Xiao Yunzhe listened and nodded, this method is not bad.

In many ways, the efficiency can be improved a lot, as long as it is a useful method, you have to use it, maybe you will really find it.

"Okay, you go and make an appointment with them, I'll go online and see where there is a suitable restaurant around here, and I'll book a private room."

"Okay. Geng Jingshu immediately contacted his friend on the phone and invited the other party to dinner together.

As soon as her friend heard that she had come to Cloud City, she immediately agreed.

Soon, a few people were in a relatively high-end restaurant nearby, Diyun Restaurant.

Her friend Ning Rou and her husband walked into the restaurant with an incredible look on their faces.

This restaurant is too luxurious.

"Rou'er, when did you meet such a proud friend?" Ning Rou's husband asked her quietly.

He is from Yuncheng, and he has heard of this Diyun restaurant, but he has never come in to eat, because it is too high-end, and they can't afford it.

Many rich people like to come here to spend, to put it bluntly, the people who can afford to enter this restaurant are the top of the banknote owners, and the average rich person is not qualified to spend here.

"I, I remember that Jingshu's family is average, she has a boyfriend, and I heard that she is also poor. Ning Rou was also confused.

Ning Rou's husband was also stunned when he heard this, but for Ning Rou, she was so happy to be able to get together with her old friends, and nothing else mattered.

In the past time in Anjin, her relationship with Geng Jingshu was the best, but at that time, his boyfriend, who is now her husband, was going to go to Halo City to develop, so she had to follow.

When they separated, the two sisters were sad for a long time, but they didn't expect to see each other again.

"Jingshu, it's been a long time, I didn't expect you to have a baby.

Geng Jingshu happily touched his slightly bulging lower abdomen: "It's not, since you left, the two of us haven't seen each other again." The two girlfriends said and hugged happily.

The two talked about their lovesickness for a while, and after that, the emotions of the two slowly eased, and Geng Jingshu hurriedly introduced Xiao Yunzhe to Ning Rou to the husband and wife: "Rourou, he is my object, Xiao Yunzhe, the boyfriend I talked to you about for many years is him."

Ning Rou also introduced her husband to her best friend: "My family, Wang De'an, hehe."

After making the introduction, because the relationship between Geng Jingshu and Ning Rou was originally good, several people naturally became acquainted.

Wang Dean is also a person with a small position in the bureau, usually he can face any kind of person calmly, but in Xiao Yunzhe's face, he has an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Since Xiao Yunzhe lived with Xiao Ming, his temperament has also changed rapidly, and he is no longer the hairy boy he used to be afraid of whatever he does.

However, temperament is only one of the aspects, which makes Wang Dean feel that Xiao Yunzhe is not an ordinary person, but also because of his dress.

The watch that was worth a lot of money and the fancy restaurant he had ordered.

"Rourou, I haven't seen you since you left, it's been more than two years, you're my only best friend, you're gone, I'm a lonely person, hey, I'm so pitiful.

"Me too, since I was separated from you, I haven't made a good friend, I miss you. "

Geng Jingshu and Ning Rou, if you miss it, it seems that you can't finish saying it, friendship and love are the same, it is not easy to meet someone who is in tune with you.

They occupy a very important place in each other's hearts.

Xiao Yunzhe and Wang De'an also chatted very openly.

While he was talking, the person in charge of the restaurant came, followed by a food truck, and under the command of the person in charge, the waiter began to put the dishes on the table one by one.

Soon, the table was filled with delicious food.

Ning Rou and Wang Dean were both dumbfounded, not to mention anything else, there was no bottle of red wine opened by the waiter, they had only seen it on TV, it was very expensive, I didn't expect that they would be lucky enough to drink such good wine and eat such high-end dishes in their lives.

"Jingshu, you said, the two of you came to Cloud City this time, are you here to find someone?" Ning Rou asked curiously.

After Geng Jingshu looked at Xiao Yunzhe, he nodded: "Well, I'm two..."

Geng Jingshu told the truth of the matter, and before Geng Jingshu could ask Wang Dean for help, he had already volunteered to open his mouth: "That's Zhenggao, I'm in charge of the household registration, you tell me your name, I'll help you check it, maybe I can find it."

"Yes, then ask Brother Wang for help. When Xiao Yunzhe heard this, he was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly poured wine for Wang De'an, and stood up to toast Wang De'an.

Wang Dean knew Xiao Yunzhe's identity, he was by no means a simple person, how could he dare to accept him to toast him with peace of mind, and hurriedly stood up and saluted back: "It doesn't take much effort, besides, Rourou and Jingshu are good sisters, we are all our own people, and if we can help, we naturally want to help, so don't be so polite."

After sitting down, Wang Dean immediately picked up his mobile phone and began to arrange this matter.

"Brother Wang, thank you so much. Xiao Yunzhe gratefully pushed a plate of delicate-looking dishes in front of Wang De'an.

With Wang De'an's help, things are much easier, maybe better than the private detectives he hired at a high price.

Moreover, the more forces there are, the more possibilities there are.

After that, a few people chatted about other topics.

It was nearly nine o'clock before everyone was ready to leave.

This time, it was Xiao Yunzhe who agreed to Geng Jingshu's appointment with Ning Rou and his wife, so Xiao Yunzhe naturally had to pay in advance, and Geng Jingshu and Ning Rou walked behind.

"Young Master Xiao. The manager of the restaurant saw Xiao Yunzhe coming over and bowed respectfully.

Xiao Yunzhe was taking the card from his pocket, and didn't pay attention to the manager's respectful attitude: "Swipe the card." "

Young Master Xiao, you don't need to pay for your meal here. The manager said respectfully.

When the three people walking behind heard this, they were all stunned, and Xiao Yunzhe was also confused.

Wang Dean secretly thought, maybe this is because the manager of the restaurant recognized him, in order to curry favor with him, so he didn't charge money

? After thinking about it, he thought about it again, this possibility basically does not exist, and as far as his position is concerned, people are at best polite to him, free of charge? That is impossible.

Not only him, but even his top boss came, and it was impossible to have this treatment.

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly thought that the manager's attitude towards Xiao Yunzhe just now, could it be because this big Buddha is too noble

? At this time, Xiao Yunzhe also asked puzzled: "What's going on? Why don't you have to pay?" "

Young Master Xiao, that's the case, when you booked the box, you left your ID card information, and learned that you are from An Jin, surnamed Xiao, and you booked a top box, we think you must be a nobleman." "

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