu was very pleased, nodded and said, "Well, just listen to you!" Seeing

Xiao Yunzhe's growth, Geng Jingshu was very happy, since Xiao Yunzhe and his father recognized, his whole way of acting is changing rapidly, at first glance, he is quite Xiao Ming's big guy style, it is really a tiger father without a dog!

In the past, Xiao Yunzhe always looked ahead and backward when he did things, but it was not his fault, the main thing was that he was too poor at that time, he was afraid of poverty, he was afraid of failure, and he was afraid of making mistakes

! Sure enough, money is really a good thing, and now Xiao Yunzhe acts boldly, this is all Xiao Ming's family wealth, and the love for their three brothers and sisters has given him enough confidence

! If this continues, Xiao Yunzhe will soon be able to realize his life dream!

Geng Jingshu was pregnant, and she was quite tired on the way here, so after discussing what she wanted to do next with Xiao Yunzhe, she rested for two hours before setting off with Xiao Yunzhe to Xiao Ming's hometown.

This time, they didn't drive, so they went to Di'an Company to borrow a Land Rover

!"Just go find someone, do you use such a good car?" Geng Jingshu muttered helplessly

!"Baby, I'm a child who was spoiled by my father, and since I drove those luxury cars he gave me, I can't look at ordinary cars, hehe!".

"Besides, we are here to be a little grandfather, on behalf of our father, our father is now a famous rich man, this is the glory of returning to his hometown, if the car I drive is too bad, then spread out, our father's face is also bright. Xiao Yunzhe said quite confidently.

"Driving a Land Rover, although it is not a particularly good car, but for ordinary people, it is already a very luxurious car, see the little grandfather, see that we can drive such a car, he will definitely be happy, moreover, it will also make the little grandfather in front of the neighbors more face-saving.

Xiao Yunzhe said as he opened the car door for Geng Jingshu and let her get into the car.

"Okay, okay, you're right. Geng Jingshu couldn't laugh or cry when he gave him the truth.

Soon, the two came to Xiao Ming's hometown, Dingdu Town of Yuncheng City, and when they arrived at the intersection of the village, Xiao Yunzhe asked Geng Jingshu to drive forward, and he got out of the car and inquired about his little grandfather Xiao Shan from door to door.

"Uncle, is there a person from Xiaoshan here?"

"Twenty years ago, he was from here, and then he heard that he went out, do you know where he went?".

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